A Date With Faet

93. Detained

Content warning: violence, blood, death

"Alright," Feichin said softly. "We've got about two minutes to decide what we're doing. We go forward and finish the job, or we escape right now and get back home alive but empty-handed."

All three of them were looking at me, expecting me to make the call.

Maybe it was cliché but I was suddenly reminded of my mother's words from the other day, about having to make tough choices and sometimes there weren't any good options.

I took a deep breath then decided, "Let's keep going. We're too close to give up now. We have to get Aengus out of his chambers and down here before we can get him out. And if he's got a big fancy amulet on, we have to get that off him before we can get him clear."

They all nodded, and we hurried back up the stairs again. As soon as we passed into the warded area my heart-rate doubled. As much as I'd complained about Taralynn's gift, I felt extremely vulnerable and helpless without it. At least the twins knew how to use their bows, and of course Feichin was said to be an excellent archer. I was sure he was skilled at other forms of fighting as well.

At the top of the stairs we found ourselves on a small landing, lit by a single torch. The only way past this point was a thick sturdy wooden door. And of course it was locked.

The four of us stared at it for a few moments, then Feichin whispered "We'll need some sort of battering ram to get this open, m'lady. There's no way to do this and keep it subtle."

I stared at the door. My mind was scrambling as I tried to figure out a way to bypass this. Without magic though I didn't really have any answers. None of us knew how to pick locks, and we didn't have anything with us to smash it down.

I probably stared at the thing for a whole minute, before I heard the sound. Noises were muffled in here, but somewhere in the castle, someone was sounding a horn.

It felt like my heart-rate doubled again as my blood went cold. That was the alarm. The bodies two levels below us had been discovered, and we were likely trapped in this tower, while a small army amassed downstairs.

Our only hope of escape now was to get back down to the level below us before anyone else got there, then we could teleport clear. I knew if we were trapped here without magic, we were done for.

Keira and Feichin moved to guard the staircase below us, they had their bows raised and ready.

I was about to give the order for the four of us to flee when we heard the clunk of the door behind us unlocking. All four of us turned at once, as the door swung open.

A tired and grumpy looking old man stood there, dressed in fancy silk nightclothes. There was a large ostentatious amulet hanging around his neck, and he was holding a scabbarded sword and belt in his left hand. It looked like he meant to put the belt on as he descended the stairs.

His eyes locked on mine as we stared at each other in surprise. In an instant I realized the alarm must have woken him and he was emerging from his refuge to see what the problem was. In that same moment he realized the problem was Tegan Vale Brádaigh and her three companions were standing outside his door waiting for him.

His right hand came up in my direction and his lips moved.

I immediately recognized my final mistake. I'd assumed no magic for us meant there'd be no magic for him either. I was obviously wrong.

Fortunately at least one of my companions saw what was happening and responded even quicker.

The arrow passed between Kelly and me and buried itself deep in the old fae's left leg, a few inches above his knee. He let out a loud yell as he collapsed, clutching his leg.

I lunged forward and yanked the amulet off him, then tossed it into the room behind him. Kelly stepped back to join her sister guarding the stairway below us as Feichin moved for the old man. The huntsman tucked his bow over his shoulder and said "Take his sword, m'lady. I'll carry him."

I didn't stop to question why, I just grabbed the dropped belt and slung it over my shoulder so the sword was hanging by my side.

Feichin moved quickly and deliberately as he put his foot on Aengus's injured leg to hold it still, then snapped the arrow shaft off so it wouldn't get in the way.

That brought another yelp of pain and a very loud round of angry curses from the old man, but Feichin repositioned himself and swung his boot into the side of Aengus's head. That shut the old fae up, and stopped his squirming too. Feichin then hauled him up and slung the semi-consious lord over his shoulder.

Before we left, I reached into my jacket and pulled out the letter Maeve had written. I dropped it on the floor by Aengus's door, so it would be found later.

"Go!" I said to the twins. They led the way back down the twisting staircase, while Feichin and I followed.

We didn't get very far before both twins had to stop. They released their arrows and scrambled to get fresh ones on the strings.

We were still in the warded part of the tower, we couldn't use magic here. The winding staircase offered some cover, but it was sort of a choke-point. The enemy could keep us pinned up here, and as soon as they were organized they'd probably be able to push us back till we were trapped in Aengus's chambers, where it would be open enough for them to finish us.

Feichin looked frustrated and worried, I'm sure I looked the same.

Keira suddenly said, "Cover me sis!" She released another arrow then sort of threw herself bodily down the stairs.

"Shit!" Kelly shouted as she let her arrow go a moment later.

I couldn't see what was happening, Keira was out of sight but I recognized the sound. It was that thousand-blades spell. Kelly swore again as she charged down the stairs after her sister. I scrambled to follow, and Feichin kept close behind me.

A scene of total chaos came into view as I moved down the winding staircase. There were at least three intact bodies, and I wasn't sure how many more had been added to the mix from the spell. Keira's stunt was enough to clear a path though so we could escape the no-magic area. Coming down a few more stairs I found the two redheads grappling with four soldiers in the tight quarters. They'd dropped their bows, Keira had her dagger in hand and Kelly was trying to get to hers but both twins were being overpowered by the men.

I heard one of the sisters cry out in pain as I raised my hand and hit the four soldiers with a sleep spell. All four of them crumpled, and Keira went down as well. There were still more soldiers on the stairs below, and I had no doubt the landing beyond would be full of even more of them. Kelly was still on her feet, and Keira was moving but she was obviously hurt.

Kelly's hand came up and she cast the barrier spell, effectively sealing the staircase. The rest of the soldiers were trapped below us, unable to reach us now.

I hurried to Keira's side to check her.

She had her left hand pressed against her abdomen and blood on her clothes and between her fingers. Her jaw was clenched in pain. She was conscious though and said "I'm ok! Lets get out of here, worry about healing later!"

I nodded and put my hand on her shoulder, and teleported her to the gully with the waypoint. Then I moved to Feichin. Aengus looked rattled. He had a nasty bruise on his right temple and still had part of the arrow in his left leg but I hit him with a sleep spell just incase. I put enough into it to keep him out cold till noon, then teleported him to the gully. I sent Feichin next, then moved to Kelly.

She was still holding her barrier in place, and I could see at least a half dozen soldiers glaring at the two of us. They had bows ready and drawn, they were obviously planning to release a volley as soon as the shield spell was gone.

"You go next," I told her. "I'll raise a shield and cover you."

She shook her head "Then you'll be unprotected! You go!"

I rolled my eyes "We're not having this argument, Kelly. Go!"

She sighed, "Fine."

I brought my right hand up and cast my own shield spell before she let hers fade.

Her hand was still raised though, as she said to me "I'm not letting you take chances Tegan."

She looked back at the group of soldiers who were all staring at us, waiting for their opportunity. Kelly stared at them a moment, then and cast another spell. I was shocked as I saw the dark ripples surge through the air, and a fraction of a second later the half dozen men were gone, torn apart by the same spell Keira had used a few moments earlier.

"Let's go!" Kelly stated before teleporting herself clear.

I was stunned, but I didn't waste time. I let my shield drop and teleported myself away as well, before more of the enemy could replace the ones Kelly eliminated.

Feichin had his bow ready in hand again in the tiny clearing in the gully. Aengus and Keira both lay on the ground, and Kelly was already kneeling by her sister. I moved to Keira as well to check on her.

"Tegan she needs healing and I can't do it!" Kelly spoke quietly but her voice was urgent and full of worry.

I didn't bother asking why Kelly couldn't. I just knelt next to Keira as well, and cast a few healing spells on her. Enough to patch up her injuries and get her out of danger. Then I left the two of them together as I stood and moved to Feichin's side.

"We've at least two hours till sunrise," he stated quietly. "They'll surely be here before then. We'll have another fight on our hands while you're trying to get us home, m'lady."

"Crap," I sighed. Both Kelly and Keira had left their bows behind, lost in the melee. That left us with only Feichin's bow, and my and Kelly's magic to keep us safe. And I knew Kelly was probably nearly exhausted after all the magic she'd used tonight. Meanwhile we had Keira and our prisoner who both needed assistance and protection when it came time to get us through the veil.

I pictured trying to get us home while we were also under fire from enemy archers, or being overrun by enemy infantry. And there was supposed to be a mage working for Aengus, so we might have enemy magic coming at us too. I couldn't see any easy way to deal with all that and get us home.

There was one other thing I could try. Travel was easiest at dawn, but that didn't mean it was impossible the rest of the day. I'd done it once at dusk already. It was harder, but I managed it. And so far I still had no idea how much power I had at my disposal.

"Ok," I decided. "We're not waiting for dawn. Let's try and go right now."

Kelly and Feichin both stared at me.

"I didn't think that was possible?" Kelly asked softly.

I shrugged, "I don't know that it's not, and right now I'm hoping it'll be less impossible than trying to get us all safely home while dodging arrows and swords and maybe spells."

"Feichin," I stated, "You'll be carrying our prisoner. Kelly I need you to bring Keira. Either carry her, or if she can stand, then get her on her feet and you support her."

While they were doing that I moved around the gully till I found where the veil seemed thinnest.

Feichin once again had the old fae slung over his shoulder, and he moved to stand at my right. Kelly got Keira on her feet. The injured twin was leaning heavily against Kelly though, and she was obviously in pain as they slowly moved to my left.

I put my arms around Kelly's and Feichin's waists, and Kelly had her arms tightly wrapped around her sister while the huntsman had a good grip on our prisoner.

"Here goes..." I whispered as I cast the spell.

The power burned through me as I attempted to force my way through the veil.

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