A Date With Faet

Extras #12

=::= Elise's PoV =::=

I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling, lost in thought. The last two weeks were maybe the most difficult, most confusing time of my life. Or at least my life as I knew it. It wasn't all bad, some of it was still fun, but it seemed like it was a lot more than a kid my age should have to deal with.

Even that made me feel weird, thinking about my age. It still didn't feel real, knowing I... Knowing We were a lot older than just me. Technically we were actually older than mom. I had even more trouble accepting that. I wasn't older than my mom, but some of the others were.

Even stranger was finding out at least one of us was a guy. I didn't understand how that worked. I was a girl, I'd always been a girl. But mister Vale was definitely a guy. He used to be my mom's Earth dad, which sort of made him my granddad, and that was extremely weird so I avoided thinking about it.

Mister Vale seemed nice enough, but he was as freaked out about the whole thing as I was. Maybe even more. I could kind of understand that. Like he was a grown-up human man, it had to be super weird for him knowing he was in a tiny fae girl body.

It was also weird that including me there were three different Elises. To make it less confusing I came up with nicknames for the other two, and they didn't seem to mind that. They had a nickname for me as well, I was 'little El' to them.

I wasn't sure how old cousin El was, but she sounded like a young grown-up, like about the same age as mom except in human years. That would be in her early twenties. She was nice, and kind of fun. She sort of reminded me of Keira in a way, because she thought my pranks and schemes were amusing.

Nana-E was older, like mister Vale. She was a mom to three kids, and granny to three more. She was the very first one to talk to me, that day two weeks ago when Kelly started helping me understand all this stuff. Nana-E was also the one who liked looking at those picture frames.

The other weird thing was mister Vale, cousin El, and nana-E were all human. At least as far as I could tell, anyways. All three of them only spoke English, and they knew lots of stuff about Earth but none of them knew much about Otherworld.

I had a feeling Fern was human as well, she'd only spoken to me once but it was in English. Unlike the others, she was definitely younger than me. It was hard to guess her age, but I figured probably around twenty. Except if she was a human then she'd be maybe six or seven.

She was really shy so I didn't know much about her. I didn't even know how she got the name Fern, like it seemed weird for a human or a fae. I almost felt it was more like a pixie name, but I knew she wasn't a pixie. Maybe she just liked plants or something.

One thing I knew for sure about Fern was she liked dolls. There was one in our bedside table that belonged to her, and I had no idea where it came from or how she got it. And I was really embarrassed about it, I hated the thought of someone else finding out we had it.

Finally there was Shadow. I only heard the name once, and had no idea if they were a boy or girl, or how old they were. The one time they spoke to me they used a mix of both English and Fae so I didn't even know which they were. A mystery.

My thoughts were finally interrupted by my best friend's voice.

"Hey Elise?" Saoirse asked lazily. "Whatcha thinking about?"

She was laying on her side near the foot of the bed, and when I glanced at her she looked as lazy as she sounded.

After the busy day and the late night yesterday plus having to get up before dawn this morning, we were all feeling kind of lazy today. We were both dressed in tights and short comfy casual dresses. Or as mom called them, 'leggings and tunic tops'. Mom said it was the perfect clothes for being lazy in, and she was right.

"Lots of stuff," I finally replied. "I guess everything that happened the last couple weeks?"

"You're ok though right?" Willow asked. She was sitting ontop of the headboard, looking down at me and Saoirse. Even she'd dressed lazy today.

I nodded, "I'm ok. Thanks for worrying about me Will."

"We're both here for you Elise," Saoirse added. "You know that right?"

"Yeah I know," I smiled. Then I corrected myself, "We know. And I'm... We're really grateful you're both still our friends. Saoirse, Willow, I was so scared you'd want nothing to do with me once you found out I was troubled, or how broken and messed up I am..."

"Hey!" Saoirse said in a firm voice. "None of that, ok? You're not broken, or messed up, or troubled. You're my best friend, we're practically sisters, and I'd never turn my back on you."

Willow added in an equally-firm tone "Same! All three of us are friends, we stick together no matter what."

Hearing both of them say that almost made me cry. I smiled, "Thank you both."

We were all quiet for a bit after that, till Saoirse changed the subject. "So now that it's all over and done with, what did you two think of the big gala ball?"

I grimaced, "My dress was ridiculous."

"Everyone's clothes were ridiculous," Willow stated with an exaggerated eye-roll.

Saoirse smirked, "I don't know Will, you looked practically regal in that gown of yours. And it was wild hearing the seneschal announce you to the royal court! Princess Tempest Willow! How is it we've been friends for six years and you never told me you were royalty?!"

Our pixie friend blushed, "It's seriously no big deal. I asked Elise not to tell anyone, I didn't want people over-reacting."

She blushed even brighter as she added, "Plus did you see what King Nettlesting and Queen Rose were wearing? They were the only ones there who weren't massively over-dressed. My gown looked like it was designed by fae, for fae! They just scaled it down to my size."

"That's because it was, Will." I pointed out. "I doubt grams' dressmakers know anything about pixie fashion."

Willow giggled, "Pixies don't have fashion. We just wear open-backed frocks. The troops on Earth only switched to human-style clothes to fit in with the locals. You saw what my uncle was wearing though right? He's the king pixie of all Otherworld and his frock looked like the thing you wear when you get out of the bathtub."

Me and Saoirse both giggled, and Saoirse suggested "Well he's king, he can wear whatever he wants. Anyways, was it cool getting to meet your uncle?"

"Not really," she sighed. "Him and his wife kept staring at me, because of my wings. I couldn't get away from them quick enough."

She added sadly, "There's a reason I don't hang out with other pixies, you know? I'm happier here with my two best friends."

"Sorry Will," I said. I knew what the problem was, but she didn't like to talk about it. "Anyways, you looked really good in that fancy gown. But I don't blame you if you never want to wear the thing again. I feel the same about my poofy floofy silly dress."

"Hey El?" Saoirse sounded curious but also a little wary, like she was worried she was going to upset me. "What did your uh, other people think of the ball? Did they... Were they there?"

I grimaced again. I appreciated she was trying to be understanding and accepting, my friends weren't just ignoring that stuff and pretending those others didn't exist. Both her and Willow were really good about that. It still felt weird to talk about some of these things with them though. And they didn't know everything about the others. Mostly they knew there were others, and they knew a couple names.

For a moment I was quiet as I let my thoughts drift inwards. I didn't have to ask any questions, it was more like emotions and feelings but without any words attached, as I gathered up all the different reactions to the ball last night.

"So cousin El thought it was really nice," I finally responded. "She enjoyed all the fancy outfits and the music, and the pomp and ceremony and all that? She thought it was like something from a fairy-tale, but she's worried that term might be offensive. And she was excited we got to meet Queen Áine and everything? I mean, obviously we've met Áine lots of times, but last night was the first time cousin El was like, awake or whatever for it? I don't know how to say it."

After a pause I grimaced again, "Mister Vale was um, like as much as I thought our dress was ridiculous it was even worse for him. He was super, super embarrassed about it? And the way our hair was all done up, and the make-up and shoes and everything else? Like we were so over-the-top girly he felt super awkward."

I hesitated for a moment as I fought off a giggle. "He's super weirded-out that we have boobs, and that dress was like pow! Cleavage! So yeah, he was uncomfortable."

Saoirse bit her lip as she tried not to grin too widely. "Yeah I bet that was weird for him. You usually don't get very girly at all El. Like what you're wearing now is about as close to a dress as you normally get."

"Huh," I said as I felt my cheeks flush. She was right, I was way more comfortable in trews or pants. I almost never wore skirts or dresses. Or make-up either. Suddenly I found myself wondering if those were my choices or if it was because of the others. Then I remembered my mom was the same, and relaxed a bit. I was probably just taking after mom when it came to clothes and stuff.

Finally I shrugged, "I probably shouldn't talk too much about that stuff anyways. I don't want to get mister Vale too embarrassed or upset."

"Sorry Elise," Saoirse apologized. "And sorry mister Vale, if you're listening."

"Thanks," I smiled.

I didn't mention nana-E or Fern or Shadow to them. Nana-E was sad a lot and even though she was the first one to talk to me, she wasn't actually around that much. The whole thing with her having kids and grandkids made me really uncomfortable so I didn't like to think about that, and I hadn't told my friends she was there. Actually mom and her wives all thought nana-E and cousin El were the same person.

Fern was there for at least some of the ball, she was excited to be all dressed up. She really liked being all girly and wanted us to wear more dresses and pink ribbons and all that stuff. And she enjoyed the music and dancing last night. But she was really shy and so far nobody other than me even knew about her.

And Shadow was pretty quiet through the whole thing. I had a feeling they didn't like the ball, or at least they weren't interested in it. And they didn't want me to tell anyone about them anyways. So for now my immediate family and my two closest friends only knew about cousin El and mister Vale.

"Hey Elise?" Saoirse asked, changing the subject. "What did you think of Colin ó Faoláin? You spent a lot of time with him last night, even though your mom said you didn't have to."

I shrugged, "It was pretty obvious why everyone thought it was a good idea to get him and me together right?"

Willow smirked, "He's probably the smallest noble on Otherworld outside of a pixie court."

Saoirse giggled but I protested, "He's not that small! I mean, he's taller than me by a couple inches at least."

"Seriously El," my best friend said after she stopped giggling, "What did you think of him?

"I don't know?" I shrugged. Now I was blushing as I continued, "He was polite and everything. And it was nice to have one person at the whole ball I could talk to without getting a sore neck, you know?"

A wide grin settled on her face and she exclaimed, "Ah-hah! You're blushing, you're smiling, you defended his honour to Will a second ago, and it was nice to talk to him? Is there something going on that your two best friends should know about?"

My blush grew brighter as I shook my head, "No! I'm not into guys, ok? I'm just saying, he was nice and polite, and he didn't act like any other guy I've talked to."

"What did he act like then?" Willow asked, and she sounded genuinely curious.

I shrugged again, "I don't know? Like I said, he was polite. He was also a bit shy and awkward? But he was nice. Talking to him was like talking to you two I guess? It was comfortable, like talking with a friend. And he hated his stuffy suit with all the gold buttons and epaulets as much as I hated my poofy dress. We even joked about trading clothes, so I could try his suit and he could wear the fancy dress -"

Cousin El made a /Snrk/ sound but I didn't want to get into a conversation with her while I was talking with my friends.

I stayed focused on Saoirse and Willow as I finished, "Anyways, Colin wasn't like other noble sons I've met. They're more stuck up and kind of demanding, plus they usually stare at me or talk about my body or my hair or my inheritance? That's weird and uncomfortable."

"Ugh I know what you mean about noble sons," Saoirse agreed with a frown. It quickly shifted back to a grin as she added, "Still, it sounds like you really did like him Elise. And I definitely got the feeling he liked you too."

I pouted, "I don't like guys. Please stop teasing me about that."

"Sorry El," Saoirse apologized as her smile faded again. "I didn't mean to upset you."

The three of us were quiet again for a minute or two after that, until Willow spoke up with another question.

"With the big fancy ball over and done with, I guess it's just back to normal training and lessons for now? No more special events till all the celebrations at the end of next month?"

The week leading up to Lughnasadh was always busy for us, with Kelly and Keira's birthday then my birthday then Saoirse's birthday and finally the big feast.

"Pretty much," my best friend replied. "Except we've got a special training thing coming up before that? I'm kind of worried about it, but also a little excited too?"

I pouted, "I don't even know if my mom will let me go. She's been acting like I'm some fragile delicate flower lately, being all over-protective and stuff."

Willow asked, "What sort of special training thing?"

Saoirse explained, "Me and Elise and a couple soldiers are supposed to go spend a week in the woods, like hiking and camping and hunting. Mom's huntsman is going to be overseeing the whole thing, he's supposed to teach us to hunt and how to live off the land and all that."

"Oh!" the pixie looked interested. "Do you think I could come too? I already know how to hunt, but I'm sure you two will be going after game way too big for me. But I want to come, I want to keep you both company!"

I answered, "Sure Will, of course you can come."

Then I smiled at Saoirse and asked, "Do you think we should ask permission? Or just bring her along and surprise the others once we're out in the woods?"

"Surprise, obviously!" she replied, and all three of us giggled.

It was always the best answer. If you asked permission and got told no, then there'd be more trouble when we got caught bringing her anyways. If we didn't ask then nobody could claim we were told 'no' ahead of time.

I smiled as I relaxed on my bed and said, "Thank you both for being my friends."

"Always," Saoirse replied.

Willow agreed, "Best friends forever."

"BFFs," I nodded. And we were.

It didn't matter if I felt broken or flawed or troubled, I had two amazing friends who'd always be at my side, and my mom and her wives all loved me.

I was happy. All of me were happy.

~ The End ~

This was basically a brief glimpse into Elise's system, as well as touching on some of the other stuff going on in the lives of some young fae nobles on Otherworld.

And I think this is the end of the Date With Faet saga. We may get more Elise - Saoirse - Willow in the future, but if we do, that'll be their own story.

Thank you all for coming with us on this wild journey!

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