a certain scientific harry potter

Page 19


However, before he could identify the source of the voice, the Sorting Hat had already determined Hannah's belonging.

The next one to be sorted was a girl named Susan Burns. Harry listened carefully this time, and sure enough, he heard the commentary voice again.

"Talented, but not confident enough..." "Hufflepuff!"

The third to be sorted was a boy named Terry Boot.

"Good brains, a little clever..." "Ravenclaw!"

After listening to three people in a row, Harry was finally sure that what he heard were the thoughts of the Sorting Hat!

It seems that when sorting each student, the Sorting Hat will make complaints while considering it. Students with obvious characteristics will get the results quickly, while some will take a long time... Of course, it will also complain more at the same time.

And Harry also discovered that the freshmen present, perhaps including the professors, should not be able to hear the complaints about the Sorting Hat, but only the final result.

So... After going to Diagon Alley, did my ears mutate?

The fact that Harry was able to hear the wand calling before was still unresolved, and now there was another hat to complain about. He didn't know whether this change was good or bad.

The branch is still going on, and when the next name is called, Professor McGonagall's tone obviously becomes a little excited.

"Next is...Harry Potter?"

no respond.

"Harry...well, Harry Granger."

Harry's position was obvious, and when Professor McGonagall saw the noncommittal expression on his face, he immediately realized that he had called the wrong name on the spur of the moment.

That's right~

Harry's original stern expression became relaxed again. He ignored the whispers about his surname, and walked towards the Sorting Hat shyly.

"Hmm... Your name is Harry Granger, right? To be honest, it's really hard for me to choose where you will go~"

The Sorting Hat kept writhing on Harry's head. It was so tangled that it seemed to curl up into a ball, but it still couldn't draw a proper conclusion.

"You definitely don't lack courage. Your heart is not bad. Talent... Oh, impossible! Your talent is so... I can't believe it at all! As for the end... Forget it, your ambition is not worthy of your talent at all~"

This is really fatal~

From the perspective of the Sorting Hat, Harry has both the courage recognized by Godric and the loyalty admired by Helga, but he is also a monster who will be fought for by Rowena and Salazar. There is no choice at all!

"Harry, I have never met a child like you since I was created by the four of Godric..." After struggling for a while, the Sorting Hat asked as if asking for advice, "Do you think you are suitable to be sorted?" Which college did you go to?"

"Huh?" Hearing the Sorting Hat's question, Harry was stunned for a moment.

This is...you can choose by yourself?

Chapter 32 The Broken Hat Is A Little Underburned

"Let me think about it...the sorting hat, if there was a talented girl with a proud personality and a good mind, where would you sort her?"

After pondering for a while, Harry seemed to have an idea. Instead of directly making a choice, he asked the Sorting Hat some other questions.

At first, Harry didn't expect that the Sorting Hat would allow him to take the initiative to make choices, but since he got such a benefit, he must make good use of it.

To him, it didn't really matter which college he was assigned to, what mattered was which college Hermione would go to.

If I'm not in the same academy as her, wouldn't it be impossible for her to drop out of school together... No, I can't protect her better~

Although in the original work, Hermione was sorted to Gryffindor, but now the plot is affected by me, and it may not develop as before, so it is more reliable to ask the Sorting Hat in advance.

"Of course it's Ravenclaw!" The Sorting Hat replied without thinking, "Rowena's favorite is the kind of smart girl you described."

"Then I'll go to Ravenclaw!"

"Okay! Harry Granger is a freshman in Ravenclaw!!"

Harry made his decision without even thinking about it, and the Sorting Hat happily sorted him into Eagle House!

"By the way, the girl after me is the schoolmaster girl I told you just now, and you can just sort her into Ravenclaw when the time comes."

When he was about to leave, Harry was worried that he would not be safe, so he pointed at Hermione and greeted the Sorting Hat.

Professor McGonagall's list of new students is obviously sorted by the first letter of the surname, and his registered name is Harry Granger, which means that Hermione will definitely follow him in the sorting process.

Say hello to the Sorting Hat in advance to prevent Hermione from running around.

"No problem~" The Sorting Hat agreed very simply.

In its view, the girl in Harry's mouth definitely meets Rowena Ravenclaw's requirements for students~

"Hermione Granger!" As expected, Professor McGonagall called Hermione's name just after Harry left.

She should have been Ravenclaw too...

"This... is a bit difficult~"

I wipe?

Before Harry could sit still amidst the cheers of the Ravenclaw students, he heard the Sorting Hat's muttering in astonishment.

What's the situation, is it possible that this broken hat is going to go back on its word?

"Although, as he said, your talent is indeed outstanding, but if you consider it from the perspective of personality..." The Sorting Hat struggled for a while, and seemed to have finally made up its mind, "I still think that your college should be Gran... "

"You wait for me!!"

The Sorting Hat's judgment on Hermione was finally drowned out by Harry's furious roars, and Harry himself had already rushed back to the center of the auditorium in one stride!

"You dare to say nothing?!" Harry grabbed the sorting hat on Hermione's head, staring and questioning, "How did you promise me just now, didn't you agree that Hermione would be sorted to Ravencquer?" Did you work?!"

"She is indeed in line with Rowena's requirements, but I think the courage in her heart is even stronger~" The Sorting Hat retorted solemnly, without feeling any guilt at all for changing her mind on the spot.

Just kidding, I have presided over the sorting ceremony for centuries, and I am definitely an authority among authorities!

I will not make a wrong judgment... Even if my judgment is really wrong, then it must be correct!

In short, the Sorting Hat does not want to change the judgment of Hermione being sorted to Gryffindor at all!

"Mr. Granger, get back to your place!"

"Harry, can you stop messing around?"

Professor McGonagall's scolding came from the side, and Hermione also seemed a little at a loss. Harry's sudden behavior of destroying the sorting house obviously caught them by surprise.

After catching a glimpse of Professor McGonagall's uncertain expression, Harry's thoughts changed sharply, and he suddenly thought of a way to keep himself and Hermione from dropping out of school.

"Hats... words don't count but you have to pay a price!!"

Harry vaguely touched the ring on his hand, quickly took out a bottle of medical alcohol, and poured all of it on the sorting hat!

Then, Harry flipped his wrist, took out a lighter as if by magic, and lit the Sorting Hat in front of all the teachers and students in Hogwarts!

"Fire! Oh, damn it! Put out the fire, put out the fire for me!!"

Scattered flames took advantage of the power of the alcohol and sprang up, and the Sorting Hat, which was suddenly wrapped in fireballs, hurriedly began to cry for help at the top of its lungs.

It may not be really afraid of this flame, but it will definitely panic.

After all, after hosting the sorting ceremony for so many years, it is probably the first time that it was set on fire by a student~

"Clear water is like a spring!"

Professor McGonagall immediately summoned a spring of water with a spell, trying to extinguish the flames on the Sorting Hat. Several senior Ravenclaw students also hurriedly cooperated with other professors to control Harry. The whole scene Just mess around!

The reason why Harry succeeded was not because the professors at Hogwarts were too careless, but because it happened so suddenly that they didn't expect it at all.

Living in the magic world for a long time, when these wizards encounter problems, the first thing they think of is to use magic to solve them. If Harry uses a magic spell to set fire, then no matter it is Professor McGonagall or anyone else, they will definitely be able to stop it in time. he.

But who would have thought that Harry would carry alcohol and a lighter with him~

In other words, for Harry, who is a medical professional, it is common sense to always have medical tools that can be disinfected and burned by his side.

Especially when he has doubts about the medical level of the magic world, the medicine reserve in the space ring will naturally be more abundant~

The fire on the Sorting Hat was extinguished, and Harry had been successfully controlled, but it was still inevitable that noisy discussions rang out in the banquet hall.

The students who usually like to make troubles, now their eyes are even brighter, looking at Harry as if they are looking at a new king who is about to be crowned!

"My God...Harry, why on earth would he do such a thing?!" Seeing this scene, Hermione, who was ignored by the side, suddenly went crazy and jumped on the spot.

"Mr. Granger, you..."

"Hat, I'll give you a chance to repeat, which house do you want Hermione to go to?" Harry, who was captured by several students, ignored Professor McGonagall's questioning, but threatened the sorting house threateningly. Hat, "I'm not afraid to tell you, I can use fire today, and the day after tomorrow I can use scissors, strong acid, or even magic power directly, and play with you with various means that can make you scrap!"

"In front of all the teachers and students in the school, I can solemnly assure you: if you insist on assigning Hermione to another house, Hogwarts in the future... will not have a sorting hat to use!!"

"This... Ravenclaw! Hermione Granger will be assigned to Ravenclaw, so it's okay!!"

After being threatened by Harry, the Sorting Hat was obviously discouraged, and finally changed its judgment screaming.

It has just had a general understanding of Harry's personality, so it is clear that this kid is definitely not joking!

So... face is precious, but life is more expensive~

Chapter 33 Lao Deng's punishment was 'very serious'

At this moment in the Hogwarts auditorium, various noises came and went, and the onlookers kept discussing Harry's previous behavior, and at the same time all focused their attention on Hermione.

The legendary savior, Harry Potter... no, it should be called Harry Granger now, he spent so much time in messing around, he even burned the sorting hat in front of the whole school, but he just wanted to change Hermione's sorting result?

Even if there is a relationship of adopting siblings, there is no need to pay such a high price!

At this moment, many people at the scene, especially some students who claimed to know very well, had begun to look at Harry and Hermione with a special look.

In order to let the girl who gets along day and night be sorted into the same college as him, he even risked his own future and brazenly challenged the authority of the sorting hat... Tsk tsk~

Sure enough, this is a beautiful youth!

"Harry, why are you so nonsense..."

Hermione, who was in the middle of the auditorium, was really angry and anxious, but when she saw Harry's still calm face, she couldn't complain at all.

Her thoughts are actually similar to those of the onlookers on the sidelines, but there are no fancy extensions for the time being.

Hermione knew that Harry would do this because he cared about himself in the final analysis.

After the previous incident, Harry was very afraid that he would be bullied at Hogwarts, so when facing people like Malfoy, his attitude would always be particularly sharp.

Now, in order to allow the two of them to be assigned to the same academy so that they can take care of him anytime, anywhere, he used a fire to force the sorting hat to make a compromise!

It's just... Does this guy not consider his own situation at all?

He made things like this, how will it end later? !

What's more... after today, how will the teachers and students in the school think of themselves...

"Miss Granger, your branch has ended, please go and sit at Ravenclaw College now."

After such a big incident happened, Dumbledore naturally couldn't continue to watch the show with the old god in his seat. After getting up slowly, he took the lead in speaking and asked Hermione to leave the bewildered Hermione.

"Yes..." Hermione walked towards the long table in the Eagle Court, turning her head three times at a time. She was very worried about the development of the situation, and even more worried about what kind of punishment Harry would face!

As for Ravenclaw, there was only a burst of sparse applause, which could be regarded as welcoming Hermione to join.

Most of the students who can enter the Eagle Academy have good brains, so many people are secretly calculating how much points Harry's actions just now will deduct from their academy!

Dumbledore kept staring at Hermione's back until she was completely seated before looking away, and walked slowly in front of Harry with a long beard.

"Harry... Granger, how on earth did you set the Sorting Hat on fire?"

"Medical alcohol and a lighter, I bring them with me~" Harry nonchalantly took out the crime tools he had just put away from his robe pocket, and at the same time took the opportunity to slip the ring into his pocket.

"Why do you do such a thing?" Dumbledore asked, staring at Harry with extremely deep eyes.

"My reason, principal, haven't you heard all about it just now?" Harry glared at the water-stained sorting hat angrily. , naturally set a fire~"

"So...you can do whatever you want because you're out of breath?" Hearing Harry's answer, Dumbledore's face darkened.

"You can say whatever you want, anyway, it's already been done." Harry folded his hands behind his head carelessly, "You can do whatever you want, I don't care~"

Harry dealt with it very easily, but he still couldn't hide the hidden resentment in his eyes.

Huh, nonsense?

If burning your hat is considered nonsense, then Dawlish hypnotizes the two children William and Harry at will, is it considered nonsense?

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