A Date With Faet

6. Cultivated

It was quarter to six when we got back to my apartment. As we made our way back inside, Kelly sighed "I've messed up the time. We're both going to have to skip the shower but I think we'll be ok without."

I just nodded. I figured we only had about forty-five minutes before we'd have to arrange the ride-share, if we wanted to be on-time for seven.

Inside, Kelly gave me a small grin, "I suspect I'm going to have to help you get dressed. I don't imagine you know how to put on the garter, or the bra."

I blushed, "Uh, yeah."

"I'll get changed first," she decided. She picked up her little overnight bag from next to the sofa and strode into the bathroom, adding "Why don't you go into your bedroom and get undressed? I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Ok Kelly," I nodded.

While she was getting herself changed I looked at the pile of clothes on my bed from our first round of shopping.

I sighed as I started putting it all back into the bags. It would all be going back tomorrow. The only things I couldn't return were the package of panties and the sports bras, since they'd both been opened. And of course, the clothes I'd worn today wouldn't go back either.

It was weird but I actually felt sad as I put everything else back into the bags, knowing it'd all go back to the store unworn.

It crossed my mind that I should have felt bad about the stuff we'd paid good money for that I'd only ever get to wear once. I mean, sure I could probably donate it or something, but I'd already decided I was keeping it. Even if none of it would ever fit me again, it'd be souvenirs from my day as Tegan.

Once I had the bed cleared I sat down and undid my shoes, then pulled them and the socks off. I wriggled out of the jeans and pulled off the shirt. Finally I sat there in nothing but my black panties and sports bra. I was still a bit self-conscious about being naked in front of Kelly, so I put that off as long as possible.

I only had to wait another few minutes before my girlfriend emerged from the bathroom. My bedroom door was open so she could just come in.

Kelly was wearing a pair of black slacks and a sleeveless forest-green blouse. It had a deep neck, and I could tell she'd put on a push-up bra. She'd also fluffed her hair a little, and put on deep red lipstick.

Honestly I was a little envious of how quickly and easily she could make herself look stunning. Another one of her superpowers. Actually it occurred to me, maybe it's that part-fae thing she mentioned last night? If she had some magic 'fair-folk' blood in her, maybe that's how she always looked so good.

She looked me over then reminded me, "I said undressed. Lose the panties and the bra."

I blushed as I pulled the bra off, and gulped as my large breasts jiggled free of it. Then I stood up and started to pull the panties down, but hesitated.

"Wait," I said, frowning. "You forgot to buy fancy panties at that boutique. Shouldn't I keep these on?"

I bit my lip when she arched an eyebrow.

In a slightly haughty tone, Kelly replied "I didn't forget, Tegan. I decided you wouldn't need them."

That sent another flutter through my stomach and beyond. And now I knew she was doing this on purpose. Crap!

I took a deep breath then just nodded and slid the panties down.

Kelly had me stand in front of her as she pulled the garter belt out of the first bag. She put it on me, then helped me get the stockings on. Finally she got the stockings clipped to the garter.

Then the lacy bra came out and she helped me with that too. It wasn't a push-up style, but it felt good and looked great. The way it held and shaped my boobs was a lot nicer than the sports bra, and it sent another flutter through my stomach.

The whole ensemble was purple, but it was a lighter tone than my hair. Closer to lavender, rather than violet. I loved it though, and the feel of the lace against my skin was a sensation I'd never experienced before.

Kelly looked me over, then went for the next bag.

I was expecting the skirt and blouse, but instead she got out the shoes. She set them on the floor and had me step into them.

When I'd tried them on at the store I had my jeans on. Now with almost nothing on, I could really see how the heels changed the shape of my legs and my behind. My eyes widened as I looked down at myself.

Kelly looked me over again, then a small smile formed on her lips.

"What?" I blushed. "What is it?"

"Just thinking," she smirked. "This time yesterday, you swore you wouldn't wear drag. Now I've got you in heels and lace."

That just made me blush brighter, but I couldn't think of anything to say.

Her expression became serious again as she finally opened the last bag. The skirt she'd chosen for me was short, black, and pleated. It had some grey and purple lines across one side in an abstract, random pattern.

She helped me put it on and she did it up for me, despite the fact that I'd already put it on by myself back in the boutique change room. I think she just wanted to be in control right now, and honestly I was extremely ok with that.

The hem of the skirt ended about three inches above my knees. I hoped we'd be seated at a booth at the restaurant, or I was almost definitely going to flash someone getting up or sitting down. With a bit of shock I realized that had to be part of Kelly's plan.

Something about this whole experience had my stomach fluttering and my heart skipping beats. I mean, I knew I should have been embarrassed? But no, mostly I was just getting turned on. Crap. I hadn't wanted to admit that, even to myself.

Finally the blouse emerged from the bag. It was the light grey one, that was sort of translucent. It had long sleeves and a little collar, and to be honest it was my least-favourite of the three she'd had me try. The black sports-bra had been way too visible underneath it, and I was self-conscious about that.

On the other hand, the material was very light and comfortable. And I realized, the lavender bra I now wore really didn't show through the top that much.

Once that was on me and done up, Kelly had me get my lipstick. She put it on for me, then took a step back and looked me over.

I noticed one nice thing about the heels, I mean besides making my legs and ass look fantastic, was they made me just a little bit taller. So I didn't have to tilt my head up so far to look Kelly in the eyes.

Finally she smiled, "Perfect. Go have a look at yourself."

My heart was racing as I hurried out of my bedroom and into the bathroom to check the mirror.

"Oh my..." I didn't have any other words. Like she said, she'd turned me from sort of messy casual cute, to holy-crap-I-can't-believe-that's-me sexy cute.

I just stood there and stared for a minute or two. Gradually a different kind of anxiety floated up, as it suddenly sank in that this wasn't just going to be me and Kelly. Keira would be there, and she'd potentially have some guy with her. But even worse, we'd be in a crowded restaurant, and then the theatre.

Guys would be staring at me, and having been one myself up until yesterday evening I knew what they'd be thinking as they leered. Suddenly I was having second thoughts about this whole plan.

Before I could slide into panic, Kelly was there. She stepped up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"How're you doing, babe?"

I gulped, then whispered "I'm kind of scared, to be honest."

She gave me a reassuring smile in the mirror, "You'll do fine. I'll be with you, everything will be ok."

I nodded slowly, then turned to face her. I felt another flutter in my stomach as I had to tilt my head up further to look at her again. Then I realized she'd put on heels as well. My inch-and-a-half kitten heels were soundly defeated by her three-inch pumps. Damnit, now she was even taller next to me then when we were both in sneakers.

Kelly smiled down at me again. It was another warm, friendly, reassuring smile. "Our ride is on the way. We have about ten minutes, and I have some things to tell you really quickly."

I gulped again, "Ok?"

She guided me out of the bathroom and over to the sofa. She quickly taught me how to sit down and stand up in a skirt. Then she gave me a brief lesson in how to sit, what to do with my legs, that sort of thing. Basically to make sure I wasn't slouching with my knees wide open like a typical guy.

As she ran through the instructions she added, "To be fair you weren't doing that earlier, but now that you're in a short skirt it's much more important."

I nodded and followed her guidance. Most of it seemed like common-sense, really. I mean, being in a skirt just felt different and the things she was telling me just seemed like the natural way to do things when I felt this exposed.

After the quick lesson there was enough time to use the washroom, then our ride was here and we had to go.

The driver gave both of us a look as we got in, and I realized he was checking me out in the rear-view. He tried making small-talk on the way to the restaurant, but Kelly was having none of that. She had some more stuff to talk with me about. This time it was our 'back-story'.

"So when Keira asks how we met," she said, ignoring the driver who was listening in, "We'll tell her it was through a dating app. That cupid thing or whatever? You had your profile up there looking for short-term dating and hook-ups, and I messaged you last night. We met this afternoon, ok?"

I nodded, but I was starting to feel overwhelmed.

Kelly said, "Don't worry. If Keira starts grilling you about your background or anything, we'll just tell her you and I haven't known each other long enough for that. That it's literally a one-night stand and we're not looking to get attached or anything. Ok?"

"Ok Kelly," I replied nervously. "I'll try. I know you don't want to lose the bet, but... If I start to panic or something, what do I do?"

She took my hand in hers, "Just tell me, Tegan. If you're feeling overwhelmed, just say that. I'll help. We'll step out for some air. Or we'll hide in the restroom for a bit. Or if we have to, we'll just leave."

I nodded, but I was still worried. I was staring at the back of the seat in front of me, but Kelly reached over and cupped my chin. She gently turned my head towards her and lifted my chin up, till we were looking each other in the eyes.

She kept her eyes on mine for a few moments, then said "Yes I want to beat my sister, but not if it means hurting you Tegan. You're more important to me than winning some bet with Keira. Ok?"

I didn't know what to say. I just stared at her for a couple seconds, and this time the flutter I felt was in my heart. She'd never said anything like that before. I mean, I never thought she'd put me in danger or anything. But this was the first time she'd actually said it.

Finally I nodded, "Ok Kelly. Thank you."

"No, thank you Tegan." She gave me another warm, reassuring smile. "I know the past twenty-four hours have been beyond crazy for you. I..." She hesitated. "There's more I want to say, but this isn't the place."

Before I could respond the car came to a halt in front of the restaurant.

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