A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Following The Story To Get Waifus

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After rocking the ship for a few more hours, Tomoya felt much more refreshed as she exited the ship. As for Yue and Shea, they needed to drink some ambrosia in order to continue on.

“Tomo, you almost broke my back!” Shea complained.

“Don’t complain, Shea. You kept telling Tomo to pull your ears and hammer you hard.” Yue gave the horny rabbit girl a knowing look.

“I couldn’t help it…. I was in the moment.” Shea blushed. She really was in the moment. The feeling of Tomoya’s click just felt too good.

Tomoya chuckled at the girls’ conversation as they walked towards the town. This town was called Brooke. And was the place that really allowed Hajime to make a name for himself and also the location of a certain person that would help him gain the trust of the guild. The only difference was that Tomoya had already cleared the risen labyrinth. This meant she was a little off from the story, but that was fine.

“Tomo, look!” Yue shouted, snatching Tomoya from her thoughts. She turned to look to see large insect-type monsters attacking the town.

“Damn it! Let’s go!” Tomoya charged forward. It was not that she cared about what happened to the town, but she had to follow a certain route to get to Myu’s mother, Loli Sensei, and Yuka.

“Are you really saving them?” Yue asked.

“I need to enter town. I need to make the guild receptionist like the three of us so that she will give me a letter of recommendation. There are four girls all lined up for this moment. Since saving the town is a big plus, then I am sure we will get a good deal of bonus points from the receptionist.” Tomoya explained.

“Oh. So, in other words, you want to fuck this receptionist?” Yue pursed her lips. She did not know if she liked the fact that Tomoya was doing so much for some guild receptionist.

“Hah! I would not unless she was cute. From what I understand, this woman named Catherine will be on the hefty side. So not really in my league.” Tomoya replied honestly.

“I see~!” Yue grinned. She did not know what to think if Tomoya just started doing every girl she saw. While she knew that Tomoya would need at least five girls per world they went to, she wanted girls who would love Tomoya for who she was.

“Anyway, we will do it like usual. Yue, you distract while Shea and I go in for the kill.” They had already killed multiple plant and insect monsters together, so they had a good synergy between them.

“Got it!” Both girls answered at the same time. Yue and Shea looked at each other and giggled before they turned serious. They rushed forward and began their attack.

“Gruguee!!” The insect-type monster was slammed with mini blue azure blazes. This was followed up by Tomoya’s gunblade shooting off both of its limbs.

“Yarah!” Shea slammed her massive hammer down on its head, causing the huge insect monster to slam into the ground.

“Shea, incoming!” Tomoya yelled out as she extended her sword and slashed down with it. Shea quickly jumped back and out of the way as the sword sliced through the neck of the insect monster, cutting its head right off.

“Not bad!” A voice came from the group of adventurers. A chubby woman walked over towards Tomoya. “You took a monster down that all of us were having issues with with ease.”

“We have run into many of these monsters since the sky fell.” Tomoya decided to say sky fell instead of meteorite since she was not sure if the people of this world understood what a meteorite was.

“Yeah, these damn monsters had shown up a few times now. Your help is really appreciated. If you do not mind, can you help us get rid of the last three? The guild will reward you handsomely.” The chubby woman was none other than Catherine. She had come out to try to help as much as she could even though she had long retired.

Tomoya, of course, was not going to say no. “Sure, have your people keep them away from the walls. We will handle the rest.”

“We will do our best! And thank you!” Catherine was very glad such strong individuals suddenly showed up. Ones that were willing to help and not just look away.

“Yue, Shea, let’s deal with this quickly. I want to take a hot bath.” Tomoya was still all stinky from the sex she had earlier, so she wanted to sink into a hot bath and let her entire body melt within it.

“Tomo, you can count on us.” Yue grinned before her eyes settled on the beetle-like insect that was currently being kept at bay due to the efforts of all the adventurers. There were only two more left, including this beetle, so they just had to take them down so they could finally rest.

The battles did not take long. Due to the material that Tomoya’s sword was made of, it sliced right through the hard exoskeletons of these insects and chopped off their heads with a bit of assistance from the girls.

Tomoya and the girls found themselves being ushered into the guild by a group of adventurers who were all chanting their praise for the three girls. “Tri Angels!” This was the nickname Tomoya and the girls suddenly got, which would soon be changed to the Tri Devils.

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