A Date With Faet

19. Charged

Content Warning: Adult Situations, events could be interpreted as mind control

We were still cuddling together on the sofa, Kelly had her arm around my shoulders. She said softly, "Same as on Saturday, if things get too intense or you feel overwhelmed, or for any reason at all, if you want me to stop you say so. Just say stop, and it'll be over. All right?"

I nodded, "Ok."

Kelly kissed me on the cheek. She was still speaking softly as she added "So you know, the spell is only temporary. Even if I don't dispell it, sooner or later it'll wear off on its own. Might take a week, maybe two. But sooner or later it'll be gone."

"Oh..." I tried not to sound too disappointed but she obviously noticed.

She gave me another kiss and smiled. When she spoke this time, her voice was still sort of soft but there was also that slight haughtiness in her tone, and I knew we were getting started.

"Don't worry Tegan, I'm sure we'll find other ways to play that will be just as exciting for you."

It wasn't quite like going zero-to-sixty, she was starting off slowly this time. My cheeks were flushed though, and my breathing and heart-rate jumped slightly. Now that I had a better understanding of how it worked, how she controlled the magic, I was trying to pay closer attention to her tone of voice. I wasn't sure if she knew I was doing that, but she was still watching me closely.

"Let's try turning it up a little," Kelly smiled. There was more authority in her tone this time, but it was still tempered with some softness. "I can see you're trying to concentrate on something Tegan, but I want you distracted."

I suppressed a slight whimper. I felt a flutter between my legs, and my heart was starting to race. I knew my cheeks were on their way from pink to red, and I bit my lower lip.

"That's better," Kelly said, with even more authority in her tone.

I felt the muscles in my groin twitch, and my nipples were straining against the fabric of my bra. My breathing was a little quicker, and it was hard to just leave my hands where they were. I still had one arm around Kelly's waist, the other was resting on the sofa by my thigh.

"Tegan," she stated.

This time a little whimper did escape my lips. She'd said my name with such authority, it was almost like I could feel her voice. It sent a pulse down my spine and straight into my groin.

"Y-yes, Kelly?" I whispered.

She softened her voice slightly this time, as she asked "What is it about this experience that you enjoy so much?"

I gulped and took a deeper breath, "I...It's the spell...Your voice...tone..."

"No," she stated, her tone sending another pulse through me. She asked once more, in a softer tone again "Be honest, Tegan. Before dinner you got wet just thinking about this. Why do you find this so exciting?"

I'd have blushed bright red if my face weren't already that flushed. I gulped again, and admitted "It's knowing you can make my body respond like this..." I paused and took a slightly shuddering breath, "Knowing you can...make me feel like this...whenever you want..."

By this point I was flustered enough I'd forgotten about trying to pay attention to her tone and how I reacted to it. I was mostly just along for the ride now. And it was a ride I really liked.

She kept that soft-but-authoritative tone in her voice as she clarified, "It's because I can make you horny, make you wet, maybe even make you come, whenever I want?"

I felt a slightly stronger flutter between my legs, and another soft whimper escaped my lips. I nodded slightly and whispered, "Yes..."

"Hmm." She had a faint smile on her lips and a slightly thoughtful look on her face.

Then her tone was much more firm as she stated, "Stand up, in front of me, facing me. Take off your t-shirt."

My knees were a little weak but I struggled to my feet and did as she asked. I left my top on the sofa where I'd been sitting.

I stood with my legs pressed tight together, little muscles in my groin were twitching now and then, and I knew my panties were already drenched. My nipples were straining at the soft pink fabric of my bra. I left my arms at my sides for now as I stood before her.

Kelly looked me over, then stated "Take off your shoes and socks, Tegan."

Her words sent more little ripples and shocks through my body, and once again it was almost like I could actually feel the sound of her voice caressing my skin. I may have wobbled slightly as I crouched down, and my hands trembled as I struggled to untie the laces.

When I was done, Kelly looked me over again. The corners of her lips twitched, like she was suppressing a smile. "Sit down Tegan. On the coffee table, so you're still facing me." She added, "We don't want you to fall and hurt yourself, and I don't think you'll be able to remain upright much longer."

I felt a little shudder of excitement, along with another whimper as her words once again caressed over my skin. This time it almost felt like her voice was trying to work her way inside me.

I sat before her on the end of the coffee table. It was lower than the sofa, and combined with our height difference it helped emphasize how much smaller I was compared to her. My arms were at my sides, my hands holding the edge of the table. I had my knees together, and my thighs tensed, pressed together tightly.

Kelly watched me like this for another few seconds. Her eyes were on mine, and when she spoke next, her voice was nothing but pure authority. "Very good girl."

Her words hit me like a bolt of lightning, my whole body tensed and I think I let out a little cry or yelp. My toes curled, my hands clutched the edge of the coffee table, and I felt a surge shoot down my spine and into my groin, then it exploded outwards from there, rolling over my entire body in waves of ecstasy.

I lost track of time as my brain stopped working entirely. It may have been eternity, or it may have been ten or twenty seconds, but eventually I started to think again.

I took a deep, shuddering breath then moaned softly. My thighs were still pressed together, but now I was moving them slightly, rubbing them tightly together as more little waves of pleasure washed outwards through my body.

Through it all, Kelly was still sitting in front of me. She'd been watching the entire performance, and when I was finally able to focus my eyes again, I could tell she enjoyed it.

She had one eyebrow raised and a slight smile on her lips. When she spoke, her tone was once more a blend of haughtiness and softness. It sent another shock through my body, but it wasn't enough to push me back to the edge again. Not yet, at least.

"Did you enjoy that, Tegan?"

I gulped, "Y-yes..."

"Good," she smiled. She turned up the intensity slightly as she added, "Stand up, and undress. Time to get you out of those wet clothes."

I shuddered slightly as I struggled to my feet again. My fingers felt a bit weak as I fumbled with the jeans, but soon enough I had them and the panties off. Sure enough they were soaked through, and the scent of my arousal was unmistakable.

I'd probably be embarrassed in the morning, but right now I was too excited to care. With my lower half now fully exposed, I straightened up and reached back and quickly unhooked my bra. A moment later it joined the rest of my clothes in a pile on the sofa.

Kelly looked me over. I bit my lip as it felt like I was being inspected again.

She gave me a smile and said, "Gorgeous."

Her tone sent another little shock through my body. It was just enough to make my knees weak, and I moaned softly again.

Finally Kelly stood up, and had me follow her into the bedroom. She stood me next to the bed and had me watch as she got herself undressed. She kept talking to me, and my brain was functioning just enough to know she was using that tone of voice to keep me hot, wet, and needy, while I watched her strip.

She took her time as she removed her clothes one piece after another, gradually revealing her beautiful body.

When she was finished, she moved to stand directly in front of me.

I looked up at her, I was still feeling the flutters and tremors between my legs, but being reminded again of how much smaller I was gave me another little flutter in my stomach as well.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around me and pulled me against her, into a warm, gentle embrace.

I sighed happily and my arms encircled her waist as I let my head lean against her left shoulder. My boobs were pressed against her body just beneath her own, and I could feel my still-hard nipples poking against her soft skin.

Kelly tilted her head down a little closer to mine and I felt her lips brushed the top of my cheek. I was expecting a kiss, or perhaps a soft whisper.

I was completely unprepared when she stated in a voice once again full of authority and control, "I want you to come right now, Tegan."

My knees actually buckled, but she held me tight as my body shuddered then my muscles went rigid. If anything it was even more intense this time, the surge of energy felt stronger and lasted longer as it blasted down my spine, collected between my legs, then exploded outwards through every fibre of my being. Finally my whole body went slack in her arms as I slumped against her.

For those few seconds there was nothing but Kelly, her voice, and the intense, overwhelming ecstasy that had displaced my ability to think.

When my brain finally finished rebooting, I was still in her arms. We were now sitting together on the edge of the bed.

Or rather, Kelly was sitting on the edge of the bed. She had her legs spread slightly and I was on her lap facing her, I was straddling her right thigh, my right leg in between both of hers.

Her arms were still around me as she held me upright, and I could feel her thigh pressing against my sex as I sat straddling her leg. Any little movements either of us made sent sparks of pleasure shooting through my core.

My breath was coming in short hard gasps and my heart was still pounding.

Kelly smiled slightly and asked, "And how was that, Tegan?"

"Ngghmmth" was about as eloquent as I could manage.

She leaned forward and planted a kiss on my lips, then let herself lay back on the bed, pulling me atop her. We lay together like that for a few more minutes as I recovered.

Eventually I regained the ability to speak, and I whispered "That...wow!"

Kelly kept one arm around me, but her other hand moved up and she ran her fingers through my hair. Then she lightly touched my forehead, and whispered "I'm going to remove that spell now."

I frowned, "Oh...why?"

She replied softly, "It's not necessary... It probably never was. And I still feel bad that I did it without your permission."

I didn't argue. I just stayed quiet as she whispered some of her indecipherable words. I didn't feel anything happen, but I somehow knew it was gone.

She ran her fingers through my hair again then added quietly, "If you wanted, we could try it again at some point. But only if you want."

I nodded slightly, then shifted so my lips were by hers. I gave her a kiss, and whispered "Thank you Kelly."

She kissed me back, and her fingers started to gently carress my back and sides.

I sighed happily and shifted again, rubbing myself against her.

I could feel the excitement starting to build in me again, and I could tell she was feeling it too. And I knew she was right, we didn't need magic for this.

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