A Former Hero’s Journey : I just want to live peacefully!

Chapter 17: The Minor Flashback

Chapter 17

Kimiko Pov

It had been quite some time since they had travelled. The maid inside, Annie was teaching Mira about mannerism expected of a maid which Mira was listening intently. A far-cry state from when she was almost asleep. Kimiko was just looking quite bored at them before looking at the outside world. It had been almost 2 hours since they had begun their journey. Her maids had destroyed every monster that came in their way and that was why she was bored. They seemed to be catching up with each other. Gabby was talking with Claire on the front while the three maids on horses were also speaking to one another. Kimiko just counted the trees along the way. Kimiko then decided to observe Mira and Annie.

Annie was teaching her the behavior expected of a maid. Annie and the other golems had already ingrained such ways when they were made. That was why Annie was trying her best to teach her because out of every golem present only she was kind of the intellectual type. It was decided by the other golems that it would have been best if it was Annie that taught her. Annie was demonstrating something to Mira.

"You should brew tea this way. Not too fast or too slow. It will imbalance the flavor. You should try doing it. We have plenty of tea leaves in here....."


Kimiko was feeling a little sleepy as well. The noise from outside could not reach inside due to enchantments as well as the carriage was also provided with suspension enchantment meaning it won't shake much as well. Kimiko thought.

'I guess a small nap wouldn't be a problem'

Then she drifted off to sleep.


She woke up in an empty chamber. She winced at the sudden pain and found that that there was a wound that was bandaged up. It was as if someone had rammed her through with a sword. A poor attempt of first-aid was conducted because the blood was still leaking from it. This damn chamber was preventing them all from using recovery magic as well as what felt like residue of magic in the wound causing it to not heal using magic.


She looked around and hitched at the sight. There were 4 figures near her who was as roughed up as she was. They were all sporting various wounds and bruises. It was Mirzael, the spear king on the right side. He had his left arm missing and was covered with bandages. He was sweating a lot from a fever. Just beside him was Mitelt. She also had an injury with bandages covering her left eye. Blood was also leaking from it and it was possible to see that she won't be seeing from that eye. But she still focused on trying to heal Mirzael.

On Kimiko's right was Terza. He looked to have massive bruises all over his body with some salve applied onto him. Considering his role was to be a Tank with a lot of [DEF] and [CON] as well we looked all black and blue. Behind Kimiko was Misha who was still unconscious unlike others. She was the ranged attacker like Mitelt.

Misha started to cough with some bloods coming out. Kimiko then realized that this was the time after their first attempt to defeat the Demon King. This place was on an island that was where she sealed herself before. They all had arrived with an army to defeat the army of [Demon]. She could still hear the battle raging on. Countless people gave up their lives, trying to carve a path for the Heroes to enter the tower and vanquish the [Demon King] once and for all. That is how they were inside the tower constructed on a lone island. It was the final battle where the [Demon King] himself visited them on the lower levels. But who would have known they were thrashed and had to retreat. A figure entered. It was Solomon. At least he was the least beaten up. He looked at her with an unknown expression in his eyes.

"This is not good. The tower is nearly complete. The Demon King is on top of the tower sitting on his throne from what the [Spirit] are saying....."

The others woke up slowly. Mirzael and Terza grunted in response while Mitelt was groaning. Solomon kept on speaking.

"This is the last stand. We bet everything in his conquest. We strategized and made plan for every possible scenarios. But who knew...."

Then he started to chuckle in a self-loathing way.

"Who knew that bastard would be over Lvl 750? We did not see that coming. He just bulldozed us all. If it not for the fact that Terza, Mirzael and.... Kimiko held on then we would all have been eliminated."

He looked depressed and banged his hand on the wall, creating a dent despite its hardness. The others looked at him in worry. Kimiko herself was numb looking at them because she knew what they all would do next. But it was still surprising to see Solomon lose his cool.

"DAMN! Is there really on other way. We were the first to find that there were levels above 500 and we ourselves are in Lvl 650 and above but it was all for NOTHING!"

Mirzael stood up with some difficulty with Mitelt supporting him. Then he left her and grabbed Solomon with his one hand. He proceeded to head butt Solomon to the astonishment of others. Then he just kept his head down while speaking slowly in a small voice.

"Shut up, Solomon. Your ranting isn't helping anyone. Instead of just screaming around like a child, use your brilliant mind to think of a solution. Even now those people who believed in us are still fighting outside. Every second wasted is one more person dying outside. They BELIEVE in us but it was you and Kimiko that gave them all hope. A hope for a better tomorrow."

Kimiko could see that Terza, Mitelt and even herself getting up slowly despite the pain.

"When the darkness enveloped Vesperia and turned it into a lawless place, it was your city that accepted all people. Why? The people said 'This place has Solomon and because of that, all will be good'. When we were all in dire times it was your quick thinking that got us all out in one piece. When I desperately needed a friend, no one was there except you and all the members of this party that accepted even a person like me. So get your shit together and cheer up because we are still here. And we will do anything to defeat that [Demon King]. There is still hope."

It was surprising that the playboy Mirzael could give such a speech. It surprised Kimiko then and even now. But despite being a playboy he still did not know that Mitelt held feelings for him. Mitelt was the last person to join their merry gang. It was because Mirzael was in the Hero's party that Mitelt followed them to join.

Solomon looked surprised before looking at others who seemed to have been affected by the passionate speech by Mirzael. They all looked determined. Solomon closed his eyes and sighed slowly before punching himself. He then retained his cool. He said.

"Let's review what we know. We knew the oracle said that this was the strongest Demon King ever recorded in history but could not get a glimpse at his level. Now we know he is around 750. What can we do? Any suggestion?"

Mitelt said.

"He seems to have gone through massive resources setting up this tower. How about we destroy the foundation? Whatever he's planning, it involves this place."

Solomon thought for a while before checking the wall that seemed to have recovered from the dent he made earlier.

"Terza. What is it made of?"

Terza checked it with his hammer.

"Hmm, some kind of Demonic Alloy. Damn, one of the rarest alloys as well. It has the best or worst property as well. You see, it is virtually indestructible unless we kill its owner. On the hands of weak person, it is possible to destroy it, but in the hands of Demon King?"

Everybody knew the implications. Their faces grim. Solomon looked at all of them, especially on Kimiko. He looked to the others and said.

"I gave them hope? Maybe it's time for the side project 'Hope' to start then."

Mirzael exclaimed.

"It's complete?"

Solomon nodded.

"Completed months ago but it was only reserved for if anything Divine intervened us. But this situation couldn't be anything less threatening. Maybe the rumors were true.... about this Demon King powering itself up by merging with ‘that’."

The other three except Kimiko and the unconscious Misha sighed. Even in this late of their journey, she was kept dark about the side project 'Hope' made by Solomon and the other heroes. But the Kimiko that was dreaming looked grim. Solomon and the other four heroes touched their forehead as if they were saying goodbye but past Kimiko was confused.

Solomon looked at Kimiko and said.


Kimiko awoke with a gasp. Annie looked at the sweating Kimiko before asking in an alarmed tone.

"Mistress! Are you ok?"

Kimiko was still gasping; her hands that clutching her arms were bleeding by the pressure she was clutching the arm with. Her hands were shaking as her breathing was haggard. But the wounds healed seconds later by her [VIT]. Even though the shirt got ruined. She sighed a bit and replied.

"Nothing Annie. Just a bad dream."

Even Mira was looking at her with concerned expression before remembering she was also responsible for her Master's health as her maid.

"Are...are...you alright?....Mistress."

Kimiko just smiled a little before waving off her hand to show she was ok. Annie then scowled at her and her torn as well as dirtied shirt. Annie requested.

"Mistress, I think it would be better if we were to change your dress. To more 'formal' wear than just Barbaric clothing you were wearing."

Kimiko raised an eyebrow at that. Annie replied.

"It would keep the eyes off of us. You see, mistress, people would be kind of suspicious if a high class carriage arrived but only two maids and an 'Adventurer' got out of it. If you were to wear formal clothing, it could be passed off as a reclusive noble and the guards won't bother asking."

Kimiko saw some logic at that but was suspicious because Annie didn't like such inelegant 'Barbaric' clothing. Annie added.

"Mira will help you change your clothing as a test. I don't want you changing cloths in an instant by using your skill, Mistress."

Mira looked at Annie and then at Kimiko before nodding in a determined cute way. Kimiko just sighed and nodded. She picked some formal cloths from her inventory. A long sleeved shirt with a frilly design at the vertical center from the chin to the chest. A long black coat with gold colored linings and button. In the carriage, there was enough space to stand up. Mira too stood up before tried to reach for her ruined shirt. But she was short. Her ears flopped down in depression and Annie sighed before picking up the girl who yelped a bit. She kept Mira in a steady position at the level of Kimiko. Mira then unbuttoned Kimiko's ruined shirt and with the help of Annie and removed it. Then Mira took the formal shirt and helped Kimiko put it on.

It was a little loose considering it was for her much older self but the chest part did feel uncomfortable and tight. Kimiko looked at her breast and felt them on her hands while her eye twitched a bit.

'And it is still growing....'

She then wore the coat but left it unbuttoned. She patted Mira and scratched the back of her cat ear but Mira seemed to be enjoying a bit by the purr she was emitting. In fact, she shrugged off the support from Annie unconsciously before falling onto Kimiko, her head right in between her chest. For the first time Mira did something as she was coping a feel with her head.


Mira got up and blushed. Kimiko's heart was being healed by the fluffiness and so did Annie by the blissful face she seemed to be making as well as some other complex emotions present in it.

'Could Annie secretly be a cat person? No... not only that...is she....?'

"Annie. Are you jealous?"

Annie looked at Kimiko's chest before looking at her own 'average' ones. Then she looked at Kimiko and said in a dead pan voice.

"......Nope, not at all mistress."

'The maid golems are made from soft but powerful alloy of metals. So are those soft?'

Kimiko wondered as she stared intently at the chest part of Annie.

‘Rather average…’

Annie frowned.

“…You were thinking of something insulting just now, weren’t you?”

Kimiko denied hurriedly. Annie, too, left the sore topic. Now, Kimiko just wanted to leave the pants just as it is which seemed to complement her formal dress so Annie did not complain about it.

The sun had set and they had to spend the night in the forest. They cleared the surrounding space near the road and lighted a fire. Kimiko decided to spend the night in the carriage as it was very comfortable. Gabby, Claire and Annie decided to take guard for the night. It was estimated that they will arrive by tomorrow evening after looking at the map of Empire of Posat procured as a gift by the salesman. Just then she nearly had a heart attack while drinking water when Annie said something.

"Mistress, I have decided to cook for the night."



She nearly choked from drinking water. Annie was many things. Excellent fighter, excellent house care services, excellent maid but cooking...... was her bane. Anything cooked by her would turn into a purplish stuff which would insta-kill even the Dragons if need be. It was verified as well. Though the face of Solomon and the others were priceless. Solomon even analyzed the damn thing and it did not contain any kind of poison but seemed to contain various healthy things. But the end result was always blob of purplish mess.

"Hack hack! Cough! Cough!"

A worried Mira was patting her back in an attempt to help her recover. Only both of them were the ones eating. Kimiko hastily replied while sweating a bit, amusement flashing in the eyes of other maids.

"No no no no, it's ok Annie, I still have food left in my inventory!"

But Annie seemed to be adamant.

"Mistress! It is totally unhealthy way of eating. The food you bought earlier is full of grease, made with low quality materials and totally absolutely unhealthy! The food I will cook will contain all the necessary nutrients and is very very healthy!"

'Yeah right! It is very very healthy enough to send a dragon to the afterlife.'

Annie continued to rant.

"You will not have any other food! See I have already made the first batch of food!"

Kimiko’s eyes widened.

'Wait WHAT!?'

Kimiko looked at the .... thing on Annie's hand. Pale purple aura seemed to emerge from the big cooking pot that Annie whipped out of somewhere. Even Mira turned a little green and seemed to hide behind Kimiko shaking. But Annie seemed to misunderstand Mira.

"See even Mira is trembling with excitement to eat it!"

Kimiko tried to do everything to not eat it.

"Then I will cook Annie! I am an excellent cook!"

While they were bantering, a horse carriage similar to their own seemed to draw near. It was guarded by many knights in armor on horses. Eventually it seems they too decided to discontinue their journey and made their base near Kimiko. They all left their spot and went to do some duties. Some of them went to the forest to gather materials; some of them went to hunt for food using bows and arrows.

Some were readying utensils and some were securing the surrounding. At first they looked at Kimiko's place and saw there were only girls in maid clothing. No escorts or guards were present. They were discussing something among each other and one of them even went to the carriage to ask permission or something to their leader. Then they all agreed on something and one of the younger female knight escorts seemed to come near them. She smiled gently to not raise suspicion and asked.

"Are you the only ones here?"

Claire replied politely.

"Yes, of course."

The female knight inquired again.

"Are you sure you don't need our help? Not to be rude of course."

Claire put a little pride in her voice.

"Your concerns, while appreciated, are unneeded. We are combat maids. We serve as well as protect our master."

The female knight shrugged.

"If you say so. If there are some dangers, then call us. We are escorts of the house of Duke Elcot. It is our duty to protect the innocents when we can."

Claire smiled gently as she curtsied a bit.

"Of course we will and thank you for worrying, Miss knight."

The knight nodded before leaving. She seemed to discuss with her fellow knights who looked at the maids. The maids smiled and the knights gestured a thumbs up in kind. Claire knocked on the window and the door opened.

"Mistress, I do not sense any ill will from them. They seem to genuinely want to help us."

Kimiko nodded. Though she had not heard the conversation, some of the knights seemed to have extended the perimeter of their surrounding which even included their carriage. Pointless but it was the thought that counted. Suddenly, she felt that someone was getting close to her as an ominous aura was getting close. She yelped in surprise.

Aaron Pov

They had left the Aron city for quite some time on their carriage. They stocked up and left with 50 of their knights. It was quite big but as you were an heir to a Duke, there were some form of restriction as well. They wouldn't leave you no matter what. Just when he had argued with his sister who was currently sleeping beside him, on his arm. The sun had set and now it was time to camp out in the woods. He could see some fire build up ahead and thought it was another just like him, travelling. He gestures the driver to set up a camp in that place, who agreed. After reaching the destination they stopped 20 meters behind the carriage. The knights got off their horses and began to do their duties as well.

Some of them went to hunt and gather while the others were patrolling the surrounding and preparing to cook food. Eventually one of the guards knocked on the door. Rowley and Brand were also inside the carriage and opened the door. Rowley asked.

"Yes? What seems to be the matter?"

The guard seemed to be afraid and gulped.

"Umm, sir there seems to be a carriage ahead of us that doesn't have any escort beside the maid outside. So can we extend a helping hand?"

Brand quirked an eye at that.

"So why are you here? Ask them, if they need help then don't hesitate to help them."

Aaron smiled. His father truly had some wonderful men. He looked at Fiore who seemed to be getting up at the commotion.

"Ok sir."

The guard saluted and one of them sent a female knight to ask about the situation. Brand seemed to be amused and looked ahead at the carriage from the window before stiffening. Aaron noticed.

"Hmm? What seems to be the matter, Brand-san?"

But Brand seemed to focus on the blonde maid for a bit. Rowley was confused as well before trying to nudge him and crack a joke.

"Don't tell she is your typ-"

Before shutting up and looked on intently as well. Rowley said seriously.

"Hoh? She seems to be a strong one. Though I cannot sense their level, my [Instinct] tells me that they are extremely dangerous."

Brand just nodded.

"Not just her but the entire 3 maids there seemed to be alert. The blonde just released her intent for a bit, otherwise we wouldn't be able to know that they were experienced in combat as well. Such control over their power is truly frightening. But they do not seem to be ill-intentioned."

Rowley nodded at the remark. Aaron too looked at the maid as well before his guts were tingling, a feeling that she was not what she looked like; Frail and powerless. It was astonishing to find some expert but if his feelings were true then the other 3 maids too were giving him the same feeling. The more he looked at them, the more he felt that behind their smiling face, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill someone if threatened. Aaron nodded.

"Yes, if they were then they wouldn't be so inclined to answer the guards."

Referring to the smile they were giving to the Guards who were responding with a thumbs up. Those were the smile of recognition, at least the first impression wasn’t a bad one. Aaron sighed when he looked at them.

"Just who could possibly get such masters?"

Rowley nodded.

"Could be recluse nobles. You know those who care nothing for riches and fame and just want to spend their life doing a hobby they prefer. They do not flash their insignia because they do not want to be in the public's eye. However, I have heard that they have good eyes in finding talented people."

Aaron nodded at the possibility.

"Could be."

Brand just sighed.

"...... how about getting help from those maids? For the operation. If they have the same destination, then we can ask them for help? Such nobles are eccentric and could lend us help for something in return."

Then their speech was stopped when they could feel Fiore getting up.

"*Yawn* Aaron nii-san?"

Aaron just smiled.

"Yes, Fi-chan."

She looked around.

"Rowley ojii-san and Brand ojii-san?"

They both nodded. Fiore looked at her stomach.

"I am hungry..."

Aaron just smiled.

"Wait a minute, the food is about to be finished cooking, alright?"


Near the road a small hill was located. From there a man seemed to be looking at them using a telescope with cold eyes. Behind them many figures hidden in the dark could be seen. He closed it.


 Just briefly, the maids outside seemed to look towards his place. Mira too seemed to be distracted. If Kimiko was not desperately trying to stop Annie to feed them the .... the thing then surely she would also have detected the malicious intent.

Edited: 27-Nov-2020 Grammar improvement


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