A Dragon’s summoning to another world

Chapter 28: Propaganda

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Chapter 28: Propaganda


“Propaganda is very helpful, it is the most precious part of the government. When people see through the lens of propaganda, they will start seeing Earth as the Sky, Hell as Heaven, and an oppressed life as paradise. However, don’t misunderstand one thing, propaganda isn’t a tool used by the government to trick you, no, it is a tool used by the government to aid you in tricking yourself.”



Propagandist Mathew, Lies Are Precious

Year 912


--POV: Anthony Volkhiem—

--Place: Volkhiem Co. / Time:18:06—

“I understand, mistress” God damn it, she already wants the business expanding beyond just Veran and I just started the first printout of the newspaper today.

I shut off the communication crystal, before I hear knocking on the door of my new office.


“Come in.” It better be important because my stress is at boiling point here.

“Yes, sir” A man comes in, this man is an educated scholar I managed to hire, he is an obedient guy who doesn’t ask unnecessary questions, and does everything I tell him, nothing more, nothing less. “We have the first copy ready and set to go, sir” He then proceeds to give me a copy of the newspaper that will make it’s debut tomorrow.

We need to start expanding and opening branches of this new studio in other territories including Chamberlayne quickly, because I have never seen the mistress so impatient before. “Good, good….what is it?” He wants to say something, it is the first time he is trying to give his input on a matter.

“It’s just…..the copy contains some content that some people in society may find offensive. We could get a lot of negative feedback for doing this” It seems he is worried about the retaliation of the people the press will start slandering. I already prepared for that.

“I have hired good security and mercenaries as well as several scouts all around the city to warn us of any attack that will be done on this building, we will not suffer for doing journalism.”

“Yes…” He seems to be sceptical about it, it doesn’t matter if he doubts my methods. The mistress wants certain information to be reported, no matter how correct or incorrect it is, I will do it. Besides, Alan can’t betray me due to the contract we have between us, where breaking it will make him a complete fugitive.

Plus, he doesn’t have enough of a spine to do such things, so let’s just use him to the maximum.

“I want 90,000 copies out in the public tomorrow. Get it done, or there will be severe consequences” I use the passive aggressive tone with Alan, and he seems to get the message. After nodding way too many times with shaking hands, he exits the office and closes the door behind him.

I’m going to need to visit a lot of merchants, and land lords and start buying land and estate at a significant rate, the very fact that the Mistress sent 40,000 gold is proof she is prioritising speed over money.

She is trying to expand the business very quickly, so of course it will cost more. Others would try to expand the business slowly, as that will cost less, but if you have the wealth of Chamberlayne, money isn’t a problem.

I have received more money from the mistress through an account named Jennifer Auston, a middleman, or in this case, middlewoman who serves as a proxy to give me money, the transaction and flow of money look like this:

Mistress Clarissa gives money to person A, let’s call him John, John then takes the money to the bank and puts it in his account. Afterwards, he goes to the bank(McWaiser for example) and asks the money be transferred to the account of person B, let’s call him Steve. Steve then does the same and transfers the money to another account, person C, this person is for example, this Jennifer Auston.

So if anyone wants to trace where I got my money from, they’d find in the records of the bank it came from Jennifer, and that came from Steve, and that came from John, and John got it from the mistress.

However, the mistress would kill John as he is the one who took the money from the mistress’s hands and gave it to the bank to be transferred. So after the tracers go to the bank, and finds that Steve’s money came from John. If John is dead, how would the bank know where John’s money came from?

They wouldn’t, as dead men tell no tales, after all.

So, while this is a very cruel method. It is clear she is willing to kill countless people everytime she sends money just to hide her tracks and to make her as unaffiliated to this company as possible. The mistress is very smart, and if the information that Chamberlayne controls Volkhiem Co. gets out. She will immediately know it was me who leaked it, and not any other source.

 Thus, it is in my best future and interest to make sure that no official relation between Chamberlayne and Volkhiem is ever known. Because while I do enjoy having women chase after me, the last thing I want is for the mistress to search for me with bloodlust in her eyes if I failed or slipped up.

“Haah…” I puff a cigar wondering if the mistress is pleased with my current results, as she seemed to be talking to a man over the crystal, so she immediately hung up….

It must have been something important she had to do with that man, to hang up just like that….


Copy of newspaper:

The Avalon Times

Sugar Prices on the rise?

Price of sugar imported from the Baharuth Empire rises amidst new tariffs set by the National Assembly of Baharuth which may lead to a global rise in the cost of all pastries, cakes and all cuisine that requires sugar as a basic ingredient. A reported 13 restaurants and businesses that trade and deal in sugar across Avalon have closed down due to the new taxations leading to a lower economic output for the restaurant and hospitality industry.


Demon on the loose!

Our reporters in Adion induce that there may be a demon on the loose, after unfortunate incident of what could only be chalked up to as bad management from the church leads to the catastrophic burning down of the St’ Louis Church, with 46 dead, we could only mourn the casualties and pray that such a disastrous accident does not repeat itself in the future. The demon is suspected to be a male vampire with extremely pale skin and black eyes, along with abnormally sharp teeth. It has been warned that if any such individual were to be seen, the witness should NOT approach the entity and instead they should immediately contact authorities on the atrocity’s last location.




Federalist Faction caught spying.

Federalist faction and it’s allies which idealizes nationalism and imperialistic values have been associated with caught spies across Veran, Chamberlayne, Addington and Dover territories giving to eyebrow-raising theories as to what the federalist faction sets to achieve by using such espionage means against political forces that do not agree with it’s radical ideology.



Debauchery in Religion?!

There have been recent rumours that a woman wearing an outfit that can only be related to a prostitute has been seen entering the backdoor of St’ Charles Church in North Avalon alongside a priest. The priest's identity is not known as the witnesses claim it was too dark to see the identity of the person, how could the priests even dare associate themselves to such a sinful woman? These rumours beg the question of whether the pope and the high priests actually represent the devotion and worship of the people to the one and only god.








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