a certain scientific harry potter

Page 8

Chapter 9 Laws are not to be violated

Moments later, the current Prime Minister of England and the Minister of Justice arrived at Buckingham Palace in a hurry after being notified.

When they learned that Prince Charlie had met Harry, they all showed expressions of surprise and joy.

Naturally, the real British royal family and government cannot be really stupid enough to know nothing about the magic world.

In fact, Harry Potter is equally famous to them.

However, when Prince Charles roughly introduced the arrangements for Harry to them, the two frowned at the same time and fell into deep thought.

"Mr. Crown Prince... With all due respect, although Harry Potter is well-known as the savior in the wizarding world, he is only a child after all, and he is a member of the wizarding world. I'm afraid it will be difficult to meet your expectations, right?"

After a little thought, the Minister of Justice took the lead in putting forward different opinions.

What Crown Prince Charlie meant was for the government to come forward to try the Dursleys and at the same time help Harry find a new family suitable for adoption.

After that, the royal family will fully bear Harry's expenses before he reaches adulthood, and provide maximum funding for him!

Prince Charles hopes to use this method to show his favor to Harry and cultivate him into a key figure who can contain the Ministry of Magic and enhance the authority of the British government in the magical world.

It's just that in the eyes of the Minister of Justice, this idea is somewhat wishful thinking.

"This is not the only problem. In my opinion, whether this child will join the magic world in the future is a problem!"

Although she is over [-] years old, she is still a heroic female prime minister, and she hits the crux of the problem straight to the point!

As an evergreen tree in the British political arena, the current prime minister is definitely one of the most popular. She couldn't believe that Harry, who acted so carefully, would be ignorant of his own life experience.

Now that he deliberately leans on the big tree of Prince Charlie, he may have long thought of wanting to escape from the magic world!

"My dear Madam Prime Minister, and Minister of Justice, your worries are a little too much." The crown prince smiled and waved his hands, "Supporting Harry will not become a burden on the royal family, and what we have to do is simply Just be nice to him."

"In my opinion, Harry is a child who advocates freedom, but at the same time respects the law... Believe me, he and the group of pretentious and pedantic guys in the Ministry of Magic are absolutely impossible to get along with!"

"So, if he can gain a foothold in the magic world, and even hold a high position with our help, it will be of great benefit to the entire British government. At least those wizards with high eyes will never dare to despise the country's people like this again government!"

"As for the fact that he doesn't want to get involved in the wizarding world... Madam Prime Minister, sometimes people can't help themselves. Even if Harry can escape from Dumbledore's grasp for a while, he can't escape forever!!"

The crown prince's plan, in summary, is actually very simple. It is nothing more than taking the initiative to show favor, and then wait for the benefits.

This is a long-term investment. Even if the final plan fails, what they lose is only a little capital invested by the royal family.

But once the plan is successful, the British government will definitely be able to earn a future worth looking forward to!

After figuring this out, the prime minister and the minister of justice had no reason to refuse. After discussing the follow-up plan with the crown prince, they left to make their own arrangements.

And Prince Charlie in the living room showed his meaningful smile again.

Supporting Harry may help the British government to better hold back the somewhat lawless Ministry of Magic, and even the entire wizarding world.

But the crown prince's expectations for Harry are not just that.

Prince Charlie and his eldest son William, they are the most authentic royal family, they all have 'Arthur' in their names!

In the past, wizards brazenly falsified the legendary history in order to put gold on their faces, it is time to set things right!


Collecting evidence, controlling suspects, sorting out relevant legal provisions... Under the personal intervention of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice, Harry's lawsuit progressed quite smoothly.

He hadn't been in Highgrove Manor for two days, and then he got the news from the returning crown prince that the Dursleys were about to be tried in court.

However, when Prince Charlie mentioned this matter to Harry, his face looked a bit embarrassed.

"Harry... I'm sorry to tell you this, but in fact, the trial of the Dursleys encountered some resistance."

Prince Charlie's two eyebrows were tightly intertwined, and his heart seemed to be quite tangled: "I didn't expect that the backing of the Dursley family would be so strong that it would even make it difficult for the Minister of Justice. Moreover, the other party seems to intend to reach an agreement with you. Court settlement…"

"Reconciliation?" Harry's eyes gradually narrowed. "I would like to ask, what kind of reconciliation is it?"

"They can provide you with a large amount of compensation, and guarantee that the Dursleys will not treat you harshly in the future, but the condition is... you must drop the charges against them and continue to be adopted by them."

Prince Charlie paused, and then persuaded with concern: "Harry, after all, they are your only relatives, so..."

"Impossible!" Harry interrupted the Crown Prince without even thinking about it, "Your Highness, there is absolutely no way I can reach such an incomprehensible out-of-court settlement!"

"I don't want any compensation from unknown sources, even the compensation I should have received after the trial! But all the people involved in this case, especially the Dursley family, must be punished by law and must Sent to jail after trial!"

"Since I have chosen to resort to the law to protect myself, I must always maintain the dignity of the law! The law in my eyes is solemn and sacred, and it is an existence that no one can trample on!!"

As a former semi-legal worker, Harry naturally has his own insistence on judicial justice.

However, the reason why he was so determined to send the Dursleys to prison was not just to maintain the dignity of the law as he said.

He was able to live so comfortably these days because he was in Highgrove Manor, the private residence of Prince Charles.

Once he breaks away from the protection of the crown prince, he is very likely to be robbed back again by those who are secretly watching!

Dumbledore made it clear that he wanted to imprison himself in the Dursleys' house, so how could Harry fulfill his wish? !

As for the freedom already at his fingertips, it is even more impossible for him to give up! !

"Oh, Harry, your enlightenment really surprises me!" The crown prince patted Harry's shoulder with emotion, "If you had been born more than ten years earlier, I would definitely be very optimistic about you becoming the Minister of Justice of this country~"

"Your Royal Highness, you are really too flattering." After calming down, Harry politely thanked him like a gentleman, but he didn't care about the crown prince's praise in his heart.

Minister of Justice?

I really have no interest in it.

Although Harry also felt that it would be better to be a detective or a doctor after leaving the Dursleys' house, but he preferred to be a doctor.

The reason why he resorted to legal means to help himself out of trouble was because although the Dursleys were hateful, they were not really guilty.

So...Harry can't afford to take advantage of his own future and use the "doctor" method to solve them!

Chapter 10 Teammates are really unreliable

Everyone who belongs to England, or even the entire European magical world, knows that near a certain black lake in the Scottish region of England, there is a simple and majestic castle that has stood quietly for thousands of years.

A special expulsion spell has been cast near this castle. Ordinary people cannot get close to it. Even if they pass by, they can only see a pile of dilapidated ruins.

But for the wizarding world, this is the alma mater of almost all wizards in England, the famous Hogwarts!

At this moment, in the principal's office at Hogwarts, the old man with a gray beard was carefully reading a letter that had just been mailed to him by owl.

"My dear Albus, I think you already know what a mess the Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter, has been causing lately!

Oh, I didn't expect him to be such a heartless child... He turned down our offer of an out-of-court settlement and was determined to send his Muggle relatives to prison!

And this kid is actually very good at hiding. He has been hiding in various Muggle bars in London a while ago, and later he even directly hid in the mansion of the Muggle Crown Prince!We even called out to the Misinformation Office, but we just couldn't find a chance to get him back!You know, Albus... I even wanted to send Aurors at one point!

Now the Minister of Justice of the Muggle government has issued a statement in person, saying that he will hold a public trial of that stupid Muggle family in front of all the Muggles in London!Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to save that family of stupid Muggles.Even the Squib social worker and some other officials who can serve us will all be implicated... God, look at the basket that that kid poked! !

However, I know how much Harry Potter means to you, so I have sent someone to inform the Muggle Prime Minister of our adoption requirements for the child.In any case, the ones who will adopt him in the future must be pure-blood or mixed-blood wizard families!

Even if something goes wrong now, he will be a freshman at Hogwarts when he turns 11!So rest assured, Albus, this matter will be properly handled before I retire! !

Finally, I wish you all the best.

Sincerely, your dear friend, Millicent Barnold~"

Beside the desk, after reading this 'sincerely' letter, Dumbledore's cheeks trembled twice unconsciously, and then he slammed the letter in his hand into pieces!

After that, he quickly returned to his usual kind and kind expression.


The Dursleys were stupid, but their friend, the soon-to-be-retired Minister for Magic, wasn't much wiser when it came to dealing with Muggles.

Harry's kid wandered the streets of London for so many days, no matter whether it was the Muggle police or the people sent by the Ministry of Magic to find him, they found nothing in the end, which shows that his actions were definitely carefully planned.

Moreover, he should already know something about the wizarding world and wizards!

Did Petunia tell him, or did Mrs. Figg or someone else slip up by accident...

How the news leaked out, Dumbledore didn't know for the time being, but he now knew one thing very well, that is, Harry definitely didn't have a good opinion of the wizarding world!

This child carefully planned such an 'escape', and even got involved with the crown prince in the end. He definitely wouldn't just want to use legal aid to break away from the Dursleys as the Muggle Minister of Justice said!

His real purpose is to completely get rid of the influence from the magic world... and surveillance!

It's a pity that no one in the Ministry of Magic, including my old friend Millicent, could see it.

Under such circumstances, if they continue to put pressure on the Muggle Prime Minister and try to use the guidance of the wizarding family to push Harry to join the wizarding world again, the result will only be counterproductive!


Dumbledore sighed slightly, a trace of exhaustion welling up in his heart.


From now on, Harry's problems should be resolved by himself.

But before that, there is one thing that needs to be confirmed...

If it really turned into that kind of situation, it's better to entrust him to take a look.

Thinking of this, Dumbledore quickly spread the letter paper on the table and began to write quickly.


In January 1990, a few days after the New Year, the British government held a public trial in front of the Welsh Criminal Court on Old Barry Street.

The ones on trial were, of course, the Dursleys, Vernon, Petunia, and even Dudley.

As a negative example of daring to defy the law just a year after the "Children's Law" was promulgated, the Dursleys have obviously attracted countless attention from all walks of life, so the audience of this public trial is also quite high.

When the family of three made their debut, all kinds of accusations and abuse from the surrounding people were absolutely overwhelming!

If it weren't for the cordon off the square, and the heavily armed bailiffs guarding it strictly, some radical citizens might have rushed over to fight them right now.

Child abuse, this is every British person with a bit of conscience... No, even if it is enlarged to the world, this is a crime that deserves to go to hell!

After the family of three criminals was escorted under the Statue of Justice, which symbolized judicial justice, the majestic judge slowly raised the verdict in his hand.

"This court now declares: Vernon Dursley and Petunia Dursley have been found guilty of child abuse charges after multiple investigations, and the circumstances are extremely bad! Vernon Dursley is now sentenced to five years in prison, and Petunia Dursley is now sentenced to five years in prison. Dursley's sentence is four years and six months, effective immediately!!"

"In addition, Dudley Dursley, recently committed crimes such as beating and bullying the plaintiff, Harry Potter, and was sentenced to two months in prison. After he was released from prison, he was adopted and taken care of by his aunt Maggie Dursley, effective immediately. !!"

"Harry... bastard! bastard!! I will never let it go... I swear!!"

As the judge read the verdict, Vernon's rants continued to be harsh.

Harry was standing in the plaintiff's box not far from him, and Vernon, who was in custody, couldn't rush over in person, so of course he could only vent his anger in vain by using this way of talking.

Likewise, Penny's screams were just as unbearable.

Dudley, on the other hand, has been protesting and pleading to the judge endlessly.

"Harry beat me too! And he stole our car! Why don't you convict him?!"

"Harry Potter did do what you said above, but this court believes that it was a means of self-protection. And...he is only nine years old now! According to the British law, under the age of ten The child of the child, there is no need to bear legal responsibility!!"

The judge's stern voice completely destroyed Dudley's last hope. After learning that his family's sentence was inevitable, his original sophistry completely turned into desperate crying and howling!

The trial is over! !

Chapter 11 Adoption is one in a million

Very good!

All this is finally over...

Looking at the Dursleys who were taken away by the bailiff, the boulder that had been weighing on Harry's heart shattered!

He finally... sent all three of the more hateful people to prison with his own hands! !

"Harry, His Royal Highness wants me to take you to Buckingham Palace." After the public trial, the Crown Prince's aide squeezed through the carnival crowd and found Harry, who was still a little dazed, "His Royal Highness wants to discuss with you about adoption. matter."

"it is good."

Harry also knew what was waiting for him after the public trial, so he happily set off with the adjutant.

Coincidentally, he also intends to thank Crown Prince Charles who has worked so hard for him in person.

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