A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Taste Of Haruna Part 2

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“Gobta…. And… Ummm….” Remmi looked over at Tomoya, who nodded her head, causing Remmi to sigh. “Haruna. Gob….”

“Haruna, come over here.” Tomoya called Haruna over. She had yet to finish her evolution, but she wanted to separate the cute goblins from the male goblins. Such a cute goblina did not need to be ooggled by the other goblins!

Haruna was confused but still walked to Tomoya’s side and sat down while Remmi continued naming the goblins. “Umm….”

“You will be with me from now on, okay?” Tomoya smiled warmly at Haruna, who nodded her head, blushing slightly. Tomoya’s charm was taking effect once again.

“Next is….” Remmi looked at the dire wolves who were not lined up and began wondering what to name them.

“Remmi, maybe you should take a rest.” Tomoya knew that Remmi would go into a three-day sleep if she named Ragna right at this moment.

“No, it’s fine. There are only a few more.” Remmi replied.

“Yeah, but….” Tomoya wanted to warn Remmi about her mana, but it was too late.

“Ranga! Your name will be Ranga…. Huh? What is….” Remmi’s body slowly melted into a slime puddle.

“I knew this would happen. This girl….” Tomoya sighed and walked over to Remmi and scooped her up. “Let’s get her to a place where she can rest. She will be out of it for a few days.”

“Tomoya-sama, what should we be doing now?” Rigurd asked.

“You guys begin working on better-fitting clothes. The female goblinas will need them once they evolve. Don’t let them run around half-naked.” Tomoya replied.

“Understood! We will work on clothing right away!” Rigurd looked happy to be given a task. He was about to leave when Tomoya stopped him once more.

“Also. Haruna will stay by my side for the time being. We will take care of Remmi, so until I say so, no one is to come near this tent, okay?” Tomoya looked at Rigurd, who nodded his head and bowed. “Understood.”

“What should I do?” Haruna asked curiously. She did not know what Tomoya wanted her to do.

“For now, we wait until you finish your revolution. It should be any time now.” Tomoya led Haruna to the side and had her strip down. “Just sit here and wait.”

“Okay.” Haruna did as she was told as she watched as Tomoya busied herself with a few buckets.

Tomoya planned to give Haruna a bath as soon as she finished her evolution. She really wanted to hold the green boobies in the palm of her hand. So far, all the breasts she had felt thus far were all humanoid breasts, so she wondered if there was any difference in texture and springiness.

Haruna’s Evolution did not take too long to start. Startled cries were heard all over the goblin camp as people began to evolve once more. Tomoya looked over at Haruna, whose body began to grow, and her small breasts began to expand. In no time at all, a large-breasted Haruna, who was a few feet taller, now sat in front of Tomoya in all her glory. Her large green breasts and the dark purplish nipples that looked like grapes made Tomoya want to nibble on them. But before that….

“How do you feel?” Tomoya asked.

“Strange. But at the same time very refreshed as if my mind is much clearer.” Haruna explained.

“It seems you evolved well.” Tomoya smiled and began to undress. “Come, let’s bathe.”

“Oh… Okay….” Haruna nodded, her eyes fixated on the two tails swaying behind Tomoya.

“You can help me dry them off after if you want.” Tomoya noticed Haruna’s fixation on her tails.

“Okay!” Haruna smiled brightly as she stepped into the large stone tub that Tomoya had prepared using magic.

Before she could sit down, though, Tomoya got behind her and sat down, pulling the golina into her lap. “As a congratulations, let me pamper you a bit, okay?”

“O-okay….” Haruna couldn’t help but blush.

[Haruna’s Affection: +10]
[Current: 20]
[Affection Status Changed: Nervous]

Tomoya raised an eyebrow when she saw the sudden status notification. It was the first one she had gotten so far. Tomoya closes the notification as she silently castes cleansing magic on Haruna and herself before using her hands to gently rub Haruna’s back with a cloth. “How’s that?”

“It…. It feels good.” Haruna had to admit this was not so bad. Most of the time, when she and the other goblinas bathed, they would end up being watched by the male goblins, and the water was always cold. But this water was nice and warm, which soothed her body, and having Tomoya gently wash her body for her felt very soothing. Even as her hands wrapped around her front and began massaging her breasts, Haruna could only let out a relaxed sigh and lean into Tomoya.

Tomoya, of course, was taking in the elasticity of Harun’s breasts with each fondle. She felt that they were a tad firmer than her other wives’ breasts, but this might be due to the fact that goblinas are meant to have many babies. The more she fondled, the more something below began to grow.

Haruna instantly felt something poking her bottom. “Umm… Something is poking me…”

“Ah… that’s my click. Move back a bit and spread your legs slightly.” Tomoya instructed.

Haruna was confused but still complied. But as she did as she was told, a thing sprang up between her legs that was massive. Haruna’s eyes went wide in surprise as she turned to look at Tomoya.

“Hehe, I am a girl, but I also have one of these. It’s the same as the nub you pee from, but mine can grow to be this big.” Tomoya explained.

“This….” Haruna gulped as she looked at the huge click. She was very curious as to how Tomoya could grow hers so big. She couldn’t help but reach down and poke it.

[Haruna’s Affection: +20]
[Current: 40]
[Affection Status Changed: Curious]

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