A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 27: I’m No Longer Jealous of Your Hands (Blade)

I'm No Longer Jealous of Your Hands (Blade)


Content Warnings:



Primrose and I return to my Spire without delay. My reserves will be enough to make it through the surgery but not much more after spending so much on resheathing my form.

[Primrose dear, I'm so sorry that you were hurt. It was a failure on my part that it occurred.]

[It's... No Mistress! You were helping fix her like you did this one!] Primrose replies immediately. [It should have moved or... or something! Maybe if it had done proper introductions she would not have been confused by you using the old Mistress Tone. I'm sorry. I'll do better in the future.]

[My darling, we were introduced. Adaline simply wanted to strike me, and I happened to be puppeting you at the time. Actually, how do you feel about that, now that we've tried it out? If you're not comfortable, we don't have to do so again, it's entirely up to you.]

[It was actually um...] Primrose goes a bit quiet, then replies quickly as a bubbling of embarrassment flutters through her. [Yes. Please. Do that anytime you want to, Mistress. It really really liked the feeling of you... of... of that. Mhm. Yes. Maybe not the... the punching part though. But the rest was wonderful.]

[I'm glad. Your happiness is important to me. That also helps with the last thing we need to discuss tonight. Tomorrow, I will be working with Verbess to cure my Mistress Elevar. Though that term is not precisely accurate. We aren't fixing the damage, just swapping out damaged parts, which... are coming from me. This means that I will, in effect, be limited to this form until we are able to leave the Estate to do some harvesting. I won't be permanently harmed, and nothing should go wrong, but I need you to know and communicate to my Mistress that if I end up comatose, I need to be directly used to reap life. It may take a few, but it will work.]

[Yes Mistress! This one will keep a close watch and be ready to tell the Witch Elevar this if you go into a sleep and cannot be awoken.]

[Good Girl. I'm happy you're mine.] 

Primrose purrs and curls around me as we settle in the display case it brought from its previous quarters. Eventually it responds with [This one is happy to be yours too, Mistress.] as we drift off to sleep, me in my Driftdream with Elevar, and her wherever Dolls are wont to dream.

The weeping bloom of the Suns wake me in the pitch black chamber we rest in as the Nomos floods over my form and I make a note to ask Primrose about raising the case off the floor.

[Primrose. It's Time to head to Mistress Elevar's Spire.] Immediately afterwards, I reach out to Schatzi and Verbess to ensure that they too are ready. Elevar can sleep for a bit longer, of course. [Little Monster, Little Sister, are you both ready?]

Primrose rises immediately with an enthusiastic reply and begins to prepare a more functional dress for herself.

Verbess thrums with the quiet considerations of an awaiting predator [Yes, Xafra. We await in her resting arms.]

[When we get there,] I intone to Primrose. [I will have you wait downstairs. If anyone— scratch that, if Adaline comes, let me know immediately. If I don't respond, have an 'accident' with dishes or something and make noise.]

As we arrive, I gently nudge Elevar awake within the Driftdream. [Mistress. It is time. I am downstairs.]

Even within my Driftdream, and seemingly well-rested, she pulls from it with an aura of restlessness. {Thank you, yes. Good morning. Probably shouldn't eat anything before we start.} Then she pauses, probably to say something aloud to her Doll. {Where is the best place for this?}

[A room upstairs, preferably one that is easy to clean afterwards, that you can scrub with bubbles beforehand.]

Such a rush of bitter mirth seems to run through her. {My bubbles will make everything clean with only a touch of effort. Let's just... make this an event then... Do you want your Primrose to remain close or would you prefer me or my Doll to come fetch you?}

[I'll head up.] I shift and walk towards the stairs before being stopped by the full length mirror. It's a special kind of pleasure to look like my love. Except for those hateful eyes... I shake off the burst of outrage and make my way to Mistress Elevar.

"We just need a few final things, then we can begin.”

I find her in a larger chamber. Sitting on the edge of a bed wearing only a simple robe. "Oh? What else?”

"I need to transfer knowledge to Verbess, have you cuff me into place, and discuss your pain management”

She nods to the first, quirks an amused eye at the second, and inhales deeply at the third before replying with a steady. "In which order?”

"Cuffs last. Otherwise it's up to you.”

"Transfer the knowledge to it first, then we'll discuss the rest.”

[My Kin, are you willing?] I check with Verbess quickly.

[Yes. Give this one what it needs to hunt this prey.]

I spin over a tiny imitation of the Archive Elevar had shown me when we first met, filled with detailed diagrams of Elevar’s exact anatomy, precise measurements for the incisions and methods needed, as well as the recommended order to do the operations, along with a message to read in case of emergencies. 

[There... Little Monster.] I intone as I sense it absorb the information. [Verbess. I have a request.]

It pauses in consideration of the information before nodding and turning eyes to me. [Yes?]

[Cover me with a sheet, before the Mistress gets up after the surgery.]

[It will do this, but... may it ask what part of the procedure this will aid in if the surgery is complete?]

[None. Call it vanity if you must.]

Verbess pauses, nods, and all at once two arms split into four as Quills rise out from the Frame's back. Then, as Fangs crack free and snap about a bit, it settles into a kneeling crouch of patience while a song of anticipation silently chimes forth. Its clothes are luckily a simple garb that accommodate Verbess' unique form and only suffer minor tearing.

I sit down beside my Mistress. "How do you want to handle the pain? You don't need to be awake through the whole process, if you choose.”

"Hm... Some parts seem... Well, to be honest I never asked." She crosses a leg and rests chin on her palm, eyes rolling up and down my form in curious regard. "When you say you need to replace my bones, did you literally mean all of them?” 

"Not all. Only the major ones. With the most marrow. Irony there, really, considering you have been using marrow in some of your workings. I had assumed they were another's but after you mentioned your proclivities with Verbess..." I let the implications hang in the air.

Elevar smiles in a way that does not touch her eyes while intoning a soft ::Delight/Agony/Longing/Anticipation:: to her waiting Doll. Almost... like one would run fingers through the hair of any other. It thrums in surprised hunger while Elevar whispers softly. “Yse- The Old Cunt required I sit awake and experience every ounce of my Re-knitting. Not for cruelty, mind you, I needed to learn her craft. She was a Matron of the Fleshshaping. Early on we agreed or... well, she made it very clear that it would take me years, and that was if I gained a cleverness I did not possess, to do the things I wanted. And probably while wasting a fair bit of Ousia as I fuddled the process a few times. So... She wove this body for me with the anticipation that I would adjust things as I learned them myself.”

She takes a deep breath and continues to roll her eyes over my replicated body. Letting such a wash of contrasting emotions roll down our bond. Disgust mixed with Delight. Pride drowning in fury. And... Euphoric joy smothered in Dysphoric spite. None of it at me. But as one would feel looking at a mirror. "Anyway. Pain is... A capricious bitch of a lover to keep, but I learned how to court her from quite the seductive cunt. So, which bones worry you, Xafra? Anything below the skull should be doable with only a small possibility that the spell I weave will kick in. But... head trauma has a way of spoiling it all. Is that on the list of things getting replaced?”

"No, your skull will remain where it is. It's simply that it will be hours of work, and my focus will be entirely devoted to maintaining your health during the process. Each bone will be done one at a time, so it's more a question of endurance, I think.”

"Oh! Well thank the Dead Hag for anxieties unrealized." She relaxes. "Then my spell will keep me steady. Will you need my heart rate or breathing to fluctuate? Weavings from me? I already mean to lay a... well it's an altered thing of her design. A spell to lock me out of my body if I lose grip of myself. Start to thrash about like I haven't in years. Not unconscious, mind you. Just... forced still. Lasts until I'm steady again.”

"No. The only weaving I need are the cuffs, same as you did previously. It is important that they last, even if you fall unconscious.”

She nods. "I can invest enough Physis to make it last instead of drawing continuously. But... Why do you need to be restrained? I can't puzzle that part out.”

"I... don't expect to remain conscious.”

A pause, and I get to watch her consider that before understanding sparks. "Back before, when the first tether broke, you remained in human form until I undid the bindings. And... What you just gave to Verbess. You mean for it to not just extract, but perform this. Or... at least a good portion of it?”


Her head tilts. "And... what would be the thing you worry will drop you into unconsciousness?”

I don't want to explain. I need to explain. I am afraid of explaining. I am going to explain.

"The pain, as well as the duration cost.”

She purses her lips, and nods. "You don't have a means to avoid it, do you?”

I whisper, "Not... That I can use.”

I can't tell her the whole truth. That my base anthroparion form has been converted to her body, that I don't have the little alterations I crafted over the years in it anymore. That I will have to sculpt a new base again to be able to dim my nerves. Even knowing that I still have a few other forms, she would not accept what I did.

Elevar takes a deep breath, then lets it out slowly. "Ah... Well that's a problem. If my calculations are correct." Then she turns to Verbess. "Fold up a bit, Verbess dear. Schatzi, would you mind terribly going and brewing us some tea with a spot of breakfast? And see about getting Primrose to assist.”


What is she doing? This is important. Why? Why? Why?

She turns back to look me up and down once more, eyebrow quirking. "Are you a tool to be used until broken? Or a person to plan such clever and wicked schemes with? Because one of those I would be remiss in allowing to crack and chip herself upon this folly, while the other I'd expect to sit with her partner and be honest about the cost of what she intends to do. Probably share that information over a meal even?”

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

"The price of personhood, I guess. Fine. Let's eat and talk.”

"Even with Primrose's aid, breakfast will take a bit." She sighs and rises, glancing about as if considering other things. "It's odd, honestly…” Then she turns back to me, "Despite my cleaning spells being nearly perfect, I always feel a mess if I go without a good wash every few days at least. Muddles my mind a bit. So, I'm going to do that before our meal is ready. Would you like to join me?”

Spend lives in order to have a shower? Parasite. Hypocrite. I push the thoughts away for now.

"I would love to." Genuinely. The concept of such casual intimacy with a partner while being their mirror is thrilling but can go so terribly wrong. I won't push. Let her lead.

I don't understand this woman, but I adore her. She makes me want to be better. Soon. Once she's cured, we can start fixing things. Make up for the harms, at least in part.

Elevar steps back to me, and reaches down. But... instead of offering her hand she takes up a wrist of mine and pulls me to my feet. Then begins to lead me down to her lower bedchamber’s second half. A room with a floor entrenched tub and a large circle grooved area that from the little magics I feel Elevar pulse through the room as we walk, is a shower type thing. "So, a standing wash? Or do you prefer a good soak while sitting? Hot or cold, neither is harder to weave into this room than the other.”

"Hot sounds nice. Uhm. Standing? I spent most of yesterday soaking in a basin.”

"Of course, I'm much the same. Unless... Well, some days a soak is needed." She laughs, diverting more Physis into the odd circle and causing such a rush of water to begin pouring down straight from the ceiling. But before I can step toward it she takes us over to a small nook in the wall and pulls forth odd sticks with strange balls of some off root cluster on the end, and a bar of what I hope is soap. Her soon following instructions clarify it as such as the stick as some kind of scrubbing tool for hard to reach places. Then she releases my hand and begins to shrug out of her robe, revealing naked form beneath as she glances back to me. "And if you'd prefer to do this alone, anytime, feel free. My Spire is open to your needs.”

I disrobe and join her, starting to feel guilty. I kept going on about honesty and yet, I keep hiding things from her that she has a right to know. "I'm sorry.”

"No. I'll not hear your apologies until you hear mine." She pulls me under what I find to be more like an attempt at re-creating a downpour of warmer rain than what I've experienced, then turns to regard me. Shaking her head with a sigh. "You're simply reacting. Shouldering what you think is your expected burden. Thinking you need to earn a keep. And that's my fault. I'm not used to having a partner. I've had a... Well, I only called her Mistress at the end when she forced it. Which, you've probably puzzled out how horrid she made me. And I've had my Doll. Subservient beyond what is good for either of us. Unable and probably unwilling to give voice to when I'm making a mistake or hurting them. I've left you alone in that Spire and... and not come to you when we could have solved the hitches in my research together as well. Scared of change. Scared of being wrong again. And... I'm sorry. You asked for a partner and I've not really gifted you that. Not fully.” 

I want to scream at her, to stop her from saying such things but... she's right. I've been acting similar to how I did with my previous wielders, not partners. They didn't see me as an equal, or treat me like one.

"You're... Trying. That matters. I'm trying too. So…. Honesty." I step forward and embrace her, holding tightly under the downpour. "I told you that my form would be out of commission until I can feed and be put back in the solution. It's because Verbess is going to transplant all the bones needed from this form into you. I'll be not much more than an empty sack of flesh when out of spear form and. It's going to hurt me a lot. Leave me physically vulnerable. With the amount of time the surgery will take and the healing needed... I'll be at my lowest reserves since before I was put into Archive Altschmerz. Most importantly, I want to do this. Not out of a sense of obligation, but because I refuse to lose you, and... Schatzi told me a little of what happened. So the idea of offering to partially weave you into a Doll feels like ash in my mouth now.”

“Xafra…” Elevar sighs while returning the embrace without hesitation, seeming to suppress such a wave of trembles as she clings to me. "We have time. More than ever with you supplementing my Ousia. And together we can develop a solution that I can stomach and you can survive. You developed this entire scheme in less than a week, under stress. Now, imagine what you could develop with ten times that, alongside access to a master Fleshcrafter’s personal journals, and a wellspring of Ousia that we're going to Reave from the surrounding jungles!”

"You turn all my plans to dross, love, and yet…” I murmur into the skin of her neck. “I can't help but be grateful.”

She snorts and huffs out a laugh, while sliding a hand up my neck and into my hair while another arm wraps tighter around my hips. "Hardly my fault I can see what the tides of this would wash away. You... Xafra, are you starting to see why this wouldn't work? Both for you and for me? The flaws in this scheme? If not that's okay, I'm not... this isn't a test. This isn't an easy problem to solve and this is honestly a brilliantly clever scheme. But it would fail.”

"No.” I counter firmly but, gently. “It would work perfectly. But... I feel you are uncomfortable with the cost, and I can accept that.” 

In reply her laugh turns a bit wicked. Shifts into a giggling that seems to drop a bit of control she has gained over the tether. Freeing loose a manic tittering. "It's so dangerous that I find that delicious about you. That you think like a spear. Forward thrusts and slices while blighting the costs. A weapon, so perfect in her strikes until she misses." Then she's leaning forward, teeth at my ear, just shy of touching. "Have I misread you, my Xafra? Is Pain a thing you enjoy? Not... not little twitches and small things, but the kind of pain that drowns and unmakes? Stops time, even?”

"No. I crafted my previous form to translate pain into simple information. I find no pleasure in pain whatsoever. Yet, I am no stranger to pain, it is an oft familiar acquaintance. I am old. Ancient by most standards. I've endured worse pain. The cost to me is not the pain. It is…”  I pause, consider the cost of this as my voice goes quiet. “The risk of you looking at me differently afterwards. Of witnessing your own ruined form and seeing in me only your mortality, not your future. That... is the type of pain I could not bear. The other risk is one I've accepted. That you will dispose of me in my vulnerability. If that is what you choose, then so be it. I will at least have the knowledge that I did my best."

She goes quiet.

I pull Elevar into sitting and settle her into my lap, curling her head against my chest as my voice goes a bit low and husky. "I want to do this. Not simply because it will cure you but... the very idea of being closer to you than any entity could ever be, of being the very bones that bear your weight day in and out, it sparks a hunger in me, a thirst I don't think anything else could quench. Pain is nothing in the face of that pleasure.”

"Oh..." She murmurs into my chest, tether taut once again. 

{Schatzi? Verbess? Xafra and I need to reweave the bond I have linked to you. Make it better and such. But it's going to go slack for a bit. Can you wait in the kitchen until we're ready to remake it?} She intones to her Doll while pulling up to lock a hard gaze on me. "I don't want them to feel this. Can you handle their removal from the bond till we leave these waters?”

The Dolls reply in instant agreement. 

"Yes." I ignore the confusion and trepidation I feel, choose trust, and carefully extract myself from the bond between the Doll and her, removing their ability to communicate through it and feel her emotions. "There. All done.”

She checks it over, nods, then refocuses on me. "I'd like to stop strangling this tether, so you can know without a doubt that I'm being honest with you. But... It's going to be messy. There are other things... Things I'd rather no one else have to feel. Hearing that Old Cunt's voice broke some part of me I thought was long stable. And what happened with Adaline... well... that shattered even more. And you're going to get all of that.”

"Alright. I'll do the same? So we can both be open with each other about how we're feeling.”

She swallows hard, nods again. Fear is obvious on her face while the tether sits inert. "Only... only if you want to. Xafra.”

"I do. It's time." With that, I release my grip on our bond and let my emotions run freely towards her. Anxiety, Concern, Desire, but most of all, an overwhelming sense of Acceptance. [My Elevar. Mine. The good and the bad.]

The Witch before me flinches, even seems to reel a bit. Then... pauses. And like the reverse of that first time we met in the Archives she considers my offering of emotions like I did the Physis shared. Seems to poke and ponder at it, before slowly letting the opposite end of the tether loosen and return her own and...

{ImsorryIloveyouIhateyouineedyougarrotePleaseNOherflayherSTOPbindituseitbreakGETOUTitpunishherthankyouwhyareyouIHATETHIStrustinghelpmeheryourstupidhalfknitwhelpI'mstartingto think that maybe I've made a mistake.} The tether jerks and roils and seems to thrash as Elevar wraps Physis about it.Tries to steady it. Not filtering but... focusing. {But... The tidesSTOPhave washed in. Nothing to do now butFOCUSbrace for the waves, it seems.} She takes a deep breath, trembling despite the warmth that washes over us. {Apologies,stupidhalfknitSTOP, I... I'm not sure what FOCUSyou're enduring. But I hope it's less of a mess than I fear it is.}

I rock back for a moment before chuckling and relaxing with my arms around her, "Ah. I understand now. You've been in my Driftdream, do you remember the Wisps?”

She stiffens. 

{SeesSTOPthecracksisFOCUSgoingtobreakyouSTUPIDHALFKNITleaveyouORWORSEhurtherself...} With a huff the tittering mess quiets a touch as she relaxes back into my hold. "Is it that bad? Cracked and Riven Moon, please tell me it's just a mess of nonsense emotions and... and not that.”

"Oh, my apologies. The Wisps are the way I maintain my mind. It is a method I was taught, based on the concept that I am not my thoughts though they are a part of me. If what you mean by that is like Verbess and Schatzi, no I don't believe so. It is messy, you're transmitting your thoughts along with your emotions, because they are so interwoven. You've been through a lot.” I reply and curl about her just a little tighter. “I'm not going to hurt you any more than you ask for, or leave you unless you request it, or do anything to cause permanent damage to myself physically, mentally, or spiritually.”

{LIARfoolishgerlthing.} The bond thrums as Elevar considers my words. "I... Don't think I believe you. About that last part, specifically. I've... We're always going to hurt each other more than we want. And a great deal more than we ask for…"

The tether slips from her grip and seems to scream, {Hervoice?}



But quickly she snatches it up and settles in into a chanting of…


"And... honestly that's fine. Mistakes happen. I just… I need you to know this." Then she huffs, pulls to sit up and meet my eyes again. "There is no form that you can take that will ever make me abandon you. And while... While what you describe sounds horridly uncomfortable for you, I'd do more than help you reclaim a shape you delight in. I'd hold you close through it, and help you reclaim forms you desire. It won't disgust me."


"And... and I've been so stupid!" She growls. "Didn't even ask about the specifics because I... I just assumed it would be like before!"


"But hearing that you mean to endure pain I know you won't enjoy, for this. It spoils it. Would make it impossible for me to focus through it knowing that beside me you're..." She pauses, takes a steadying breath as the tether falls back into miserable titters of worry and shame. "Doesn't matter. This won't work. I'm a wretched person but not so much that I can enjoy my Verbess' ravenous attentions while you suffer. No. It's not even a choice. I would literally be just as miserable as you.”

I let a few thoughtful moments pass after listening patiently, weathering the unspoken yet unmuffled accusations and pain. "Okay... I did specifically mean deliberately. Of course accidents and mistakes happen. We've already hurt each other. Now though. This does open up a new option. A genuine option, not me just grasping at final straws. If you say no, I won't bring it up again, and we'll figure out a different way. Will you hear me out?”

"Of course. Xafra, you can pester me about this all you want." She huffs, pulling fully away to settle sitting across from me under the falling waters. "Grasping at desperate solutions is fine. We can refine and rework until they're stable.”

Without a word, I shift the fingers on my right hand to black tipped claws and drag them down my chest in bloody furrows, hissing softly at the pain and letting the feeling transmit into Elevar to see if my idea will work.

My Witchling flinches, both in surprise and sudden sensation of phantom pain. Hand darting up her own chest as she clutches as nonexistent wounds. Then she grits her teeth, settling. The tether drifting from howls of panic and fury to calming regard. "That's... Enthralling. And your idea?”

As my masochistic Witchling begins to enjoy herself, I find amusement and her pleasure flows back to me, which she feels as well. "Oh. Oh wow." I tamper down on it before I lose myself and continue, "I think, there's the possibility for me to have the longest, most agonizingly pleasurable orgasm I've ever experienced.”

Elevar just... stares. Eyes widening a bit as she realizes what this means. The tether falling from disbelief, into a rush of suspicion, then slowly rising up into mirth as the resonance from the bond solidifies the truth she was disallowing her to accept. A bubbling giggle escapes her. "Oh... Oh this is such a bad idea.”

I look at her seductively, "Would you be interested in teaching me the sweet pleasure of pain?”


"We should weave those other tethers first." She huffs out and tries to quiet the rush of desire my words encite. "I'll... I'll edit them to filter, but enhance this. Make sure you don't get a second dose of pain. Otherwise we could create a feedback loop that will ruin this. And once we're both bracing through it, managing them will be a bit difficult. I'll have to spin workings that don't need either of us to fiddle with them.”

"Agreed. You think it can work then?”

"It could, yes. Just… Let me think." She smirks then, and I get to feel my Witch really puzzle over this as past anxieties fall away to steady logic.

{12tostart12secondaryforwhentheybreak Alongside 2 weavings to cut them once either the work is done or we get overwhelmed. Physis tethers will do so as long as I reinforce them with marrow. Will have plenty to spare anyway. A full body...}

"Would you like to start with a full body binding or work up to it?" She interrupts the thought path to ask.

I chuckle, "I have no idea what that means. But if you'd like to know what I'd like..." I let the words hang as I share my thoughtstream only for a moment with her.

[MINEiWantHerNowNeedHerVICTORYgonnaTakeHerHereOnTheShowerFloorSYMMETRYiTrustHer- Is primrose okay?- VerbessGoodSchaziCuteelevarelevarelevarelevarelevarelevarelevarelevarelevarMINE-Adaline could be mine...-GonnaFixMyWitchlingLove]

Her steady considerations almost fall apart near the end, but flare up into a furious focus as she laughs with me. "I do need to test these anyway..." Spinning fingers she weaves up a cluster of 2 dozen very tiny tethers of Physis, then tilts them down to whirl and curl about the bond. Stopping just shy of me as they hover close but do not touch. Then she quirks an eyebrow in question. "Want to help? I'll need some of this body's marrow to complete the spell…”

"Yes.” I reply without hesitation. “What do you need me to do?”

"We'll start simple." She grins. "Choose a spot. Draw out some marrow, then I'll use it to finish these. We'll see how you handle the beginnings of real pain as you feel mine. Do that well and... we'll take this farther. See if this can happen today."


I literally writhe on the ground in euphoric excitement before crawling on hands and knees over to her and sinking the fangs I grow and sink into her clavicle. An injury I'm familiar with so it should be manageable. Crunch and twist and a slight tug and then the bone is free and in my mouth as I spin around to rest my head in her lap.

Elevar doesn't flinch as within a second the bond is screaming. And behind those howls washes a thrum from my Witchling. Small, like what she felt at the scar I tore across my chest, but... deeper and growing. It mingles with the pain, twists and wraps itself tight in the depths of the raw sensation. 

She hisses in enjoyment while reaching down to cup my cheek, fingers reaching out to touch the bone I hold between teeth. "How's this? Are you ready for more?”

I nod and growl, I don't need words for this, she can feel my agreement clearly, unimpeded by doubt or hesitation.

A deep inhale from her, causing what feels like a retreat in the tides of pain, then the marrow dissolves in a rush of heat I can feel through the bone I still clutch. Physis tethers course about the bond as they are fused with the energy the marrow births, a crude and costly substitute for Ousia. Then they jerk and lurch forward, slipping all about and around my core like a dozen embracing limbs.

On exhale, the pain waves return. But this time... Elevar's enjoyment folds on and around the pain, multiplied by the extra Physis tethers which send slightly delayed titters of enjoyment and mirth and such hungers, like fluttering echoes after the initial impact.

It feels like victory, the pain and pleasure of conquest, of laying low all that stands in my path, and most of all, it fills me with ravenous desire.

Elevar trembles, drags fingers around to caress my hair as she purrs. "Okay. Okay. Okaaaaaay..."


"If..." She huffs. "If you can deal with more... Focus through this and link me to my Doll once again so I can call my Verbess back." She murmurs while ending the rain of this shower.

I giggle, carefully avoiding copying her voice as I spin around, spit out the bone, and bury my face in her wet and waiting folds. Showing my appreciation clearly while I deftly slide my mental tendril along her bond with the Doll, reconnecting us to them.

Elevar twitches in twinned pain from the wound and pleasure at my work between her legs, fingers moving to grip at my hair. Gentle but… without her either able or wanting to filter our bond I get to enjoy drinking up her surprised enjoyment. 

But even amidst my expert abilities, my Witchling reaches down into the bond as I re-weave it, twisting one of those extra tethers into the mix. Adjusting it to edit out anything beyond deliberate messages. {Schatzi? Apologies but turns out we can hold off on breakfast. Ask Primrose to store any perishables for now. Verbess? You can return.}

The Dolls reply in affirmatives while Elevar continues to run fingers through my hair alongside raw pain and pleasure down the bonds. My motions between her legs becoming more pronounced with every pass. Mingling and twisting through the steady beats of her wounds aches.

"Mmmmm" I raise my head realizing that being tongue deep, especially with a tongue shifted to be three times as long, makes speech difficult. "Are you able to set a weaving to record sensation? It would be good to reward the sisters afterwards.”

Elevar hums happily, letting the flutters of enjoyment titter along the bond in an almost rhythmic pattern. "Thaaat, is not a horrid idea. Actually. For... quite a few reasons. Buuut... I'm going to need more marrow for it." She glances down at me, letting her hungers roll down the bond. "And you should consider finishing what you started. Unless you wanted to continue this in bed?”

Wordlessly, I dive back down, determined to render this delightful treat speechless before the surgery. If I'm going to be inside her anyways, might as well be thorough.

**  **  **

An hour later, my jaw aches wonderfully and I'm positively thrumming with satisfaction even without my Quills.

{24 primary 12 secondary all tuned to filter and echo three reverberations of only my focused thoughts...} My Witchling considers while leaning back into my arms. Her mind split between basking in the afterglow while reworking the tethers that curl about me like a cloak, and using Physis to keep the wound on her collarbone thrumming in steady pain. Stable and in no danger of spoiling or bleeding more than she wills, but leaking a steady stream of marrow into her spells. 

Verbess waits at the edge of the bed. Quills pulsing in tunes like before and teased by the sight of us now curled naked and bleeding together. 

{Two more? For Verbess and Schatzi? Little titters of pleasure to reward and help entice forward?} She muses to me. {Assure them their Mistress is well and enthralled even when quiet? I'll need to focus through some fairly intense parts and even a small moan for them could crack my focus and spoil the pain.}

"I would advise against it. However, if you're able to do something like this—" I spin over an old image of a visual overlay with a patient's vitals, from many years ago. "—It could function well for them to also aid in the work.”

Elevar blinks at it, eyes narrowing as she examines the image. Mind awash of new considerations as she deciphers my weaving. Then a literal flitter of interest and delight flairs across our bonded tethers. "Oh that's brilliant, actually. The language is gibberish to me and would have to be translated but... Well, I wonder if it proves more efficient over time? I was taught internal stabilization workings, things to grip the body's natural functions and just... jerk them back into where I needed them. Inelegant but... better than the alternative. I've read of some Witches developing secondary senses for monitoring things but..." Then she turns to Verbess and Schatzi. "Would you like this, if she translated it? I'll have my safeguards up in case of extreme problems, but can see this being incredibly useful?"

Verbess thrums in thought, then seems to pose the question to its sister. [This one will be focused on the work, would you be willing to consider such things?]

[Of course, Sister. I will closely monitor Mistress Elevar’s status.]

"I don't think Terék is exceptionally functional, it's just the language that was used at the time. I can point out which is which and you can use our current language... Whatever the fuck we're speaking.” I explain and offhandedly Elevar explains that the current language really doesn't have a name and is just a blend of the different Grove dialects, before I translate the cuneiform for heart speed, air volume, and Physis strength.

She nods and adapts the spell for her Doll after adjusting the language to match this one. "Okay Xafra, cover to cover then. Walk me through how my Doll means to cut us both open and replace my bones without you or I bleeding out on this bed.”

"Bleeding out isn't an issue for me, or possible. I'm not... alive? In a technical sense anyway. Even fully running out of Ousia doesn't kill me. Probably... The reason for some of my treatment.” I reply. “As for your bleeding out, I will be using a weaving of my own to keep your heart, lungs, and other vital organs functioning. Due to my nature, Verbess will open me up fully to perform the extractions one at a time and replace yours, in order to minimize the likelihood of any bone death.”

"Really? What happens then? When you find yourself empty of Ousia? How do you gather more?" She asks with a quirk of an eyebrow after nodding past the more visceral descriptions. Seemingly only excited the more I described it but... filter her thoughts into a focus on the part she sees the gap in. "Is it like you did back on the Beach when you entered the Denizen's aura?”

Her words send claustrophobia spiking from me through the bond as I gasp out a reply, "Worse. locked in, no access to Driftdream.”

That cracks something. The pain she was so expertly and easily considering suddenly fumbling in her grasp. Tips almost to fall and probably shatter one or both of us into a mess as my fear seems to harmonize and resonate with... something. A small weaving my Witch has been keeping at the edge of casting. Something I can understand now is a spell of paralysis. A thing made to stop her from thrashing if she loses control of herself.

After a few heartbeats and three deep breaths she murmurs. "I'll feed you my Ousia if you get too close then.”

"It shouldn't happen. Did the calculations repeatedly. Unless dear Verbess is incredibly incompetent and this takes hours longer than planned, I should be left with 10% of my reserves. A good buffer.”

Verbess thrums an almost playful rejection of my worry about its inability to perform today.

"That's still low. So I'll keep an eye on you." She nods and regathers herself. "But otherwise, this all sounds to be a solid mess we can manage. Anything else before we start?”

"Primrose has emergency instructions, and I’ll need simple bindings for the form, just in case. So... once that's done, Verbess can begin.”

"Redundancies, redundancies, redundancies... It's good to see us both hoping for the best, but laying plans for the worst." She smirks while moving to straddle my legs, then bodily shoves me to lay flat. "Adjust to lay as is best for this, and I'll work the bindings.”

I spread myself out under her, taking my time to thoroughly enjoy this, the last time I'll wear her form properly. "Like this.”

A snap of my Witchling's fingers, and the sheets beneath me rise and curl about my hands and feet under the direction of much less Physis than I would expect. Small and intricate workings in the cloth facilitating the movement and sudden crack into a substance as hard as any stone but... softer. Much much softer. Even seems to rise up to support my weight and clutch well to the bed beneath. 

"Comfy?" She purrs, absorbing my delight before letting it reverberate back.


I'm ready for this.

She nods, leans down, and presses her lips to mine. Filling us both to bursting with rekindled desire before pulling back and falling bodily into the sheets next to me. Mimicking my pose. "Alright. You signal Verbess when to start, then... focus as much as you can on the tether. Stay steady. I'm keeping your mouth free so you can signal in all sorts of ways for us to stop. Don't be stupid. Ask for breaks when you need them. Let me know if your Ousia gets lower than 10%."

"Yes, love." I reply, then nod to Verbess and try to relax. 

As agreed, it starts with the primary cuts, carefully slicing down both arms from the wrists to the shoulder joints. They're sharp. So sharp the first sensation I feel is warm wetness pouring down my arms before the pain starts screaming through.

Before my second heartbeat passes, Elevar has gathered up the pain and rewoven it. Then sends the wave back as a steady rising of enjoyment. Easily drowning my own form's sensations with her thrumming delight that's been magnified by the spare tethers. 

The arms are followed by the legs, hips to ankles, more pain, and so much more pleasure.

I brace myself mentally just before it begins on the torso. Right shoulder to sternum, left shoulder to sternum, sternum to groin. 

I find myself laughing at the absurdity of it all, being prepared for deboning like a butcher's choice cut, the thought of which I can't resist sending over to my Witchling who twitches with my pain, turning it to pleasure

She replies with her own tittering giggle of anticipation down the bond. A thing that almost makes it feel like she's curled all about me. Her every sensation, a caress and kiss carefully considered before being gifted.

Verbess pulls open the Y-incision, folding back my flesh with more delicacy than I expect or likely deserve from it. The agony is exquisite, the pleasure unbearable, building upon each other layer over layer. Then, for a few unsteady moments, it plateaus as Verbess moves over to Elevar and looks down at its Mistress.

She Cants ::Proceed/Approval:: to the looming Doll. Her prepared weavings quivering in their own kind of furious anticipation of the coming work. 

Swift movements open up my Witchling's left leg, disconnecting then removing the tibula and fibula, setting them aside and racing back over to me to harvest the replacements I altered my own into.

I focus exclusively on the weaving I've set, confirming that as my bones are put into place into Elevar's body the surrounding tissue grabs hold of them and heals the damage from the swap.

Verbess is a quick little monster. Follows the instructions I sent with such perfect ease and precision. Not a single motion is wasted as it looms over us and works.

The pain/pleasure from our bond holds true, but... shudders a bit under the weight of the dual agony Elevar is filtering. Shedding some complexity before hardening into raw sensation while her nerves scream in harmony with mine.

The process continues, right leg, right arm, left arm before the next period of rest. 

Below the pain and euphoria I feel empty. Not just in my limbs but deeper. It's like the part of me I've filled with overwhelming violence is being drained to reveal something more gentle underneath, and I don't know how to handle such a change.

"From the projections, Sister is about half done with the replacements. Mistress Elevar's vitals are within marked limits. Miss Xafra's Ousia is at 60% of initial volume. I will note that a unit of measure would be more effective." Schatzi promptly updates us all as my mind wanders.

How many have I killed? How many communities were destroyed simply because they were nearby? How much of the current state of Dämmerung is because of my actions? Is the suffering of my Kin because of the fear I instilled in the Conclave? Why... don't I feel anything when I consider the dead. I'm scared again, worried that I'm a Lie. Not a person but a curse, altered in my forging to punish those that would treat life so lightly.

I am being reduced to a mass of squirming flesh with a jaw clenched firmly shut to avoid screaming, not at the pain but due to the revelations that such torment offers. I don't worry that she will reject me at this point. She has her own sins, her own trail of ruined lives in her wake, and... perhaps... We can't ever fix each other, but we could inspire and teach each other to be better. 

To be people worth loving.

Verbess interrupts my musings once more, the sudden softness of a sheet covering my form causing me to break into silent sobs. [Please. Let me shift back now.] I whisper over our bond.

A cold hand weakly moves up to wrap into mine. Gives it a wordless squeeze just before a quick snap of one of Elevar's many pre-spun workings cracks the binding spell, allowing my form to twist back into iron flesh once again. The pain ends, and only the tittering echoes of fading pleasure remain now as I lay within my Witchling's loose grip.

Another heartbeat, and with what feels like a final embrace from a lover from behind, the two dozen Physis tethers wither and dissolve as the pleasure they sang of ends. Leaving only silence as I feel that Elevar once again grips the tether tight. Then she whispers softly, "X- Xafra?”

[I love you, Mistress Elevar.] Is all I can intone back.

Bloody and shaking she rolls and twists around my form, takes a deep breath, and releases the stranglehold on the tether. Adjusting her grip on it to allow her thrum of aching worry and adorations roll into me. {I- I love you too. Is... Are you okay?}

::Confirmation:: [I am feeling a bit unsettled, but I am well. How are you?]

{Physically, I'm still made a bit blinded and senseless by the pain.} She replies quietly. {Is... Am I... Did this work?} 

[Ehehheh.] I can’t help but cackle in giddy delight as I feel her body with my senses. Free of the Moonwaste, but now filled with my replacements. [Yessssssssss. Yes, my Witchling, it did.]

She shivers at my words. A rolling mass bubbling up and almost being restrained by her grip on the tether but... she lets it flow through to me. Relief, suspicion, pain, joy, fear, guilt, pain, delight, affections, PAIN. And at the end, furious resolve.

Elevar jerks to sit up, weathering flashes of agony from her still healing flesh while turning to glower at the pile of her old bloody bones. The ones still holding the Moonwaste within.

{Eindämmung} She snarls. A crack of Physis, Ousia, twists from the Spire itself, and an odd spell snaps out toward the bones. Things writhe up from the floor to wrap about the bundle, binding and locking the old infested remains beneath layers of solid... whatever this Spire is made of. Ending in an oddly spherical shape.

She gasps and growls at the exertion. Body and mind and reserves of Physis and Ousia already dangerously low but... then it transitions into a cackle as Verbess moves to steady her with two of the still bloody talons. 

"Mistress...?" The Doll murmurs gently. Hovering between wanting to press her back into resting but... eyeing the still blood-soaked bed.

"It's gone!" Elevar rasps with a grin, turning wide misting eyes to her Doll. "Void Cracked and Hag Riven MOON!!! I... I almost forgot what it was like to spin so much in a single weaving without it flaring up and ruining me!" 

Previously steady Quills titter and dance in unrestrained joy as Verbess darts down into its Witch. Fangs unable to resist sinking into a shoulder as four arms wrap about her form. Elevar sways, her focus cracking a bit. Pleasure fracturing focus  further and letting her body thrum with the pain of it. But she winds all but the hand that still grips me about her Doll. Purring gently, "Good Gerls! Thank you! Thank you for... for saving your wretch of a Mistress!”

Schatzi wordlessly sends ::Joy:: as Verbess squeezes our Witch tight.

[Can I...] How do I even make such a strange request?

Elevar can only barely twist free of her Doll, but manages to pull me up and around while intoning messily. {Anything, Xafra. Anything, ever, whenever you need or want. I will deny you nothing.}

Verbess can only thrum Quills in its own tune of agreement.

[I've been thinking that... With the books you've lent me on Dollcraft, I'd like to try and... make a surrogate body for myself that would be... less wasteful when a full Anthroparion form isn't necessary.]

Elevar is nodding along before I finish, {Yes. Of course. I... I've only barely touched the Old Cunt's Enchantique. She... It should have anything you might need.}

[And…] I hesitate again, knowing what I'm about to ask is anathema to those I've been around.

{Xafra, my Näherin. Ask.} She intone gently, and… It feels like something breaks at that word. An easily missed sputtering of fear quickly smothered.

[I would like to use your old bones, so that even when we are apart, we will each have a part of the other.]

She stiffens and hesitates for a few seconds then... relaxes. Tether awash with contrasting fear and self-loathing and... also such overwhelming affections. {I...I trust the Moonwaste within will not hurt you, and will be contained efficiently? But even so If you want them... Yes. Any part of me is yours to claim.}

[I was hoping to remove the marrow and Moonwaste, then using the bones to create a... quadruped frame that should allow uhm… My spearform to be set in place as a spine, and make mobility near free, costing only Physis.]

{Clever. I adore it.} She nods and reaches out to use Verbess' frame to help her gain steadiness while rising. Once she has it, she carefully walks over and hooks a hand under one of the many sharp ridges of the spherical container and lifts it. "We can drop this off there on our way out, so you can start at your leisure once we return.”

[Thank you. We should check on Primrose, and then uhm… What would you like to do next?]

All else within her is replaced with wicked glee. {Well... You need to feast. And we are surrounded by empty jungles rife with Ousia to harvest. And after that... well...}

::HUNGER:: My instincts scream with need at the mention of feasting. [Let us get going then, if you would.]

When the group reaches the main level once more, Primrose has a look of confusion riven across her face. "Witch Elevar, one of the others came by with a message for you from Adaline. She says she wants the bones back.”

[Bones? What?] I mentally reel in confusion.

Elevar freezes. Her slowly growing glee spoiled rotten as she intones. {Yselda's Bones, I suspect. In her delusions she... well it doesn't matter. I buried them again with an Ousia ward like this one. I... I'm a touch torn, Xafra. But... I should see her before we leave.}

[If you'd like. I may be able to... mediate as well. Though, I would like to drop off Primrose first, to prevent any recurrence.]

Elevar lets out a huff of a sigh and murmurs a soft request for my Doll to follow while we make our way toward my Spire. {I've half a mind to insist you rest while I face her. She... I was not kind to her, Xafra. In those years after the Old Cunt died. My own rotting soul and mind festered and... and...} She trembles, the arm she cradles me with going a bit loose as feet nearly lose their footing. {No. Whatever pound of flesh she demands she can take. Whatever helps her heal. Short of my life, my Doll, and... Well, you don't belong to me. But I'll ensure she knows that you're the only reason she is free.}

[You still love her?] I inquire.

The question does cause her to stumble, just a bit. Easily caught by a small effort of Physis as she snaps back. {That has nothing to do with it! I will not hide behind any such excuse. It will not be welcome or helpful. My... Yselda loved me. Was the first person to do that. Yet you can guess the shape of her cruelties. Long past are the years where I will claim the actions I took were out of love or longing to see my Adaline heal.} If spoken, I suspect this would be a snarl but... through the tether it roils in only self-focused hatred. {No. I will not spoil any of her justifiable fury with my own wretched emotions.}

[I was not trying to make any excuse, simply asking. I don't believe I've done anything to earn your ire as of late, my Mistress?]

She takes a deep breath. {You're right. I... I'm sorry. I have no excuses for that either. And... to give you the answer you deserve, yes. Xafra. More than is healthy for her.}

[Thank you. Then I will do my best to assist her. If it was mere guilt, I would be much less inclined to do so. I want all my kin to be happy, but not at the expense of my loves.]

She has no reply to that for a long while. Only speaks as we stand at the entrance to my Spire and she considers my form. Roiling in conflicting desires. One to release me into Primrose's embrace and the other to carry me to what the tether thrums is a great terror to her. {I... It means so much that you've helped her and Schatzi and Verbess.}

[Primrose dear, I'll be back later. I'd love to see more drawings when I return if you feel up to doing some more.] I intone to my Doll before turning my words to my partner. [Elevar, my Witchling, I want to help them all if I can. I have a family finally. And it's all thanks to you, taking a chance on me.]

She winces but... does not contradict my words or call Primrose back as she heads into the Spire. Takes a deep breath and turns to regard the Estate. {I... You're welcome, Xafra. You're a talented and clever gerl. I'm... I'm glad that I could give you the chance at that. Was only able to endure today because I... I knew that if I didn't survive you'd all have each other and this Estate to keep you safe. But fought harder than I thought I could do again because I wanted so desperately to be a part of that.} She lifts up the sphere of bones and begins to move. {And drown it all if I... I'm not desperately ravenous at what I want to show you once we're out harvesting tonight. Old weavings I've not been able to spin for years and... and get your opinions on the changes I would make to this body. Building, as you asked, instead of just... wasting away.}

[Then let us talk with Adaline, and see what we can do to build a new foundation.]

** ** **

"Elevar, my wife. I want her dirt-cursed bones back. I need them. All of them. So I can finally get her to shut up and stop whispering to me. I won't beg, so don't expect that." Adaline snarls at my Witchling when we find her lingering with a shovel and a sack outside one of the more decrepit Spires after dropping Schatzi and Verbess off as well.

Wife? That's… Unexpected.

Elevar takes a deep breath, but nods. "Of course. Is... Adaline. Do you recall the note you gave me last night?”

"Of course. It took three months to write.”

"Good. Because I won't..." Elevar begins, voice firm and confident, then trails off. Tether riven with conflicting uncertainties. Only restarts with a voice much more quiet and uncertain. "I locked them within a cradle and buried them. Ousia sealed so no other Dolls might fall into something... well... like what you did. Once returned from a short outing, I'll dig them up and unbind them. Is there anything else you need?”

The anger radiating off her turns to palpable relief. "No... not yet. I still love you and... I can't trust you or have you in control again. You're still a Witch, unlike me, but I won't ever be your Doll again." Adaline stiffens her posture and hardens her voice in an obvious show of bravado. "Don't think this makes us even. Not by a long shot.”

Elevar looks down and away. "Of course not. I've been gifted the only thing I could not offer you before today in excess, and that is time. Ask of me anything, anytime, and it is yours. Except my life, my Doll or... well, Xafra belongs only to herself.”

"Good, because I plan on being a nuisance to you for as long as I can. Xafra's the sexy aggressive one that freed me? Might have to have a word with her later then." Adaline begins to walk away while quipping, "Don't beat yourself up too much, Wife. That's my job now.”

Elevar remains stiff until Adaline passes from view, only softly intoning after a deep exhale. {It must be said, Xafra, between the Old Cunt and me and that bitch who brought her here... Adaline always seemed to have poor taste in lovers. So, If nothing else, her being interested in you is a good sign of healing and growth.}

[I will admit, I find her fascinating. I have a strong desire to... put a collar on her and lead her around like a pet. She's not fragile like Primrose. Heh.]

Elevar can't help but snort and laugh at that, finally turning to move us forward while our bond settles into unsteady hope tinted with worry. {I can't imagine it, but... I would adore to see her freely fall into your care, if that's what she chooses. And, If she allows it, I'd like you to help her handle these whispers she's haunted with. She cannot trust me, nor should she, but... you are the 'sexy aggressive one' that freed her. She may confide in you.}

[Mmhm. The idea of haunting is strange to me. I've heard such a thing before, weavers who have tried and failed at immortality, but I've never encountered the like, Aside from well... myself.]

{Honestly, I will not entertain the idea of my old teacher's spirit continuing after death.} She almost growls aloud. {There is a letter she gave me that hints that she might be more like Schatzi and Verbess. These whispers a mental crafting to aid her actions under the delusion of commands from a dead Mistress. I will let you read it over at the next opportunity if... if Adaline approves.}

[Ahh. That's both easier and harder to deal with.]

{I agree. Schatzi and Verbess were... well It wasn't like I was good to them. Could barely stand their divided mind at first. But, Do...} Elevar pauses at the entrance to a Spire. Sets down the sphere so she can reach out to let a vine prick blood free and unseal the opening. {Do you think I made a mistake? Promising her those bones?}

[No. I think that... It shows a willingness to change. It might backfire, but it's worth the effort. I'm proud of you.]

Such a wash of relief and gratefulness rolls down our bond. {Good. Good. If... Xafra. When it comes to Schatzi and Verbess it means the world that you've been able to show me my mistakes in... in more gentle ways than I deserve. But with Adaline I don't expect or want that. She is not mine. If I begin to... to hurt her. In words or action. Stop me. Hard. No gentleness. No compassion. Especially after tonight.}

[Hmmm. If she accepts me, then I will do so.] I give only conditional agreement as I don't have any interest in harming my Elevar without need.

She sighs, and I can tell she wants to argue for more but... sets it aside for now. Picks up the sphere of bones and takes us into this odd Spire. Unlike the others it doesn't seem to have more than three chambers across what could be six levels. Instead housing a core main level, a comfortable study above that, and a sub chamber for storage underneath it all. This main level is a place filled with worktables and floor carved glyphs, shelves of books and tools, and a ceiling latched trolley system to hold and move about hanging Doll frames. She leaves the sphere behind after explaining that I'll need to use some Ousia to crack it open, but that after being cleaned out of blood it'll be mine to keep and store valuables in. Even re-seal if I want to.

After that she steps from the Spire and begins to walk toward the nearest edge of the Estate. {Anything else needed doing before we leave? I don't expect us to be gone but for a day or two however... These things can take longer than expected.}

[Uhm. A bag would probably be of use. I'd like to collect some grakler shells and see if I can utilize them in my project.]

{Oh? That sounds interesting. I'll have to pester you into sharing the details of it. And I can knit you a bag from the fauna out there.} She supplies. {Anything else?}

[Not for me. Do you have everything you need?]

{Honestly, for this? I feel that other than you in my arms I am overburdened in both mind and body.} She giggles as we reach the brambles and thorny wall of the Estate. Holding a hand up to let it spike her palm and shed us an opening only spaced enough for her and I to pass under, she intones softly to her Doll. {Schatzi, Verbess? We're just about to step out. You're both very good gerls. We'll check back in if this seems to likely take over a day. Take care of each other and make sure to check in on Primrose to make sure she's not too lonely. I... I love you both dearly.} 

Schatzi responds with adoration and a hint of surprise, [We love you too, Mistress Elevar.] As Verbess Cants ::Adoration/Good Hunting/Longing::

Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 


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