A Date With Faet

9. Captivated

Content warning: Events could be interpreted as mind control; Adult situations.

Kelly's voice wavered as she spoke. "If you want me to go, I'll understand. I'll dispell the magic, turn you back to normal, and I'll leave."

"No," I stated firmly. "I'm not kicking you out Kelly. I don't want you to go."

She stared at the floor again, a sad look on her face and fresh tears in her eyes. "I used you. I took advantage of you. I... I'm not a good person, Tegan. I don't deserve you. And you deserve someone better."

I shook my head "I already told you Kelly. I've been having fun. This has been... It's been wild. You've made me feel things I could never have imagined, and I've enjoyed it."

She closed her eyes and grimaced, then exclaimed "Tegan don't you get it? My magic... I fucked with your mind! You remember last night after dinner, you asked if my spell did something to your head? I never gave you a straight answer."

Once again I was speechless. All I could do was stare at her with wide eyes.

Kelly said, "You asked if I did something to make you accept this. I told the truth when I said no. Because honestly it never even fucking occurred to me to do that. Instead, I figured if you started freaking out I'd just make you stop. So I..." She hesitated again.

Finally she confessed, "I made it so you'd get a bit excited whenever I got kind of bossy. The spell doesn't force you to do anything. I'd never do like, mind-control shit, that's dark as fuck. But I thought, this way I could squash any freak-outs by distracting you with good feelings. I still fucked with your head, though."

I frowned at her, "Why like that? I mean that's so weirdly specific?"

She blushed and looked even more guilty as she admitted, "I figured it'd be fun for me too. Like, to be a little dominant with you while you were a girl..."

I slumped back on the sofa and stared at the ceiling for a few seconds as that sank in. Then finally, I couldn't help it. I grinned.

"You made me subby for you? That's..." I giggled, then quickly caught myself and became serious again.

I stared at her and sighed as I thought it through. "Kelly, you shouldn't have done that without asking first. That's... It's a huge violation. I'm upset about it, but I'm not going to dump you. And I'm not kicking you out."

After a pause, I asked "What you did to my head, does that affect me in any other way? My thinking, my feelings, anything?"

She shook her head, "No. It doesn't do anything to your thoughts or your personality or emotions or anything else. It doesn't do anything at all, unless I activate it by being bossy with you. Then all it does is cause a physical response."

Part of me knew I should just tell her to dispell it right now. But I wasn't ready yet to go back to being him, and I figured it was all part of the same spell since it all happened at the same time. And even though I was upset she'd done that to me without asking, I also had to admit I'd enjoyed the effect it had on me at the cafe this afternoon.

After a few minutes, I finally frowned and took a deep breath. "Kelly? I want you to apologize to me. For lying about the bet. For messing with my head without asking first. And for everything else you feel bad about. No excuses, no more self-deprecation. Just apologize."

She gulped and wiped her eyes again. I knew this was probably hard for her. I mean, she's said 'sorry' in the past, for minor things. But I've never seen her back down with her sister, and this is the first time something this serious has come up between us. I had a feeling that she's never actually had to truly apologize before.

Kelly took a couple deep breaths, then slowly looked at me. I could see more tears pooling in her beautiful green eyes.

"Tegan," her voice wavered, but she pushed on. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry I took advantage of you. I'm sorry I messed with your body and your mind. I'm sorry for using you to try and win a stupid bet with my sister... I've done that so many times and I'm sorry for each and every one of them. I'm sorry I've taken you for granted so much. I... I'm just sorry."

I watched her, then asked "Have you ever used magic on me before, without telling me?"

She shook her head. "Never. I swear it."

"Ok," I nodded slowly. I watched her for another minute or so as I thought it all through once more. "I accept your apology, and I forgive you."

Kelly frowned, she almost looked confused.

"This was our first fight, Kelly. I just needed you to apologize and be sincere about it. I still love you. So let's just put this behind us. Ok?"

She nodded slowly, and whispered "Thank you Tegan. Um... Should I dispell the magic now?"

I bit my lip then grinned. "No. You still owe me two nights of outstanding sex, and I want to cash one of those in before you turn me back. We'll save the other one for after."

Her eyes widened, then she asked, "What about the spell on your mind?"

I thought back to the cafe again and how she made me feel there. Then I blushed and my eyes dipped as I looked at the floor. I did my best to act demure as I whispered, "That's been part of the fun..."

I swear Kelly nearly choked when I did that, and I had a hard time keeping a straight face.

"Oh...ok," she took another deep breath. "I uh... I need a minute. And maybe a drink. Want a hard lemonade?"

I smiled slightly but kept my eyes down as I replied softly, "Yes please."

Kelly hurried to the kitchen to grab us a couple drinks while I stayed put and kept up the shy quiet act. I don't know if she was thinking the same thing I was, but I've heard make-up sex is supposed to be pretty good and we'd just had our first fight.

She returned with the two drinks, and neither of us took very long to get through them. Kelly asked if I wanted another, but I shook my head. I wanted to be buzzed, not drunk.

She looked at me and asked quietly, "Are you sure about this Tegan? You want me to uh, be a little bossy with you?"

I kept my eyes down, I wanted to keep up the demure act as long as I could. I nodded and replied softly, "Yes please."

Kelly bit her lip then said, "If it gets too much and you want to stop you say so. No safe-word, no messing around, just say stop and it's over. Ok?"

I nodded again, "Ok."

She stated, "That's 'yes, mistress'."

I swear I almost whimpered. When she did this stuff at lunch she must have been holding back, because the effect it had on me then wasn't as strong. This time it was like my body just went from zero to sixty in half a second. I had that flutter between my legs and my heart skipped a beat. I could feel my cheeks going pink and my breath quickened.

"Yes mistress," I whispered.

Even without looking up at her, I knew she had her eyes on me. "Please take the empty bottles back to the kitchen Tegan, then I'd like another drink."

I nodded and stood up, and did as she asked. I got another hard lemonade out of the fridge and opened it, then brought it back to Kelly.

Before I could sit next to her Kelly stated, "I want to have a look at you. Stand there, and take off your skirt."

She kept using that tone, and oh my gosh it kept having that same effect. My knees felt weak and now that fluttering in my groin was accompanied by a warm, slightly wet sensation.

I was positive my cheeks were beet-red now, as I unzipped the skirt then slid it down and stepped out of it. Kelly took it from me and set it on the floor next to her feet.

It almost felt like she was giving me an inspection. She clicked her tongue, "Tsk tsk. Good thing I didn't waste money on a pair of panties, you'd have them soaked already."

This time I think I really did whimper slightly. I was still standing in front of her, my face red, my heart racing. I'd never been the least bit interested in this sort of play before, in either role. The way I was feeling right now though, I was worried I wouldn't even make it to the bedroom tonight.

Of course I knew I was only reacting like this because of her magic. Somehow though, that didn't lessen my response. If anything, the thought made me even more excited. I honestly wasn't sure if it was her spell or if it was just me, but the realization that my girlfriend could do this, could have this kind of an effect on me, was almost intoxicating just on its own.

Kelly sipped her lemonade as she looked me over. Without the skirt, I was fully exposed, at least my lower half. My drink was starting to kick in though, and the buzz helped dispell the little bit of anxiety I was feeling.

"You may remove your blouse," Kelly stated. "Leave it with the skirt."

I started unbuttoning my top, as I whispered again "Yes mistress."

Once it was off, I set it ontop of the skirt. Now I was back to just the lingerie and the heels, as I stood before my redheaded goddess of a girlfriend.

Kelly looked me over again and had another sip of her drink. "You may remove your bra now."

"Yes mistress," I whispered. The way she was using that tone, but making it sound like she was giving me permission to strip myself seemed to make the feelings even stronger.

My hands trembled slightly as I reached back and fumbled with the clasp. It took me a few tries, of course I'd never taken a bra off myself like this before. Once I got it undone, I shifted the straps off my shoulders, then slipped it off completely.

My boobs jiggled as they came free of the cups, and I set the bra down ontop of the blouse and skirt, then just stood before Kelly again. I still had that wet tingling sensation going on between my legs. My nipples were standing out tall and proud, and my face was bright red.

Kelly looked me over again with a satisfied smile. She finished her drink and set the bottle down on the side table, then looked back at me and said "Remove the garter, Tegan."

I fumbled at first undoing the clips from the stockings, but that's probably because I'd never done this before. I'm sure it had nothing to do with how flustered I felt or how my fingers were trembling.

The garter wound up with the rest of my outfit, on the floor by Kelly's feet.

She looked me over again, and after making me wait another minute or so she finally stated "You may finish undressing. Bend at the waist, try and keep your knees straight."

I gulped and stepped out of the heels, then once again fumbled a little in my haste to get the stockings down. I did my best to follow her instructions, though I had to bend my knees to get the stockings off my feet. As I was bent over I noticed a musky scent in the air, and realized with shock that was me.

The shoes and stockings were added to the pile, and at long last I was fully nude, standing before my girlfriend.

Kelly slowly looked me over once more. She arched an eyebrow, her lips twitched slightly as she held back a grin, and she stated, "Good girl."

Those two words hit me so hard I almost thought she'd cast another spell. My knees wobbled and I actually felt my clit twitch. I may have moaned softly. By now my breathing was heavy and I desperately wanted her to stop teasing and take me to bed.

I felt a need, a yearning unlike anything I'd experienced before. My nipples stood out rock-hard, they felt like they could cut glass, and that wet warmth between my legs had my muscles twitching slightly. I bit my lip and tried to stay calm, tried to stay in character.

Finally Kelly stood up. She was still dressed and had her heels on, while I was nude and barefoot. The height difference between us was that much greater and I gulped.

"Very good Tegan," she said. There was still that haughtiness in her voice, but it was tempered now with warmer, gentler tones. It didn't hit quite as hard. "Let's go to bed. It's time for the real fun to begin."

I gulped once more and whispered "Yes mistress."

She put her arm around my waist and gently guided me towards the bedroom.

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