A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 73: l’amour dans l’air.

Chapter 73: l'amour dans l'air.

"Zhang Jian." Somber voices call out his name, which made Zhang Jian snap out of his shock. Turning his head around, Zhang Jian sees a bunch of his female classmates staring at him. If this had been any other time, he would have been ecstatic. But right now, it looks like a tsunami of tears is about to come out of the girl's eyes.


"Is Lu Chen really dating Ye Meixiu?!"


"How long have the two of them been dating?"


"When did it all start?!"


"We need all the details you can provide!"


"Ladies, calm down, please!"


The girls didn't even wait for Zhang Jian to say anything as they begin to bombard him with questions. And Zhang Jian has to suffer their questioning while being eye down by their aggrieved gazes. It looks like the girls have gone down to hell and were tortured. If it isn't for the fact they were questioning Zhang Jian, it would have looked like they're after the man's head.


Lu Chen! What happens to our friendship! Zhang Jian tears up from the fact of being abandon to the wolves again. 


When I get my hands on you! 



While the girls are tormenting Zhang Jian, Lu Chen walks with Ye Meixiu to a cafe she had recommended. The cafe's name is l'amour dans l'air.


Ye Meixiu's eyes sparkle as she looks at the cafe's storefront, "Brother Chen, this cafe is a chain store that's so popular in France that it went global! And I heard their lava cakes are so good that it will make your tongue go to heaven."


Lu Chen smiles at her. Even though he isn't a fan of sweets, seeing how excited Ye Meixiu was at eating at the cafe, he decides not to say anything about his tastes. It would have ruined the moment for her. As he looks at the storefront, Lu Chen sees a poster showing a three-layered coffee cake. This looks interesting enough to try.


"Then what are we waiting for, Meixiu; lets going in."


When the two of them enter the cafe, a waiter came up to them. He greets them, "Hello and welcome to l'amour dans l'air. How many people are with you?"


"Two, please." Ye Meixiu told him.


"Right this way, miss." The waiter shows them a table near the window. Placing the menu onto the table, the waiter then told the two, "Please call me over when you finish deciding your choices."


They have a really comfortable service here. Lu Chen praises the waiter in his mind. But when he looks at the menu, that praise went out the window.


What in the world?! Lu Chen's heart felt so much pain just from looking at the prices. The price of a single desert is at least 1,000 yuan or more. He looks at Ye Meixiu, "Meixiu, which dessert are you going to order?"


Ye Meixiu had been looking at the menu with great concentration and thought. Lu Chen's comments had snapped her out of her mulling. She looks up to Lu Chen and says, "I'm getting these ones." She points at five different types of sweets. The total cost of them is at least 7000 yuan altogether.


Can you even eat this much?! Lu Chen couldn't help but be surprised at how much she could eat. Then he starts to chuckle as he asks, " You're going to get chubby from eating so much sweet."


Ye Meixiu puffs up her cheeks, “ I won’t get fat, hmph meanie.” She starts to pick even more, and Lu Chen starts to sweat. He begins to regret treating her to a meal.


The two of them are so focused on choosing their own desserts to see the air change around them. They haven't realized the customers around them are enjoying the view of the two.


“Wow, that couple has the perfect ratios.”


“The girl is a flawless beauty, while the man is aloof and handsome.”


“Isn't that angel and adonis from first high.”


“Noooo, is our goddess being taken away!”


“All handsome men should just go and explode!”


The customer around them was either praising their beauty or was envious and jealous of how perfect the two are. Yet, the two in question didn't even seem to realize it; one is focused on choosing desserts. The other is gasping for dear life on the dessert’s prices to notice the comments.


Well, Ye Meixiu listens in to some of the murmurs, and her ears start to redden.


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