a certain scientific harry potter

Page 375

Looking at Grindelwald's puzzled expression, Harry is now in a big trough~

This shit...what the hell is an oolong? !

Co-authoring Nagini that she brought back from Albania, the silent person in her memory is not herself at all, but that Aurelius Dumbledore? !

It was just because she lost her original memory after becoming a Viper completely, and happened to see her own Mo Ran, so she mistook herself for her original closest person...

Inexplicably, Harry had a feeling that he was watching the fire from the other side, but suddenly got burned himself.

Oh, Zouwu, you are not kind~

Harry rolled his eyes depressedly in his heart, and thought to himself that if Zou Wu, the knowing cat, hadn't deliberately misled him, he too...wait a minute!

Zouwu also knows Nagini!


The "past" that I have always cared about, and which Newt and others have kept secret, is actually mixed with the grievances between Dumbledore and Grindelwald? !

And I hate Grindelwald so much...

Suddenly, Harry seemed to understand something.

The arguments and confides of the two old men are still going on. They have not seen each other directly for 50 years.

In the end, it seemed that Dumbledore had a slight upper hand.

"Gellert, you can't deny the fact that Aurelius was destroyed by despair in the end." Dumbledore's expression was serious and a little scary, "He has lived in an environment lacking love since he was a child. The pain gave birth to another self in him, which was a black magic power that was terrifying enough to destroy everything; later, he met Nagini, and got a love that could make him stabilize in his difficulties, But Nagini's own problems are also very serious, she can't stay with Aurelius for a long time..."

"But you, in a nasty way, caused Aurelius to completely lose the only love around him, and finally fell to that darker self!"

"Albus, if you bring up the matter about your cousin to satirize me, then I can only say that your goal has been achieved. The winner is the loser, and you are the winner. Of course you can say whatever you want." Grindelwald Shaking his head helplessly, "But if you're just trying to warn this kid, then I don't think it's necessary...Look at his embracing behavior, doesn't he look like he lacks love?"

"It is precisely because Harry does not lack love that I need to warn him in advance, and even come to you to speak out...I don't want the tragedy of Aurelius to happen again, and I don't want him to regret it one day in the future! "

Dumbledore said righteously, but after that, he turned to Harry instead: "Son, how long has it been since your silence broke out?"

"Ah, me?" Harry, who was in deep thought, couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard Dumbledore's words, and then he said uncertainly, "Except for being out of control a few times at the Dursleys' house, I have It's pretty well under control most of the time."

"This is the crux of the problem~" Dumbledore nodded happily, "I don't know what you endured later, but in my personal opinion, compared with Aurelius, your experience is undoubtedly happier. As for your silence, you have never been able to fully break out."

"That's because I have this." Harry showed the ring on his hand, "This ring of mine, combined with a special calming spell, can greatly restrain the power of silence..."

"It's just a foreign object, and the power it provides is limited after all." Dumbledore shook his head, "The thing that can really restrain the power of silence is love. And you have never lacked this power."

"Is it... love?" Harry subconsciously repeated Dumbledore's words, and gradually realized something in his heart.

Whether it's Dumbledore and Grindelwald today, or Aurelius, or Lao Deng and himself in another time and space, the sticking point for everyone may be just this word...


Chapter 790: Old Deng is a Desperate Beast

Credence Barbone, it’s better to use his name here. His growth experience has many similarities with Harry or Harry Potter

He had no idea who his biological parents were, and his adoptive mother, Mary Lou Barburn, was a woman worse than the Dursleys, so that Credence suffered endless torture from childhood to adulthood. ill.

The other party seemed to know Credence's biological mother, but she never wanted to tell Credence the details, just as the Dursleys would curse the Potters every day, but they dared not tell Harry who they were. who.

But in the same abused environment, Credence and Harry became silent ones, but Harry Potter was spared. The reason is that ignorance may be a kind of happiness.

Harry Potter didn't know the existence of wizards since he was a child, and he didn't even know that all the strange things about him were due to his magical powers, so he didn't hide his magical powers because he was abused, and naturally he wouldn't be silent in the end.

But Harry is different, he is a time traveler, he naturally knows the existence of wizards and magic power, and in the end he will inevitably become a silent person beyond the tolerance.

Although Credence's adoptive mother is an ordinary person, she also knows about the existence of wizards, and she is also the leader of an extreme anti-wizard organization, basically hating all wizards!

Obscurity is the power that the little wizard will produce when he is in extreme pain and trying to hide his magic power, and Credence and Harry have endured this pain successively.

However, their subsequent developments were completely different. Harry relied on his own strength to get rid of the cage, and finally found a place that could truly bring him love. .

But on the other hand, Credence, after he couldn't bear it and broke out silently, he killed his adoptive sister and adoptive mother successively, and was later attacked by the Aurors of the entire Millikin.

After he survived by chance and left Millikin, he finally found Nagini who could be his partner, but was bewitched by Grindelwald when investigating his own life experience, and finally parted ways with his lover and completely plunged into darkness.

No, at that time, he probably no longer regarded Nagini as his lover.

He began to feel that he was alone, and Grindelwald made him feel...he had suffered the most heinous betrayal, by those closest to him, even by his own family members!

His brother, Dumbledore, had always wanted to destroy him, and rejoiced in his suffering...

So, in his most desperate and darkest moment, he achieved unprecedented strength!

This is the truth of the complete eruption of silence. When the silent person thinks he is in true despair and can no longer see a ray of light, he will abandon everything he has and turn into a gust of darkness that can destroy everything !

Of course, if Grindelwald hadn't used Credence... oh, by this time he had changed his name to Aurelius Dumbledore, and he wouldn't have if he hadn't been used against Dumbledore So quickly on the road to self-destruction.

Because Aurelius was with Phoenix, with the help of Phoenix's tears, his body did not collapse so easily.

But if it can only be if, Aurelius lost everything after all...

Through the example of Aurelius, what Dumbledore wants to remind Harry is the love that surrounds him.

Represented by Hermione and Luna, the love Harry feels... As long as this love exists, Harry will not fall into real despair, nor will he completely erupt in silence, and then lose control uncontrollably!

"Love is the most magical power in the world, Harry, and it can check and balance not just silently." Dumbledore said earnestly, "There is a beast named despair in everyone's heart. When a person can't feel When in love, the power of this beast will gradually become stronger, and eventually swallow everything up! As for silence, it is actually just a manifestation of this beast, if it is in other situations, such as..."

"Old Deng... Uh, I mean Mr. Principal in my time and space." Harry subconsciously said something, but immediately changed his address.

"That's right, I was such a desperate beast in that time and space." Dumbledore nodded sadly, "He really lost everything... no mother, no father, no sister, no cousin , Without friends, the only real brother will never be able to forgive his mistakes, and the most important thing is that he lost the most precious thing in his life..."

Dumbledore paused unconsciously, his voice became a little choked, and the corners of his mouth began to tremble slightly.

The three of Harry were listening quietly, and Grindelwald, who had been arguing with him before, also tightened his lips, as if expecting some kind of response...

"I think I should tell the truth, he is my most important friend... and the love of my life!"


Harry gradually understood the ins and outs of everything in the midst of a thunderbolt, while Hermione and Luna stared wide-eyed. As for Grindelwald, who was the person involved, his face was already glowing with surprise and relief...

He didn't expect that Dumbledore, who had been entangled with him all his life, would actually admit their relationship in front of the three children after he was a hundred years old!

"Why are you so surprised, Gellert, don't tell me...you no longer expect me to say these words?" Dumbledore looked gently at Grindelwald, who had almost lost control of his expression, deliberately imitating the other's tone, "I remember when we were young, those words were like taffy to you, whether by the deserted river, in the barn where we made blood bonds, or after Aberforth went out on that old oak table..."

"Ah... Albus, if you imitate, imitate, can you not surpass it casually?" Grindelwald twitched the corners of his mouth in confusion, but his face gradually became more...aftertaste.

"But if you want to say it like this, those few times were really wonderful...whether it's your voice or something~"

"Uh, Harry... are you sure we want to keep listening?" Hermione tugged Harry's sleeve lightly, her face as tangled up as she wanted.

The development of the last period was completely unexpected to her. The respected and respected principal in front of everyone would actually confide his heart to the frightening Dark Lord in such a way, and openly talked about love affairs, and even revealed the place where the crime was committed. !

Although Hermione's soul of gossip is already burning, there is still a Luna here. Hermione is really afraid that they will teach bad children without human knowledge~

Chapter 790 Who Killed Grindelwald

Can't understand…

It's hard to say whether Dumbledore and Grindelwald are really explaining to Harry the reason why Old Deng became a beast, or just because the opportunity is not easy, so they want to show their love in a vengeful way...

Anyway, Harry and the three said that they couldn't understand a single letter of what they said in the next period~

What's "you often wrap your body with sweet spells, and you show a provocative smile when you ask for it", and "the ants attracted by the sweet smell wander in confusion on the edge of the untied robe, and are forced to endure it like a goblin using forging." hammering piling tremors'...

Who knows what they mean, anyway, Harry can't understand at all~

As for "white creatures are prone to redness and hotness all over the body due to excessive pleasure", Dumbledore and Grindelwald, aren't the two of them discussing some advanced medical and physiological issues?

In short, after a rather serious and serious discussion, Harry finally understood why Old Deng became like this.

Just like Dumbledore said, Old Deng has completely lost everything around him along the way, so that he no longer believes in love, and has no love to share with others!

Including what Newt discussed with Harry before, the desire to control, the so-called overall situation, and the brain-dead idea of ​​maintaining stability no matter what, all of these have reasonable answers.

To put it bluntly, Lao Deng is a typical example of not being nice to others.

He himself has lived a very miserable life, so he doesn't want others to be happy, and although he is high and powerful, he can't control those "common people" who are too far away from him.

So he imposed his morbid desire to control unrestrainedly within the scope of his influence, including Harry, the Order of the Phoenix, the Ministry of Magic, and Voldemort, all of them were like this.

In areas where his influence spreads—such as the British magic world, no demon kings are allowed here, no matter black or white, and even if there are only signs of them, they will be crazily suppressed by him.

All the people who follow him, what orders they will carry out, and even when and what sacrifices they should make, all of these must be decided by him.

His dead ex-boyfriend was a seer, so he started chasing prophecies, Trelawney made a prophecy that seemed to be able to defeat the Dark Lord, and he was so sure of it that he believed that only Harry could defeat Voldemort.

And the way of defeating must be in accordance with his design, changing the fate of Harry and Voldemort... Even if Harry later proposed the strategy of 'you can defeat and imprison Voldemort first, and then deal with the Horcruxes one by one', even if this strategy has been It has been proved to be quite feasible, and Lao Deng still refuses to choose to agree.

Because this violated the prophecy, and it also violated Lao Deng's overwhelming desire to control!

After all, since the death of Gellert Grindelwald over there, Old Deng has completely turned into a beast without love...

However, there was one more thing Harry couldn't figure out.

"I don't understand, Mr. Principal over there, he knows that he will lose everything, so why must he kill Grindelwald?"

"What are you kidding?" The former Dark Lord, who was busy talking to his old lover, took the time to make a disdainful expression, "Albus is reluctant to kill me, he has always just used his sweet words and Body, just control me step by step~"

Damn... Harry couldn't help but twitch his mouth slightly.

Harry felt that Dumbledore's previous defense was absolutely problematic, Grindelwald was not romantic at all, he was pure prodigy!

"Harry, there must have been some misunderstanding." Dumbledore also shook his head at this moment, "Gellert Grindelwald, he is the only sustenance of Albus Dumbledore's body that still exists , once he disappears, then I will cease to exist. So... no matter how hostile we are, it is absolutely impossible for me to kill him with my own hands, and I will not allow others to take his life!!"

"What did you say?!" Harry couldn't help being startled when he heard this!

He could hear the resoluteness in Dumbledore's words, which was simply a defense without a bottom line!

"Whatever Grindelwald has done before..." Harry murmured in confirmation.

"Yeah, no matter what he's done..." Dumbledore nodded slightly, "Love will blind my eyes, so even if Gellert implemented a reign of extreme terror, he incited wizards, tortured Muggles, and wantonly killed all kinds of people. All kinds of lives, I will still not hold hatred against him, and I am even willing to pay for those sins on his behalf..."

After hearing this, Harry was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to comment.

This is really an extremely blind and selfish love, maybe... Only when Grindelwald has moved on one day, Dumbledore will have the idea of ​​dying with the other party...

So now it seems that in his own time and space, Grindelwald was not killed by Dumbledore? !

As soon as this conjecture came out, Harry himself was shocked at first, because this matter is really too big!

If someone else killed Grindelwald, it means that the other party at least tampered with Lao Deng's memory!

So... what kind of role does he play in this?

As soon as I saw Grindelwald, I couldn't restrain the anger in my heart. Luna also trembled with fear when she heard the name...

And most importantly, why did I have to take Luna to travel to the "past" together, to visit the muddy waters of Lao Deng and the others? !

After receiving the help of Dumbledore and re-interpreting Old Deng more comprehensively, Harry found that he did not get the transparency he expected, but it was even more difficult to let go.

Some mysteries still surround him, so he doesn't know whether he should blame Lao Deng now, or...

To blame himself?

But just as Harry was lost in thought, he felt someone pat him on the shoulder.

It was Dumbledore, and the other party had come to him at this moment, looking at him kindly.

"Child, don't be confused, because that won't solve any problems at all, it will only make people stagnate." Dumbledore gently encouraged Harry, "Aren't there always love by your side, as long as they are willing Supporting you all the time, you can do whatever you want, and you will be able to achieve the results you want in the end!"

"Yeah, being confused can't solve any problems at all...Professor Dumbledore, thank you very much for your teaching!"

After listening to Dumbledore's words, although Harry was not completely let go, at least he was relieved a lot.

So, he bowed deeply to the old man with a solemn expression.

When he raised his head again, his face was no longer confused, and he firmly made his final request to Dumbledore.

"Professor Dumbledore, I actually have one more thing to do this time...I hope to take the Elder Wand with me!"

Chapter 790 The Indestructible Deathly Hallows...

"You said you were taking the Elder Wand?"

Hearing Harry's later request, both Dumbledore and Grindelwald showed solemn expressions.

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