A Fallen Knight-Lost art of Necromancy

Chapter 79: Prince of darkness

As the mist completely disappeared, Severus silhouette came in vision however, his personality and appearance changed drastically. His hairs turned white and his already pale skin turned even ten shades pale. He looked deathly pale. The purple iris was now completely turned black and instead of pale pink lips, there were black lips. His clothes were same, full black coat and pant set, but in addition, there was a cape tied on his neck. It was a midnight black cape with intricate silver embroidery. His nails which were clean and trimmed earlier was now all grown up and painted as black. All in all, he had a gothic outfit. With his dark outfit, there was a red cross hanging on his neck. 

About this red cross, even Severus himself wasn't aware. Heck, he wasn't even aware of his change in appearance. 

Desella and Tishn Looked at him in horror.

Desella's head started spinning and her head started paining suddenly. Severus noticed that Desella's expression wasn't looking nice so he went ahead and patted her shoulder, but before he could touch her, she blocked his hand. Something about Severus made her shiver in fear. Unknowingly Severus bowed his head to ask but before he could say anything, Desella started backing off. In their push and pull game, Desella's hand went over Severus' head as she parted his fringe. 

In the next instant, a significant scar flashed on Severus' face. 

Desella became unconscious again. 

Severus quickly held her up by her waist and laid her on the floor with the support of the wall. He didn't know why Desella was behaving strangely.

Desella was not the only one who was scared but there was one more.

It was Tishn.

He was scared and dumbstruck. When Severus looked at him he just pointed his finger toward a large mirror.

Severus saw his action and walked towards the large mirror that was placed there. It was a full-length mirror which reflected a complete shadow of the person. When Severus saw his reflection in the mirror, he was dumbstruck.

The mirror actually reflected him but somehow it didn't. The one who was present inside the mirror was Severus only but his appearance was shocking. It was too gothic for him. He now understood why Desella was acting strange. Severus lifted his Cross to inspect it but to no avail. He has no memories of this Red cross.

Severus quickly turned around and his earlier expression of shock were now gone. His eyes turned cold. With his outfit, his expressions made him look more dominating. Tishn felt pressured under Severus presence.

For a few second, no one said anything and just stared at each other. Severus' eyes were as cold as ice with no expressions, whereas Tishn eyes had complicated expressions. Severus thought that he was mistaken but after confirming it, he still saw the conflicted emotions in his eyes, but Severus was clueless.

It was Tishn who broke the silence.

"You, who are you?"


Severus was now sure that this demon sure has some loose screws in his head.

"I am Severus. How could you forget me? We just met and you even attacked me. Do you forget your enemies so soon?" Severus remarked sarcastically.

Tishn was annoyed but for some reason, he didn't flare-up. "If you are Severus then what happened to your appearance? Don't tell me you put a disguise spell on yourself? Did you? And one more thing, how the hell did you break free from the dark whirlwind? You are hiding something, don't you?"

Severus chuckled when he heard those baseless questions. 

"To be honest Tishn, I really don't know how my appearance changed. I swear I didn't put any disguise spell on myself. Secondly, Although I admit I am not powerful like you but I do have, a few tricks under my sleeve", Severus joked with him while winking his right eye.

Tishn knew that it was useless to ask since Severus won't reveal his tricks and it was against his pride to repeat his words.

Severus too didn't wanted to ask useless question thus he came to the main point." What do you know about Desella and her past? I heard you calling her Lil Della and about some master of yours."

Confusion knocked on Tishn Senses. However, he didn't want to be baited so easily thus he too didn't answered and shrugged off his shoulder non chalantly.

Severus was aware that talking would be useless and fighting was inevitable but, he at the least, tried peace policy.

As expected Tishn flew from his position and lunged towards Severus for combat. Severus too backed off Swifty and dodged the upcoming attack. It was a close attack.

Severus heaved a sigh.

"Ah attacking from behind. Did that master of you didn't taught you how to fight sincerely? Only cowards attack from behin...."


A groan escaped from Severus' mouth.

He hadn't even finished his sentence but Tishn swiftly lunged and kicked him on his shins.

Severus was annoyed and spat through gritted teeth, "Damn you! So you are not gonna fight sincerely?"

Tishn too replied with a smirk.

"As long as I am victorias, way of attacking don't bother me"

Tishn spun and tried kicking him again but Severus dodged him swiftly.

Needless to say, Tishn was very strong and was a good attacker. His moves were swift and light but the force behind them was no joke. Severus was sweating profusely while dodging his attacks. He was aware that, if by any chance he got struck by Tishn moves, he will surely get some fractures in his bones and that was not something he was looking forwards too. With his years of experience in martial art and his agility, it helped him to glide and dodge but, dodging wasn't a solution.

"Damn he is too powerful and agile. I can't dodge for a long time. What do I do? What do I do? Damn you Desella why of all times, you had to faint today and that too after seeing me?" Severus cursed under his breath.

Tishn and Severus exchanged blows for quite some good time but soon Severus was feeling breathless. Tishn was born of darkness and was able to absorb darkness for his powers but that was not the case with Severus. Tishn knew that he was inevitable in the physical fight as he was strong as well there was abundant of darkness present there too. Whenever he felt his energy level depleted, he would just absorb dark matter. Years of practice had made it easy for him.

Now it was easy as breathing for him.

"Huh are you tired Severus?", Tishn asked with a complacent smile.

"Tired my ass. I am gonna wipe that smug smile from your beautiful face and also will break your front teeth so you become an ugly pig..o_….you become an ugly demon.

Tishn scowled and his face turned dark. Although he was a demon but who said Demons should always be ugly looking?

"Sure try all you want, but it will be you who is gonna have his face all bruised up." With this said a new round of fight started.

The results were the same. Severus had a fair enough stamina and because of that, he was able to survive the second round.

"No, no I can't go like this. I need to use magic somehow", Severus whispered with a huff breath.

Since he decided to use magic, he needs some tricks too otherwise the result will be the same again.

Severus maintained a safe distance and stood there in a calming pose with his both hands joined as he started chanting a spell.

Tishn watched him curiously. He knew that Severus wasn't powerful plus he didn't have a sword too, so he wasn't threatened by Severus. He just observed him. He wanted to see what tricks he was going to use next. 

Sure enough, Severus didn't disappointed him. The black mist started forming at Severus' foot and started circling around him. It was like a circle of black mist with dark flames on it. The circle increased in strength as larger and denser flames started coming from the circle. It levitated Severus in air.

Soon Severus was levitating two-inch up in the air with the help of dark matter. 

Severus smirked and with a snap of his fingers, black flames covered him and spread behind him. It was looking as if his whole body was emitting the black mist. Severus looked like the prince of darkness.

His outfit and aura matched with the title of prince of darkness.

Even Tishn admitted that Severus looked handsome but he was in no mood to praise his opponent because he was shocked. It took him nearly a century to master the art of controlling darkness and another century to make darkness abide him. but Severus did it so easily in so short time.

It irked him.

"The hell. How, just how in the world you are able to control the darkness?"

Tishn asked madly. 

Sword didn't matter.

Strength didn't matter.

The magic level didn't matter.

As long as Severus was able to control darkness it was practically a game over for him.

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