a certain scientific harry potter

Page 368

"So... this choice is actually not very difficult."

As if she had figured something out, Luna decisively took out her wand, lifted Antonin Dolokhov, who was pretending to be a lying corpse, with a levitation spell, and threw him into the sea of ​​flames in front of her with a blank expression!

And at this time, Hahe and Hahe also returned hand in hand, they shrunk Nobeta again, and held Luna's hand at the same time.

"It's done, let's go to the Hall of Death and lock that weird room!"

Harry launched Apparation again, but just as their bodies were about to disappear, Luna suddenly let out a soft cry.


Feeling a little warmth left between her lips, the girl who was calm just now started to panic again...

Chapter 780 The Sound of Death Follows Everywhere

Accompanied by the special sound of Apparition, the three of Harry have appeared in the Death Hall of the Department of Mysteries.

In Harry Potter's memory, Sirius of this time and space fell here, so Harry decided to lock the room to ensure that the group of people outside would not break in by mistake.

"Hey, crazy girl, why is your face so red?" But just as they were about to split up to block the road, Hermione suddenly noticed that Luna's complexion was different, so she asked pretendingly puzzled.

"Ah... I am, just now... Yes, it was because Norbeta was too hot when she breathed out fire, and I accidentally got roasted~" Luna covered her face, panicked involuntarily for a while, hurriedly stumbling The female Charmander is carried out as a shield.

And Nobeta, who was lying in her arms at the moment, had already started to roll her eyes speechlessly.

Please, can you shake the pot in a more scientific way?

The old lady just breathed fire and didn't fart, the fire was blown forward desperately, you can still be roasted while hiding behind the root of my tail? !

"Oh... is that so, then you should be more careful when you carry it." Hermione snorted softly when she heard the words, and said 'concern' in a neutral way.

In other words, why is the crazy girl blushing, can she still not see it?

Scumbag, heh tui~

The episode just happened did not affect the work efficiency of men and women. The three of them quickly applied locking spells and expulsion spells to all the entrances and exits in the house, and Hermione also proposed to use the core of the same source to reinforce them. over again.

Hmm... How to kill two birds with one stone while improving your power and showing affection and spreading dog food.

Luna: ...

Seeing Hermione's intentionally successful trick, Luna suddenly wanted to go back and pluck the tail hair of Lao Deng's phoenix~

At this moment, Harry was already attracted by the windless and automatic curtain.

The Hall of Death in the Department of Mysteries, even though he had repeatedly studied all of Rookwood's memories when he was the Reticent Man, he still felt that this place was full of fog.

The arches and veils of the Department of Mysteries had existed long before Rookwood could remember.

Even the location of the British Ministry of Magic was chosen because of that arch... This Hall of Death was the original building of the Ministry of Magic, and the other floors and rooms were gradually perfected on this basis.

In the centuries since the establishment of the Ministry of Magic in England...perhaps longer, countless wizards have devoted themselves to studying this mystery, hoping to explore death and the mysteries of the unknown world to the greatest extent.

But they all failed without exception, and those wizards who passed through the veil for various reasons also never came back...just like Sirius in the 'original book'.

"That curtain is beautiful..." Luna seemed to be equally attracted by the curtain, and seemed to be even more obsessed, "Behind that door, it seems that someone is talking..."

"Beautiful?" Carefully looking at the crumbling old arch in the middle of the house and the tattered black curtains on the door, Hermione couldn't see any so-called beauty at all, only felt cold and weird.

As for someone talking, it is even more impossible... The whole room was extremely quiet, and they could even hear Norberta's breathing clearly.

But after such a dazed effort, she found that Luna had already staggered towards the arched door!

"Crazy girl, come back quickly! It's dangerous there!!" Hermione was startled when she saw this, and hurried over to grab Luna tightly.

They have all read the memories of Harry Potter. The Sirius in this time and space died unfortunately because he fell into the curtain... In Hermione's mind, this weird 'curtain' that was automatic without wind was like The soul-calling banner that seduces life!

"But, I really heard someone talking!" Luna defended aggrievedly, still looking at the archway helplessly, "Know everything...I really heard it, it seems that someone is calling me..."

"Harry, what the hell is going on?" Seeing that Luna couldn't make any sense, Hermione had to turn to Harry.

"What Luna heard was the call of the dead. I can actually hear it too, but it's not as strong as her. As for Hermione, it's a good thing that you can't hear it..."

Harry explained softly, and at the same time came to hold Luna's hand, comforting her in this way.

"Could it be..." Hermione suddenly understood.

Harry had said something similar to her once, when they were riding in the Thestral carriage, and Hermione couldn't see the Thestrals at that time.

Therefore, Harry and Luna can hear the call of the dead because they have lost important relatives.

"But that's just someone borrowing their voices to deceive us! Those who exist on the other side of the curtain are definitely not the real ones!" Harry tightened Luna's hand, "Those who love us, They will always only hope that we can be happy, and they may want to see us again, but they will never drive us to go to them through the veil... What's more, this is not our time and space."

"I know..." After being reminded by Harry, Luna had also come to her senses at this time.

She forced herself not to listen to the voice behind the curtain, but there was still a little longing on her face.

"Heh...you look quite open~"

"What?!" Harry was startled suddenly, he suddenly looked up at the curtain in the middle of the room, and felt that the words just now must have come from behind!

"What the hell are you..." subconsciously wanted to ask, but he didn't want the two girls beside him to worry, so Harry swallowed the words reluctantly.

"You should have already guessed who I am. If you want to confirm, you might as well come down and take a look." The mysterious voice continued, "Only when you keep getting closer to death can you see...the real appearance."

"What did you say?!" Harry frowned vigilantly. He didn't hear the last sentence of that voice clearly, but he knew that the other party was definitely trying to seduce him!

It's just...Harry had to admit that he couldn't ignore the other party's existence at all.

This so-called god full of evil tastes has been entangled with him like a shadow since he traced the Deathly Hallows, and he can't get rid of it no matter what, even in a different time and space.

Harry really hated it, but he had to admit the fear in his heart.

It was the same even now, he wished he could escape from here immediately, but he always suspected that the other party would do something, which caused his plan to save Sirius to fall short.

Moreover, Harry had an inexplicable feeling that once he escaped here today, he might not have the confidence to face this guy at all in the future!

"Okay...no matter what you want me to see, I'll just accompany you!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Harry turned his heart and walked down the first step...

"Harry?" Hermione was taken aback when she saw this, "What are you doing?!"

"You stay here, I have to go down and have a look."

He responded softly, and at the same time tried to let go of Luna's hand, but the latter held it tighter all of a sudden.

"If you want to go down, then take me with you..." Luna said firmly, "I won't let you go there alone!"

"Take us with you!" Hermione also took Harry's other hand at this time, "It looks like you have made up your mind, we will definitely accompany you at this time."


Harry didn't have much to say about the two girls' perseverance, he just held their hands tightly, and at the same time warned himself never to let go!

Chapter 780 Two Journey Towards Death Together

The structure of the death hall is very strange. It is not so much a room as it is a huge pit.

The arches and curtains were at the deepest part of the room, and the vertical drop from the highest step where Harry and the others were located was more than six meters.

The room is surrounded by steps that descend step by step. Each step is very steep. It looks like a lecture theater, but it is actually more like a mysterious altar sunken downward.

When he went down the first step, Harry didn't feel anything special, except that the atmosphere was a little heavy.

But when he continued to go down, something strange suddenly appeared.

Hermione and Luna beside him seemed to have grown up all of a sudden, and Harry could notice the changes in their figures, and their facial features became more mature and three-dimensional, which was completely at the age of graduating adults.

"Uh...Harry, how did you grow up, and so did the crazy girl?" Hermione seemed to have sensed this change, and immediately hugged Harry's arm nervously.

"It should be just a temporary change, I didn't feel anything unusual." Luna said after checking her situation.

"Is the passage of time really sudden enough... In short, let's continue to look down."

Harry felt that this was some guy who wanted them to experience the passage of time, and he didn't choose to stop there in order to figure out the meaning of it.

After walking forward for a while, Harry quickly confirmed his guess.

They were both in their twenties again, and Hermione looked more mature now, with almost no youthfulness on her face.

As for Luna...

"Luna?!" Harry inadvertently clenched his palms, and he found that Luna had disappeared!

"I'm here." The girl seemed to feel his worry, she approached Harry lightly, and held Harry's arm awkwardly.

"It's good to be there."

Harry stared at the blankness beside him for a long time, and finally saw Luna as an adult again.

He didn't know why this abnormality appeared, maybe it was because Luna was lost in the 'previous life'?

But no matter what, he won't let that happen again!

They leaned against each other like this, constantly going down, as if walking hand in hand in a long time.

Together through the age of 30, 40, or even a longer time.

He witnessed the process of the two girls from being young to mature, and showed him their most beautiful appearance successively, until their faces were covered with wrinkles at the end...

Suddenly, Harry began to enjoy the trip a little bit.

Going down step by step, the years have left deep marks on them, but they are still together, never separated for a moment.

Harry had already started to become dazzled, and he felt that he might have become an ugly old man, but he still saw the original eyes of the two women through their cloudy eyes.

That is an emotion that will never be erased no matter what kind of time changes. Aging may destroy the human body, but it can also allow love to continue to precipitate.

The last part of the steps is particularly steep, and they have to support each other to barely go down, and the constant slowness of their movements seems to indicate that their lives are coming to an end.

And the arch at the end may be the other shore of death...

Finally, Luna disappeared beside Harry again, this time even Hermione was gone, and the two disappeared together unexpectedly.

Harry no longer felt any touch around him, but he still felt that they must be by his side to accompany him!

And he was still holding their arms, and never let go because of 'death'.

He managed to stand in front of the arch, quietly staring at the curtain that would not stop even if there was no wind... That thing seemed to be attracting souls, people would die every moment in this world, so the curtain of the god of death would never stop. will stop.


Suddenly, a drop of water seemed to fly from the other side of the arch, it quietly expanded inside the arch, and finally condensed into a mirror in the ripples, allowing Harry to clearly see his current appearance.

There is nothing around him, he is old, and his beard is sloppy... This appearance is probably the same as Dumbledore in the eyes of many people.

It's just... if this was what he could only see when he was getting closer to death, if he could really live his life like this, Harry would feel very happy.

He can grow old with the people he loves, although they can't accompany him to the end, but he can always carry this longing with him until his own life ends...

"The journey of life is like this. Birth is always accompanied by death, and no one has ever escaped death, such as those around you." In the mirror of the arch, the old Harry suddenly spoke, "It seems that you saved this time. Sirius Black, but he will die in the end... For the god of death who has escaped the shackles of time, there is not much difference between the next second and decades. No matter how long the mortal soul escapes, it will eventually die. Return to the grasp of Death."

"But for the mortals you speak of, it's a world of difference!" Even though his voice was no longer as neutral as it was when he was young, Harry's rebuttal remained unwavering, "The meaning of life does not lie in When it starts or ends, it depends on the process you go through! Life may be afraid of death, but it is not because of fear of death, but because you want to have as much time as possible, and strive to make life more exciting!"

"And most importantly... hold on to what is most valuable in life!"

During the question and answer, Harry seemed to have regained the courage that had been suppressed all along. He barely held out his chest, and he refused to show timidity in front of the guy pretending to be him!

This courage comes from his side, even if he can't see it, even if it really disappears, they are still by his side!

Harry was most cautious when they were around him, worried about any trouble.

But at the same time, this is also the time when he is the bravest, and he can even face death without hesitation! !

"Courage is commendable, let me show you... what death really looks like!"

Opposite the arch, the old 'Harry' suddenly showed a sinister smile, and immediately turned into the terrifying image of death in Harry's nightmare!

It was dressed in a black robe, held a sickle, and the soul-inducing lamp at its waist was emitting a dim yellow light. A pair of black feathers spread out on its back, and it was staring at Harry with eyes burning with will-o'-the-wisps!

"Hmm..." Harry's body trembled uncontrollably, but then he secretly gritted his teeth and stared back stubbornly!

"Only this time... I will never be intimidated by you!"

Harry seems to have gradually overcome the fear of death, and his appearance has returned to his 14-year-old appearance.

"I admit that I am very afraid of you, and of course I am also afraid of death... But what I am really afraid of is that they suddenly leave me and that I can't stay with them for a long time, but I am not afraid of you or death itself!! "

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