A Family of Witches

11. Reunited

Last chapter!



“I’m sorry that I had to resort to such drastic measures,” Lorrie read, “but all of you were making it impossible to help my brother. I know that you’ve all taken his side and will want me to reverse what I’ve done, so I’ve sequestered myself in a place you won’t be able to find me until the effects have become permanent and everything is back to normal.”

They were sitting in the family room, surrounded by the paintings of their ancestors. Elpis was sitting on the couch, in between Vega and Hestia, who were each wrapping her in a hug. Lorrie folded up the note she’d found in Eris’ room and folded her arms.

“Well, that’s unfortunate,” she muttered.

“Is Elpis going to be okay?” Pandora asked.

“She’ll be fine,” Vega insisted. “We’ll fix this.”

“I can’t believe she’d do something like this!” Hestia cried, springing to her feet. “Of all the dirty, underhanded tricks! Elpis has had it so hard these past few weeks and she just has to go and screw everything up at the very last moment! I’m going to fix this.” She turned to Elpis, leaning down and locking eyes with her. “I promise you, Elpis, I’m going to find a way to reverse what she did.”

“You won’t be able to,” Elpis whined gruffly. “There’s no way she left notes behind. You won’t know what to do.”

“I’ll figure it out,” Hestia insisted. “She can’t outsmart me.”

“Your sister and I will work on it,” Lorrie said, placing a hand on Hestia’s shoulder. “We still have the pieces of muffin that you didn’t eat; it won’t be too difficult for us to quickly analyze it and figure out what she did. Eris is a smart girl, but we have experience on our side. Working together, we might just be able to find a solution. It’ll take a day at the very least for the magic to finish setting and become permanent. We will have a way to disrupt, or at least slow it down dramatically, before then.”

“It’s really not fair,” Pandora said, folding her arms. “She doesn’t even want to look like a boy anymore. Eris should have just been happy to get another sister. Why did she have to go and ruin everything?”

“Eris thinks that she’s doing the right thing,” Lorrie said. “I should have done more to prevent this. Maybe if I had talked to her more…”

“None of us thought that she would go this far,” Vega replied. “I don’t know how we’re going to get past this.”

“So what’s Elpis going to do now?” Pandora asked.

Everyone looked to Elpis.

“I dunno,” she mumbled.

“Elpis,” Vega cooed, “you’re going to be okay. Even if something goes wrong and we can’t fix this, there are other ways of transitioning. You can still get your ideal body back with magic. It’ll just take longer.”

“I know but… I already had the body I wanted. It’s not fair.” She started crying. “I’m going to be stuck like this. I don’t want this. It feels so wrong! I was so happy…”

“You’re not going to be stuck,” Hestia said firmly.

“If you say so.”

Lorrie asked, “Elpis, are you going to be alright?”

Everyone was watching Elpis. She looked down in her lap and shrugged. Vega pulled her close and gave her a small kiss on the head.

“We’re going to do everything in our power to fix this,” she whispered.

“I won’t let her do this to you,” Hestia added.

“I haven’t been training for thirty years to be outdone by a teenager,” Lorrie insisted.

“And I can’t really do anything,” Pandora said. “But I still see you as a girl no matter what your body looks like. Promise.”

“Thank you,” Elpis mumbled, leaning up against Vega. “All of you. It means so much to me.”

Lorrie and Hestia departed, wanting to get to work straight away.

“Do you want us to stay with you?” Vega asked Elpis.

“Actually, I kind of want some time to myself,” Elpis whispered, trying hard not to listen to the sound of her own voice. “I’ll be in my room.”

Stopping only to give Pandora a hug, Elpis made her way up to her room. She locked the door behind her and collapsed onto her bed. Elpis grabbed her little bunny plushie and clutched it to her chest.

She was going to have to stay like this, wasn’t she? They weren’t going to find a solution and transitioning didn’t happen overnight. Elpis would have to go to school as a boy. Everyone would wonder why they’d been told she was attending as a girl; they were going to think she made it up for attention. And no matter what, her relationship with Eris was permanently ruined.

“No,” she muttered, “I’m strong. I can face anything. And I don’t have to do it alone. I have my mothers and sisters backing me up. I’ll be okay.”

Then she started bawling. Who was she kidding? There was no way she was going to be able to face the world without getting to look like the girl she was. It was so selfish of her: other trans people didn’t get an easy solution, so why should she? But she’d been given it, gifted it, and she wanted it back!

It was Eris’ fault. Elpis had done everything in her power to get through to her. So had Vega and Lorrie. But she was just so stubborn. She just had to find a problem with the best thing that had ever happened to Elpis.

If Lorrie and Hestia couldn’t find a way to reverse what Eris did, nobody in the family was ever going to forgive her. The thought sat like a ball of lead in the pit of Elpis’ stomach. Despite everything, she didn’t want this whole mess to ruin Eris’ relationship with the rest of the family. Elpis still wanted everyone to love each other and get along.

Could Eris still be convinced? If Elpis found her, could she try one last time to get Eris to see how much happier she was with her other body? Then she could undo the magic herself. But Elpis would need to find her first.

She sat up, sitting her plushie in her lap. Where could Eris have gone? Sadly, the answer to that was “anywhere.” Elpis should start by calling around and seeing if she was staying with a friend. No, that was too obvious; Vega was probably doing that right now. Eris would have found somewhere to hide out alone, where nobody could find her. But she’d need to stay there for at least twenty-four hours to give the magic time to set. How many places did Eris know where that was an option?

What if she didn’t go very far? She wouldn’t have to. With her illusion magic, she could be hiding in plain sight and it would save her a return trip. Teleportation wasn’t easy, after all. And if Eris was close, then Amaryllis might be able to help Elpis find her.

From her closet, Elpis pulled out a dark cloak and put it on. The clothes she was wearing felt like they didn’t fit her right, and it would be uncomfortable for Amaryllis to see her like this. Then she stepped into the bathroom to quickly wash away her tears.

Once Elpis looked good, or at least as good as she could given the situation, she headed downstairs. Fortunately, she didn’t run into anybody as she grabbed her shoes and slipped out the front door. She took off toward Amaryllis’ glade at a run.

“Amaryllis!” Elpis called when she got close. “Are you there?! Please be there! I need you right now!” She entered the glade and started looking around. “It’s an emergency!”

“Rose? What’s going on?” Elpis turned around to see Amaryllis at the edge of her glade, staring at Elpis with a confused expression. “Why do you look like that? I thought you weren’t going back to the way that you used to look?”

“My sister—the one I was telling you about who didn’t accept me—she did this to me. And then she ran away and hid somewhere. I think she’s close by. I just need help tracking her down. This is your forest. If anyone can find her, it’s you.”

Amaryllis walked closer, glancing up and down to take in Elpis’ appearance.

“Of course I’ll help,” she said. “Just give me a moment.”

She closed her eyes and stood perfectly still. After a few moments, she opened them again and nodded. Elpis’ heart skipped a beat.

“I can sense magic being used in the forest. But it’s a long walk from here.”

“Just tell me where.”

“There’s a small creek with a beaver dam toward the southwest—”

“I know where that is!” Elpis cried. “She’s there?”

“She’s near there.”

Elpis took off running, not even waiting for Amaryllis. Her breathing was heavy. She rushed right through brambles and bushes. It wasn’t close, but she was determined to get there quickly.

As she got close to the creek, Elpis spotted Amaryllis standing on the bank waiting for her. Elpis slowed to a stop and the nymph started walking, bidding her to follow. They walked slowly, in silence, until Amaryllis stopped and pointed to a seemingly empty spot.

“There’s the magic,” she whispered.

Elpis walked forward and reached out with her own magic, mingling with the magic in the air. It was illusion magic. Eris was here.

“I’m going to need you nearby for emotional support,” she told Amaryllis.

“I won’t leave. I promise.”

Elpis nodded and took a deep breath, then pushed at the illusion with her own magic. Eris was good, but Elpis had grown up around her tricks and had a good idea of what she needed to do to counteract this. She felt some pushback; Eris was trying to maintain the illusion. Elpis redoubled her efforts, carving away at the magical threads haphazardly, expending way more energy than she should be but ultimately severing enough to dispel the magic.

A campsite appeared in front of her. Eris was standing in front of a small fire, her hands raised. Cursing under her breath, Eris lowered her hands and glared at Elpis.

“I’m not coming back home,” she said sharply. “You can’t make me. And I’ll run if you leave to go get the others.”

“Please, Eris, don’t run. Just hear me out, okay? I just want to talk.”

“There’s no need to talk. The mind-altering effects haven’t had time to wear off. In a little while, everything will be back to normal and you’ll be grateful for what I’ve done.”

“Eris, please. You’ve been ignoring everything I have to say for myself since this started. I just want to sit down and talk, face to face. Like we used to, before all of this.”

She could see Eris’ expression soften, just a little.

“You’re probably just going to buy time so Amaryllis can alert the others to my location,” she replied.

“I won’t, I promise. This is just between the two of us. I’m begging you, twin to twin, please just talk to me like I’m a normal person with my own mind for once.”

Eris took a deep breath and glanced away. Elpis could see the cogs turning in her head. There was a stillness in the air as Eris debated with herself. Then she sighed.


The two of them sat down around the fire. Amaryllis stood at the edge of the campsite, arms folded, watching things play out. It helped Elpis to know that she was there.

“Alright,” Eris said, “talk. What do you have to say?”

“Do you remember how inseparable we used to be?” Elpis mused. “Before puberty, we were never out of each other’s sight. We even refused to be in separate classes.”

“That’s not why we’re here.”

“Alright.” Elpis closed her eyes and took a few breaths. “Eris, I have to find a way to convince you that you’re making a huge mistake. This is going to end very badly if you don’t relent and undo the magic that you did to me.”


“Elpis,” she corrected. “Use the name I want or I won’t talk to you.”

“You’re the one who wanted to talk. And I’m not going to entertain a delusion.”

“Do you really not believe that trans people exist?”

“Of course they do, but you’re not one of them. You just think you are because of magic.”

“That’s not why.” Elpis paused to wipe the tears out of her eyes. “There were signs, Eris. When I was young, I had to have it explained to me that boys didn’t wear dresses; I was crushed. I wished I could get my nails painted and my ears pierced. I hated the thought of having a significant other, but I didn’t realize at the time it was because I wouldn’t be happy as a boy in a relationship. And I felt so much like I didn’t belong in this family, and now I realize it’s because I felt like I couldn’t be myself around any of you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“That doesn’t prove anything,” Eris said, glancing down and shifting her weight. “You can still be a guy and want to wear dresses, you know.”

Elpis shifted tactics.

“You know, I’ve felt so much better ever since I got my new body. I actually feel like part of the family now. I hated the thought of being a boy in a dress; it’s why I never tried to wear one when I was wearing that pendant you gave me. But as a girl, it just feels right. I was looking forward to people at school getting to know me, the real me, for the first time ever.”

Eris didn’t respond at first.

“So that’s it?” she asked. “I’m supposed to accept that I’m losing you because you don’t want to be a boy anymore?”

“Is that what this is about?” Elpis asked.

Tears started to form in the corner of Eris’ eyes, but she didn’t respond.

“Eris, you’re not losing your brother. You’re gaining a sister. A sister who’s happier for who she is. A sister who likes the person she sees in the mirror. A sister who’s supported by her family.”

“That’s easier for you to say!” Eris cried. “I don’t recognize you anymore! Even though you look the way you’re supposed to, you’re still an entirely different person! I don’t know how to fix this!”

She fell silent and hugged her knees. Elpis was quiet. She wasn’t sure what to say, or if she even should say anything. Finally, Eris took a deep breath.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

“I am. And I know you trust me enough to make that leap of faith with me.”

Eris closed her eyes and sniffed, then held up her hands. Elpis felt a tingle across her body. She got a little dizzy and had to prop herself up by her arms. Her breathing became ragged and the world started spinning. Then it stopped.

Looking down, Elpis discovered that she had her real body back.

“I’m sorry,” Eris mumbled into her knees. “I thought I could make things better.”

Elpis just stood up and walked around the fire, kneeling down and grabbing Eris in a hug.

“Let’s go home.”

Elpis sent Amaryllis ahead to tell the others that they were coming home. It was a slow walk back to the house in silence. Eris walked with her arms wrapped around her stomach and staring at the ground.

The family was waiting outside when they arrived. As soon as she spotted them, Pandora ran up and grabbed Elpis in a hug. Elpis was almost knocked over.

“You’re back! Thank goodness you're back!”

“You!” Hestia ran forward and stopped just in front of Eris. “What in the world did you think you were doing?!”

“Hestia, that’s enough,” Lorrie said, pulling her away.

“I’m glad you’re back safely,” Vega told Eris, pulling her into a hug. “But you’re grounded.”

“For the rest of the year,” Lorrie added. “And there will certainly be additional punishments for what you did.”

“I know…”

When Vega let go of Eris, Lorrie stepped forward and hugged her as well. Pandora didn’t wait to get her hug in. Despite everything, things had worked out and everyone was together again. Elpis breathed easy.


Elpis dragged her trunk down the stairs, struggling to walk backward without letting it knock her over. If she was as strong as she used to be, she could have just carried it down the stairs. She’d be able to open up pickle jars, too. The family was woefully unprepared to live without someone with upper arm strength.

The house was abuzz with activity. Eris was running up and down the stairs past Elpis. Sometimes Vega or Lorrie would pass her as well. Finally, Hestia stopped on her way down the stairs and offered to help her with her trunk.

“Thank you,” Elpis said as they laid the trunk down in the family room next to Eris’.

“You’d better hurry or you won’t be ready.”

“I don’t have much more. Don’t worry.”

“You packed your shampoo and body wash and makeup remover, right?”

“Yes, Tia, I got it all. It’s in the smaller trunk upstairs. I can carry that one on my own.”

Lorrie peaked her head into the room.

“The bus arrives in an hour. We need to get into the car soon to get to town in time. Grab the rest of your stuff.”

“I wish I could go,” Pandora lamented from the couch. “I’m going to miss you both.”

“We’ll miss you too,” Eris replied, striding into the room. Turning to Elpis, she asked, “Do you have everything?”

“Yes, I promise. I remembered everything.”

“Makeup? Bathing suit? Hair ties?”

“I got it all.”

Vega, just walking in, asked, “You both have your school books, right?”

“All in the trunk.”

“Very good. Give me and your mother a call if you need anything. Especially if you need a place to stay for a few days if things get rough.”

“I’ll have my friends, Vega,” Elpis replied. “I’ll be okay. But thank you.”

Dora walked over, insisting, “I need a hug.”

Elpis obliged, giving her a long hug that just seemed to never end.

“She’s really taken a liking to you,” Eris noted.

Vega turned to Hestia, asking, “How are you feeling, dear?”

“Stressed,” Hestia admitted. “Only twelve more days until my certification.” Turning to Elpis, she added, “I wish I could be there to support you in person.”

“You’ve done so much for me already. All of you have.”

Lorrie cleared her throat before saying, “We need to leave soon. Grab the rest of your things while we start getting these trunks in the car.”

Elpis obliged, running upstairs to grab the small trunk. At the last second, she opened it up and tossed her bunny plushie inside. The other girls wouldn’t make fun of her for sleeping with a stuffed animal, right?

As Elpis loaded her small trunk into the car, Eris was getting hugs from the rest of the family.

“Remember that you’re still grounded,” Lorrie warned her.

“I know… no fun allowed.”

“It’s just until the end of the semester,” Elpis assured her, wrapping her arm around Eris’ shoulders. “Besides, we can still get into some fun. I won’t tell.”

“Don’t think I won’t ground you too,” Vega warned Elpis.

Lorrie opened the car door and started tapping her foot.

“It’s time to go,” she insisted.

Vega gave Elpis one final hug and whispered, “I’ll see you for winter break.”

“I’ll miss you all,” Elpis replied, burying her face in Vega’s shoulder so no one could see her cry.

Once they were in the car and Elpis had wiped her eyes clean, Lorrie started down the dirt road that would take them to town. Elpis and Eris both made sure to wave at the rest of their family as they receded into the distance. Elpis took a deep breath to steady herself, swallowing her tears.

“Are you ready for another school year?” Eris asked, her own eyes a little dewy.

“Yeah, I think I am,” Elpis replied. “Whatever comes at us, I think the two of us can take it.”

And that's all, folks! This story was intense; one of my more intense ones, I think. But I'm glad you stuck through with it to the end. Thank you for being here with me, and I look forward to further stories we can explore together.

Gentle reminder that I have a Patreon, for those of you who are interested in showing your support. This story may be over, but all new ones are coming and you could have access to each chapter, or even two chapters, weeks before they're published publicly, as well as access to Patreon-exclusive stories or even free commissions from me, the author. The first chapter of my new story about an egg from an island of pirates going on an adventure is already available to patrons. In addition, because we met our $50 per month, goal, I've started uploading the chapters of an unfinished story about a ghost trans girl that I don't plan on releasing publicly. If you're interested, you can pledge your support here. Or, if you would prefer to give a one-time donation, you can do so here for only $3.

Also, special thanks goes out to my first patron of honor, Grymmette.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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