A Fap Story

Chapter 1 – I Died

In front of me was vast, unending darkness wherever I could see, and stars as well… I'm in space? What the fuck? I was just…

Oh… So I died it seems… I mean, the memories of the pain of my throat crushing and the desperate attempt of my body to be able to breathe were still fresh. My whole body had twitched violently with unbearable pain before going numb and then my vision went dark, followed by peace and an end to all my sufferings.

I had committed suicide! I had used cloth as a rope to hang myself! I remember every second of it! Now should I conclude that I am dead? Or am I just seeing stars? No, surely I am seeing those right now, but I didn't mean it like that…

Tranquility and peace, that's what I am feeling right now. My body is weightless, it seems. Well, that's obvious as I'm in space… My sight moved to look at my body and…

FUCK! What the fuck? Where's my body? 

Damn! I can't understand anything! I mean, even as a soul, it should have a humanoid shape, right? And shouldn't I be in heaven right now? Did King Yama accidentally lose me here? Urghh… I can't understand anything!

"You are indeed in heaven!" A deep voice resounded in the space… like what the fuck? Voice shouldn't travel in space!

"It isn't! I am projecting it directly inside your mind!"

Oh! So it's like that… I nodded with my nonexistent head. Why? Because I understood everything! Honestly!

A titanic humanoid figure revealed himself who had a pair of eyes and… that's it! The starry night background and… the starry night humanoid figure… Is it there or is it not?

"Hmm… so you are a god or something? Well, I should be awestruck and all with your presence, but excuse me as I am not in the mood right now… Uh, wait a minute, let me curse for the last time. It would be last, I'm honest!" And without waiting for his reply I loudly cursed,

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON?" I opened my mouth and screamed out my lungs… well, not quite…

"Humans are really weird… Well, whatever. Allow me to congratulate you for you are now dead!" the deep voice came which actually sounded like it came from all the directions.

"Haha! Well, thanks I guess! I'm really happy, you know! Like who wouldn't be when they are told that they are free from their sufferings?" I was just a useless guy anyway… ugly, stupid, and insecure! Ugly, because everyone called me that! Stupid, because I was just a worthless piece of shit with no talent or skill. And insecure, because, well, why wouldn't I be considering the two above points? So I'm happy that all my suffering has ended at last.

"Well, not really!"

"Huh? What do you mean? Do you mean that my suffering has not ended?"


"What the…"

"Indeed, your suffering has not ended for you have committed the greatest crime!"

"What crime?"

"You killed yourself! That was one of the top crimes on our list! You had no right to destroy what you didn't create in the first place!" The 'god' before me said.

"Oh… So that's why… Then why did you provide the liberty to do so?" I asked. Since a human wasn't supposed to do so, the god should have restricted such actions by default!

"That's to decide your future," the figure said.

"It's not like I understood... Well, whatever… You want to send me to hell, right? Do as you please… It's not like I have any other choice anyway." And here I thought that at least God will understand my plight… But the reality is cruel they say… Damn! I don't want to live in such a cruel reality!

"I DIDN'T WANT TO LIVE IN THAT DAMN WORLD! Why did you create me in the first place?" I wanted to cry, but I had no 'body' to do so...

"Well, I didn't create you…" the figure replied.

"What? Aren't you the god?"

"Huh? No, I am just a reincarnator… Ugh… Pardon my late introduction, I am the reincarnator, and you can call me whatever you want. What do you people call? Yama or something?"

What? Did I just see a bead of sweat on his forehead? Probably my imagination… Though he's a lot polite despite being such an extraordinary entity…

"Oh, so you would reincarnate me once again," so that's why he said that my suffering hasn't ended. But I don't want to live anymore… If I wanted, I wouldn't have committed suicide! Let's try this, "Can I ask you to please not reincarnate me once again?"

"Sorry, I cannot do that!" Here comes the bitter truth.

"Then what now?" I asked.

"You have two options since you have committed suicide. The first one is to go to hell, repent for your crimes and then enter into the reincarnation cycle once again."

Oh, so I repent for my crimes in hell? They will probably torture me, burn me, boil me, and do all those sorts of cruel things… Honestly, I want to cry… And yet I cannot!

"The second is to live a single life of your desire and then your soul will be dissolved into the consciousness of the universe, and you wouldn't be able to reincarnate again," he said.

"Oh, this is interesting! So my soul will be basically destroyed… Not bad. No, I actually wanted this! I will go with the second option!" With that, I can just kill myself and my soul will be destroyed with that. "And what 'being able to reincarnate into a world that I desire' meant?"

"I meant exactly what was said. You will be incarnated to a world that you desire…" and as soon as I heard it, my nonexistent mouth and eyes went like 'O'. Did he actually mean that? Would that even be called a punishment? It has the cost of not being able to reincarnate again, but it doesn't matter to me… This is a heavenly opportunity! Let's grasp it immediately before he changes his mind, "Mr. Reincarnator, let's go with the second option. What do I have to do?"

"Well, you just have to imagine the world you would like to incarnate into," he said.

"Just that?"


Hmm, how do I want the world to be? Simple and filled with happiness… And with kind and understanding people. A gentle and caring mother which I didn't have and I don't care about a father… I have lost my faith in fathers because of my abusive one…

Wait, didn't he say I can desire anything? Hahaha! Then, I shall imagine what I didn't have, I shall imagine what I couldn't have, and then, I shall imagine my greatest fantasy! A lecherous grin would have appeared if I had a face. And my lewd imagination began…

Probably a few minutes later…

"Huh, that world will only have what you people call two-dimensional people. Are you sure?"

"I am damn sure! I just want a simple world and simple people!" I replied and I couldn't contain my happiness.

"Very well then!"

A bright light flashed in the whole universe, or so it seemed and my vision went dark in the next moment.

I slowly opened my eyes and it felt like I woke up from my sleep. I rubbed them for a bit and stared at the ceiling as the memories revealed themselves… I had two types of them… One from my previous life and the other from Ben's (this body's name) life… Wait!

I got up from the bed and immediately ran towards a mirror and my mouth hung agape from what I saw. I had a 6 ft tall body, fair complexion, and a handsome face. Well, at least it was a lot better looking than my previous ugly one…

Now my body was a bit sturdy, not that muscular, but still attractive. And let me check this… I lowered my boxers and,

"Yes!" I cheered in delight seeing the sheer size. It was my morning wood and it was probably about nine inches! And with that, I couldn't be happier! And that wasn't the most amazing thing! It was the abilities that I had gotten!

Like this…

I extended my hand and imagined the oil bottle on the table to fly into my hand and *swish*, it flew into my hands! Yup, telekinesis! And I also got a bunch of different other abilities like teleportation and elemental abilities as well! I'm overpowered as fuck! Because no one can use magic in this world other than me! Though, to not make it boring, I had imagined adding some supernatural entities.

And also… Now a true lewd grin should have appeared on my face. Because, I had a truly kind, caring, and gentle mother, who is always willing to do anything for me! And a beautiful one at that! I confirmed it with my memories and I also had a dad who mostly lives overseas due to his job, a rich one!

Though everything wasn't exactly as I had imagined as this body had lived its life until now, it was okay. Honestly, this body's owner was just a pussy! Like literally! He was a lot more useless than I was! Well, he wouldn't be anymore, since I had taken over his body… Probably! Hehe!

I looked at my surroundings. It was a huge bedroom with a double bed in a corner. It looked clean and properly organized. And a large table on one side with a PC and a gaming console… Damn! This family is rich as fuck! Why? Because they could afford a gaming console! It was rich, at least for me, and I am really happy! My cheeks are hurting with my grin, oh god!

After taking a good look at my own room, which wasn't necessary as I already had a memory of it, I decided to meet my cute and lovely mom! But before that, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After wearing casual clothes, I went to the kitchen, and here she was, a mature and voluptuous beauty standing in front of the kitchen counter, making breakfast.

She turned her head and damn, she was beautiful! I exclaimed inside. "Oh, you have woken up, baby!" And what was that melodious voice? I could hear it for the whole day and I wouldn't be bored, I bet!

"Yep! What are you doing?" I said and just did what the previous body's owner would do. I approached her and hugged her from behind.

My hands crawled on her soft curvy waist as her plump and supple ass squashed against my crotch. And man, what a wonderful sensation it was! It was literally heaven.

But, shit! My dick got hard! What should I do? What would she say?

My sight moved over her shoulder to see her blushing face. Our heights were almost the same. She made a cute flustered face and as if remembering something, she quickly looked at me as her soft palm rested on my cheek. "Happy birthday, Ben!"

"Eh? Today's my birthday!? I had nearly forgotten!" I said as I remembered that I turned 18 today.

"Hehe! Didn't I wish you at midnight as well!" she said as she cutely giggled and resumed her cooking. And I was surprised to know that she didn't mind my hard meat rod poking her supple ass cheeks. It was buried deep inside her softness and warmth and dang it, my hips started slowly moving on their own. Should I separate from her? But I don't want to let go of such fluffiness.

My heart also started beating faster and my lust was building up. Damn, I can't help it! I will just distract her until I come with her softness.

"Thanks two times then! I had truly forgotten… Sigh, I think it's the cause of aging, can't help it!"

"Hehehe! Surely it is! You have grown into an old man aren't you!" she playfully said. And I looked at her rosy cheek and couldn't help pecking it.


"Then what will you gift me?" I asked while I enjoyed her butt squashing my hard dick. The fact that I was holding my own mother aroused me even more.

"Whatever you want, baby! And we will do a small party, make sure to bring your friends."

"Huh, which friends? I have only had one friend since elementary school!"

"I thought you would have made another one until now… sigh… Just bring him."

"Will do, mom!" I said as I started talking about trivial things while my hips slowly moved for my cock. The orgasm slowly built up while my dick twitched inside the supple fleshy garden and my body savored her warmth.

I also kissed her on the cheeks many times as another 5 minutes passed. And just when I neared my orgasm, I buried my face in her smooth neck and hugged her waist tightly before I came as my dick twitched vigorously between her buttcheeks.

*Splurt* *Splurt* *Splurt*

(The next chapters will be uploaded on my site)

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