A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI

Chapter 21 Calm Before The Storm

Deep underground, in the hidden GDA facility, Cecil stood in a dimly lit room, facing a group of analysts and scientists. The air was thick with tension, the meeting they were about to have was one of many but the information being shared was a bit much even for them.

One analyst stepped forward, placing a folder on the desk in front of Cecil. On the front was a picture of Ultra-Man, blowing fire out of a building, and beneath it was a detailed dossier.

Brandon Breyer (Ultra-man)
Age: 17
Place of Birth: Brightburn

Cecil glanced at the folder before looking up at the group. They had learned a lot over the month about Brandon. How he grew up where he lived who he knew. It was all good Information to have because it created a picture of a young man who worked hard on his family's farm and lived with humbleness. Then gained powers and instead of using them selfishly he dedicated them to others.

Which did ease Cecil a bit but that's not what he wanted to know. "Alright, what have we learned about him so far?"

The analysts exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to begin. Finally, the lead scientist stepped forward with a resigned sigh. "It's unlike anything we've ever seen, sir," he began, activating a hologram projector. The room dimmed further as the footage began to play.

On the screen, Ultra-Man battled the King Serpent. Statistics appeared around him, detailing everything from his energy levels to muscle density and speed. The data was staggering.

"Here you can see his initial performance," the lead scientist explained. "His energy output, muscle density, and speed were already off the charts."

The footage then switched to more recent recordings of Ultra-Man casually flying or fighting villains. New statistics appeared, showing a significant increase in every metric.

Cecil's gaze hardened as he read the data. "Everything has grown by at least double," he muttered, more to himself than to the room. "And it's still increasing by the day."

One of the analysts nervously added, "In pure strength and speed, he has outclassed the Immortal. He's coming close to Omni-Man's level, and he's doing it fast. At first we thought it might take another month but at the rate he's going it may only be a week."

The lead scientist nodded grimly. "There's one more thing we need to show you." He pressed a button, and the hologram switched to an image of Ultra-Man floating just above Earth's atmosphere.

"We believe he draws his power from the sun," the scientist explained. "It's the only thing that can possibly account for the vast amounts of energy in his body. As long as he has access to sunlight, his power continues to grow. We might be able to gather more if we had a sample of his DNA but he doesn't even leave behind a strand of hair"

Cecil stared at the image, his mind racing. This was by far the most vital piece of information so far. As long as they knew his source of power then they'd know how to handle him. Fighting against him at night seemed to be the best decision if he ever went rogue. Perhaps in Midnight City as well but that would cause lots of casualties.

"Keep monitoring him closely," Cecil ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument. "We need to know everything about him. His limits, his weaknesses, his motivations. If he's getting stronger this fast, we can't afford to be unprepared. As for his DNA just remain on the lookout for it. He's bound to get injured in one way or another"

The analysts and scientists nodded, understanding the importance of their task. As they left the room, Cecil remained behind, staring at the holographic image of Ultra-Man. "I really hope you're on our side kid" If he was then great he had another card in his hand to keep the world safe if not then things might get messy.
Turning off the projector he took out a new folder with the image of a young man similar to Ultraman's age. With a bright blue and yellow color scheme all throughout his outfit.

"Nolan so your kid has finally gained his powers but he really needs to work on that name. There's no way he's…"

[Invincible] - Play the song Feel it


Back in the scout ship, Brandon sat in the command chair, the holographic interface lighting up as he activated the communication link to Zod.

"Have you found the location of the Guardians' base?"

Zod nodded. "Indeed, ever since you placed the tracker on War Woman, I started monitoring her flight paths meticulously. Most of it was useless with her just flying all over her city but I did notice three separate hotspots that she frequents."

Zod explained. "The first is an apartment building, likely her residence." A dot lit up on the map, indicating a residential area. "The second location is Hesperides Enterprises, a well-known company that's involved in lots of humanitarian efforts and is well-liked by the populace.

Another dot appeared, this one in the heart of the city. Brandon nodded, recognizing the name. He had long figured out that this was the company she worked for. Just look at the name it basically screamed Greek.

"The third location," Zod continued, "is more intriguing. War Woman has visited a specific mountain three times. While it may not seem significant at first glance, it's isolated with no nearby buildings or population. So she technically should have no reason to go here as often as she did. Not unless it's actually their base."

Brandon nodded at Zod's logic and agreed with his analysis. Now he has the location of the fight and news has already been circulating about a new hero calling himself invincible. Meaning whatever was going to go down would either happen today or sometime this week.

"Well no matter which day it is. I'm ready" Saying this Brandon lightly touched something metallic hidden on his side. Pulling it out he revealed a short dagger that looked to have a middle point along with two extra points on the guard. The design was a little unusual but he had made it in inspiration from another dagger from a game he used to play. In that game the dagger was a bit of an OP weapon that was meant for assassination and his dagger would serve the same purpose.

"Lor-Zod, tell me. When your battle begins will you really wear those ceremonial clothing? If you want a better chance then something with more protection is required" Zod advised. While the red and blue suit was tougher than most things on earth it wasn't the toughest material Brandon had available.

Stubbornly using the same suit for every situation wasn't wise and would lead to more harm than good. If his son truly wanted to be a so-called 'Hero' then he needed to adapt to the situation.

Brandon thought about it for a moment and agreed. While he did like using the blue and red it didn't mean it would be the only suit he used. Not when he had a ship full of different ones to choose from.

Without waiting for his response Zod had two machines bring over a new suit. One he was all too familiar with. It was all black with optimal protection against most weapons and even came with a mask that almost looked like a skull. The suit was definitely not friendly and its purpose was clear. 'War' But for the situation it was exactly what he needed.

Getting up from his seat Brandon allowed the machines to do their thing as they wrapped him in his new armor. All the while Zod looked at him with pride.

"Now you are beginning to look like a warrior of Krypton. With this armor, you are no longer just some hero among the masses. No, you are more. You are Krypton!"
"You are Victory!" Zod shouted out with passion as symbols of house Zod faintly glowed through the room.

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