A Date With Faet

61. Debriefed

You'd think after crossing worlds a dozen or so times, I'd get used to it. But no. Every time it was the same thing. Like going into hyperspace without a ship, then suddenly emerging on the other side feeling completely rattled and shaken.

I still had Keira and Kelly on either side of me, both of them had their arms looped around mine. And all three of us were sort of gasping and taking deep breaths, trying to settle down our jumbled senses.

Of course it was warmer here than it was at my property on Earth, my mother's estate and the surrounding county were in the south of Otherworld. And they just generally had better weather here regardless. The sun was just clearing the trees now and started to fill the meadow with golden early-morning light.

And that's when I finally noticed the dozen soldiers arrayed before us, all holding bows raised and ready.

I was scrambling to pull up my barrier spell when I heard someone shout "Stand down!"

All twelve archers lowered their bows, as the man who'd given the order came running up from off to the right. Fortunately everyone was wearing Brádaigh livery, the light-blue and purple uniforms were a welcome sight. I think I actually missed this place.

The officer bowed deeply, "My deepest apologies Lady Tegan!"

The three of us were still kind of shaken, first from the inter-world travel, then from the unexpectedly threatening welcome. I recognized the young man, we'd met a few times over the past couple years. He was Siobhan's second in command, and loyal of course to my fae-mom.

I nodded slightly, "Lieutenant Gaelen, hello. What's going on?"

Kelly asked, "The garrison's been reactivated?"

I hadn't even noticed that but now I looked around and realized the whole meadow was cleared of weeds and brush, and the old building had been repaired and now seemed to be fully staffed.

Gaelen nodded, "There is trouble brewing, m'lady. Lady Maeve thought it best to keep this place under guard, as it is the nearest point to the castle where the veil is thin enough for travel."

He turned back towards the garrison and shouted, "Horses! Now! Get a move on!" Then he looked back to us, "I will escort you to the castle myself, m'lady."

A few of the soldiers came and relieved us of our packs, they'd carry the gear for us.

"What trouble, Gaelen? What can you tell us?" I asked him.

Gaelen replied, "I believe Lady Maeve would rather discuss the matter with you herself, Lady Tegan."

I accepted that, and the three of us watched as a half dozen horses were readied. Three were brought forward for me and Kelly and Keira. A fourth was for the lieutenant. And the last two already held soldiers.

The young woman at the front carried a pike with our family pennant held high. I knew by now they always did that when a member of the family was present. To be honest I thought that was kind of a silly practice. I mean for one thing I didn't like having people make a fuss over me. But more importantly I thought if there actually was a threat, why would you advertise a high-value target like that? It was tradition or something though, and they insisted that's just how things were done here.

Me and Keira gave Kelly a hand getting her onto her horse since she was still recovering from that injury, then we mounted up as well. I still needed a bit of a boost as well getting into the saddle, thanks to a combination of lack of training, lack of practice, and lack of height. There wasn't much I could do about that last thing, but sooner or later I'd address the first two.

Once we were all ready, the six of us set out. Our standard-bearer took the lead, then Gaelen and I followed. The twins were behind us, and finally a young man took up the rear. That last guy also had our three backpacks with him.

Of course the real reason for having someone waving the flag was to alert the castle. So by the time our little group arrived, the gate was open, and Maeve was there with a bunch of other servants and attendants to welcome us in.

We rode into the courtyard and were immediately surrounded by servants and soldiers, all eager to greet us, tend the horses, that sort of thing.

Keira and I dismounted then we helped Kelly again, and finally the three of us along with Gaelen turned to greet Maeve.

My fae-mom smiled and gave me a brief hug, "Welcome home Tegan. And Kelly, Keira, it is wonderful as always to see you both."

Captain Siobhan was there too of course, the tall amazonian officer stood by Maeve's side. She greeted us as well and asked, "You arrive two days ahead of schedule, Lady Tegan. Is everything all right?"

I grimaced and looked between her and my fae-mom. "We need to talk."

Maeve nodded, "Indeed we do."

She turned her attention to Gaelen and the others, "Have my daughter's and her friends' belongings taken to their rooms. Gaelen, you and your soldiers may stay for some refreshments, then return to your post."

There were bows and acknowledgements and everyone hurried to get to work, while Maeve and Siobhan led me and Kelly and Keira into the castle.

The three of us wound up in the study, which had become one of our usual haunts. It served as a private meeting room, a quiet library, and a place to take meals when we wanted something cosier and more intimate than the huge dining hall.

On our way there Maeve ordered a passing servant, "We'll be taking breakfast in the study."

Once we arrived, four of us all sat down together, taking seats near the fireplace. Siobhan took up a position standing to the left of my fae-mom.

Maeve glanced at the tall blonde captain and said, "Siobhan, take a seat, join us."

I was pleasantly surprised at that, but the captain looked even more surprised. She hesitated, "M'lady?"

"It's fine Siobhan," Maeve explained. This is an informal meeting, and I know my daughter and her friends will be more comfortable if you join us rather than standing to attention the whole time."

Siobhan nodded, "Thank you m'lady." She pulled up a chair and joined our little group, settling awkwardly into her seat.

As the five of us waited for the refreshments, I realized there was someone missing. It wasn't unusual for Connor to be excluded from any serious discussions, but I hadn't even seen him out in the courtyard when we arrived. Normally he'd have been there with Maeve to welcome me back.

I looked at my fae-mom and asked, "Mother? Where's Connor? Isn't he here?"

She sighed deeply and replied, "If fate is smiling upon us, he is in a cell in Oisín Ceallaigh's dungeon. Otherwise, he is perhaps decorating a pike in front of the Ceallaigh stronghold."

She did her best to keep her tone calm and level, but I could hear the worry, the fear in her voice.

Kelly and Keira and I all stared at Maeve in shock. I don't think any of us knew what to say or how to react to that news.

Kelly recovered first, "Has the truce been broken then? What happened?!"

Maeve sighed, "Oisín Ceallaigh, leader of the Ceallaigh family claims it was I who broke the truce. He claims that his son Aodhan was murdered four months ago, by assassins who wore Brádaigh livery. Connor had gone to meet with Lord Oisín. We've been in talks with the Ceallaigh family leader for two years, working to forge a closer alliance between their family and our clann."

She sighed again, "Lieutenant Gaelen was with Connor as his bodyguard. Gaelen returned three weeks ago without my husband, and bearing the news of this betrayal. He also brought with him a letter from Lord Oisín, accusing me of ordering the death of his son."

All three of us were silent again. I slumped back in my seat in shock, my head spinning from the news.

We remained quiet as a handful of servants arrived and set out some platters of food, and a couple pitchers of drinks. Once they were done Maeve dismissed them, and had the door closed to give us all some additional privacy.

"I'm sure we don't need to ask," Keira said, breaking the silence. "But I'm assuming you did not in fact have Aodhan killed?"

Maeve shook her head, "Of course not. None of us had any quarrel with the lad. Nor had I any further score to settle with his family. And as I said, we were working with her family to forge an even stronger bond. There was no reason for either side to violate the truce."

I poured myself a glass of my favourite juice, then said "Whatever's going on, it's also spilled over to Earth."

Both my mother and Siobhan looked at me. Maeve asked "What has happened?"

After a few gulps of juice, I told them of the attempted assassination on Sunday, that I'd escaped injury but Kelly was badly hurt. And that the would-be assassin was being controlled, but he claimed to have been sent by the Ceallaighs.

Keira added, "Tegan doesn't believe he was really sent by them, and I agree with her. After what you've just told us, I'm even more sure. Someone else is doing this. They've had you framed for Aodhan's murder, and they tried to have the Ceallaighs blamed for the attempt on Tegan."

"Someone's trying to start a war," Kelly stated with a frown.

Siobhan sighed, "I agree with miss Kelly. This isn't just about breaking the truce, it's not about a petty squabble. Arranging assassinations on both sides, each blaming the other? Someone wants clann Brádaigh and the Ceallaigh family at each others throats."

Maeve didn't respond, apart from nodding quietly. Finally she helped herself to some food, then the rest of us slowly started eating as well. Technically I shouldn't have even had the juice before my fae-mom started, but I had daughter-privilege, and anyways she'd already said it was informal when she had Siobhan sit with us.

Breakfast was a quiet, slightly uncomfortable affair as we all contemplated each other's news.

As the five of us finished eating, Maeve commented "This past year there's been a noticeable increase in the number of spies attempting to infiltrate my castle. There are always some, it's a routine aspect of fae politics. I have spies in other houses, they send spies here, it's all part of the game. Lately though, someone has been playing the game a lot harder than usual."

Keira frowned, "How do you know?" She clarified, "I mean, how do you know who's a spy? Like, if they're any good wouldn't that be kind of secret? It's sort of in the job description."

Maeve smiled slightly "I have an advantage there. A gift from my grandmother." Her smile faded as she added, "No-one knows this, and I ask you all to keep it to yourselves."

All four of us agreed, then she continued. "I won't say exactly what it is, but after my mother died it passed to me. Unfortunately I neglected it until Liam's betrayal. Since then I've been diligent. That's how I am assured my staff are trustworthy. If any turn against me, or if any new hires are in the service of another, I will know. And I will root them out."

She paused for a drink, then looked to me. "I can identify them, and I can have them imprisoned or executed, but I have not your skill Tegan in extracting information from them. There are two in my dungeon as we speak. After what's happened to Aodhan Ceallaigh, and with Connor taken, and now the news you bring from Earth... I need you to question them."

I shook my head, "Mother I'm not an interrogator. And I'm sure as heck not going to torture anyone."

Maeve stated, "Liam ó Catháin resisted my best efforts for two decades, Tegan. Yet one hour with you was all it took to extract all his secrets."

I sighed, "That was... What I did to Liam wasn't something I did lightly. And I only did it because he pushed me too far and there was history between us."

Maeve stood and moved to one of the book cases, then returned and set a book down on the table before me. The title made it clear, this was a book of mind-magic.

"You have the talent and the strength Tegan. You can learn those spells, and get the information we need. Without need of torture, without resorting to other unpleasant magic."

Both Kelly and Keira tensed up slightly when they saw the book. So did I.

I shook my head, "I won't do that, mother. That's a line I won't cross."

She watched me for a few moments then said, "Tegan, I don't care what methods you use. Read their minds, or manipulate their bodies. But I am asking you. For my sake, and for your father's. Find out who those spies are working for, and what their goal is." She added, "Their treachery nearly cost you Kelly's life. Who's life may be at risk next?"

Siobhan added quietly, "If they have agents on Earth, they may know of your other relationships there Lady Tegan. How long will your adoptive parents remain safe?"

I slumped back in my chair and closed my eyes as I let out a long, deep sigh.

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