A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse


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“Oh? So this is the courtroom.” Tomoya walked into the courtroom with Remmi in one arm and her free hand holding Gina’s hand. She seemed to be attached to Tomoya now. 
“Stop! Why are you not in chains!?” A group of guards quickly rushed forward and pointed their spears at Tomoya.
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you.” Kaijin stepped forward. “Out of everyone in this room, I believe not even his majesty would be able to defeat my friend here.”
“Those are some big words Kaijin.” The hero king of Dwargon, Gazel Dwargo looked down at the the group who walked in.
“I only speak the truth, Your Majesty.” Kaijin quickly fell to one knee and bowed his head.
“You can rise. Everyone take their positions. Chains are not needed. If the fox girl wanted to cause a scene she would have already. But can I ask why an elf is here? If I recall she is not part of any of this.” Gazel was confused by the presence of the elf girl.
“I happened to pick her up when she was feeling lonely, so she will be going with me.” Tomoya replied. “Issue?” 
Gazel narrowed his eyes. Only the lawyers were allowed to speak to him. But he also knew these monsters did not know these rules. “I see. You seem sure you will be set free.”
“Your Majesty, I will say this now. While I did spill wine on the idiot over there….” Tomoya paused and gave Vesta a mocking grin.
“Hey!” Vesta yelled out in anger.
“Vesta, it is not your turn to talk.” Gazel words quickly shut Vesta’s mouth. Seeing how Vesta was not going to speak more, Gazel turned to Tomoya once more. “Continue.”
“As I was saying, while I did, do what I did to the idiot. He did start it by trying to dump wine on my cute slime companion. He only got what he deserved. And to be honest, if Kaijin had not punched him after the words he said, the idiot, would not be standing here, and instead, this would not be a trial but a funeral. I do not wish to cause harm to your kingdom or its people. But if you try to cause us harm in any way, I will see it as an act of aggression. As the Hero King, I am sure you can tell that my power is not a lie.” Tomoya gazed at the hero king for his reply. Gazel glared back at her but, in the end, did give her a nod. 
“I can see that you did not come to my kingdom to cause harm. But my minister was still harmed. Kaijin, as you have caused him bodily harm, I will banish you from the kingdom along with your three brothers.” Gazel gave his judgment without waiting for the lawyers. 
“As you wish, Your Majesty.” Kaijin had tears in his eyes. But he still took the judgment in without arguing.
“Kaijin…” Tomoya patted his shoulder and whispered: “You still have a home. So pack up and follow me.”
“Gladly.” Kaijin nodded. He was glad he still had a place to go. He also owed Remmi and Tomoya. Especially Remmi.
“Wha? What about the Slime and the fox kin!?” Vesta suddenly spoke up as Gazel was about to stand. 
“Vesta, you, my friend, will wait here. I still have one final judgment that needs to be passed down. Everyone else disperse!” Gazel’s voice boomed through the court. Causing everyone present to hastily take their leave.
Later that day, a group of people. One elf, four dwarves, a fox girl, and a slime walked down the long path to a hill not too far away. “To think there would be a day I would be banished….”
“Life takes twists and turns. You never know where it will lead. You can only hope it will lead to a bountiful future.” Tomoya walked with a smile on her face. She had no idea how the trial would have turned out due to her interference with Vesta, that was why she spoke when she did. This world revered strength, which was why demon lords were looked up to and feared. Plus, Tomoya wanted to test her own strength. And Gazel was the perfect target.
“Umm… You better treat me good….” Gina, who was still being dragged along, poked Tomoya in the side. What Kajin and the rest did not understand was why this elf was so willing to follow Tomoya. The answer was quite simple. Gina’s eyes were very good. She could see things that others could not. When the crystal ball had exploded, she saw a small fragment that had her image on it. It was not a reflection either. She knew she was to become one of Tomoya’s future wives. She just hoped she was not making a mistake by following her on a whim. After all, she could have struggled to get out of Tomoya’s grasp, but she did not.
“Haha, don’t worry, you will never get treated badly.” Tomoya gently rubbed the top of Gina’s head, causing her to melt. Tomoya’s head-patting skills were still top-notch.
Remmi looked up at Tomoya, who was smiling, wondering just what she had gotten herself into. She did not know why this fox was shown to be her destined one. She could only sigh and wait to see what the future holds.

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