A Dragon’s Evolution

Panic in the Forest

Day four.. I think?

I've decided to try and count down the days since I've arrived here, since I think I'll gradually go insane with nobody to talk to out here. I know, I'm coping. Counting days has proven a lot harder when there's no sunlight down here. The only lights I can see in this forest is when I see some flame cobras shooting fire from their mouths. Or those ominous red eyes I see deeper inside. 

I like to think I spent these days wisely but truthfully, I just tested out my body's strength. Humanoid and Dragon forms both have differing strength levels. Obviously I was stronger in my Dragon form but I lacked the swiftness and finesse my humanoid form had. I had a bit of trouble adjusting to my humanoid body too. I briefly considered what others might call it. Dragonoid, Demi-human or even.. ugh.. 'loli form'. But the last one feels so gross to even think about.

Yeah if anyone looks at a kid and calls them a 'loli', you better call the cops on them. I refuse to call myself that. Even for shits and giggles.

Anyways, I killed more horned rabbits and flame cobras while testing out the capabilities of my two forms. Superhuman strength, agility and speed I can confidently say I possess. Even in my humanoid form. It gets about two-maybe three times better in my Dragon form. Only additional thing is my ability to breathe fire. It's a hell of a thing, breathing out a plume of fire. But not as cool as compressing it in my mouth and shooting out a fucking fireball.

Yeah, that shit is based.

After getting a good grasp of my body's capabilities, I'll start making my way deeper into the forest. The cobras and rabbits are barely a challenge and eating them doesn't do much anymore. I'll start to go deeper after I sleep in a tree.

-Day Seven. 3rd POV-

"Ohhhhh fuck shit bitch damn cock sucker pussy asshole cunt!" Jack started screaming/singing as he was fleeing from a Young Earth Drake.

A large Pseudo Dragon with hard rock armor and tough scales. It was surprisingly fast, despite the weighty armor that covered it. It hardly slowed down as it plowed through several trees while attempting to flatten the Black Dragon child. She hadn't even been walking that deep into the forest when she encountered the Earth Drake disguised as a random boulder in the forest.

Thinking to climb on it to get a better view above the trees hadn't seemed like a bad idea until it started rumbling and came to life. 

"Fucking hell, man! What? No kinship!? Straight to killing!?" Jack yelled as she kept running towards the denser part of the forest.

Though the Drake simply ran down those trees as well, it did seem to slow down at the sheer number it was forced to run over. It growled at her words and opened its mouth, unleashing a stream of magma that flew out and hit Jack's right wing and lower back.

"Fuck! You Motherfucker..! That fucking hurts, asshole!!" Jack cursed at the Drake and kept running.

Jack ran until his lungs burned from the exertion. And still, the Drake chased. Deciding enough was enough, she changed forms and climbed up a tree, perching on a tree branch. Right as she did, the Drake's rocky head slammed into the trunk and made it collapse. The Drake snorted kept running, having lost track of Jack.

Jack had leapt onto another tree, obscured by the leaves. She watched as the Drake stopped its charge and started sniffing the air. 

Jack caught her breath and grit her teeth while glaring down at it. It was basically a tank in animal form. It easily ran through thick trees and had some kind of magma breath. Looking closely, she could see some of its rocky armor had cracked, especially near its horned head that was used to batter through the trees.

Its arms were completely covered in thick rock, as was its head. But there were parts of it that weren't as armored. It had an external spine of rock that likely protected a weak neck. Its underbelly was also unarmored and looked vulnerable. While its chest had the second most armor on it, covering an orange glow.

~Wild guess but that's gotta be where it stores the magma. Fuckin' still hurts like hell too. Neck, Underbelly and chest are good targets. Maybe I can break its head armor to get myself an opening. I'll be harder to hit like this. Fuck it, let's go.. You pissed me off~ Jack mentally declared before silently jumping off the branch and descending on the Drake.

As soon as she landed, Jack straddled its neck and used the rock armor covering its face as stirrups before hitting the back of its head with a fireball. The concussive force cracked the head armor and successfully made it angrier. 

"GRAAAAAAAH!!!" The Drake bellowed angrily as it started to move its heavy body in an attempt to buck the child off its back.

"I'm way too young to cowgirl!! Calm the fuck- down!" Jack shouted while steering the Drake into another tree.

Jack grunted in pain as the tree splinters battered her skin. The Drake once again began to charge, trying to get the small intruder off its back. Jack held onto its rocky head and violently jerked its neck to the side, effectively steering it into another few trees. She grinned as she saw its rocky armor begin to crack more.

~I need somethin' harder to crash this bitch into. At this rate he'll outlast me. Let's see...~ Jack thought, carefully surveying the area around them.

Luckily for her, there was a mountainous region further in. Maybe a few kilometers away but it was better than getting shredded by the constant trees it was hitting. Stomping her foot on the jaw's rocky armor and jerking its head to the side, Jack began steering the monster towards some small mountains with a crazed grin.

With its current speed, it didn't take very long to reach the mountains. Jack saw new creatures along the way, but they were either fleeing or being turned into red paste by the Drake's charge. So there wasn't much time to admire the monster's appearances.

Soon enough, Jack saw the rocky surface of the mountain quickly approaching. But so did the Drake. Digging its heels in the ground, it tried to stop its momentum to avoid a head on collision.

"Nuh-uh! You're gonna eat this and you're gonna like it!" Jack smashed the back of its head with a fire ball before pulling its neck upward with all of her strength.

As a result, the Drake maintained its speed and ran at the rocky base of the mountain. Right before it hit, Jack jumped off and tucked into a roll to make the landing better. "Augh! Fuckfuckfuck! The movies make it look easier.."

Jack groaned with new minor injuries before picking herself up and facing her enemy.

The Drake's collision was a loud and painful one. Yet despite hitting a stone wall, it wasn't as hurt as Jack thought it would be. The impact and shockwave destroyed most of its rocky armor, with the exception of its chest, which it had protected with its arms during the hit. It turned its head towards Jack, now wounded and enraged as its neck glowed an orange hue.

"Shit.." Jack cursed before switching to her more bulky form and jumping away from the large glob of magma that the Drake spat at her.

Though it mostly missed, the scorching heat of molten rock still grazed her left arm and made her hiss in pain.

~Fine.. Monster fight it is. Come, runneth thy fade!~ Despite the pain, Jack grinned and started closing the gap.

The Drake roared and swiped his now unarmored claw at Jack, only to his in pain as Jack bit and latched onto its arm before jerking her head to the side and hitting it in the face with her tail. The sudden hit made the Drake lurch back and gave Jack an opportunity to attack. Jack lunged at its exposed neck and sank her teeth into its softer scales. 

As a response, the Drake grabbed and clawed Jack's face in a mad attempt to get her off. Jack closed her right eye as she felt the Drake rake its claw against it, pulling a small chunk of meat out before feeling the Drake's weight slam her into the ground. Even lacking the armor, it wasn't light. Jack kicked and clawed, trying to escape the suffocating weight before seeing it open its mouth close to her face, the familiar orange glow building up to its neck.

~You've gotta be shitting me.. Hell no! You wingless fuck.. You think you're gonna end my second life so early? I won't.... let myself...~ 

Jack's lives flashed before her eyes before she steeled herself and took a deep inhale before shooting a large fireball down the Drake's open mouth. The Drake's magma breath effectively exploded in its throat, along with Jack's fireball, making its head shoot back in agony. Thanks to Jack's attack, the rocky armor around its chest exploded off and small pieces had embedded itself into Jack's face and torso.

Jack kicked the wounded Drake off her and struggled to get up. The Drake clawed at its own throat, feeling an extreme burning sensation traveling out its mouth as it started to vomit magma. Jack limped over while it was focused on its pain and quickly dug her dragon claws into its now exposed chest, where the source of its magma was.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH!!" Jack heard the Drake scream out as she plunged her claw in and pulled out its heart.

Though not without severely burning her arm. The Drake dropped to the ground lifelessly as Jack staggered and released the cooling heart onto the ground.

~That.... hurt... so bad!~ Jack wheezed out a chuckle before collapsing.

~Didn't realize... I was hurt so bad.. Shit.... need to..... eat...~ Jack panted and started to drag herself toward the Drake's corpse with her one good arm.

~It'd be really stupid... to die here after all this... Don't... fall.. asleep..!~ Jack cursed in her mind before taking a bite out of the Drake's wounded chest cavity.

A surge of energy hit her as she mindlessly swallowed the tough meat. The very same frenzy she experienced before kicked in once again as she quickly started feasting on the Drake's meat. Her claws and teeth quickly tearing and ripping through the carcass, as if she couldn't ever have enough. The endless hunger made her scarf down every piece of meat down her throat with glee, not realizing the transparent energy from before began to grow with her every bite.

Several minutes later and she picked the corpse clean. Still hungry, she sniffed the air and turned back to the orange heart. Having cooled down a lot, it resembled some kind of ore. Jack crawled over and held it in front of her face, her amber eyes glowing possessively before she put the large heart in her mouth and bit down.

"KRRRHH.." Steaming hot liquid shot out of it, briefly causing her pain before it soothed.

The heat suddenly became bearable. The liquid becoming sweet as it rolled down her injured throat. Jack savored the taste before slowly swallowing the rest.

~Gotta.. get somewhere safe... I can feel myself blacking out..~ Jack shook her head and tried to limp somewhere safe.

But she was a long ways away from familiar territory, so she crawled inside the Drake's ribcage and collapsed, falling into a deep sleep.

Her scales began shedding off her in quick succession, replaced with tougher, more lustrous black ones. Her wingspan grew to an impressive seven meter length. Her horns and claws elongated and grew sharper and more defined. The spines on her back grew and sharpened. Her injuries quickly healed as her body's growth cracked and shattered the Drake bones she used to be covered by. She had grown to the size of a school bus before stopping.

Hours later, she groggily opened her eyes and looked at the environment. Seeing nothing immediately concerning, she turned her attention to herself, observing her body's changes. 

~Damn.. I wish a motherfucker would, right now~ 

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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