A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 26: A tool

Chapter 26: A tool

Shrugging his shoulders, Lu Chen said, “Let me ask you this, Long Shen. How long have you and that drunk outside been friends?” Lu Chen knew that if Yao Shao was going down, Long Shen has to go down with him as well.


“His name is Yao Shao, and we’ve been friends for 3 years,” Long Shen said with a lower tone and squinted his eyes to glare at Lu Chen, furious at how Lu Chen was mocking  Yao Shao.


Lu Chen smirks a bit as he knew that Long Shen would take the bait. He was waiting to see how Long Shen was about to fall further and further into his plot.


“Shen Shen, you don’t have to answer any of mophead Lu’s questions.” Liu Fei Fei felt nervous. She felt the person in front of her wasn't the same naive person who would listen to her every command.


“Oh, student Long Shen. I’m just an innocent bystander that has been slander by Yao Shao. I’m just trying to resolve this issue. I’m not doing anything wrong.” Lu Chen made an aggrieved look, making him helpless and small.


Knowing what Lu Chen was doing, Long Shen was about to leave him alone. But Lu Chen wasn’t going to give him a chance, ”Oh student Long Shen, are you really going to leave the situation as it is? I know that you and I have many scuffles in the past, but today I feel so wrong. I was just an innocent bystander. And yet, student Yao had cussed me out in front of all these people without reason. I’m just trying to resolve the issues now.” 


Fine, you two can look innocent. I’ll just become even more aggrieved than you. Lu Chen made a resentful look, making him helpless and small. He knew that if he let Long Shen escape now, then he would never have a chance like this again.


His actions work as the crowd begins to look at Long Shen’s group with displeasure. What Lu Chen said was right. The duo was sitting there eating their meal, and Yao Shao comes out of nowhere and starts to cuss them out. It was clear who was the bad and good guy in this situation.


Liu Fei Fei notices the changes from the customers. She couldn’t help but tug onto Long Shen’s shirt. Seeing her worry, Long Shen places his hand over her and looks into her eyes, signaling her not to be troubled. He turns back to Lu Chen and bows his head, ‘Lu Chen, I know that your angry with what Yao Shao had said to you, and I apologize in his stead.”


Right now, Long Shen knew that he needs to apologize as Yao Shao was the one who had caused all of the problems.


“I don’t care about what he said about me.” Lu Chen said indifferently.

To see that Long Shen was bowing his head down was something that Lu Chen had dreamed of all his life. But for him right now, Lu Chen wasn’t satisfied with it. He knew that the reason Long Shen was bowing his head was to make his face better and try to get out of the losing situation as quickly as possible.


Of course, Lu Chen saw how Long Shen was comforting Liu Fei Fei right in front of his face. It was as if Lu Chen was air to him and wasn’t a threat to him. Even if this action was on purpose or not, the only thing going through Lu Chen’s mind was to destroy him; rip apart everything that he has, and make him watch as it crumbles.


“I just want to know; Long Shen, since you’ve been friends with Yao Shao for so long, shouldn’t you already know by now his drinking tendency and how loud and abrupt he is?” The friendship between the two of them was just a facade that Long Shen was using. The main reason Long Shen kept Yao Shao beside his side was to make himself look better. Yao Shao was a tool for him to use.

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