A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI

Chapter 32 Prospects

Walking into his house Brandon found his parents where they usually were when he was out. Sitting on the couch in front of the TV waiting for him to come home. He's told them multiple times that they don't need to wait for him but they do so anyway.

Even when he went to fight Omni Man his parents insisted on waiting all the way to 4 am.

They didn't know what was so important that he needed to leave but they wanted to be there when he got back. It was small things like this that made Brandon grateful for being reborn in this family. It's also what helped him come to accept them as his parents.

At first, he simply went along with it relying on his memories but Brandon only felt a slight amount of care for them. However, with time it became genuine. It's kind of hard for him not to care about them when they constantly show him love and understanding. It may sound a bit cringe to some but a little cringe here and there never hurt no one.

"Hey mah, pah, I'm back," Brandon said as his parents got up from their seats.

"You're back earlier today Brandon." Tori said with a hint of joy that her son wouldn't be out late tonight. She knew it was bad to think this way because every time he left a person was saved but seeing some of his fights on television worried her at times. Even if he's never come home hurt or even bruised.

Kyle didn't say much and simply gave his son a tap on the shoulder before heading off to bed. His son was home safe and that's all he needed to know.

"Ah sorry about your father he must be tired from work today" Tori said upon seeing Kyle leave.

"No worries and yeah it looks like there wasn't so much going on today. The villain attacks weren't too big and could be handled by others and there were no Kaiju either."

"Hmm that's good, hopefully, we could get more days like this. Honestly, it feels like ever since you became a hero these things seemed to increase" Tori was of course joking because there had always been attacks and Kaiju but for some reason, it felt like things had escalated. The disappearance of the guardians and Omniman, an alien invasion, and several other small things that added to the already growing pile.

Brandon didn't mind her conclusion, if he was in the same position he'd probably wonder the same thing. However, most of it wasn't because of him but due to Mark and his growth as a hero in the comics. 'Though I do have to wonder… What was up with the Flaxan's. They arrived way earlier than they should have'

Brandon still wasn't an expert on all things invincible but the flaxan invasion was something that he clearly remembered and it should have been at least a couple months off.

He wondered if his memory could be wrong but he highly doubted it. His Kryptonian brain didn't allow him to forget things like that.

'Could the world be trying to fix itself because of my involvement? Or is this simply just an effect of my existing here?' Having watched the Flash show in the past Brandon knew that the simplest of changes could result in changes that no one could have ever expected. Now with the inclusion of an entire species like Kryptonians, it was bound to make big waves.

'It's a good thing in growing the guardians both in numbers and potential' With how things are going anything could happen.

"Come dear I saved some pasta for you"

"Thanks, mah don't mind if I do" Worrying about so many things could be harmful and definitely wasn't a good mindset so he pushed it down and relaxed. He was home and was about to enjoy some good food. No need to carry work stuff to his dinner table. Besides, one of his worries would be handled later tonight.




Once dinner was done Brandon waited for his parents to fall asleep before heading out once again. His destination? The GDA's Headquarters. They were one of the last groups of people he wanted with Kryptonite and so he needed to remove it.

The only problem was him actually getting in contact with it. Brandon had seen Superman suffer from it enough to know it was a bad idea for him to just waltz in and take it. So he used the nanites he had previously left behind to control some of the GDA's robots. With them in hand he now had an easy way to transport them outside the base and looping or glitching out footage was a simple task.

With that plan set Brandon didn't need to wait long before the robots brought him the Kryptonite. It was a bit anticlimactic but that's just how things were when you act smart.

"So that's Kryptonite" Walking up to the robot Brandon attempted to close the distance but suddenly found himself kneeling. The feeling that coursed through his body was worse than anything he had ever experienced.

The red sun was one thing but it was at least bearable and could be resisted with the remaining yellow sun energy left in his body but this? It felt like he was zapped of all his strength. Hell, he felt like he had become weaker than a human and that was saying something.

"Take a couple of steps away" Brandon said with some struggle.

Following his orders the robots stepped back instantly giving Brandon relief but even with that he still felt like he needed to take a minute.

"No wonder Batman won so many fights, Kryptonite plain cheating. It's like using cheat codes against the main boss" Brandon muttered with annoyance.

"It's a good thing I thought ahead about this" Brandon said to himself as he lifted up a led box. "Here put the Kryptonite in this" Taking the box the robots did as told and placed the Kryptonite inside. It was quite big around 12 inches wide and almost a foot in length but fortunately, the box was big enough to fit it.

"Good now head back and continue functioning as you always have"

With them gone Brandon made sure the box was secure one last time. There was no way he wanted this thing opening on him mid-flight. Seeing no issue he took off and flew back to his ship.




Cecil was in his office screening some reports when someone suddenly barged into his office. This was something everyone in the GDA knew not to do especially because of some of the sensitive work he had to handle at times.

Seeing who the intruder was left Cecil momentarily confused because Donald more than anyone knows this but as he thought this he realized that whatever it was that caused this must be important.

"Tell me Donald what happened"

Lifting his glasses Donald made a grim look before saying "Sir someone took object 119 from its holding room"

Slamming his fist on the desk Cecil didn't bother asking more and took off running for the holding facility. Arriving it was just as Donald had explained, someone had taken one of their most classified objects.

"Shit! Donald, I want all the footage of the entire facility and I want alibi's for every person."

Donald quickly nodded before leaving to do his job leaving behind a very mad Cecil. Object 119 wasn't just some rock that they kept for safekeeping. No, it was much more than that,
Their scientist had found that enough exposure from its radiation was enough to awaken dormant abilities that lay hidden in people. For the GDA this was a good mine as they could create their own super-powered agents but now it was all at risk.

"Someone is definitely behind this…" He wasn't sure who yet but he was going to find out.

Lifting his phone he dialed in a number he didn't enjoy calling, looking at the contact he hoped was worth it. "Damian Darkblood"




Entering his lab Brandon walked across the room and found a safe spot to place the box all while Zod looked on with intrigue. He knew the explosion of their world would send parts of all across the universe but for Kryptonite to end up here…

"You weren't kidding when you said this stuff was lethal" Brandon said thinking back to his experience with it.

"Well I did warn you but it's no matter. It's here away from other's hands. That's what's important"

Brandon couldn't disagree with that but now he wondered what he should do with it? Glancing back at the box he thought about simply destroying the troublesome rock and he probably would do that in the future but for now, he wanted to study it. What was it about Kryptonite that weakened Kryptonians. Where was the weakness in his genes and how could he solve that? These were the sorts of things he wondered when he thought about it and thus decided to let it stay a while longer.

Zod's interest in Kryptonite was even less than Brandon's. Having lived on Krypton he already knew of many researches that had taken place on the mineral and none really interested him.

Instead what Zod wanted to converse about was some of the interesting things he had learned. He thought this GDA would be the only bag of surprises but this world continues to grow more and more interesting.

Brandon felt a stare on himself and saw the eagerness in his father's eyes. Something he rarely sees from the man.

"I searched for other super-powered individuals like you asked and found many but there are some in particular that I think you need to see" Waving his hand Zod summoned several Holograms but in the front of all of those were three large ones showing their importance.

Looking at them Brandon began to read their descriptions and froze when he saw who they were… Image comics like other publishing companies made other heroes and villains. Invincible wasn't their only project.

Brandon knew this but he never saw any crossovers between these characters and truly didn't expect to find them here. Yet there they were in all their glory.


The Pitt

Fire breather 

All three were amazing in their own right but Spawn really stuck out to Brandon. The guy was literally broken for one he was basically immortal and defeated both heaven and hell taking their armies as his own. However from what he can see Spawn has yet to reach that point as he has only recently begun appearing.

"He might be pretty new but that does not erase the guy's massive potential. Heck he can definitely give me a run for my money"

Then there was The Pitt and Firebreather. Brandon knew less about these two characters but what he knew was still enough to give them the attention they deserved. One was a hybrid created by an alien species called the Creed and was a living killing machine. The other was the prince of the Kaiju and had all the potential that came with said title.

"Continue tracking those three and gather as much information on them as possible"

"Of course" Zod Replied having already started this long before Brandon brought it up.

"For now show me some more of these individuals you found who knows there might be some more gems"

Bringing up more holograms Zod continued to show detailed reports of multiple superpowered individuals. Knowing this would take a while Brandon took a seat and made sure to give every person deep thought. As the screens came and went Brandon found himself more and more sure that his Guardians of the Globe would definitely change the world. They wouldn't be some Justice League knockoff like they were previously but would actually be a great force to be reckoned with.


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5 Chapters ahead in A Different Kryptonian

5 Chapters ahead in Marvel: I Have Homelanders Powers

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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