a certain scientific harry potter

Page 25

His personality is like this, if someone treats him well, then he naturally doesn't mind giving back; but if someone always wants to control him, forcing him to do things he doesn't want to do, to admit things that he doesn't think are fundamental. Even nonsense and nonsense, Harry didn't mind being a powder keg that exploded at any point.

But having said that, Harry actually wanted to complain. You said that Professor Flitwick, such an amiable little old man, insisted on dealing with two stacks of broken books under the podium for more than ten years. Get up and give him something to step on~

Don't these Hogwarts students have anything else on their minds besides learning magic and competing for the house cup?

The days when you can't do anything are very boring, and Harry can only wait silently for the good opportunity to drop out of school, but one day, he finds that Hermione has an extra idle book in her hand for the first time.

"The Magical Quidditch Ball", after reading this book, Harry remembered that they still had flying lessons to attend.

But to be honest, even if Harry knew that he was good at flying in the original book, he had no interest at all in the flying lessons and Quidditch that everyone talked about.

He doesn't have the flying dreams of the sophomores, not to mention that as long as he has completely mastered Mo Ran, he can unlock all flying postures without riding a broom at all.

During the flying class on Wednesday, Harry was not very excited about what he said, but just confirmed his current flying talent a little bit.

Then...he decided to hide his clumsiness.

Harry recently discovered that the sounds he heard before should be the sound of magic flowing inside the magic item.

Any item mixed with magic materials will emit some sounds more or less. Although these sounds have various subtle differences, the timbre can be roughly divided into four categories.

Explosive, feminine, dynamic, and thick.

And these magical items that make sounds seem to respond positively to Harry's magic power and are happy to be used by him.

As with wands, broomsticks are no exception.

During the flying lessons, Harry even had a feeling that as long as he wanted to, he could easily call all the broomsticks to his side by saying 'come up'!

It was also because of this that Harry had to hide his clumsiness. After all, he didn't want to be persuaded by Professor Flitwick or anyone else to play Quidditch.

However, when he learned that the Lion Academy and the Snake Academy would have their first flying lesson together tomorrow, Harry suddenly had other thoughts.

The opportunity he has been looking for, to make trouble and drop out of school, seems to have appeared~

On the next Thursday morning, Harry and Hermione were dining in the dining room, but there was a small commotion at another table far away.

The classes in the Lion House and the Snake House were basically not together, so Malfoy rarely met Neville and Ron, who he had always looked down upon. Now that he saw them in the restaurant, he naturally wanted to bully them.

It just so happened that Neville's grandma sent him a memory ball, and Malfoy shot straight away and snatched the thing.

The riot was finally quelled by the intervention of Professor McGonagall. At the same time, the memory ball as a key physical evidence also evoked Harry's many impressions about the original movie.

So... Judging from the current situation, if he is not in the Lion House, when Malfoy picks up the memory ball in the afternoon, no one will stand up for Neville?

Then just let yourself be the messenger of justice... If Malfoy really dares to stab like the original book~

"Hermione, do you want to go to Hagrid this afternoon?" Thinking of this, Harry asked Hermione beside him, "He asked Hedwig to send me a letter, saying that he recently got a kitten and wanted to ask I want some special rations."

"Hagrid has a cat? That's really great~" Hermione had no doubts about Harry's words, "I really hope that when he learns to keep cats, he can also make the house cleaner. He That hound Fang keeps spitting all over the place!"

"Then it's settled. After the afternoon class is over, let's go directly across the playground, so that we can save some detours~"

Harry smiled happily, but he was already looking forward to it in his heart.

Malfoy, you must work harder~


After the afternoon's Transfiguration lesson, Harry made up some random excuse to go back to Filch to get some things, and by the time they actually left the castle, the Lion and the Snake's first flying lesson had already begun for a while.

"Help! Someone please help me!"

"Oops! The one in the sky is Neville!"

Hearing the shouts on the playground, Hermione looked up subconsciously, but found that Neville was riding around on a broomstick, and then accidentally knocked the broom and fell from the sky!

"His broom was out of control, and he probably fell hard."

Seeing this, Harry hurried over with Hermione. When they approached, Mrs. Hooch was about to take Neville away for treatment.

"I'm going to take this kid to the hospital. If you don't want to be kicked out of Hogwarts without even getting a Quidditch, then put the broomstick back in its place!"

Mrs. Hooch threatened the students present, and before she had time to speak to the Ha He who entered in disorder, she quickly left with the crying Neville.

"Look! Isn't that the memory ball that fool Longbottom's grandma gave him!"

But the sharp-eyed Malfoy found the shiny ball at the place where Neville fell.

"Malfoy, put it down! It's Neville's!"

Malfoy held the memory ball in his hand and smiled smugly, but except for Ron and another girl who dared to speak out, the rest of the Lion House remained silent.

However, Malfoy's smile soon froze on his face.

"bring here."

Harry stood not far from Malfoy, holding out his hand to ask for it with a blank expression.

Chapter 45 Malfoy can be provoked

When Harry uttered his voice, the atmosphere in the whole playground suddenly became tense.

Harry and Malfoy, one is a ruthless person who dares to set the Sorting Hat on fire, and the other is a representative of a pure-blood family. No one dares to ignore their confrontation!

"Harry, you..."

The corners of Malfoy's mouth kept twitching, his cheeks were white and red, and he was obviously quite conflicted.

Harry has always been very good at fighting, and the two of Deha had conflicts several times before, and in the end, without exception, Malfoy was beaten and defeated.

Therefore, the current Malfoy, at most, would have been addicted to Harry, and would never dare to do it.

But this time, Malfoy felt that Harry's hand stretched a little too far.

I bullied Neville from the Lion Academy and took Neville's memory ball. Does this have something to do with you, a student of the Eagle Academy?

You obviously finished flying lessons yesterday, why did you come to the playground today to join in the fun?

And... still using that domineering attitude to force me to hand over the memory ball in front of all the new students in the Snake Academy? !

At this moment, Malfoy could clearly feel those piercing gazes behind him.

That was the students who were also Slytherin and from pure-blood families, examining themselves—the leader of the first year of Slytherin!

Gritting his teeth, Malfoy suddenly grabbed the broom next to him and stepped up!

That's right, don't be cowardly!

Why should I be repeatedly suppressed by a self-willed and depraved guy, and even stepped on? !

"Harry, I won't give it to you~" Malfoy rode his broom into the air triumphantly, "I'm going to put it somewhere else, and then let Longbottom pick it up... yes, it's in the How about a tree, so that fool might fall again!"

"Malfoy, if I were you, I would definitely return the memory ball immediately, and apologize to Neville obediently."

Harry was completely unmoved by Malfoy's provocation, and this attitude let everyone present know...Harry is not afraid of Malfoy at all!

"Harry...Damn it! Stop pretending and talking big there, fly up and snatch it if you have the ability!"

Malfoy kept provoking Harry in the sky. He was really good at flying. He could even perform maneuvers such as levitation or emergency stop in the air. While showing off his skills to the people around him, he could also continue to taunt Harry along the way.

"Harry, I think you can't fly at all!" Malfoy flew to a position two meters in front of Harry and stopped, triumphantly provoking, "What's the matter, aren't you usually very arrogant and domineering, what are you doing now? Are you dumb? Harry, admit it, you will only die at my feet!!"

"Harry, don't go!" Hermione tugged on Harry's sleeve tightly, "Malfoy is provoking you, you will suffer if you go up rashly!"

From Hermione's point of view, Malfoy obviously practiced flying before entering school, but Harry was 'only' able to hover at a low altitude of less than three floors yesterday, and it is absolutely impossible to beat him in the air!

Well, if Hermione knew that Harry had a Quidditch Seeker father, she might not think so.

"I know~" Harry responded lightly, but his face was slightly troubled.

Malfoy, how should I put it...the brain should be a little watt~

If he had been flying in the sky, then Harry would have to follow the original book later, just grab a broom and fly up to play an air race with him.

But now that he himself came to the door to taunt, could Harry still run away from him?

"To deal with you, I don't need to fly." Harry slowly raised his palm towards Malfoy's broom, "Come here!!"


With a sharp shout, Malfoy's broom suddenly broke free from his control and flew directly into Harry's hands!

And Malfoy was caught off guard, and fell to the ground again.

"Damn it! Harry, what the hell did you do to my broom?!" Malfoy sat on the ground, clutching his buttocks and yelling angrily.

"It's nothing, it's just that your broom prefers to obey my orders, just like you who are waiting~" Harry came to Malfoy and stretched out his hand condescendingly again, "Malfoy... hand over Neville's memory ball .”

"..." Being threatened by Harry looking down again, Malfoy's expression gradually froze.

How many times has it been?

I was easily brought down by that bastard Harry...

Before meeting Harry, Malfoy never thought that as a noble pureblood, he would be trampled underfoot again and again!

"One last time, hand over Neville's Remembrall." Harry whispered in Malfoy's ear with a strong mocking voice, "No matter how much you dawdle, it won't change the current result. Malfoy, don't you Do you understand...you who claim to be superior to others are actually a useless piece of trash!"


In fact, Malfoy has never figured out why Harry would fight against him for such a useless fool as Neville, but he knows that he is angry now!

And out of anger! !

"Why should I... hand this thing over?!"

Suddenly, Malfoy slammed the memory ball to the ground, snarling, got up and jumped at Harry!

"Harry Potter, why do you bastard dare to order me like this?!!"

Very good, this guy is finally fried~

Seeing the distorted Malfoy pounce on him, Harry's face quietly flashed a gleam of joy, but at the same time, his body didn't dodge or dodge, he directly kicked Malfoy over on the spot!

"Bastard! Bastard Potter! Crabbe, Goyle, what are you still doing?!"

Conscious of being extremely 'humiliated' by Harry, Malfoy did not admit his cowardice this time, but stood up enduring the pain and got back up, shouting for the two followers to besiege Harry together!

"God...why did it happen again?"

Seeing this scene, Hermione put her hand on her forehead helplessly, but quietly clenched her wand tightly in her hand.

It's wrong to fight, but my younger brother can't suffer even more!

"Three beat Harry and one, these Slytherin guys are too shameless!"

Among the students in the Lion Academy, Ron, who couldn't see clearly, felt sorry for Harry. He wanted to run out to help, but after observing the battle situation, he hesitated.

Even in the face of the siege of the three, Harry was still able to dodge most of the attacks of Crabbe and Goyle with his agility, chasing and beating Malfoy without any scruples... Ron asked himself, he absolutely did not This ability.

He is obviously at ease now, but if he goes up, it will be a disservice to him, it will be a lot of fun.

"Damn it...Harry, you should be damned! Use wands for me, I'll take care of what happens!!" Once again, Malfoy was bruised and swollen from being hit by Harry, and in a fit of rage, Malfoy pulled out his own wand!

"Harry Potter, I must make you look good today, so that you never dare to underestimate me, Draco Malfoy! Crabbe, Goyle, fuck me!!"

Under the threat of Malfoy almost losing his mind, Crabbe and Goyle had to pull out their wands at the same time, and a child's fight instantly turned into a duel of underage wizards!

But even so, Malfoy still felt that it was not enough!

"Today, anyone who dares to inform the professor is an enemy of me, Draco Malfoy, and the enemy of our Malfoy family! Besides...Zabini, Nott, and others, don't you want to fix it? Harry the bastard?!"

"This guy not only turned his back on the glory of wizards and took the initiative to join the Muggle family, but now he wants to trample on the glory of pure blood. Are you... are you still indifferent?!"

Chapter 46 The Snake House is actually very united

At this moment, Malfoy has completely ignored it.

The previous encounters in Diagon Alley, the encounters on the first day of school, and the embarrassment when facing Harry every time since then, finally all broke out at this moment!

Hitting back with fists could no longer dispel the resentment in Malfoy's heart, he wanted to use his wand!

Only by using a spell to torture Harry to the brink of death can he be truly happy!

Moreover, Malfoy was not satisfied with only doing it himself, so his two followers, as well as some other prestigious students in the Snake Court, were all forced by him to besiege Harry!

"I think it works."

"I agree~"

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