a certain scientific harry potter

Page 38

"Can I get up first?" Harry lightly shook the house elf's hand, his gaze and tone extremely gentle.

"Oh...this is, shaking hands?" The house elf stood up in a daze along Harry's strength, as if he still couldn't believe his situation, "I...I'm actually shaking hands with Harry Potter? This is simply unbelievable !"

"My name is Harry Granger~" Harry corrected the other party's mistake earnestly, and at the same time asked kindly, "And you, what's your name?"

"Dobby, it's a house-elf..."

"Is it Dobby, you may have to be patient a little bit, I have to deal with the wound on your body, so it will hurt a little later~"

While talking, Harry roughly checked Dobby's injuries, and at the same time took out a series of medicines that he carried with him.

"He... so pitiful!"

Looking at Dobby's hands and the various scars on his exposed skin, Hermione frowned deeply.

She had never seen him before, including when she was apparated and taken to the women's room by Dobby, so she had no idea that this house elf would be so miserable!

Not only was he covered in injuries, but he was only wearing a dirty pillowcase, and he didn't even have any decent clothes...

"Hmph." Seeing this, Snape snorted thoughtfully.

He wasn't surprised that Harry healed the other party's wounds, after all, Harry had shown his character to the fullest since entering school.

Compared with his schoolmates and some high-ranking professors, principals, etc., what Harry valued more was Filch, his cat, and Hagrid, the gamekeeper, who were not noticed by students.

This kid almost gave them all of his patience.

Oh, by the way, there is also Hermione Granger who can be regarded as a reverse scale!

So it really wasn't a surprise to Snape that he would extend his kindness to a house-elf.

What he was curious about was Harry's pocket. He had seen Harry take out a bunch of things from his pocket more than once, so naturally he wouldn't be stupid to think that those things were really stuffed into his pocket in advance.

However, he didn't ask much about it.

And Harry certainly didn't care for him to see it.

After being open and honest with a set of rabies vaccines, Harry and Snape also figured out what each other was like at the same time.

As far as Harry was concerned, although Snape had never been kind to him, he was definitely as trustworthy as Scamander.

And don't tell me, there are a lot of similarities between these two people.

They are both willing to help Harry unconditionally. At the same time, Scamander allows Harry to choose freely, while Snape allows Harry to keep secrets.

In addition, they are all surnamed Si, laugh in brackets~

"Treatment? Is this true? Potter... no, Dobby is referring to Mr. Granger, he actually came to treat Dobby with good intentions?!"

Hearing that Harry was going to help him heal his injuries, Dobby was immediately moved and incoherent, and even flustered, he didn't even know where to put his hands.

But when Harry actually started to clean and disinfect his wounds, Dobby was very quiet.

"Dobby, if you feel any pain, you can tell me..." Dobby's appearance made Harry feel a little distressed.

"Thank you for your care, sir, but Dobby can bear it. Dobby always punishes himself, and the master always makes Dobby punish himself. Dobby is used to it..."

Looking at Dobby, who looked plain and obviously accustomed to the wound, Harry felt a little uncomfortable.

Hermione beside him frowned even deeper.

"Dobby, I'm sorry...you wouldn't have needed this if it wasn't for me and Hermione."

The criss-cross wounds on Dobby's body are simply shocking, no matter who sees them, they can't help but feel distressed...

"I'm sorry? Oh, Dobby can't believe it, no wizard has ever said such a thing to Dobby! Mr. Granger is simply greater than the legends say, he is so kind and willing to treat Dobby like this! Compared to Next, the master will... No! No!!"

Dobby was still screaming with emotion incoherently, but then he suddenly lost control of his emotions. He knelt down on the ground with a plop, hit the floor with his head frantically, and even slapped himself on the cheek non-stop.

"Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby! Dobby must punish himself, he almost spoke ill of his master just now!!"


That was why Dobby had those new injuries, and why Harry felt sorry.

He could have followed his master's orders and retaliated against Harry and Hermione, but in the end he didn't.

And as the price for violating the ban on house elves, even without someone from the master's family watching, he has been using self-harm to punish himself...

Chapter 71 Pure blood families dare not take revenge (4/10)

"Dobby, calm down first!"

Seeing that Dobby kept abusing himself, Harry hastily stopped him, and put his hand under Dobby's forehead, barely stopping the other party's self-harm.

"Listen Dobby, I need you to tell me some news, so you must be calm. Only by being calm can you find the loopholes in your master's orders, understand?" Harry stroked Dobby's back and comforted him patiently Emotions.

"Oh... yes, Dobby will try!"

Dobby managed to stop crying, but his body was still shaking slightly.

"Dobby, why did you help me and Hermione?" Seeing that the other party's mood had stabilized a little, Harry began to get down to business.

"Because Harry Potter... no, Harry Granger, if only you knew what you meant to us humble, enslaved little ones in the wizarding world!"

Dobby rubbed the dirty pillowcase embarrassingly: "Dobby can't forget that when the devil who can't even mention his name was the most powerful, people treated us house-elves like pests. Sir, it's because of you Victory over him has greatly improved the lives of us people. So when..."

"Okay Dobby, you don't need to answer the rest!" Before Dobby's expression changed suddenly, Harry stopped immediately.

When communicating with house elves like Dobby, you must pay special attention to your speaking skills, because some words may cause them to lose control of their emotions.

"So... why did you let Hermione go?" After Dobby calmed down, Harry continued to guide.

"That's because... Dobby has been secretly paying attention to your life, sir, since he got into Hogwarts. In Dobby's opinion, there is really no one better than sir and Miss Granger. So... Dobby I don't want to hurt Miss Granger, and I don't want to make Mister sad!"

"Dobby, I really want to thank you very much!" Under Dobby's astonished eyes, Harry stepped forward and gave him a big hug, "Not only did you not hurt Hermione, but you even sent her to the hospital at a critical moment." By my side, I really don't know how to repay you!"

"Repay... Mr. Granger said he would repay Dobby? Oh, Dobby has no idea what to do!"

Dobby cried out excitedly, big tears even wet Harry's robes, but Harry didn't care.

"Of course I have to repay you well, because...it is really important to me that you have no one to hurt."

It was just a casual remark, but the three present were stunned at the same time.

Dobby was flattered, because he realized that Harry wasn't kidding, but really appreciated himself.

Snape was thoughtful, and at the same time there was a gloomy remorse on his face.

Once upon a time, there was such an extremely important person beside him.

That person is also very smart, and he is also a wizard from a Muggle family, and he has been inseparable from him for a long time...

But... I didn't realize the importance of her in the first place!

In the end, Hermione just stared at Harry blankly, full of thoughts in her heart.

She knew that what Harry said was definitely not false and beautiful words, because in the past days, he had used his actions to prove the truth of these words countless times!

So... what about myself?

Is Harry also very important to him?

Hermione once felt that she could answer this question without thinking, but the subsequent self-examination made her fall into deep thought.

Is her and Harry's respect for each other, this kind of devotion to "important people" really equal?

Harry was able to agree to come to Hogwarts to study for her, and has been unswervingly defending her, so what about herself?

Now that Harry has spoken, can he choose to leave Hogwarts, a place of right and wrong for him...

"Dobby, you're sure you don't know the details of the Crabbe and Goyle families, right?"

Not to mention the secret feelings of Hermione and Snape, Harry has already used the method of elimination to completely determine Dobby's origin.

House elves can't talk about their master's family, and they haven't said they can't talk about other people's families. Dobby can even tell Harry about Voldemort, and of course pure-blood families other than the master's family can do the same.

Anyway, among the pure-blood families in the Snake Court, there are actually only a few who can stand on the stage. If the Crabbe, Goyle, Parkinson and other families are slightly removed, the Malfoy family will be the only ones left~

Harry could even deduce from Dobby's reaction that it was definitely not Lucius who sent him here!

To be honest, as the head of a pure-blood family, no matter how stupid Lucius was, he would never send his own house-elf to deal with Harry.

Because once the matter fails, the risk of involving him is too great!

This is also the reason why Harry is not worried that he and the "big shots" of the pure-blood family will go to the real world to deal with his adoptive parents.

Any kind of conspiracy has the possibility of being exposed, not to mention Harry's particularity, if something happens to the people around him, whether it is the real world or the magical world, there will definitely be a large number of people who will definitely investigate it to the end!

How could this group of selfish blood supremacists bet on the so-called glory inherited from the family's ancestors just to deal with two 'humble Muggles'? !

Therefore, the pure-blood family headed by Lucius, as long as they have any brains, they should always hope that the Grangers will be safe!

"Professor, I heard that you have a good relationship with that family." After thoroughly ascertaining Dobby's background, Harry turned to look at Snape, "Or... I'll stop here?"

Malfoy had boasted many times before about the relationship between Snape and his father, so even though Harry adhered to the principle of vengeance, but in order not to make it difficult for him to teach, he could calm down this time.

"You were just hearing it."

However, Snape obviously didn't want to let it go.

"Then I'll thank you in advance~" No way, Harry can only accept it half-heartedlyヾ(≧O≦)〃

As for the result of Snape's visit to the Malfoy's house, Harry didn't need to guess, anyway, Draco Malfoy would definitely not escape the beating, because he must have called Dobby.

He couldn't swallow the previous grievances, but he couldn't beat Harry, so the last solution he could think of was to write letters home to shake people, and ask his doting mother to send Dobby to harm Harry and Hermione!

Haha, indeed a loving mother has many losers~

So that's why, Dobby's instructions were only a vague 'revenge'.

Because Draco Malfoy was just a brat, he didn't dare to make too much trouble, and he couldn't think of any specific instructions!

Even so, the whole thing was enough to scare Harry.

He was afraid that it wasn't that he angered the pure-blood family impulsively, but that Lao Deng really didn't intervene at all, and took it for granted that the matter was defined as a "spirit struggle" between himself and Malfoy!

Well... since he knew Dobby was a kind house-elf and wouldn't hurt Hermione, this 'farce between children' wouldn't end up being a big mess...

Oh tui, nothing~

"Then it's time for the last question, Dobby..." After complaining about some old bee inwardly, Harry finally asked, "Where did you take Hermione before, and why didn't I find it?" ?”

(ps Where will the next chapter transition to~)

Chapter 72 A House Is Responsive (5/10)

"That's a very special room, sir... That room is on the eighth floor, and Dobby found it by accident. You and Mr. Manager found traces of Dobby stealing food in the kitchen. Dobby was terrified at the time, thinking Find a place to hide yourself, so I found it by chance..."

For Harry's question, Dobby explained in a low voice, but his body became more and more stooped, and the timidity and apology on his face became more and more obvious.

"Sir, Dobby really doesn't want to do that! Dobby doesn't want to hurt Miss Granger, and he doesn't want to make you anxious, but the order of the little master, Dobby doesn't... no!!"

"Okay, Dobby!" Harry caught the key point of Dobby's emotional changes precisely again, "Please show me that room, please?"

On the eve of Halloween, Harry almost broke his legs and failed to find Hermione who was hidden, which shows that the room must be quite secret.

And recently, he just needed such a secret room.

"Of course, it's Dobby's honor, sir~" Dobby nodded hastily, and led everyone out of the fifth basement classroom.

After a while, a group of four came to the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle.

There is a blank corridor here, and on the wall on one side is a tapestry with the pattern of "Trolls Beating Stupid Barnabas". happened.

On the opposite side of the tapestry, on the blank white wall, a smooth narrow door suddenly appeared strangely!

"Ha, it's here! Sir, it's here!" Dobby pushed the door open excitedly.

"It's quite secret here...it's just a bit too simple."

Harry looked around, and found that there was almost no decoration in the whole room, and the only furniture was a small bed and an old chair, which could be described as a shabby room.

"This is the Room of Requirement, Granger. What you see now is just the inner needs of this house-elf, not the real appearance of the room itself." Behind Harry, Snape's words floated faintly.

"The Room of Requirement? It's a great name...Professor, do you know this place?" Harry turned around and asked.

"I know." Snape nodded silently, and then began to talk dryly about this room.

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