a certain scientific harry potter

Page 11

"His Royal Highness, you are really serious! I should say thank you. I am really grateful to you and your family for taking care of me!"

When speaking, Harry kept his head down all the time, not daring to look into Prince Charlie's eyes.

He felt guilty in his heart, because of what happened that night, he finally chose to hide it from the crown prince.

After all, if the royal family knew that the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic dared to attack Prince Charlie's family, there would be an uproar in the whole of England!

Now that everything is about to be settled, Harry really doesn't want to continue to be on the cusp of the storm, so he can only say sorry to the Crown Prince's family in his heart.

However, he secretly made a decision in his heart.

John Dawlish, that bastard Auror, Harry won't let him go easily!

One day, Harry would definitely tie that guy up in front of the Crown Prince's family and make him kneel and apologize to them!

And at the same time, to all those ordinary people who are looked down upon by wizards and who can wantonly conceal and manipulate... make a confession! !

"It's getting late, so hurry up and start." Looking at the time, Prince Charlie finally patted Harry on the shoulder to say goodbye, "Harry, even if you have your own new home in the future, you must remember Come back and have a look. We are a family, but you are very welcome to visit often~"

"I will!" Through the car window, Harry nodded earnestly to Prince Charlie.

No matter what the crown prince's real purpose is, Harry has received the greatest kindness and help from the other party during this period, so if conditions permit, he is of course willing to maintain a long-term friendship with the crown prince's family.

The car started slowly, and the surrounding scenery swept back quickly. It didn't take long before Harry arrived at his destination—Granger's house in the outskirts of London.

After getting out of the car, Harry found that the Grangers were already waiting outside.

"Oh, you're Harry, right? It's great that you can come!" Mrs. Granger stepped forward excitedly and took Harry's hand, "You know, we've been looking forward to your coming soon~"

"From now on, treat this place as your own home." Mr. Granger is full of gentlemanly demeanor, "I can assure you, child, we will have a good time from now on. Family time."

"I'm sure it will! Thank you both very much for taking in... Uncle Granger and Aunt Granger." Harry nodded gratefully, but after hesitating for a while, he didn't choose to change his words directly.

However, the Grangers obviously didn't care about this. After enthusiastically helping Harry pack his luggage, they began to communicate with the crown prince's adjutant about some specific adoption matters.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Harry also began to seriously look at the new family he was about to join in front of him.

The Grangers are typical British middle-class elites. They behaved generously and talked well, and their every move showed gentleman and elegance. Absolutely more than enough.

His house is bigger than the Dursleys' house, and it also has a two-story layout. The overall decoration is not particularly luxurious, but it is full of delicate and warm feelings, which shows that the owner usually takes care of it very seriously.

The room they prepared for Harry was on the second floor, across from the couple's own room, while their daughter, who was Harry's age, lived on the first floor.

"So...you are the very powerful Harry Potter who has been rumored outside?"

A proud and domineering voice came from behind. Harry, who was packing his luggage in the room, turned around and saw the last member of the Granger family.

She combed a head of thick and unkempt brown hair, and her slightly protruding front teeth, coupled with her haughty scrutiny at the moment, made people feel like a lion cub baring its teeth.

"Mom and Dad have been praising you since they read the news reports, but I think that if I were in that situation, I would definitely do better than you!"

"Maybe..." Harry shrugged nonchalantly, he didn't want to make a fuss about the daughter of his adoptive parents as soon as they met.

However, the girl was not relentless towards him.

"It's not maybe, but definitely! Besides, I know about your situation. I'm almost ten months older than you, so you have to call me sister!"

There was a confident light in the girl's big and energetic brown eyes, from which Harry read a hint of wanting to compete.

"Sorry... Only this matter is absolutely impossible!"

What a joke, Harry is an adult, he doesn't want to pretend to be tender and call a girl of the same age what sister~

"Hmph, it's impossible? Let's wait and see~" Without getting the answer she expected, the girl glared at Harry displeasedly, turned around and ran downstairs after throwing a gauntlet.

A very interesting little girl, Harry thought to himself.

Hermione Jane Granger…

Maybe, my life after being adopted will not be too peaceful~

No.16 Teacher Tony will never be

"Brother, hurry up and wash my hair for my sister!!" In the morning, when the sun was just right, a rather domineering shout suddenly broke the original tranquility of Granger's house.

"..." However, the boy who was reading on the second floor didn't move at all, as if he couldn't hear him at all.

"Brother! Come here quickly, your sister and I need to wash my hair now!!"

"... "

"Harry, you stinky brother!!!" After calling two times in a row and it didn't work, someone blocking the door of Harry's room finally blew his hair.

"Hermione, I've been here for more than a year, don't you still refuse to recognize the reality?" Harry casually picked out his ears, and lazily put down the book in his hand, "When you call me, if There are always words like 'sister and brother', and it is absolutely impossible for me to respond."

"You! Harry, come here and help me wash my hair, it's okay!" Hermione changed her words quite quickly, obviously she also knew Harry's habits, and she was just having fun just now.

"Homework for a week, otherwise we won't talk about it~" Seeing that he had a business, Harry became a little more serious, and pointed a finger at Hermione.

"Impossible, one day at most!" Hermione lowered the reward to the minimum without even thinking about it.

She actually learned this from Harry. No matter what business you are talking about, you must try to lower the price as much as possible at the very beginning. Maybe the other party will agree~

Even if the other party disagrees, it doesn't matter, the big deal is to add a little bit more.

In someone's words, this is called the strategy of bargaining.

"Come on, at least four days!"

Look, relax~

However, although a week has been cut by less than half, the greedy Miss Granger still wants to work harder.

"Can you reduce it a bit more, like three days..."

"Close the door, thank you!"

"Four days, four days is fine! I'll wait for you in the bathroom first~" Seeing that the deal was about to collapse, Hermione hurriedly agreed to Harry's previous price, and then ran towards the stairs as if she was afraid that the other party would regret it .

But before leaving, she refused to admit defeat and made a face at Harry.

"Tch, Harry, you are a stinky brother!"

"Heh~" Harry, who was getting up and going downstairs at this time, had a playful expression on his face.

Hermione was still in a hurry, she thought she had successfully cut off half of the homework pay by bargaining, but she didn't know that there were no homework on six days of the week, so Harry only saved her by one day~

Of course, he could understand why Hermione was so anxious, because her hair was really difficult to manage.

Going downstairs to the bathroom, Harry used a thermometer to strictly control the water temperature of the shower between 37-40 degrees. After fully wetting Hermione's hair, he began to wash it with shampoo... But this was only the first step. step.

Next, Harry needs to use olive oil to help Hermione maintain her scalp and hair roots, and use a homemade conditioner made of egg liquid to maintain her hair, and finally wash her hair completely.

This set of procedures can't be done in less than two hours!

Hermione enjoyed the process, though.

In her opinion, being able to wash his hair should be one of the few advantages of Harry, a somewhat 'hate' guy.

Although they have been together for more than a year, Hermione still feels that she doesn't like Harry, or...not particularly like Harry like her parents.

Harry once attracted the attention of the whole of England by himself. Hermione thought he would be the kind of aggressive and outstanding kid, but later found out that he was not.

His grades are mediocre, neither outstanding nor bottom, and he always passes the exam, long live, and never wants to take an extra point.

He is usually not very talkative, and he rarely makes friends. Even after school and on weekends, he doesn’t want to go out with people. Apart from visiting the Crown Prince’s family occasionally, what he does most often is to read books and do some in-person activities. Hermione's seemingly pointless exercise.

Running, push-ups, sit-ups, etc... In Hermione's view, these exercises only make people have strong limbs but a simple mind.

However, it wasn't long before Hermione realized she was wrong.

Harry's brain is definitely not unintelligent, he is just plain lazy!

For example, he often gets [-] points in the test, but it's not because of his limited ability, but because he only wants to get [-] points in the test!

He especially hated homework, and was often threatened by the teacher to drop out of school, but his grades have been stable.

And Hermione also discovered that Harry seems to have a lot of special algorithms for some math and science topics!

For example, a few days ago, when Hermione was struggling with a problem of 'knowing the lengths of the three sides of a triangle, the area needs to be calculated', Harry actually gave the result directly within a minute of watching it, and it was completely correct!

(Harry: Tsk, I don’t even know Helen’s formula, so I’m ashamed to call myself a top student~)

In short, when Hermione discovered the 'secret' that Harry had hidden, she began to compete with Harry both openly and secretly.

Hermione has been trying to motivate Harry in various ways, wanting him to show his true "strength" in studies, but it's a pity that Harry is not up to the trick at all, and is still playing around leisurely in front of the salted fish.

And Hermione also found that Harry was really good at pleasing his parents.

He can cook and do a lot of housework, he can read almost all the books at home, he can take care of the flowers and plants in the small courtyard in an orderly manner by himself, and he can also go to his father's clinic to help pack equipment and medicines!

Hermione, who is competitive, also tried to learn from others on a whim, and then... there is no more~

The most irritating thing is that Harry's stinky brother actually commented on "specialization in art", which clearly means that he looks down on himself and thinks that he is not good at doing these things?

What a joke!

She is a talented girl praised by others, Hermione Granger, is there anything she can't handle...

Well, there really are~

Hermione's hair is the 'enemy' she has never defeated since birth.

Her hair is too dry and too thick, no matter how hard she tries to manage it, she will end up like a fried lion... and a male lion~

So, just when Hermione was helpless with her hair, Harry, who couldn't see it, made a move...

Of course, it's not because he feels sorry for Hermione, but because he wants to use it as a bargaining chip, so that Hermione can help him with those damn homework~

Harry didn't study beauty and hairdressing in his previous life, but the work he was doing required him to have a good understanding of the human body, so he knew some ways to improve hair quality, which happened to be used on Hermione.

After more than a year of grooming, although Hermione's hair hasn't improved much, at least it can be tied up successfully when needed.

"Harry, just because of your skills, opening a barber shop in the future will definitely make a lot of money~" Enjoying the professional head massage from Harry, Hermione felt so comfortable that she was about to fall asleep.

Therefore, as long as you pay a little bit of remuneration for homework, you can enjoy a professional-level head care that is as good as Mr. Tony on the street corner. While gaining comfort, it can also greatly improve hair quality. This deal is simply too cost-effective. ~

"I'd rather inherit your father's dental clinic~" Harry shook his head noncommittally, and covered Hermione's head with a towel, "After washing, dry yourself."

What are you kidding, I will not become Teacher Tony, that is purely a waste of knowledge that comes with time travel.

Besides, his hands are precious, do you really think he is willing to touch anyone's hair?

No.17 chapter genuine must support

"By the way, Prince William has some personal matters. He invited me to stay at Highgrove Manor for a few days. I will go out later. My uncle and aunt have already said hello."

Seeing that Hermione had already started to dry her hair by the window, Harry also turned and left, ready to pack his things for going out.

"You've already told your parents, what else are you telling me to do?"

Hermione raised her eyebrows nonchalantly. Harry had visited the Crown Prince quite a few times in the past year, and even had the honor to visit with the Granger family. She was used to this for a long time.


"Private matter, what is that?" Hermione was obviously also curious about the gossip about the royal family.

"It's something you'd better never encounter in your life~" Harry shook his head, but didn't tell Hermione clearly.

Harry played well with William, and got along well with the little Prince Harry who had the same name as him. Now that William was depressed due to family changes, he had to go and see.

As for this kind of family accident, Harry felt that Hermione should never encounter it, after all, the Grangers had always been loving.

"Tch, don't talk if you don't say it, I don't mind listening to it~" Hermione pretended to be impatient and played with the ends of her hair, "Hurry up if you want to leave! Also...remember to go early and come back early~"

"Got it~" Harry nodded with a chuckle, and turned to pack his things.

He enjoyed the current state very much. Although Hermione was always fierce and domineering, she was actually kind-hearted and cared for Harry like family.

It's really nice to have such a smart and proud sister~

(Hermione: Nonsense! I am obviously a sister!)

Hermione continued to bask in the sun by the window, while Harry packed up and prepared to go out... However, none of them expected that the few days when Harry was away would have an impact on the future of the two of them!

In the afternoon when Harry left, a special letter quietly arrived at Granger's house; and in the evening, a mysterious guy wrapped in a cloak from head to toe knocked on the door of Granger's house .


A few days later, Harry was walking home alone, thinking of Prince William's troubles before, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

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