A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI

Chapter 27 The Flaxans

[A/N I made the Flaxan language English for the readers because it's a pain to keep writing backwards]

The Teen Team was in the thick of battle, their movements frantic and desperate as they tried to fend off the relentless Flaxan invaders. The streets were filled with the sounds of blaster fire, explosions, and the terrified screams of civilians caught in the crossfire.

"Get that woman out of here!" Atom Eve shouted, pointing toward the injured woman in Invincible arms but Mark hesitated in place.

He'd never been in this sort of situation before but after another stern look from Atom Eve, he gathered his strength and tried to fly away while thinking. 'Maybe I shouldn't have come… I'm nowhere near healed enough for this and all the mistakes I made are proof of that.'

But the moment that thought crossed his mind he forced himself to push it down. 'No, I needed to be here. After what my dad did, I have to make things right!' With that extra resolve, Mark flew away from the city while also making sure to shield his elderly woman from the oncoming winds to not worsen her condition.

"Wait, is that?" However, on his way out of the city, he ended up seeing a familiar blue and red blur with a large U on his chest.

"Great if that guy is here then things will definitely get handled"




Back in the battle, Rex Splode hurled explosive charges at the Flaxans, but for every alien he took down, more seemed to replace them. "Damn it, they're like a bunch of cockroaches!" he yelled, frustration evident in his voice.

The aliens growled in anger as if understanding what he said before rushing him into mass.

"Ah, it was a joke I didn't mean to say you look like bugs when you guys totally do."

"Kill that one!" One Flaxan shouted before leading its soldiers right through Rex's explosions as if they had no fear.

"These things are so sensitive" Rex complained. He didn't mind the increase of Flaxans as they weren't really all that strong but in terms of close combat, he sucked. You can't use explosives near yourself without being at risk as well so that severely limits him by forcing him to constantly move away from his pursuers.

Dupli-Kate, who wasn't too far away, noticed the commotion coming from Rex's area and quickly rushed over to help. Within moments she multiplied several times and had a group of Kate's ready to draw some of the flaxans away.

"Hey! I didn't need help"

"Yeah you tell yourself that"

As the two were talking they failed to notice that one of the flaxans had run back to the main group and called over a tank to handle the heroes.

"Ugh is that what I think it is…" Rex asked while pointing toward the large canon aiming at them.

"Run!" Screaming this out Kate began running along with Rex but it looked like that tank was t alone but had a full flaxan squad with it. Which proceeded to unleash laser fire on them. For the most part, Rex remained safe due to Kate using her clones to protect him but they were killing them faster than she could produce.

"Robot we need help" Kate shouted on the comms because she knew Rex wouldn't.

"Sorry I wish I could but I am also currently struggling with my fair share of problems" Robot replied while sounds of explosions could be heard.

'Looks like we're on our own' Kate thought worriedly but as she did so her ears picked up on a strange hum that drew not only her but also Rex's attention as they looked back.

What they saw was the same tank but this time it looked like it was finally going to do something with how its canon began glowing with a threatening light. They didn't know how wide its blast range was but by the amount of noise and light it was generating it was safe to say they were definitely in its kill range.

Without needing to even think, the two proceeded to run in opposite directions to avoid it when suddenly a crushing noise echoed on the battlefield. Turning their heads to the source they saw a tall young man crushing the canon with a single hand. He made it look so easy as if that canon wasn't made of steel but rather of paper because of how it crumbled.

It wasn't until she saw the symbol on his cape that she recognized who he was. A new hero and one of many but he stood out among them with how active he was.

"Ultraman" Kate murmured to herself but it seemed like Rex heard it and didn't appreciate the new arrival

"Ah that bozo, he's just an Omni man fanboy" Rex's usual comments were ignored by Kate as she focused on his arrival.





Holding the barrel with his right hand Brandon crushed it effortlessly while staring straight at the aliens around the tank. The looks on their faces were priceless as they stood frozen in shock.

"If I were you I'd surrender"

The Flaxans didn't understand the words coming from Brandon but the meaning came across. Which greatly offended them as they all lifted their guns and began lighting him up but the Flaxan's assault soon began to slow when their vision became blocked by all the smoke.

"Haha, I think that got him" one flaxan commented but this was soon proven wrong when two glowing eyes appeared.

"It's still alive ki-" the soldier's warning was cut short when red beams began to fly out of the smoke taking out multiple lives. It was a short moment but in seconds Brandon had already killed most of the squad of flaxans.

To make things worse the survivors began to feel strange. They lost energy and felt slower as if they were getting older. Looking around they began to check their appearance and were stunned by what they found.

Brandon watched this change with familiarity and knew the battle was already over. If this was going to follow what happened in the show then the Flaxans would all begin aging rapidly and will be forced to escape back to their home world.

But this won't be the end… After their retreat, the flaxans will return not just once but possibly multiple times, and each time they do they will kill more innocent people.

"I can't let that happen" Brandon said as he watched the flaxans all retreating.

Lifting one hand in front he took off and flew right for the main battlefield where he saw the flaxans already escaping. It looked exactly the same as the show with their leader screaming out that they'd be back. If Brandon had lacked resolve before then any form of hesitation was erased at that moment.




"Robot they are retreating!" Atom Eve said as she floated down with her shields blocking the flaxan cover fire.

"I see that" After replying they got two more arrivals in the form of Kate and Rex who clearly looked tired of the whole ordeal.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say I never want this to happen again" Rex added before punching an alien nearby.

"Indeed… wait what's that?"

Hearing robots question the group turned and saw a blur fly straight into the portal right before it closed.

"I think that was Ultraman" Kate said after recognizing the color scheme.

"Oh, great Mr hero over there just went and killed himself." Rex said without much care "Well let's go and take a nice hot shower. Eve are you in" He said with a wink but his flirtatious behavior wasn't well received by her after having a large battle and potentially seeing a hero die.

Robot on the other hand continued to look at where the portal once was "I wouldn't be too sure… I've done some scans on Ultraman in the past and if those are anything to go by it may just be the flaxans who are in danger."




On the other side of the portal, the flaxan soldiers all collapsed and struggled to cope with their new conditions. When they had crossed for conquest they were prepared to go against anything but they never thought that this war would cost them literal years of their life.

The leader noticed the low morale of his men and proceeded to gather all of their attention.

"I know this wasn't what you all expected. In place of a true fight where honor can be gained, we were forced out because of foreign conditions! But believe me when I tell you that we will go back. You saw their pitiful technology and weak warriors. They are nothing and are one of the weakest species we have ever encountered. Once our scientists fix the aging problem then that world will be ours for the taking!"

The leader's short speech aroused cheers amongst his men as they all stood up and gave salutes eager for a second chance. So what if the first battle was a failure, they had learned much in this and would be prepared for a total takeover.

Most of the flaxans became optimistic about this especially when they thought of the boy who cowered while holding an elderly or those other weak warriors that barely held on. However, there were two who had different thoughts. They looked at one another and knew that they had to share their information if they were to win.

Walking forward the flaxan went in front of the whole group and stood before their leader. The rest of the army lowered their cheers upon seeing this and waiting to see what this soldier had to say.

"Sir during the attack our group came upon a different warrior that no blaster fire worked on and he even had the strength to crush steel with his bare hands."

His words spread surprise amongst the army as murmurs could be heard but the leader appeared undeterred.

"So what if one alien had impressive strength? It was nothing we hadn't encountered before. Now go and prepare among your comrades" the leader said while tapping the soldier on his shoulder.

Following his command he returned to the main group with his worries satisfied but now far away there were scientists struggling with something.

"Why won't the portal close? Could it be a jam?"

"No it says here that it's been closed on the other side but it's our end that is still open"

"That shouldn't be right… if that's the case doesn't that mean someone's still in their?" One asked. The others looked at one another unsure.

"Wait look it's having a reaction I think it's closing" The scientists sighed in relief seeing this as just an error but the portal light began to flicker a sign that someone was coming through.

The scientists watched this without worry and expected it to be a soldier who straggled behind the group but their thoughts were proven wrong when they saw the newcomer's appearance.


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