A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 54: Willowing Melodies (Witch)

Willowing Melodies (Witch)

Content Warnings:



<Elevar… you’re not going to–>


No. I sigh and push to rise, turn to smile at Valthirii, “Thank you for taking care of Adaline and bringing her here.”


"The threesome was lovely.” She purrs. “Let me know when and if I ever need to fetch another cute doll to you."


And she’s turning to leave before I can muster a response, and I can’t stop a chuckle of mirth from sputtering out.


<Hmmm…> Lynette sighs. <I think I’d like to discover if that offer was made in jest.>


“Probably not, but she has so many others that will probably enjoy her attentions.” I turn and begin moving us to my Spire. 


Without even needing to ask, Lynette unseals the outer layers while temporarily sealing the innermost bedchamber, then seals the outer layers while opening up the passages to the basement bedchamber where my Doll and Xafra still cuddle.


The mess those two are basking in has died down a bit, but… I still decide to give them more time. See if I can’t remember how to brew a decent pot of tea while I wait.


It’s… still a lot. Honestly. The Harmonization. More than either myself or Lynette could handle when focusing on it directly. Just… barely kept ourselves together enough for Lynette to notice Adaline literally being carried toward me.


It hurts.


And I’m frankly quite terrified as to the reasons why. Adaline panicking at the sudden intrusion upon her quieted mind would have made sense. But… 


<Something within her Frame was reacting quite acutely to this… Harmonization.> Lynette murmurs. 


“I know.” Is my only reply as I chew on that, and refuse to say more as I wait for the tea to finish. 


Then move to sit at the nearby table as I wait for my Doll and Partner to rouse.


<Would you like me to check the Threads?> Lynette asks.


No. I answer, almost don’t share more but… decide to keep her informed. These will be questions for Warden, I think. Which means we’ll need to make sure Xafra’s involved, and probably Verbess by association. And that… is worthy of doing without distraction, and probably on another day if we’re able to settle the Bond.


She considers that, then chuckles and replies. <I’ll check anyway, and inform you on anything that seems relevant.>


Xafra returns after a while, following Verbess in a bit of a daze with a silly grin on her face and a roughly repaired dress on her Frame. As for my Doll, it’s more itself than I think I’ve ever seen. Taller than my by almost two heads and only just folding away certain parts of itself.


With a flick of Physis laden with heat, I warm the second cup that's since gotten cold and smile at them both. "I'd ask how you both are... but Xafra's been quite open about that. So let's skip straight to this part." I rise and carefully approach them both, then wrap us in a tri-fold embrace. Xafra's petite little Dollform nuzzled deep within my arms while Verbess envelopes us both with its long limbs. "Well done, to both of you. I... could only today truly understand how much this was needed."


And oh... how their Quills purr and thrum at that. Perfectly Tuned but... still distinct. Both an echo and a Harmony and... more. So much more.


"It’s more than I expected in some ways, and yet, so very right. It feels natural." Xafra murmurs in wonder.


“That’s good.” I nod as we pull back, and I guide her to sit. And… can’t help but chuckle as Verbess just… naturally moves to stand at its new Sisters back. In some ways protective, in other ways… I’m not sure. As Xafra’s form reflects her mind’s need to adjust, dazed in probably every good way possible, Verbess’ exudes this delighted role of support and observance.


"Take it slow." I lean chin on palm and just... enjoy watching this. Let the sight of them basking in the afterglow soothe my worries to small pinpricks. "There's no rush. Share whatever words you'd like as they bubble up. Or none. Either is fine. And if you need anything, simply ask."


Xafra giggles and sips at the drink she abandoned earlier before speaking, "I have so many little thoughts I want to share and most of all that this feels like it changed me much more than a new Geist does, it's like I now have a more guiding sense of purpose. It's harmony. Inside my mind and outside."


If not for the bond that only ever sang of such good linking... That would worry me. But Xafra chose this. Literally remade herself to be able to do it well. And... I of all people can't find it within myself to judge that. Worry over it? Certainly. I'd be a poor partner if I didn't keep an eye on them both. But it's ultimately because I want so desperately for this to be everything they intend.


"I wasn't able to absorb everything through the bond, but... That makes sense." I nod. "If anything it seems more solid than what the Pack Verbess came from had. More... refined? Free? This purpose you speak of isn't latched to the wills of another, but to both of your conjoined desires?"


"Mmhm. Yes and no. Like... I routinely have to tend to my Wisps and the Driftdream to keep from soul collapse, but that doesn't... feel as necessary anymore? There's less Internal conflict within my soul. But also I can feel my sister now and not just react but sync up with its needs and wants so we can function better together." She raises a hand up to her shoulder as Verbess reaches around so Talon can envelope hers.


"I'm starting to think that my Doll and Partner will never stop impressing me." I smirk and sigh, "Cracked and Riven Moon..."


Lynette stirs from within her observant silence to nudge me. Nothing... urgent. But her promises are mine and it wouldn't do for me to ignore them.


"You'll... of course need to consider the way this is currently affecting the bond." I add while not letting anything but amused mirth reach them both. "We've sealed the Spire until you're settled, of course. And other than Lynette's Doll no one else is expected to need us this evening, but she'll open the lower passages for that one to come up. So again, you can both take your time and relax here with me. No rushing needed."


Xafra looks puzzled and closes her eyes only momentarily before asking softly, "Did we... Did I hurt anyone?"


I let some of my worries slip out, but keep them unfocused and soft. "Mostly just confused a few. The rest seemed to find it fascinating, in all manner of ways. From my brief conversations with Nettle over the bond and Valthirii in person... Only one seemed affected in ways that will need some tending to beyond what her Connivants are offering her. But... that's not something you did to her. No more than the last ounce is responsible for the overloaded branches' woes."


"Alright, we'll check in on Adaline later, and yes there's over thirty of them but I'm getting to know them all, and if any would have a negative reaction like that, it's almost certainly her, which is why, my tender-hearted Mistress, you avoided a name. I will do my best to not feel guilt, and simply acknowledge my responsibility."


"Oh, she'll no doubt have enough words to poke at you with, I mostly avoided it to delay the more... troubling questions." I chuckle to avoid letting my fears bubble up. "But... I'll not engage that topic until you agree to it. You and Verbess are bound in very core ways and... I'd don't wish to invite Division so early on in your bond. This needs to be a discussion as... as family. With none, especially not me, holding a place above the rest."


"Mistress?" Verbess finally speaks, tilting head at such an odd angle in confusion as Quills twitch to mimic the gesture in sound.


Xafra without even looking back tilts her own head the exact same way, "Mistress Elevar, we can certainly discuss that later if you wish but, you are in charge. I am your partner and your weapon. Myself and Verbess are your blades." She gives me a disarming smile before continuing and blushing, "But anyways, did you have more questions or want to hear more of our thoughts on uhm. Heh. The yeah."


"Please." I smile back, letting her joy in this calm me. "Verbess couldn't share much with me before, for lots of reasons. But I'd love to hear how else Harmonization is different for you both. Alleviate my worries that this was a leap into something even my Xafra was unprepared for. How has gaining a Pack Sister you never could have guessed you needed, then letting it pin you to the walls and floor of my Bedchamber, changed things for you?"


"It um. Was in some ways, my first time. And really good, gosh."


Verbess curls about her just a little tighter. And even before it leans down to brush the top of Xafra's head with its own she's leaning back into the casual touch. 


"Every Pack Sister was different." Verbess murmurs softly. "But... This one was the last crafted. The final Sister before the Chorus was set loose. This Frame was always the... the least. The youngest. And now it has found Good Function in First Harmonics with Sister Xafra and..." It trails off, but it lasts only a few seconds as something seems to pass between them through Quill and bond.


"Mmhm! It's like. I knew what I was doing on a technical level.” Xafra picks up excitedly. “I've been a receptive vessel for sex before, and the actual Harmonizing was easier than inducting a new Geist, but the experience itself in this case was new and wondrous. The idea of anyone considering my sister here least by any measure just..." Xafra's Quills thrum an angry discordant tone for only a quick beat before settling back into the happy one. "So yeah. I can feel Verbess in my mind and gosh, Elevar, the Quills have so much more function that I could have imagined. It's fascinating and one of the greatest honors of my existence to be included in the Pack with my Sisters."


I think I hide the flinch well. Try to... to balance my desire to ask about the first part of that without causing Division or ruining this day but...


Verbess moves. Quills going stiff and seeming to... Well they're still singing but the song is either too quiet or in a pitch my ears can't pick up. Then it's easily dragging Xafra's chair around to fully face it and kneeling to lock all four eyes on hers.


No words are spoken, and I refuse to even breathe as whatever this exchange is takes place as their songs seem to sit on the edge of discord.


Then Xafra is panicking. Her frame half-shifting through a dozen iterations I've never seen before as she screams danger and fear over the bond before settling into her Warlord form and carefully taking hold of Verbess' arms. The edge of mania is still present but slowly being ground down with a different Quill-song she now begins.


"The best revenge is enjoying life. They are all long dead, my Sister, and I am happy to be yours."


Verbess' Quills reply is a motion of stillness. I'm sure there is an Archive worth of things being shared but... all I'm able to notice is my Doll leaning forward to press head into Xafra's chest before slowly letting the Song drift back into pitches I can actually hear.


Xafra stabilizes further, calming herself and deftly lifting Verbess into her lap so they both face me. "I am sorry, Mistress. It is new to me, still, to be cared for so strongly."


Verbess cracks joints and allows itself to shrink a bit while curling deeper into Xafra's arms. Once settled, its Quills adjust to sing a melody of soothing comfort. 


At that, I let myself take in some air and nod. "It's perfectly alright. The two of you are so very different, but... also similar in ways I'm glad to see meld well." Then I take a drink of mildly cooled tea and sigh happily. "Please... Take all the time you need. Division, from what Verbess and Schatzi have told me, is difficult even when about soft topics. And... this was not a gentle split, was it?"


"Mmhm. It truly is a revolutionary experience for me to feel another express such protective rage over me. I am... willing to discuss this topic more if desired,, now that my Sister has established the baseline for me to understand."


"I'd be happy to listen." I respond immediately. "Always. I'm... and I'm glad you're getting to feel that so deeply. But I also don't want to pull you into sharing words beyond what you're comfortable with."


"Well. I guess I should start with a... confession of sorts. I have more forms than my ruined base, the Doll one and this Warlord one. The others are ones that I'm not comfortable in, due to the history behind them, even if some have utility that I need to recreate elsewhere." Xafra explains


Nodding along, reply softly. "That makes sense, what with how easily you shift so many of your shapes. Without the limits of flesh like mine, and worry of tangling up essential organs and such, you can manifest all kinds of forms. Limited only by your own memories and skills?"


"It is... expensive in Ousia to create them, and takes a while to build the correct mental image, but otherwise yes. I was not treated with respect by most of my wielders, and was... expected to satisfy their needs, which until now I didn't really consider... abnormal or wrong. I was property to them." She speaks slowly, visibly treading the line of Division while working through her past.


But Verbess' song is only a thing of calm melodies as we both let Xafra continue at her own speed. Its support is like a gentle breeze at one's back as they walk a Root Way. Almost... a guiding Tune. Protective while deliberately setting a boundary to help its Sister keep to the Path while moving at her own pace. Only urging motion into the next note when Xafra might otherwise think her words not worth speaking, but so much needs or wants to say them.


"It's... The reason it's so important to me to free all the Dolls. Because no one should be treated like that, regardless of how they identify. My experiences are not... Forgivable. With Adaline, it was a misunderstanding. Intent matters, I feel. And… I don't want to be driven by hate, by the desire for vengeance. I want to make a haven, and you cannot build a home with rage in your heart."


"That... I think, is a wonderful mindset to have. Not sure how much I'll take to it when we're dealing with the wider Groves but..." I shuffle a touch, looking down into my mug and murmuring. "We need to cut to the truth of things. Lies have poisoned what should be, I think. Dollcraft could be so much more than what it is. But... I worry what's been hidden or lost behind the easy path of just... turning people like me into tools. I'm still uncertain about the resheathing process you've talked about, but mostly out of my own past perceptions. It sounds a wonderful new option. Fleshcrafting is too costly, Dollification too... well... final."


Xafra nods, "Dollcrafting is something wonderful being abused. It should be treated with respect and not as a means of control. I don't want to massacre the Groves, but me and my Sister are united in the understanding that there will be no forgiveness for some offenses."


"Agreed. So... let's see if we can't stop your bond's leaks before Lynette's Doll wanders up." I smile at them. "I'd hate for that one to be unable to enjoy the Sky tonight. But... other than our responsibilities to her you have my rapt attention for as long as you both need it."






SO! We are hosting a CHARACTER directed Q&A both here and on our Discord in Celebration for 

A Blade and Her Witch.

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Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


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Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 



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