A Date With Faet

70. Dined

I was still feeling awful about my oversight, despite Kelly and Keira's assurances that everything was fine. The two of them were reading again, Kelly was learning defensive magic while Keira was studying combat spells. They were laying next to each other on the bed for now.

I'd moved to sit by the windows, and was trying to re-read the book on fast travel magic but I was having a hard time focusing. My eyes kept wandering away from the book and back towards Kelly and Keira.

Even now, the only way I could tell them apart was by the books they were holding. As I watched, they both reached up and turned their pages in unison. That just added to my disquiet. Even reading two completely different books it's like the two of them were synchronized or something.

I decided I should probably speak with Muireann myself, incase there was anything else she mentioned that the two of them hadn't told me. And maybe I'd ask Maeve to introduce me to a magic expert. I knew she had someone in the castle who was a tutor or something, I figured if I explained my spell they might have some insight or be able to tell me if I'd missed some obvious pitfall.

Eventually I forced myself to focus on my book, but it was still hard to actually absorb what I was reading.

The three of us spent the rest of the afternoon like this. I just hoped the twins were actually benefitting from it. I was getting nowhere, just reading the same two pages over and over as I kept worrying and second-guessing about their situation.

"Hey, we're getting hungry." Keira announced as it got towards evening.

Kelly nodded, "Let's just have dinner here?"

I got up and went to the bell-cord and gave it a tug. Then I asked, "How's the studying coming along?"

"Pretty good," Kelly replied. "I'm starting to grasp that barrier spell. I think in another day or two I'll have it."

Keira nodded, "Yeah, same. I should have that 'thousand blades' spell figured out by tomorrow or the day after."

I grimaced, "That's a nasty one. I've only seen it used for real once."

"I remember the story," Keira said. "It's effective though, and if we actually wind up in combat we'll need to be able to fight back."

Kelly added, "And defend ourselves."

We were interrupted by a knock at the door, then it opened a moment later. Rather than a maid, it was seneschal Owen.

He bowed slightly, "Lady Tegan, miss Kelly, miss Keira. Lady Maeve requests that the three of you join her for dinner."

I suppressed a sigh as I glanced at the twins. The two of them set their books aside and got up out of bed, then all three of us followed Owen.

To my surprise, he didn't take us to the dining hall. I'd been expecting the three of us to be subjected to another awkward meal with my mother and sir Colm. Instead Owen brought us into Maeve's private quarters.

He led the three of us into a dining room. Like the living-room it was small, cosy, and comfortable. It wouldn't have been all that out of place in a fancy house back on Earth. The main difference was the lighting here was provided by candles rather than electricity.

The table looked like it could seat six, but there were only four places set. One at either end, and one on each side.

Owen indicated the far end, "Lady Tegan, if you please?" Then the twins were sat on either side, facing each other. That left the spot at the other end of the table for Maeve.

Once the three of us were seated, Owen excused himself.

"Wow," the twin on my left said quietly. "This is a pretty big honour I guess."

I'd lost track of them again, and sighed "Yes, it is. Sorry for asking, but which of you is which?"

"Kelly," the one on my left replied.

The one on the right grinned, "And Keira."

"Thank you," I whispered.

A moment later Maeve joined us. She'd changed out of the fancy silk dress she was wearing earlier, now she was just in a simple cotton dress, not that different from what I was wearing.

"Thank you for joining me," she said quietly. "I needed to speak with you privately, and it seemed this was the best way to handle that."

She was acting calm and relaxed, but I could tell she was still stressed. There was still some tension in her voice, and I could see the stress in her eyes.

All four of us were quiet for a few minutes as two maids came in, each carrying trays. They moved quickly and quietly, serving dinner and drinks for the four of us, then they exited again just as efficiently.

Maeve began the meal then me and the twins started eating as well.

As we ate, my fae-mom looked at me and asked "Tegan be honest with me. What is the status of your leg? Are you fit to travel on foot?"

I replied, "I've been walking regularly for several weeks. I don't know about hiking over rough terrain or climbing, but I can cover twelve to fifteen kilometers in a single day if I'm walking on a level surface. I doubt I could run very far, but I'm walking at a normal pace."

Kelly added, "That's about two and a half to three leagues each day."

"And you've been performing the healing spells for my daughter?" Maeve asked her.

"Yes m'lady," Kelly nodded. "Both myself and Keira are able to cast the spell. It's usually my job but Keira has done it a few times too."

Maeve nodded slowly, then added "You may address me as Maeve here. You need not be so formal when you are a guest in my private quarters."

"Mother," I asked, "Will you tell us about the news your couriers brought?"

She sipped her wine then sighed. "I wrote to the commanders of the three western-most strongholds along my southern border. My letters were the same in each case. I asked them to report on the status of the borders, and if there was any unusual activity in their area."

After another sip of wine she went on, "Captain Eamon of castle Griofa wrote that all is well. He's aware of no disturbances, and nothing out of the ordinary. He says the borders are quiet, both to the south, and to the west."

She continued, "Commander Evan of Cionga stronghold reports that the border to the south is quiet, but that his scouts have observed some strange things happening to the west at castle Griofa. He has sent some requests to Captain Eamon regarding the unusual activity, but has not received a satisfactory reply."

She paused for more wine, then finished, "Captain Garrett of castle Barra also reports the southern border is quiet. He had nothing to report in his area, but he did mention Commander Evan's concerns about goings-on to the west of him."

I glanced back and forth at the twins.

Before any of us could comment, Maeve summarized, "If all three had been compromised, or if all three were loyal, I would have expected all three to submit similar reports. Instead I have Eamon telling me everything is fine, but the other two commanders telling me there is something happening in the direction of Griofa which makes them uncomfortable."

She sighed, "I fear Eamon has betrayed us."

"Ok," I said, after a minute or two. "I think Colm is right. Since that castle is important to the defence of the county, as well as the region, we have to know it's secure. And if Eamon is a traitor, we have to get him into custody. And find out what he knows, who he's working for."

We were all quiet for a few minutes after that. Eventually Maeve said, "If I send the three of you to Griofa as sir Colm has asked, in a best-case scenario you will be travelling two to three days. When you reach the castle, sir Colm will identify himself, and you Tegan will identify yourself. If the staff there remain loyal to me despite Eamon's treachery, your group will be welcomed in. You'll be fed, housed, and you and Colm will ask, or demand an audience with Eamon. Find out what you can, do what you must, then return here as quickly as possible. If all goes well it should take no more than six or seven days in total."

"I'm still not sure how I'm meant to get us there," I sighed. "It's too far to teleport. Colm suggested it had something to do with the spell to cross worlds, but..."

Maeve replied, "When you cross worlds, you tend to return to the place where you left. But there are other places you can go. To get from here to Griofa, you'd cross to Earth at dawn, wait a day, then return to Otherworld the following dawn. But instead of coming to the south woods, guide yourself and your companions to a place near Griofa. The journey of two weeks becomes two or three days."

I frowned, "But I've never been near Griofa, I don't know how to get us there."

Maeve smiled, "We'll talk more on this tomorrow, Tegan. For now, let us finish the business at hand."

She then warned, "If things go badly at Griofa, if Eamon has turned the entire castle against us, then merely approaching could put your lives at risk. You may find yourselves pursued, you may find yourselves in combat. Beyond those threats, that area is literally the frontier. It is dangerous, that is why we have castles and strongholds there in the first place."

"I understand, mother." I sighed, "From the sound of it, we don't have much choice. We need to find out what's going on, we need to get the castle and border back under your control. And you need to stay here because of the ongoing threat with the Ceallaighs. That means I have to go to Griofa."

Kelly added, "And Tegan needs ongoing healing treatments, which means I have to go with her."

"Which means me too. Kelly's not going without me." Keira added.

Maeve sighed again, "You are all brave and loyal to each other. I don't know Colm, but if the king trusts him then he is loyal, and he will be skilled and capable in battle. But his loyalty is to the crown, not to me or our family. So I will add one more to your group."

I was expecting her to say Siobhan, or at least Gaelen, since they were her top two soldiers. The name she actually picked caught me by surprise.

"Feichin will accompany you," Maeve stated. "I believe this situation calls for stealth and wariness, as much as strength and bravery. Colm will be skilled with the sword and the bow, and possibly with combat magic. Feichin will be able to read the terrain, he'll understand the land. He'll ensure you move quietly and stay unobserved. He is also an excellent archer."

It made sense when she explained it. I asked, "Will we be leaving at dawn tomorrow?"

"No," Maeve shook her head. "Tomorrow the five of you will plan and prepare. Work out what supplies to bring. Listen to Feichin, he'll have excellent guidance on that. You'll set out the following morning."

I glanced at the twins, they both just nodded. All three of us accepted Maeve's decision, so there wasn't much more to say.

We continued our meal, then towards the end Keira spoke up. "Lady Maeve, there's something I was curious about. It's regarding Kelly's and my status or relationship with Tegan, since we've become part of her sept in the clann."

From the tone of her voice and the glint in her eyes, I knew she was going to ask something silly or embarrassing. I cringed slightly and my girlfriend was shaking her head slowly as she stared across the table at her twin.

Maeve asked "Yes, what is it Keira?"

"Are we like her wives now?" Keira asked. "Or mistresses? Or what exactly is the relationship?"

Both Kelly and I were cringing together now, but Maeve took the question at face value.

"You are her clannmates," my fae-mom replied in a calm, conversational tone.

She almost sounded amused or teasing as she continued, "You may both be her mistresses as well, but that is between the two of you and my daughter."

Finally Maeve added in a firm but slightly sad tone, "However, I'm afraid neither of you may marry her. When the time comes, my daughter will wed the son of another noble house, and she will bear clann Brádaigh at least one heir. Preferably two or three."

So hopefully I'll save everyone a lot of angst & heartache and just say this up front: No, Tegan's not going to marry some guy. I'd never force a gay character into a hetero relationship. Rest assured, one way or another Maeve will be disappointed.

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