A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 66: Quackery, Just Without The Tea To Wash it Down (Witch)

Quackery, Just Without The Tea To Wash it Down (Witch)

Content Warnings:



While I dance anxiously over all the possibilities… Lynette went quiet.


Not absent of thought but… Well, like we always did when tits deep in a project. Only differentiated by the near manic fury that seems to radiate off her like a blaze from a roaring flame. 


Leaving me to… to wait within the calm to manage the without, while Lynette prepares for this meeting with Augusta.


What is she? A Nightmare infesting a Doll or… or just a Nightmare shaped like a Doll? And… But she, like Krelliva, seemed to find the term I was taught for her kind a touch insulting. And she called her goals here her duty… which implies a greater purpose to her kind. Which… I’m not sure if it's comforting to discover one of the more horrifying things this Estate loves to eat is intelligent or…


“Moonshite.” I sigh, still hovering outside Sikkina’s Sanctuary. “Why is everything turning sideways? All the monsters turning out to be agreeable sorts. The Sun-Blessed, at least, made sense. But this…”


Eyes roll to regard the vibrant room Lynette’s built for her daughter.


“Eyes forward, Stupid Half-Knit.” I murmur, take a deep breath, and move toward my Xafra and Lynette’s Doll.


Even use the memories of what this Dämmerung told me to mantle the smile we want to give her as we settle to sit next to the purring Grakler Frame and the little Snek shaped Doll.


“Hello, my Xafra.” I whisper, laying a hand to gently stroke her spine. 


Lynette’s Doll wakes just enough to give me a nuzzle before gathering up herself and slithering back below to her favorite sleeping spot.


Xafra purrs louder at my touch, murmuring through the bond [Mmmm Elevar? How was it?]


"Terrifying, a touch maddening, and..." I sigh, then glance down at her and lose nothing of my grin. "They remember you. Well. And adore you. Seemed as frustrated as I am that you were disallowed from speaking with them in ages past."


She cants ::Surprise/Worry/Confusion:: as she stretches out [Ah. The... Weave prevented it? That's distressing.]


I nod. "It is, but... We know why. And knowing will help us untangle things. Free you sooner. Today is..."


Augusta's words ring through my mind. Her warnings cutting at such a deep fear of mine. That... that I would hurt my Xafra. Wound her rather than soothe her. Despite my desires to the opposite.


"... Good. Distresses and revelations both worth knowing. Like after our talks with the Sun-Blessed, my perspectives have shifted. I suspect things will change quite a lot when you're free to regard the world without bindings." I continue. "But... I'd recommend holding off on your meeting with them though, wait till you're free to listen."


[That makes sense. I... heh. It's weird to say that I'm not particularly devout considering the circumstances, but it's hard to deny that getting the opportunity to hear and remember their words means a lot to me. I will wait.]


"I think that's healthy and... I don't think that's what this one wants that from you." I consider, fingers moving up to her ears and gently rubbing and scratching behind them. "It's... odd. But despite it all you've learned from them. They got so very angry at the Garrotes within us. Had to tell them of our plans to remove our own Garrote before they seemed to calm. Which..." I huff. "Guess I didn't mention that to you. What I promised Lynette the other day. I... I'd like you and Adaline to unweave the one I made on my shoulder before we try for yours. It... I... When I wove it I wasn't just using my memory of the Old Cunt's Makellose Garrote, I stole some inspiration from the little you showed me of yours. Don't remember why, just... Well, everything was horrible and I was so scared of what it was putting in me. And if I could weave something even half as nasty as yours I... I was sure it would hold. The notes and shared memories will give us valuable insight on how to deconstruct yours. Or... will be at least good practice if nothing else."


The bond vibrates with pride and delight. [Proud of you. It's a terrifying thing, both to give up control and to admit mistakes.]


I adjust to lay beside her, nuzzle close as I whisper. "You've no idea. Without that Binding she... She'll have access to everything. My body, my magic, my... but not my worst lessons. The things that broke me. And I can't even communicate them to her, since the Estate's bond robs her of it. She... she's starting to puzzle things out. But only because I'm too stubborn to let us move forward about them. I'm terrified, Xafra. So worried the bond will slip away and..."


I wince as Lynette's threats bubble up. Words she'd howled as I destroyed the Gemstone's Archives and begun to stalk to Yselda's Spire. Such... such hissing spiteful things I can't even recall the full of but... Know they were perfectly tuned for me. Days of slowly letting her see me as we entwined in purpose twisted to fester. Threats designed to unmake me, and might have done, were I not distracted and consumed with wroth and bitter desire to unmake everything remaining of a woman I loved.


Xafra manifests her Doll form and wraps around me, whispering in turn, "Then we have to alter it too, so she can be properly free to exert her own actions. Right now, she too has more than one set of chains on her. It's like... She's only allowed to grow in ways the Estate permits, Cultivated free will within strict limits. If I need to make her another body to be comfortable so you two can coexist, I'm more than willing to do so. Neither of you are expendable."


"Thank you." I sigh, clinging and pulling her close. "I've no idea what to expect after she's free but... thank you. I... how was..." Pulling back I wipe away the bits of moisture that formed in my eyes, smile at her. "How's your daughter? What do you think of this place? I... Lynette's tits deep in an Estate thing and pretty oblivious to us right now but... when she's free she'd love to know your thoughts and... and if she needs to adjust anything?"


"Good, really good. She seems to be growing well. It's a gorgeous place. I'm not sure if anything really needs to be adjusted, you know?" Xafra answers with a big smile of her own.


“That’ll mean a lot for her to hear. She’s spent a lot of time fiddling with it. And… I take it you found and memorized the Tune of this place?”


"Yes, it took a while but I am confident I can utilize the Wurzelriss to return here."


I rise and offer her my hand. "Wonderful. That... will be perfect to have for when you decide to leave the grounds again. A quick, albeit a touch expensive, method of return. Now, let's go see about getting Krahe's Frame properly adjusted."


She takes my hand and rises as well, excitement evident in every movement, "Definitely. It will be great to have her properly embodied so she can enjoy the world freely again."


As I lead her from the Sanctuary and through the tunnels the symmetry between this and Xafra's own binding and crafting prickling in my mind. "Do you have installation procedures mapped out for her? Anchoring to the Frame and yourselves should be more than enough, I suspect, but... Dollcraft and the nature of the Ontological aren't my specialties. We could use a Chamber down here for the process. Keep a... Oh what was the thing Lynette mentioned the other night... a Threaded weave of netting that each has to keep anyone from slipping and falling off her Path? Or some such."


"My plan is to mold the flesh out of my own Ousia and Physis resonating to match Krahe's similar to how a Doll would be made with a subject's, then let her slide inside the space left for her ego. The Chambers... scare me. I would worry for Krahe's mental integrity, especially with the possibility that my own fears could interfere with the process."


Nodding, I sigh and murmur. "That makes sense to me, and Lynette defers to your expertise here. We're... We're actually quite curious at the possibility of leaving the Estate itself for the removal of both your and Lynette's Garrotes. We're quite conflicted. Part of us wants to insist we use a Chamber to ensure we can track and observe anything and everything, while the other thinks the jungles would offer not just a more peaceful environment for you and Adaline but... also a budding supply of Ousia if it is needed."


"We can do Lynette's wherever she would prefer but.... No. for me, I won't ever use one of those torture cells." Xafra's voice goes cold and haunted, clearly still traumatized from her experience.


"I thought not. But... The offer needed to be made." I assure Xafra while squeezing her hand. "And... I think I'd prefer the jungles myself. With Warden and yours and Adaline's eyes I doubt anything will be missed. Lynette will probably ask for ours or your Spire but... we'll see."


I pause as I hear voices ahead, recognizing them right away as Adaline and Schatzi, then turn to face Xafra. "I know we spoke a bit about it before but... I wanted to apologize again. For what happened. How I didn't tell you what this place was before bringing you here. It was stupid and cowardly and... you deserved better. And had every right to come down here and no reason to think it could be as horrible as it is. I'm not... entirely sure what I could or should or would do differently now other than tell you. Let you help me figure this place out before everything got so... so complicated. Before it could hurt you."


"Thank you. I... Mistress, I'm afraid. I think... I could have gotten out. I could have butchered myself until I could slip free but... Whatever got free wouldn't be me anymore, and... That scares me more than the thought of being trapped. I finally have a name. I have a family. A daughter even. I don't want to stop being me."


"Never, love." I murmur softly, stepping forward to gently cup her cheek while pulling her other up to brush against my lips. "You're free. You're safe. And we will never let this place, nor anything like it, take you from yourself. Lynette ensured that. Even more than I demanded or thought she would. And after this Garrote is removed... things are going to change. A lot. For you."


"I trust you." She takes a breath, shakes herself off and smiles again. "Let's get this cutie a booty."


I smirk and pull us forward, "You've been just... waiting to say that this entire time haven't you?"


"Mmhm, I spent like an hour working on a good pun while I waited for you."


Still chuckling, we find the other members of Xafra's Pack waiting for us. Both Adaline and Schatzi standing in a chamber that is dominated by a large loom knitted and wrapped about and through a stone slab twice the size of even the largest Doll. 


"I hope we didn't keep either of you waiting." I speak as we enter.


"Not really? Got here a short while ago and Schatzi just arrived. Rufus and Calix are flirting." Adaline responds casually, hefting a large canvas bag back over her shoulder. "Where does Lynette need the parts?"


"Well, isn't that a delight? Too early to know if it's a thing of Passing Flames but... Well, Rufus always was the attachable sort. Loyal to a fault and endlessly looking for companionship. Let's hope he doesn't prove overmuch for Calix's flights and distractible whims." I smirk while releasing Xafra's hand and stepping up to the stone slap, then hefting myself up to stand atop it, calling up a flicker of Wisplight to illuminate the subtle patterns etched across the thing.


"He got all panicked and confused when Calix asked him about the missing collar. Was apparently so overwhelmed he didn't realize until then that he was no longer restricted from his Ousia and Physis, Mistress." Schatzi adds.


I kneel while chuckling. "He knows how foolish it would be to Weave irresponsibly on these grounds, and... he is soft beneath the hooks and spiked bits the Threshers knit into him. At worst he's playing at silent information gathering in the event we give him the chance for an eventual escape. But between Calix, you both, Xafra, Adaline and..."


Augusta. She was there too.


That causes me to pause as fingers touch the grooves of the stone. "Well, isn't that odd."


"Hmm? Something wrong with the Loom?" Xafra asks.


I shake myself and turn back to the task at hand, refusing to let that errant thought over worry me. "It's as perfect as I remember. Is Krahe's Frame together or in segmented pieces?"


"In pieces. Warden suggested keeping the parts seperate so we could check them again afterwards before I clade them."


"Alright, pass them up and let's fit them into these circles." I nod and tip-tap the six primary etchings. "Warden, if you could please send Lynette and I the information? From there we'll see about tying the right values and such."


Once all the parts are set within and tied, I move away and let this Loom do its task. Nudging Lynette from her furious work to activate and calibrate the process. It doesn’t take long for the Estate to shove Empty Nomos laced with Ousia through the wood, leaving behind a thin layer of almost... barky scaled chaff when it's done. So brittle it would fall to pieces if touched, and definitely when I begin regathering the parts.


“Should all be set and rewoven to specifications.” I murmur to Adaline, whose eyes are still dancing over the slab and remade Frame. Then use a subtle weaving to clean and brush away the leftover mess before passing each piece to her. “But… let me know if anything could be adjusted. It's a simple enough thing, if you don't mind the walk down here.”


"Of course" She responds as she checks and repacks each part.


"If they're all good, we can have Krahe fully embodied tomorrow. Probably best for us all to get a good sleep after triple checking the designs and the material properties of the modified wood." Xafra announces as Adaline hands an odd spherical piece to her.


"Of Course. We'll go talk to Hyacinth and get it to look over the numbers again, and see you both in the morning?" Xafra suggests.




<We can handle this WEED before this weepings end.> Lynette seems to be hissing, almost more to herself than me. <No need to let some Vile infestation delay that one's installation.>


I hide my wince at her fury, then nod to Adaline and Xafra. "That sounds perfect. Shall we?"


"Definitely!" Adaline says with confidence.


And so we walk back up to the surface together, then split apart to let Xafra and Schatzi head up the tunnel to her own spire as myself and Adaline head up to mine.


"I... So how did your meeting with Augusta go?" I say as we move into my lower Chambers.


"Quite well, We uhm... We talked about the relationship between me and you, and how I feel about going from isolation to being now in perpetual contact with others, as well as like... how to manage a leadership role. She suggested that I work on setting goals for myself with different time frames to keep myself from getting stuck in unhelpful patterns, and that I should spend some time every few days by myself to process and work on being someone for myself as well." Adaline answers in surprise.


"What?" I pause and look back at her. "I... really? That..." I roll my eyes across her form, looking for any traces of Ousia or such manipulations. Find nothing.


Augusta's words roll through my mind. About how she claimed to 'lend an ear and tells stories to passing Dolls'.


"...Sounds like very good advice." I continue carefully. "How much do you know about her?"


"Hmmm. Not much? I never saw her before Mistress Xafra freed me. Calix noted down her speciality in counseling when Xafra was claiming all the Dolls. She didn't have a preferred name, and I actually suggested Augusta when Xafra was at a loss for one which is why she doesn't have a flower name. She makes me... Unsettled enough to talk, but I always feel better afterwards, like she's helping me shake loose the Rust, as Verbess would say."


"Counseling?" I murmur. "That's... probably wonderful for you all. Of course. I just..."


<No.> Lynette growls. <Elevar, if you love this gerl you will not tell her one Cracked and Riven th->


"She's not... what she may seem." I continue. "And I think I need your help in making certain we don't do anything stupid when we go to meet with her before Krahe's installation."


"Mmhm. I'm pretty sure she was never human, yet I think it would be... Wrong to hold that against her, right? Like, Mistress Xafra and Sister Warden weren't either, they were both made. And Calix, well that's a whole thing, I'm certain. As well as Lynette's Doll too." Adaline pauses for a heartbeat before offering "I'm up for coming with you to see her if you'd like?"


"I... Think I'd like that. Try to keep this from cracking into something it doesn't need to be." I nod, letting out a sigh of relief. "She... I'm fairly certain she's not a Doll, and is only playing the part of one. For Xafra. Because she's worried I'll hurt her or... or something stupid but not unreasonable with my past. Impressive she's walked these grounds without anyone noticing, honestly."


"Not a Doll? So a Sun-blessed or something similar then? Odd. I haven't... Opened her up or anything, but I can tell you for certain that at least externally, she has a Frame. I've been practicing mimicking Mistress Xafra's Physis sensory field to see if it's something that can be taught to... Well, anyways, The point is, she's got a Frame."


"No. Not a Sun-Blessed." I huff and fall back to sit on the edge of my bed. "She's... Like that thing the Lynette killed that was at the edge of Verbess' Driftdream. A... well she didn't like the term but we'll no doubt get a new one when I go to speak with her. The Estate marks them as Nightmares. Things of Dreams. Augusta... said she stepped into the real. Wants to speak with me. Could even... Well honestly I don't know why she didn't just use the bond, but she could hear my thoughts and speak to me despite being in the basement of her Spire."


"Valthirii's Spire." Adaline corrects absently while thinking. "So Augusta is some sort of Dreamborne entity that wasn't real but is now, and spends her time talking to Dolls and giving them advice? That sounds like the... Primrose mentioned an entity she calls Old Scary that would guide Dolls back and share stories when they would get lost in the Undercroft."


"Really? Yselda always said that was just the Miasma channeling the Estate's nonsense through them. Like how smoke rises from a flame. But... Well, Verbess fooled that extension of the Estate, and Augusta seems quite a bit more deft and seasoned. Has Lynette absolutely in a fury over it all." I lean forward and consider. "Which… I can't say this doesn't upset me as well. But if she is this same being then she's been helping you all so much longer than me or Xafra. And even if not she's still proved nothing but helpful. Which... is contradictory to everything I've ever been taught but... but seen of such things. It's like the Sun-Blessed all over again. But worse, because..."


Because Xafra's one of them.


I wince, then reach out. {Xafra? Dear One? I... I have a request? Do I have your permission, consent, and trust to share what I found out below with Adaline? I know that she is Pack to you but... This is quite personal.}


[Yes.] The response is a single word without hesitation.


"I'm not certain they are the same, it's simply what occurred to me. Still, a meeting definitely seems in order, it would be good to have things cleared up."


I look back to Adaline. "And... I spoke to Dämmerung today, down below. Asked them about Xafra and... and they confirmed mine and Lynette's suspicions. Xafra believes herself to be the forged amalgam of 40 plus Half-Knits Ousia cracked together into what she is. But... that's not true. Their deaths were a lure to attract, leash, and remake her. She's a... a Nightmare. Or Dreamborne. But the Garrote won't let her know or remember that. Cuts away any attempts to inform her of this."


Adaline looks at me in concern. "Elevar. You... Elevar." With a quick weave she locks her Quills in place to prevent any of her emotions from being transmitted to the Pack and speaks with quiet ferocity. "Ashes of my Flesh. Woman, You need to sort your thoughts out because if you tell her like that, you'd... probably break her. A Nightmare? The creatures this Estate eats? The kind of thing that was consuming Verbess' mind? You'd..." she stops with a heavy sigh and simply stares at me.


"That's. Why. I'm. Talking. To. YOU." I spit each word, something in her tone and frozen Quills cracking the anger I'd forgotten lingering. "I'm not a complete fool. Just mostly one. Thank you. I'm sorting this in order of events for you, because I expect this to be the majority of our discussion with Augusta. The Dirt God spoke VERY highly of Xafra, and Sikkina, which implies even more. The words Divine Seedling were used." I pause, take a second to steady myself. Look away. "Dreamborne. That's a good name. You're right. Of course. Should avoid the term Nightmare. Seems... narrow. And just like with the Sun-Blessed old name, wrong. Cracked and Riven Moon, it's.... it's so good you're here. I was not ready for this, and that was before... before last night."


"Sorry, This is a lot. Dämmerung spoke of Sikkina?" Adaline says, softening her words.


"Not by name. And only at the end. Called her theirs, unreal, void, and Firmament. Which... only gave more truth to this theory." I sigh and lean forward to rest elbows on knees. "And... I should be the one apologizing. You reacted as you should. Protective of your Pack Sister."


"It's alright. Let's... Go talk to Augusta? Sooner is probably better than later." She calms herself, releases the weave on her Quills and gives me a reassuring smile.


I nod. "Of course."


**    **    **


We descend the stairwell together, approaching the basement of Valthirii's Spire. I very nearly had us take the tunnels but... well that might be seen as rude and it's best to start things off without seeming impolite. Hesitating at the bottom for only a second before stepping up to knock on the door.


Augusta opens the door smoothly welcoming us in with a gesture, "Thank you for coming. Good to see you as well Adaline. I assume you wish to sit in on this conversation?"


Adaline gives a tight nod, avoiding eye contact.


"She offered, and I accepted." I reply without stepping forward. "A mediator seemed like a good idea. I take it you won't object?"


"Not at all. I'd offer refreshments, but it seems unlikely that you would trust any I offer. The risk of Fae tricks and such, yes?" Augusta comments as she moves over to her chair, leaving both a loveseat and a large soft chair to us.


"I'm not familiar with... that. The term. The word. Fae?" I admit while stepping inside with Adaline close behind. "Would it be impolite to ask?"


"The Fae are... Singers of a sort, instead of weavers. They don't function as well here, Dämmerung lacks one of the soul elements they need. I only mentioned them because the Quill song has some minor similarities." Augusta answers with a shake of her head. "Apologies, I get prone to tangents that are less helpful than I would like."


"I... Well I asked." Letting Adaline take the loveseat while I settle on the soft chair, I look up to face Augusta. "Even if everything you just said only confuses me more, it brings up a pointed reality. I have been given... names and information that I'm becoming quickly aware are less than reliable. And you implied that I would hurt my Xafra if I didn't change from that. Then I told Adaline of our discoveries and... she seemed to agree. Pointedly. So here I am. Looking for a reliable sort to help me understand. Help... us understand."


Lynette growls at my inclusion of her as she sits like some perched beast on my back. Starkly furious and wishing so much to pounce in contrast to my honest words.


"Adaline, would you mind terribly to show Lynette how to do that ingenious ethereal form that Warden displays? I would rather respect boundaries and not peer below the surface but it is quite challenging when only two of my guests are visible." Augusta says in lieu of an answer.


"I. Uhm... Sure." with a few rapid flicks of her Quills and a strange blush on her face, Adaline creates an ethereal tome and offers it over commenting, "It's mostly just a modification of how you display books and such to move and project sound."


"Oh, This is is perfect. Thank you." I accept the Tome, and... honestly it's just like Adaline says. Takes more Physis than I'd like but...


I offer the weaving to Lynette, who twists it to form as... Well... just like she did last I saw her in Verbess and Xafra's' Driftdream. Regal attire and Vine tattoos twisting across false flesh as she stares at Augusta. Expression blank and calm... except the eyes. Those practically bleed suspicion and fury as she stands just a little behind and beside me.


"Excellent. Now to answer your request, I need to start with a leading question, but I promise it is important. What is Xafra to you?" Augusta asks.


"I'm... not really sure how to answer that. She's... many things. But to me? Specifically? My Bonded Partner. In all things, when I'm clever enough to remember that." I answer carefully. "She's had many over her life that have rejected her... well, her personhood. Considered her no more than an object. I... I told her soon after I brought her here that she should be what she wants to be. And she seemed to fall to pieces. Really needed to hear me tell her that if she wants to be a person... then she should. If... does that make sense? Or am I babbling past your question?"


"No, that's precisely correct. Xafra is Xafra. The difference is that while you can bear many labels without too much change, Witch, Half-Knit, Human, and Twice-Blessed, to name a few, those like myself and Xafra are more... affected by labels. Prescriptive instead of Descriptive. We can alter ourselves but it's much more drastic and deliberate. For example, I could not cause deliberate harm as a Kindly One. I could shed that label, but it would involve taking on another, like Nightmare or Fae. Or... gaining a Name, letting me begin to create my own path."


I nod. "That... I can understand this. Alright. And, of course, if I used the wrong ones I could hurt her. Because... and correct me if I'm misunderstanding... but you used a different word there. 'Gain' a name. As opposed to 'Take' a label. The how in acquiring is different. The source matters?"


"Yes. As another example, Lynette there could call me a Nightmare or Weed till she runs out of Physis to maintain her form and it won't affect me past a minor sense of disappointment, but if it was someone I care about, it would be quite different and harder to resist. I could not simply claim a name for myself, it had to be freely given. Recognition that my individuality matters. I could still reject the name, shed Augusta as a concept and become something else, but it would be a loss that I would prefer to avoid."


Lynette grins at the start, but otherwise adds nothing as I take a deep breath, then speak. "And Xafra's Garrotes have stopped her from understanding this. Protecting herself only by trial and error and making due with horrid partners. Forced to be given new names that bind her to them as she forgets the old. Losing parts of herself."


Her fears spoken below, of being forced to become something different just to survive, echo in my mind. Crack something deep inside me.


"What can I do?" I whisper. "Once the Garrote is removed? To... to make sure she's able to be her own person still?"


"No dear, you've misunderstood. Xafra hasn't had a name before this. Not a real one. There's a difference between calling your spear Glory because it stabs good and giving someone you recognize as an individual with thoughts and feelings a name." Augusta responds with a wince. "That's one of the things I meant about stability too. You suffering Soul damage simply from considering the horrors she's been through could cause her to feel responsible for such. Now, I don't know if you have any talent in Alchemy, but I'll note down a recipe that should help the healing. It's called Witchmend, a tincture you can mix with tea to help all those cracks start healing up." She starts writing on a piece of parchment with a cloth-wrapped graphite stick. "As far as making sure she's able to be her own person, that is in one respect the easiest thing, and in another, incredibly difficult. You have to let her do so. Let her make mistakes, disagree with you, and make her own decisions. And all while understanding that she is, first and foremost, yours. A Blade cannot wield herself after all."


"I... Soul damage?" I shake my head. "I think I'm following most of this but... It's not like I can't consider what she's been through and not try to and help her. And the idea of her experiences hurting me when I do just...doesn't make sense. And just some tea brewn special will settle that? Truly? If you were charging Jade I'd think you swindling me. But you're not and so I'm left with nothing but confusion. Unless... is this a side effect of the bond I wove between us?"


"You're likely to consider this Weisheit quackery because much knowledge has been obscured or misunderstood over the years. You know of the potions and ointments to speed Physis recovery, I assume, and how their efficacy varies wildly depending on the Spellweaver that uses them?"


"I had to become familiar with them to lessen some of the Seelenfäule's effects. Although Schatzi handled most of the brewing, and was able to make even the more foul tasting stuff into a tolerable cup of tea." I nod with a huffing chuckle. "And... A day ago I would consider this all nonsense. But now... after the little Lynette's shared and what Dämmerung said and... well I'm out to sea now. Best to trust those familiar with the tides in hopes of finding the shore again."


"They work by repairing Soul damage. The more intact the Soul is, the more efficient the Physis production. Witchmend is an old recipe but quite effective without a nasty aftertaste. Your Soul just suffered damage not even a minute ago. In a Doll, it is easily seen by any who can access the Soul Core, the chips and scratches and such. But in a living, if you'll pardon my usage of the word, entity, there's no Soul Core, just the mass of Ousia and Physis that acts like a flame. It takes a different type of sight to see damage there." Augusta explains as she hands over the recipe. “There's actually some genuine irony in the term Soul Rot, considering it's more of a Soul Corrosion, but the principle is accurate even if the justification for it is entirely baseless."


Taking it, I glance over the instructions once and commit them to memory within both mind and Little Archive. "Alright. Another question. Which seems even more perfect to ask you. Will removing the Garrotes entirely pose a danger to Xafra? Lynette was a touch worried about her needing to keep some kind of anchor to the Waking World, aside from her emotional connections and physical form, to help her steady. Nothing she couldn't cut anytime she wanted afterwards but... well... It's a worry. Especially if our bond or her link to the Pack was damaged. I remember back when I first... well, I was tits deep in panic and tried to sever our bond with Physis. Her Driftdream seemed wounded by that. The trees cut and sliced despite my Physis being quite useless at breaking it."


And with our plan to basically engage in a Cracked and Riven conflict with every Grove there is a chance that... that things could happen. To me. To her Pack. And the thought of her struggling to return home to her Dolls or Sikkina due to some nonsense instability tied to her nature is unacceptable.


"She is anchored to the Real currently by a number of connections. The Tether to you, Elevar, the Pack soulbond, the older Garrote, but most importantly, her Name. Removing the Garrote won't directly harm her or put her in danger. If anything it will allow her to take on a label if something occurs that disrupts all three of the other anchors though... to be blunt, if she is stripped of her name, her Pack, and her Mate, she will probably not be the same person anymore. Mmhm, the Driftdream is fascinating, I don't expect to ever get a chance to explore it myself, but the concept is delightful. She exists in between the Real, the Void, and the Unreal in a way I've not often seen."


Such a sigh escapes me at that. Seems to cut some tether of budding worry I'd not realized help me aloft, causing me to sag a little. "Good. Cracked and Riven Moon. That... Thank you. For sharing all this. It's... honestly, despite the fear and worry this is nothing but enthralling to me. Ever since the idea was proposed. Never saw her as... as anything but wonderful. Didn't care what she was before only... only what her knowing more about herself could mean. Wanted her to feel nothing but that wonder I feel or better. And... I think... That's why that word. That label. As you refer to it as, didn't click as something that could hurt her. Nightmare. It's... not like the Denizen. Only ever encountered two. Well... four. Now. I guess. A word for something dangerous. Not meant to be anything but clear. But... With how much me calling myself a Half-Knit bothers her... I can understand it. Look for better words. Better ways to share this with her. Make sure she knows how much we adored discovering this."


"That's good to hear. I do genuinely hope you'll come see me again someday when you're willing to extend me such trust." Augusta says tiredly.


"I'll no doubt have more questions," I nod. "And Xafra will as well, once freed. Your information seems solid, and you've not harmed any here. Only aided. In words and guidance. Adaline trusts you, and so do many others. For that alone you have mine in most things. And I'll continue to offer you the same courtesies of all guests on these grounds. Simply... in the future use the bond or more physical means to reach out to me, alright?"


Augusta nods. "Of course. Unless it is an emergency, I will do so."


"Hmmm... No." Comes such a soft denial from behind me. And I wince. Look back to find Lynette calmly smirking at Augusta. "If such a time comes that we are beyond all other manner of communication, but that, you best swim away before the tides come in. All other occasions, no matter how dire they may seem, call for something less intrusive. Else I'll assume you've chosen to shed this Kindly Shell for something less agreeable."


"Good. That is a healthy viewpoint. I will stay out of your minds unless directly invited. Additionally I'm going to give you a piece of unasked for information that may help you, Lynette. Fairly obtained, no trickery involved. Xafra cares for you, but still believes you don't consider her a person. Do with that as you will." Augusta stands, walking to the door.


I do my very best to maintain the image and internal appearances of stoic considerations at that. But... Lynette's smirk turns to a grin. "That... is so very interesting. Thank you, Augusta."


"Are we still on for later this week, Augusta?" Adaline asks quietly.


"Of course, as long as you're wanting to see me, I will be available." Augusta answers smoothly.


We rise after that, I let the Physis manifestation fade, and we exit. Moving through the Spire and eventually stepping out onto the grounds, Lynette finally bubbling up to say after we're a few paces out. "That went perfectly, thank you for attending that with us. Adaline."


"Yes. Thank you." I huff as she pulls away. "That... I'm not sure how well I'd have handled that with just Lynette glaring at her the entire time."


"You would have handled it fine probably, until Lynette decided to simply send the Estate after her, I'd assume." Adaline chuckles. "I'm glad there was some useful information there."


"Me too." I nod and offer her my hand. "Now... before things turn sideways on me again. Can we... we just do something? Together? Not... Well sort of like we did before but without the nonsense? I've no idea what. To be honest, Just something that isn't like what normally happens here. Or have you had enough of me for one evening? I... this has been a lot and I'd understand if you need space and time."


"I'd love to spend time with you."


Such a tittering rush bubbles up through me at that, and I pull her off to find something much less stressful to occupy our evening.






SO! We are hosting a CHARACTER directed Q&A both here and on our Discord in Celebration for 

A Blade and Her Witch.

SO COME JOIN US or ask these character directed questions here! Rules are simple. No spoilers for future chapters, be kind. Must ask the Characters your questions!



Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 



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