A Former Hero’s Journey : I just want to live peacefully!

Chapter 23: The Meeting

Chapter 23

Kimiko Pov

She stretched out a bit after her talk with that old person. She remembered she had to go to the capital today with Arthur. She hurried back to her new mansion but got face-to-face with an ongoing discussion between the maids and the people from the craftsman guild. They were talking about which color should be painted, what kind of furniture should be bought and their placements and many others. She excused herself before scampering off to Arthur but the maids stopped their discussion for once and protested.

“But Mistress, you should take one of us with you. Who would take care of your lunch, your tea, your everything when you are alone?”

A tick mark grew on her head. Kimiko spoke in a deadpan voice.

“Are you treating me as a child? I am in fact capable of doing things by my own as well.”

The stares she got was enough of an answer about what the maids thought about it. It exasperated Kimiko about how much they believed in her ability in doing basic things.

“But mistress…. You always do get involved in some incidents one way or another! First it was some Assassins from the cult, then it was some ancient ruins, then become a mother of a child who is the younger daughter of the Duke, once again gets tangled with the cult and it has been only almost a week since you have arrived.”

Kimiko thought earnestly for a while.

‘Now that I think about it, the coincidences are extremely ridiculous. What they are saying do make a valid point. The amount of coincidences since I have arrived is too much as if I am some cog in a grand scheme of things. Is this what the old man meant by saying everything would come to a conclusion in this era? Still I need to get the last key as he said if I am to move that place into physical world for my use. That place contains many special things.’

She looked at her maids and then thought about Arthur.

‘The best materials from this world gave rise to the combat maids. Their ability to improve in levels is already astounding. After all, Golems cannot improve beyond the levels they get during their creation. But compared to Arthur even they pale in comparison. Arthur was made using only one material found in that place, a lucky coincidence for us, while the rest of the material was the same as the maid had. And about the last key….’


Just as she was about to leave the purple world the old man had said something to her that made her pause.

“Seekth the last key.”

Kimiko looked at him puzzled.

“The last key? Shouldn’t it be destroyed with ‘him’ dead?”

The old man chuckled for the first time. She was surprised hearing him laugh but it was creepy at the same time because it had a guttural tone.

“Ye people were clever indeed but I hath seen better. If he hath died, then the key would be destroyed with him as well leaving this world inaccessible to anyone because all keys must be present for this world to be summoned in the physical realm. But hath you thought it would be too easy? No, the last key is still there and he is still alive. Despite him wishing for death, death would not come for him as long as doesn’t pass the key and its burden to another.”

Kimiko stood still, processing the information.

“Ye were very lucky indeed that you hath been reincarnated. Otherwise ye be stuck in a limbo inside that husk of ye body atop that tower until and unless you pass the key. Ye people were clever but very foolish at the same time, creating a physical copy of the key made it even easier to access this place from anywhere for ye but it also made it easier for thy enemy to simply kill you and extract ye soul fer that key.’

‘So like I said, take the last key from him and release him from his burden. It’d be better if ye hath all the keys so that ye can use it in times of need. Now get out of this place.’

Flashback end    

But Kimiko was not about to give up against the maids.

“No need to worry, I have Arthur with me and he will do all the heavy-lifting for me should another case do arise.”

Annie and Claire seemed to squint their eyes at her before letting her go and continuing their discussion on how they should renovate. She dodged a bullet this time it seems. After all she was about to ask Arthur about information regarding the last person who held the ‘final key’. That person had a history with the maids and now the maids were always wary regarding anything about that man. It was one of the reason why she did not want them with her, should they go mental.

That person did not have the best reputation. In fact, he was once an enemy turned friend. In fact, even mentioning about him to Arthur could cause an intense reaction from him. But she’d rather deal with one than have him as well as the maid to go out of control.

Arthur Pov

Arthur was currently sitting in his comfortable chair sipping on his magnificent glass quarter-full of whisky that was aged for more than a century. The hot, spicy flavor that gave a spicy tang before melting like butter, replenishing his mental health after long debate with the monster case as well as with the council members. Thinking about it left a bitter taste in his mouth before forgetting about it as he took a long sip, playing the liquid with his tongue before swallowing it. After all, these aged delicacies are meant to be enjoyed slowly.

A golem not necessarily need sustenance but sometime to replenish his mental fatigue he did enjoy such things, especially alcohol. After all, he can enjoy it as much as he wants without any of its negative side effects.

‘Fools, the lot of them, don’t they know our resources are already stretched thin? And they want to spend more? We have already done enough; we can’t just give out AA rank members to complete what is clearly a C rank mission. Then again, with the council members. We care about quality not quantity. That is why we are no 1 in Vesperia. And the nerve of them trying to goad us into letting their ‘children’ take their seat with money instead of competent people. Sigh…. Nowadays influence and power is everything….’

He sipped the glass completely as he was watching the city from the window when..

“Hello Arthur.”


The surprise was enough to make him spit out the remains of the alcohol from his mouth as Kimiko was clearly behind him. He looked to his glass then to the spilt alcohol in the window. He felt like crying as it was his last bottle and the last cup of whisky as well. Nevertheless, he replied, albeit his voice was quivering in depression.

“Yes, master….”

Kimiko looked onto the window, then to his face which still had some drops of the whisky, then to the glass on his hand and then the clear whisky bottle. She felt like she had done something terrible to him. She tilted her head a bit and had a ‘ah-hah’ moment.

“Well, I believe it’s time we head for the capital.”

Arthur looked at the clock. Still not over the fact that he had just spilled the last whisky of its kind as he wiped off the drop near his mouth with his handkerchief forlornly.

“I believe it is.”

Kimiko just smiled mischievously, only just.

“Well, your sisters think that I may not pass this meeting without any incident. So, as my servant it is your duty to see through this without any incident piled up for me. If you complete it then I will give you a reward.”

Arthur just quirked an eye at that. A reward from his master? She did not collect things nilly-willy, at least he hoped she did not. Also for the fact that she was summoned during the time period when Amrita kingdom reigned supreme, he hoped that whatever he got, would be something unique.

“A reward?”

Kimiko just took out an unopened bottle from her storage box. It was a strange bottle she got when she had raided the treasury of an influential noble during her previous life. The details about why could be said later.

“A bottle of ‘1547 Amrita Golden Age’ Single malt whisky…”

Arthur gasped as his eyes turned to the shape of pink hearts.

“The one and only set of whisky that was made by the legend Scott and aged for more than 200 years?”

Kimiko nodded. Arthur continued as a wagging tail popped into existence behind him.

“The one and only whisky that only a crate of it was made containing only 9 whiskies in existence?”

She nodded, a little bit creeped out. A set of dog ears was popped into existence. Arthur gasped as he did a dogeza.

“Then I am sold. Your order, oh Kami-sama!

Her eyes twitched at that remark. He could be so dramatic at times, usually at the worst possible momen-.


“Arthur, about the meeting with-….”

It twitched further as the elf she had seen this morning looked at her in blank stare, then at the dogeza performing Arthur and again at her before closing the door. The elf’s muffled voice could be heard from outside the door.

“Umm, in ten minutes you have to be ready for the capital so please do your…. work fast.”

Kimiko did not want to comment to that. Arthur sprang up in surprise.

“No wait Alma, it isn’t what you think it is!”

Kimiko just sighed.

After 10 minutes of preparation Kimiko and Arthur stood in the teleportation circle hidden behind his bookshelves. She looked at it and nodded. She asked Arthur.

“You made this teleportation circle?”

Arthur nodded, looking at the crystal where he would input the coordinate.

“Yes, master. Master Solomon had left behind some books for me about Space-time theorem. Now I can make the teleportation circles for the Guild’s use. In fact, every Guild masters are entrusted with a specific hidden teleportation room that connects to their specific rank. A guild master of lower-sized city can only travel to and fro among lower-sized city Guild halls of different lower-sized town. They cannot go to middle sized town or above. Same goes for Guild masters of Middle-sized town.”

“They can go between Middle-sized town as well as lower-sized but never higher. If they want to travel to higher-sized town then they must request as well as give reason as to why they need it. As for major town of importance, they too have their own teleportation circle which they can travel to any Adventure Guild except the Adventure Guild of the founding members such as I. And of course all the travelling Masters should notify the Guild of their destination before they transport themselves. And of course there is mine which is modified and connected to various place. Only those people who are authorized by me can use this circle.”

Kimiko looked intrigued at the circle which had started to glow and hum. Ethereal strings of blue light started to emerge from the outline of the glowing blue circle. Arthur spoke.

“I have pinpointed a coordinate. It is a safe-house which only I and Alma know about it, in the capital. We will be teleporting there and then we will proceed to the meeting, master.”

And suddenly the light glowed brightly for a moment and after settling down, the duo was not there.


Then they were both inside a room. It looked like they were in a basement as equipment were lying about. A butler entered the room. He looked at Arthur then at Kimiko before bowing with his right hand on top of his chest as a sign of respect.

“The carriage is ready, milord. But I have not been informed of the… young lady by your side.”

Arthur just cheerfully waved his hand.

“It’s ok. She is with me.”

The butler just bowed his head again. A bit confused as to why but who is he to question his employer? His lord is rather intimidating despite his sunny and sometimes childish deposition.

“If you say so milord.”

The butler again bowed his head and went out of the room. Arthur then rubbed his chin with his hand and seem to be thinking about something. He looked at her and leaned down near to her ear as he was taller than her. He asked in a quiet voice.

“Master, if I may ask about something?”


“Will you go with me by hiding your presence or will you share my sight and hearing?”

Kimiko thought for a while. As Arthur had said, he could share his sight and hearing with her as her creator. She did not need to be physically there to know about the meeting. Hmm what would she do? After all she could visit places while he was having a meeting. She wanted to see for herself that what the fishing hamlet town of those days has transformed into. She looked right in his deep blue eyes and said.

“I think I will share your senses. I will be in your care for a while, Arthur.”

Arthur just stood straight and hummed happily in confirmation. But before he could go out of the door, Kimiko asked with a bit of steel in her voice.


He stopped and looked in confusion at her as to why the change in her tone.

“Yes, Master?”

She looked at him for a moment. Ready for the fall-out.

“Do you know where ‘Storm-hound’-”

Then his pupil constricted, gnashing his teeth as a torrential waves of Killing intent poured out of his body, disturbing the air causing her hair to flap wildly towards the back. She just looked at him before her radar displayed dimming of life force around the vicinity of the area. His killing intent was so potent that the resident people surrounding the mansion was having trouble in breathing. The earlier butler and four other people inside the mansion kneeled and groaned in pain as they clutched their chest. Kimiko narrowed her eyes at him.

“Arthur Behave.”

Then suddenly she unleashed her fury as her body radiated power causing her clothes to float. Suddenly the pressure caused by Arthur was destroyed in an instant as Arthur was forced to kneel in front of her. The place surrounding his body caved in from her pressure. If his pressure was compared to that of a volcano, then her could be described an Armageddon that could destroy the world. But she controlled it so that only Arthur could feel her might. After all she did not want to kill anyone, yet. His body seemed to be making creaking noise as his anger dissipated. She could feel it so she dismissed her pressure. Arthur just smiled loathingly.

“It seems my anger got the better of me, master.”

Kimiko signed, an ache forming in her head.

“Your action is justified but you should keep in check with your surroundings. They may not withstand and their heart may pop up.”

Arthur just hung his head shamefully and got up in depression. She could already see the black cloud above him as he fixed the ground using his magic. However, she did not want silence but an answer.


Arthur sighed.

“I do know where that fucker is. He has a habit of posting his quest in the Adventure guild of the capital. If a quest is not accepted within a year of posting, then that quest is taken out in favor of new one. So every year there is a same quest from him. The pay is shitty, few bronze in fact, the destination is inside one of the most dangerous place of this kingdom and the quest is to give him company as a sort of friend. So no one accepts it and many thinks it is a joke.”

Arthur inhaled a deep breath.

“Frankly speaking, I am surprised he is still alive; after all he is just a human. Kind of thought when the bastard dies, I’d throw a party and feed all the people in Adventurer city. I still feel the anger bubbling inside me on what he did that time. To her….”

Kimiko sighed as she looked away in regret as Arthur continued.

“I wish to kill him. I wish to tear him to pieces. I loathe that he still lives. But I do not because of my promise to her to forgive him. Please shall we talk about him no more.”

Kimiko nods. She does not know what to do about Arthur. Considering that she herself was emotionally stunted and her way of escape was using the power of her title to keep her sanity in check. Her title does keep abnormal status in check but it also dulls her emotions to near non-existent. Only short burst of emotions, will she react to before the suppression kicks in. She follows Arthur down the corridor and stumbles unto the butler earlier. It seemed that he had just picked himself up from the ground with sweats pouring over his face. Arthur just gives him an apologetic expression before casting a [Heal] on him. Arthur just bows a little in shame.

“Ahem! Sorry about the earlier incident. Please forgive me!”

The Butler just shakes his head as he waves his arm, unsure of what to do about the bowing man.

“No need for apology, milord. If you keep that up, then surely this old butler heart will really fail this time. A man of your status should not bow before this low one.”

Arthur just pouted, back to his childish self.

“No I won’t stop bowing until you say you forgive me.”

The old man was going hysteric maybe due to the fact that the man before him was the reason he nearly died. It also did not comfort him to know that one of the strongest man of the world was bowing to him.

“NO NO NO I forgive you milord. Please stop bowing! My heart can’t take it anymore! My heart! MY HEART!”

Kimiko just finds whole exchange hilarious and snickers a bit. A sentiment shared by Arthur as he snickers as well. He waves his hand in order to placate the old man.

“Sorry, sorry. It was just a joke. You are dismissed for the time being.”

It seems it was the magic word for the old man as he hurriedly scurries away. Arthur just looked at her and asked.

“Then master, where would you like to go? I could point out a few places.”

Kimiko nods.

“That’d be appreciated.”

After 15 minutes Arthur leaved for the Castle as Kimiko thinks about what to wear when going outside the mansion. A maid comes into her room and spreads a number of clothes on the bed for her to wear. As it is a summer season the clothes are on the lighter side. It mostly focused on sundress. Sundresses of all kinds of colors were seen. Frankly speaking, Kimiko was surprised to see that Arthur had this many sundresses. She asked the maid about it. She shrugged.

“Master Arthur usually brings Lady Alma when coming to capital. These dresses are rarely used by Alma and is stored here.”


She looked at the dress wondering if it will even fit her. When she thought about it, the elf did have the necessary curve.

“No point until I try it out.”

She chose the light blue color sundress. It felt just right for her. Then she undressed herself. Her stuffy clothes were kept on bed. She slowly put on the dress which she started from down and slowly moved it upwards. She slipped her arms inside the little sleeves and it fit, albeit it was a little tight near her chest. Otherwise it was perfect. She looked herself in her dress. Her smooth pale skin in contrast to her long straight black hair with little blue hues towards the edge which reached her waist. She twirled her dress around. But still she felt like she was missing something and took out a straw-hat from her storage box as well as a side bag. She put on the hat and the side bag as well. She put on a sandal and voila! She was perfect for going outside.

Arthur had shown the direction to popular places as well so as she opened the door she was greeted by the light. As her vision adjusted she could see the capital. Her jaws slackened off. It was big, almost bigger than Adventurer city, which was saying something. It seems to have three walls which seemed to have divided the capital into two parts; inner and outer. She was in the inner region. On the opposite side she could see the ocean as well as many ships in the harbor. It seemed that the outer part had a opening to the sea. She closed her eyes and sensed an ancient barrier above the capital. In the middle of the capital there was huge castle surrounded by moat and large walls. The moat seemed to have many rivers as its source. It was guarded by many watchtowers as well. She couldn’t wait to explore the place.

She reached outside of the gate, only to see rows of people moving here and there. However, it seemed that there were more number of humans than that of other species. She walked along the stone path looking at different stores. She saw a fountain where some people was splashing water on each other as well.

“Still the population of the capitals is in millions. Pretty much more than the 50,000 it had once been.”

Now that she thought about it she had always wanted to go on a food eating spree. She looked at the café near her. It was called ‘Aranea Sundae’. It had been quite a while since she had desserts. Her mouth watered a bit.

‘And since Arthur will be reaching the castle with a meeting I can lounge on a café eating while hearing and looking from the shared senses.’

She went inside and a guide escorted her to the roof. She sat on a table for two and looked through the menu. It had quite the selection of cold dessert, cakes and coffees. She told the waiter.

“I will have chocolate and strawberry cake and a brownie sundae please.”

The waiter smiled courteously.

“Of course. Will that be all?”

“Yes please.”

After 5 minutes of waiting her order was brought.

“Please enjoy.”

She couldn’t help it as she suddenly scooped out and tasted the sundae. The cold dessert tasted exactly the same as it had been on Earth.

‘It’s delicious!’

As she was in the process of tasting it, she could feel someone talking to her in her head.



She replied back to Arthur.


A voice of relief could be heard.

‘Thank god! I have been trying to contact you for 1 minute already. Where were you Master?’

‘Having a dessert, Arthur.’

‘EH!!! Why didn’t you invite me?’

‘You have a meeting to attend.’

Silence reigned but she could imagine a pout on Arthur’s side.

‘Anyway Master, can you see from my side?’

Kimiko concentrated as she closed her eyes. At first the picture was hazy but it became clearer and clearer. She saw a huge table and surrounding it was many people she assumed to be important. Especially three were far more noticeable. A white haired person and red haired one especially. Both looked like they were in their forties. The white one had straight white hair that reached his shoulder with what looked like a crown. He was wearing a white cape with golden edges with white dress inside. He had an aura that exuded the authority.

It was gentle kind of authority in contrast to the red haired one. He had short red hair with golden eyes. His eyes were sharp and wore a black armor. He exuded bloody aura that seemed to make other scared of him by his very presence. The third one was a blond guy. He was older than the two and wore glasses but he radiated an intellectual aura. If she were to guess then the white haired would be the king, the red would be the general while the blonde would be the Prime minister. Arthur gave a confirmation on her thoughts.

‘The white hair person is the current king of Posat. His name is William the 3rd. The red is the strongest general of Posat. His name is Stan Elcot. The blond is the current prime minister Hugo Arendel. He is quite sharp that even I have to be in my toes if I want to stay out of his sight. The others are not that important. It seems that the Duke Elmbard is still staying cooped in his Dukedom as he is not here. That sly man.’

The King’s voice sounded out.

“You all know why have we come here for discussion or have an inkling of doubt.”

The nobles discussed around the table except for the king, general, prime minister and Arthur.


The Duke roared and the table was silent. The King spoke once more.

“My daughter has been kidnapped. Despite the secrecy of her trip, the cult knew exactly where she was.”

His eyes narrowed dangerously.

“The cult’s influence since the time of heroes has grown. Enough to even plant a spy among us. We however know who that is as he is not the one present-“

Then suddenly a commotion was heard before anything more could be discussed. A soldier ran inside the room. He seemed to be sweating as well. The King narrowed his eyes and asked.

“What is the matter? Why have you without knocking?”

The soldier gulped and said.

“The princess has returned.”



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