a certain scientific harry potter

Page 381

But James blocked her firmly. He used his body to protect his wife and children, trying to act as the last barrier between them and the Dark Lord!

"All this is coming to an end... That child must die today, if you dare to block me, I will kill you too!"

Instead of checking Harry's 'body', Voldemort, who felt that he was sure of winning, fiercely raised his wand at the Potter family of three!


"Avada Kedavra!!!"


The dazzling green light pierced the night sky in an instant, and it was completely reflected in the eyes of Harry Potter when he was a baby...

But that green light didn't shoot at the baby, instead it hit Voldemort heavily, who was about to fight! !

Chapter 810 There is nothing wrong with wanting to see relatives...

It happened so suddenly that neither James nor Lily could react. They didn't know why Voldemort's life was suddenly terminated by the death curse.

The green light sank into the Dark Lord's body without hindrance. If it was an ordinary person, then he should have died quietly by this time, but Voldemort, who once created the Horcrux, did not deserve such a peaceful finale.

His whole body was blasted with dense cracks in an instant by the killing energy, his magic power began to dissipate, and his body began to disintegrate, until finally it exploded completely in front of the Potter family, turning into scattered dust!


Being hit head-on by the Killing Curse made Voldemort suffer unimaginable pain. Even though he was left with only a mass of magic-wrapped soul, he still let out a series of screams uncontrollably, and then twisted into the air and turned into nothing...


At the same time, near the church in the valley, there was also a heart-wrenching cry from a woman.

That's the heartbroken aurora, Delphi.

When Harry had just started a duel with Voldemort, Delphi was also captured by Hermione and Luna in the church in Godric's Hollow, and then under the restrictions of anti-apparition, he had to fight with the wand of the same origin. The two women fought fiercely.

The result of the battle is of course self-evident. Although Delphi is strong enough to beat the middle-aged Harry in this time and space, her resistance is futile after all in the face of the magical power ten times that of the same origin wand.

Until the end, she tried her best to blow up her wand, and finally rushed out of the church, but before she succeeded in preventing her father from repeating the same mistakes, she saw the scene of Voldemort being wiped out under the Avada Kedavra...

"Why...why are you doing this?!" She screamed angrily, ignoring the magic spell flying behind her, just trying to get closer to her father.

At this moment, she even forgot that she could Apparate, and she also seemed to have lost the ability to fly.

"The things here... obviously have nothing to do with you! Why do you want to intervene at will?!"

"This is the cause and effect you pulled out yourself. If you didn't want to change the past with all your heart, we wouldn't be involved in the end." Hermione's figure suddenly flashed in front of Delphi, and the holly wand in her hand was also locked. her.

And behind her, Luna had already blocked the escape route, and also raised the ginkgo wood wand she got from Harry.

"Damn it...Damn it! Don't think that this will make me succumb! In order to be worthy of him, I have been studying magic almost day and night, just to make the most superb wizards of all ages proud of me! Flying sand and walking stones!!"

The tyrannical magic power surged around Delphi, creating a depressing storm, but under the suppression of the two female homologous wands, the whirlwind turned into a puff of blue smoke and drifted away.

"Repel at full speed!"*2

The two beams of light stimulated indiscriminately, and hit Delphi's body at the same time, finally hitting her heavily on the ground, and she no longer had the strength to get up.

"Why...why? I just want to know my father...what's wrong with me?!"

"You are not wrong..." Facing Delphi's questioning, Hermione sighed softly and shook her head, "On the contrary, we all admire what you have done. As a child, you are really better than Harry Potter's The child is too strong."

"However, our positions are different." Luna also interjected at this time, "You want to see your father, why doesn't Harry want to see his parents? What's more, you don't just want simple things. Is it just a meeting?"

Compared to Hermione, Luna may understand Harry and Delphi's feelings better at this moment, because she has also lost a loved one.

Comparing her heart to her heart, if she can see her mother again, she probably won't be able to extricate herself...

"You..." Hearing what the two women said, Delphi, who was still about to struggle, gradually became depressed.

"You guys kill me..." Delphi said heartbroken as he watched Voldemort disappear in the distance.

But Hermione and Luna shook their heads.

"Then take away my thoughts and clear my memory! Please... let me completely forget who I am!!"

"No, there's no need for that anymore." Hermione shook her head regretfully, "You can tell by looking at yourself..."

"I...this is, why is it like this?" Delphi looked down, but found that his body was gradually transforming into a strange illusion.

She seemed to be disappearing from this world as if she didn't exist.

"The future has been changed..." Luna said in an ethereal voice, "and it should be the change Harry expected."

"It's the influence of time, remember the prophecy you said... when the invisible child murdered his father." Hermione sighed softly, "If the child's father is gone, the child will also disappear .Bu Niao, I regret to tell you...in the changed, brand-new future, the Dark Lord will no longer exist, and you...were never born!"

"No! It won't be like this! My... Father!!!"

Delphi tried her best to get up from the ground, and she tried to reach out her hand in the direction where Voldemort was going away, but her body could no longer support it, and finally collapsed into nothingness in the dark night sky.

And the last thing she left behind was the time converter that caused all these incidents...

"This is the end..." Hermione sighed with emotion.

"Yes, everything is over." Luna silently glanced at the Potter's house in the distance, and suggested softly, "Let them be alone for a while, he should enjoy this meeting very much."

"Well...then let's go and set up the tent. He will be very tired when he comes back, just for him to have a good rest." Hermione smiled and nodded, but the smile gradually became a little more stern, "While he During the break, we can also do other things...for example, to deal with those four Death Eaters!"

"Indeed, if they are solved, the future will be completely changed!"

After the battle, the two girls hit it off, and instead of disturbing Harry's meeting with the Potters, they quietly left Godric's Hollow.

Back in front of the Potter's house, the couple stared wide-eyed, watching Harry barely get up from the ground in shock.

A big hole was blasted out of the robe on his chest by the curse, and in the scorched black, the gurgling blood was continuously left behind, looking extremely miserable.

But anyway, he survived!

And it survived the frontal attack of the Avada Kedavra! !

Chapter 810 Confessions after the Second War...and Gifts

"Son...how are you doing?!"

After a tense battle, Lily reacted immediately, and immediately threw herself in front of Harry with the baby in her arms, so anxious that she didn't know what to do.

"I am okay."

Meeting Lily's concerned eyes, Harry was a little dazed for a moment.

In the eyes of the other party, Harry discovered the long-lost emotion that belonged only to his mother. It was not worrying about a stranger who protected their family, but clearly nervous about his own child!

"Are you really all right? No... how could you be all right? Obviously you have been under such a spell, how are you doing, is there any discomfort, please tell me quickly, okay?!"

Seeing Lily in front of him in extreme panic, Harry gave a wry smile rather uncomfortably.

If it wasn't for the fact that the horrible scar on his chest had gradually healed, and now he didn't even bleed anymore, the mother of the different time and space didn't know what to expect.

He feels very nervous now. Whether it was facing Snape or Dumbledore before, Harry could tell them his true identity without any concealment, but when he was recognized by Lily here, he didn't know what to do with him. What did the other party say.

In the final analysis, he is not the real Harry Potter, and his experience cannot replace him, and he does not know whether these experiences will make the Potters feel more distressed.

But no matter what, it was safe to see them all, and Harry's heart that had been hanging around could be completely let go.

"You were really worried about me just now! Kid, I didn't expect you to be able to survive after that kind of curse! Great, this is really great..."

Compared with his mother, his father, James, is a little bit behind-the-scenes about certain things, but he has roughly figured it out now. The one in front of him looks exactly like him when he was young, and at the same time has the same color eyes as his wife. What kind of origin does the young man have.

And now he was also excitedly patting Harry's shoulder vigorously, feeling both fear and excitement in his heart, which could hardly be expressed in words.

Just now, it was my own son who personally killed that terrifying black devil!

If this matter is evaluated according to the style of James Potter, it is probably...

Simply cool!

"I'm probably the person in the world who doesn't need to be afraid of the Killing Curse the least. When I was his age, I was hit by the Killing Curse once, and I survived by luck." Harry looked at Lily softly. The child in her arms was full of gratitude and gratitude, "It was my mother who countered the killing curse with love. Her love protected me and allowed me to grow up to this day."

In fact, the reason Harry was able to defy the Killing Curse was that he was a living Horcrux himself, somewhat immortal.

But this kind of unsightly thing is obviously not suitable for explanation now.

Pretending to be obedient and flattering in front of their parents, announcing good news but not bad news, this is something that every Chinese child is good at, and Harry is certainly no exception.

"Do you love it... child, I'm sure you must love your parents very much." Lily's eyes were red, and the excitement on her face could hardly be hidden. "Otherwise, today would not be..."

As smart as she was, she could of course figure out what would have happened to their family if Harry hadn't shown up today.

The so-called mother countered the killing curse for her child with love, what she was talking about was what happened to the child in her arms!

So, if he didn't still love himself and James deeply after he grew up, how could he use this dreamlike way to go back to the past to save them?

After thinking about these things, Lily seemed to think of something again, and hurriedly asked with concern: "By the way, child, you now..."

"My surname is Granger now." Harry seemed to know what she was going to ask, and responded with a smile, "My adoptive parents are a pair of ordinary people. They are wizards, and they are willing to marry their daughters to me. In just one more year, when I am 16, they can be upgraded to official father-in-law~"

"Ha, that's really good~" Lily was still sad about Harry's hard work when he grew up, but because of Harry's sudden change of subject, he burst into laughter.

"Your speed is really fast enough. Back then, James and I only started dating when we were in the seventh grade. I didn't expect that you were going to get married."

"Granger, I'm really curious now, what kind of girl is that, who can make you fall so early." James raised his eyebrows at Harry, but secretly glanced at the street. direction.

There was such a big commotion over there just now, of course they also noticed something here, and even directly saw the figures who were fighting.

And according to James' guess, he felt that Harry must have brought the little fiancée too, but there seemed to be a lot of girls on the street at that time, and he was not sure which one Harry was talking about. Ranger'.

"She is also a wizard born from an ordinary person. She is very smart and beautiful. She is the first in her grade in every exam..." Harry looked at Lily with a smile in his eyes, "Just like you~"

"Really, then you are so lucky!" Lily asked with a smile on her face, "What's more, how have you been doing?"

"I think it's pretty good," Harry nodded slightly. "My grades are not bad, and I'm probably better at potions. Although the professor who taught me is young, he is very talented and always treats me well." Very caring…”

"Young Potions Master... Isn't that what he is?" Obviously hearing Harry's overtones, James' face turned stinky.

"James, when you are so happy, don't think about things that will spoil the fun, okay?" Seeing this, Lily hurriedly dissuaded him.

"I know, Lily, but...it feels really complicated." James said with a curl of his lips. "No matter what he did to try to make it up, there is no way I will forgive him!"

"It's okay, he never thought of asking for forgiveness." Harry shook his head lightly, "I'm just talking about my situation, at least for me, he is a very good teacher."

The reason why Snape was mentioned at this time was that Harry did not intend to ask the Potters to forgive each other, but hoped that they could at least let each other unilaterally forgive each other.

"Uh...May I hold the baby, please?" Looking at the baby close at hand, Harry suddenly had an idea, "Also, do you mind if I leave something for him?"

"Of course~" Lily hurriedly placed the baby in Harry's arms.

"Boy, how could we mind such a thing." James also nodded encouragingly with a smile.

The boy in front of him was their child, and James had already reached a consensus with Lily on this point, so he naturally trusted Harry extremely.

"That's good."

After obtaining the consent of the Potters, Harry took out a Philosopher's Stone from the ring and poured almost all of his magic power into it.

Then, he used one of the corners of the Philosopher's Stone to draw a clear lightning mark on the baby's arm!


The baby cried loudly because of the pain, and at the same time, a special force was subtly fused with his body...

Chapter 810 Three He Has Always Needed You

The overall process of presenting the gift went smoothly. Seeing the lightning mark gradually blend into the baby's skin, Harry finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Son, are you okay?!" Seeing this, Lily, the mother, hurriedly stepped forward to support Harry with a concerned expression on her face.

"I'm fine, I'll return the baby to you. I'm sorry...I hurt this little guy a little bit just now." Harry forced a tired smile, and carefully sent the baby back to the other party's arms with a little apology.

"Good boy, don't say that!" Lily shook her head gratefully and distressedly, "It's too late for us to thank you now, and... we really feel ashamed."

"Yeah, obviously we are the parents, and I should protect you and mother, but I have no way to defeat that guy! In the end, you have to work hard for us..."

James is also full of self-blame now, and also has a deep sense of powerlessness, deeply hating why he doesn't have the strength to properly protect his wife and children.

The Harry in front of him looked obviously weaker. In other words, this couldn't be more normal. He had fought that vile Dark Lord until he was exhausted before deciding the winner, and then he didn't know what to leave for the young little Harry. With such an important force, the body must have endured a considerable burden...

"Take it as a little gift from me. It should be useful in the future." Harry shook his head with a smile and comforted him, "I'm just a little tired, it's really nothing serious."

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