A Former Hero’s Journey : I just want to live peacefully!

Chapter 29: Phantasmal Tier

Chapter 29

Kimiko Pov

After refusing for a carriage to her mansion, Kimiko just wanted to walk home. As she was walking said.

“I am bored…. and Arthur, why are you following me?”

Then, Arthur came out and followed beside her, in disguise, of course. She asked.

“Is it really all right to leave the Office so early?”

Arthur just shrugged.

“It’s ok. I have a handy assistant after all.”

“She was fuming.”

“In her rebellious phase.”

“I think that age has already passed away.”


Kimiko just gave a deadpan stare at him before looking forward. It was still rowdy in the evening as well.

“Nevertheless, why are you here Arthur? Do you want to ask something?” 

Arthur just replied.

“Just a few questions.”

Then Arthur activated a [Silence] barrier.

“Do you know the requirement to upgrade into [Mythic] grade weapons, Master?”

“Shouldn’t you already know?”

Arthur just replied.

“Just wanted to make sure if we are on the same page.”

Kimiko pondered for a while before replying.

“There are quite a few according to Terza. The first one is that, the equipment should at least be [Legendary] tier. Then a story, a fable perhaps to it. Something that has history recorded to the world, that almost every people has heard or know about it. Then there’s another annoying requirement to it, at least the people who has seen the genuine weapon should be less than hundred. So the people will imagine it as a myth, not heard nor seen but just there. It is kind of vague. If all the requirement is met, then it will take at least few generations of believers to turn it into [Mythic] or [Mythological] tier things. That is why the people know of a ‘Powerful Artifact’ left by Solomon in the capital. Then even if people stop believing it, it will still be [Mythic] weapon forever.”

Arthur asked casually.

“What about [Soul Weapon]? I never got to know how it works.”

Kimiko touched her chin considering whether to speak about it or not before replying.

“Fundamentally, the problem we faced was that [Legendary] weapon could not deal the damage we sought. They had numerical value attached to it. There was a limit with how much damage it could deliver. No matter how strong you are the damage it added up with the [STR] was always the same. Like you deal 100 damage and additional damage of 560 with the help of a weapon. Now when you level up to deal damage up to 1000 but still it would be 1000 + 560. [Mythic] weapons are strong because unlike the others below it’s tier, their damage is in percentage. It could multiply. The stronger you are, the stronger the multiplication power. But it was so rare, that during our time travelling, we only saw it less than a dozen. Funny with how much heroes were summoned in this world, the [Mythic] weapons are far less. Like someone is picking it up because you can’t destroy it.”

She crossed her hands.

“That is where [Soul Weapon] comes in. It was only Terza who could make it. It was a secret of his family. Unlike other weapons, [Soul Weapon] grew alongside its owner, meaning it would always upgrade itself in respect to its owner’s battle power. It was the only option we had in order to surpass the damage output we could deliver. To think that scrap of book, made with the finest material, would become a [Mythic] weapon? It warms the heart with pride.”

Arthur looked at his master and widened his eyes. He saw that his Master was smiling slightly with a rosy tint on her face before it faded. He smiled as well. How long had he seen his Master smiling even for a little bit? He had thought that she had lost her smile ever since the day that ‘Storm-hound’ had killed someone she regarded as family as well as her first pillar of support.

‘Thinking about the [Mythic] weapon, they are frighteningly similar indeed. Better ask Master.’


She replied.


Arthur looked at her.

“Have you ever heard of [Phantasmal] tier weapons?”

Kimiko tilted her head in confusion.

[Phantasmal] tier weapons?”

Arthur nodded.

“Yes, things seem to pop out all over the place causing all kinds of trouble many years ago. So much that the Temple, Kingdoms and the Guilds had to join hands to interfere. Otherwise, the balance of peace would be flung out of the window. That is why only few people are made aware of it.”

Kimiko asked.

“Are they powerful?”

Arthur nodded gravely.

“Frighteningly so. They are more powerful than [Legendary] but less than [Mythic].”

She narrowed her eyes.

“Are there Blacksmiths capable of creating them.”

Arthur just closed his eyes as he replied.

“How to say this…..It is not a typical weapon. And its creation is eerily similar to [Mythic]. You see embezzled story are here and there in Vesperia.”

Kimiko nodded.

“It seems that these weapons do not need materials to create itself. If enough power of belief is poured, then it becomes such a weapon. Ummm… in layman’s term let’s say there’s a false story of a weapon wielded by some true famous hero. If enough people believe it to be real and after some generation, the collection of power of belief turns it into a real weapon. And then we have got some fools who believe they are the chosen one by the weapon. In this age of Peace, they foolishly try to carve out their own kingdom. It’s a hassle trying to take these fools down. Also these weapons seem to have the power to somehow alter the wielder’s mind.”

Kimiko frowned. It felt like the limited effect of [Corruption].

“Is it so easy for its creation? There must be a limitation to it.”

Arthur nodded.

“Fortunately. It has few major limitations. As it is formed by belief, it does not contain materials to fully be a real weapon. Therefore, it need constant supply of beliefs unlike [Mythic] weapons that once turned, they are forever [Mythic] tier. If the belief is cut off, then they too will shatter. Sad part is that unlike [Mythic] weapon which require it to be renowned all over the world, this weapon only needs few thousands of people to believe. That is why it is compulsory to establish a Temple and Adventurer Guild at such a place to monitor the chances of such story to emerge.”

“Other than that, the temple can proclaim the story to be false to raise doubts on their authenticity. Thankfully the influence of the Temple is huge to people and they believe in it. The last major disadvantage is that unlike few generations required to turn a weapon to [Mythic] the [Phantasmal] weapon requires more time. Or it could be inversely proportional to the people and time. Meaning the more people believe in it, the less time it requires to form itself. But it’s all hypothetical because research couldn’t be conducted. But we need to be careful which is why only few such stories emerge and we keep very close eye on travelling storytellers.”

Kimiko just nodded.

“Maybe during the time of Chaos, there weren’t any such story because people were busy running for their lives to safer places than had time to listen to stories….”

“By the way Arthur.”

Arthur looked at her and replied as they walked.

“Yes Master?”

“I am bored.”

“Yes, I have heard.”

“Do something about it.”

Arthur scratched his chin and said.

“Hmm? I did hear someone saying she wanted to live a quiet life? Where was that I wonder?”


“….That’s copyrighted. You can’t use my own catchphrase against me Master.”

“As I recall we programmed it in you.”


“I am bored.”

“So I have heard.”

“Do something.”

“I’d rather not. My sisters will skin me.”

“It’s rather silky smooth. Is that why they are jealous?”

“Why do I get the feeling you are as well.”

“….. Semantics.”



“….What did I just hear? Is my ear all right?”

The atmosphere was light. Kimiko just looked to the moon in the horizon. Light hearted conversation. When was the last time she had in this place? Not running for your life because of ‘that’ annoying Assassin. Setting up for ambushes in the dark. Few towns far and in between. That sick look of expectation in the people’s eye. Knowing that the monster you were tasked to beat was nigh-impossible despite their improved prowess. And the biggest ass-pull Solomon and the others did in the end. Most of all, how she was again summoned in this world. As her thought ran wild, she bumped into a pole.



Arthur didn’t look convinced but still let it go. After they arrived near the Kimiko’s mansion, Claire opened it as she said in a warm voice.

“Welcome back, Mistress.”

Kimiko smiled.

“I am back.”

Arthur pointed to himself.

“Eh, what about me?”

Claire just stick out her tongue. Arthur smiled.

“Sigh….  What a sister I have. Goodnight Master and sis. Also Master, come tomorrow to the headquarters in the morning. I may have some Adventurer work for you if you want to do it.”

By saying that Arthur left the vicinity. Claire just tilted her head.

“Something I should know?”

Kimiko just replied.

“Nothing to be concerned about.”

Claire nodded.

“Well, Mistress, how was your visit to the Capital?”

“Nostalgic as well as how much it has changed. It has grown big as well.”

Claire pouted.

“I wanted to go as well.”

Kimiko thought for a while, an idea appearing in her mind.

“Well, a huge festival is about to happen so why don’t we all go?”

Claire suddenly appeared right in front of her face with starry eyes.

“Really Master? I will go tell other sisters about it!”

‘It seems she is so excited, but I feel like I am forgetting that something troublesome will happen then.’

A flashback to her eating gluttonously appeared when whole council was talking about an imminent threat during the celebration.


She just shrugged.

“I will deal with it when the time comes I guess.”

She followed Claire who was skipping happily along the way. As they reached their destination, she couldn’t help but be surprised. The mansion had totally changed with a fresh coat of paint. The garden was tended, the curtains were put, the fountain seemed to be working and many other things were added as well. Honestly, it looked exactly like the mansion extravagant rich people had in Hollywood movies. The door to the mansion opened slowly as golden light began to pour out of it. She kept her hand in front of her to not get blindsided by the light.

““““““Welcome Back, Ojou-sama.””””””

Then two rows of maids welcomed her. On the right were Gabby, Anya and their new employee Mira while on the other were Leticia, Annie and Claire.

‘Am I in maid heaven?’

She thought. While they were on a journey, her maids felt more like her professional bodyguards. Back then too, they created the Combat Maids while on their journey so they did not serve them at full maid power. But now as they had a mansion, their effect was way more devastating. Internally, she was a mess.

‘Especially Mira. The way she fumbles and tries to copy others is way too cute.’

But outwardly, she responded stoically.

“I am back.”

Annie asked before anyone could.

“Would you like to have dinner, Mistress?”

She looked warily at Annie.

“Who cooked it?”

Annie replied while Gabby being Gabby was going ‘Ara Ara’ in the background.

“It was Gabby.”

She sighed in relief.

“Guess I will have it. I brought souvenirs from the capital.”

And proceeded to take out all the sweet goodies with a knowing look in her eyes.


All of them perked up. Even Mira’s tail was wagging. Especially Claire had star in her eyes. Kimiko quirked an eye.

‘Had they not eaten or seen desserts before?’

In the flashback, they appeared to always be fighting hordes of monster. Eating rations and the like in the next. Sometimes they did not eat at all because food was scarce and they were golem that only required mana.

‘Oh…. They always either fought or had foods that we roasted while camping.’

Now Kimiko felt bad. Even though it was quickly suppressed, it left a bitter taste in her mouth.

 “Well I brought enough for everyone so you can eat it. Well, I guess you all had only heard of stories of desserts and not had any so.”

But before Claire could pounce on it, Annie took it all. Claire looked at her surprise. Annie just looked at her.

“We are only eating this after our Mistress have had her fill. We are not eating it right now on this ground like some savages! Behave Claire! I expected this behavior from Lara not you!”

Anya, the polite one, just commented.

“How uncouth!”

Gabby just kept her hand on her cheek.

“Ara Ara Claire. How rare! How precious!”

Leticia just smiled a little and began consoling the sulking Claire. Mira just looked at the treats in front of her with trail of saliva. But a quick smile from Annie had her scamper away. Kimiko sweated a bit at the comical display.

Anya then led Kimiko to the Dining hall. All the while Kimiko admired the whole place. From decorations to furniture, all seemed to be brand new. She had heard about the lightings, they used the core of monster for day to day function from powering the lamps to supply water in the tap. The society of today heavily relied on the types of monster core. Then it came to her about monetary issue. She asked Annie.

“What about the money I gave you earlier?”

Annie replied as a matter of fact.

“We spent it all. Our Mistress’s comfort is of upmost importance.”

“So you spent it all…”

She sighed. She had many resources inside her [Storage Box] but she needed to make sure to teach them the limit of spending as well.

“So where’s dinner?”

Five minute later

Kimiko was sitting on a comfortable chair with a napkin over her body as well as fork and spoon on either of her hand. Her eyes were twitching. The reason being that in front of her was a long 15 m table laden with foods. Gabby, the chef, began speaking with posh accent.

“Mistress can start with 15 different kinds of appetizers, then comes with 34 different kinds of main courses and at last comes fruit salad of 16 different fruits. The appetizers are as follows; Bruschetta, made from grilled bread with fresh tomatoes imported from Kingdom of Hicher, olive oil, garlic and basils. Artichoke and Spinach dip, fresh local bread served with delicious blend of spinach, artichoke and cream. Stuffed Mushroom, Mushroom caps baked with a filling of three choices of cheeses, breadcrumbs and clams. Four cheese garlic bread, toasted……”

Kimiko droned out the rest of the conversation. The fact that they did such length of preparation in just few hours she was gone was astonishing enough. But looking at the long table with many chairs felt extremely wasteful to her because she and Mira would be the only one eating.

‘……. I think my priorities are wrong somehow right now.”

She had dinner after 15 minutes of preaching. She tasted a bit of everything but that was enough for her. Kimiko then asked for her room and Anya escorted her. That is how she found herself sleeping in a king-sized bed. Not to mention the extravagance that seemed to ooze out of everything here. She decided it would be better if she did not think about it. She was extremely tired as it is.

Next day

Kimiko woke up. As soon as she woke up, she heard Claire.

“Mistress, should I bring you tea or anything else?”

Kimiko just stretched her hands.

“Tea would be nice.”

“As you wish.”

Then she heard her walking away. Kimiko remembered what Arthur had said to her.

“I guess I need to visit Arthur. He said that he had some kind of Adventurer work, didn’t he? Then should I bring Mira to test her abilities?”

Just as she was musing, she heard Claire speaking.

“Excuse me!”

And brought herself in with a trolley containing teapot, cup and various assortments of biscuits. Then she poured the tea into the teacup, picked one biscuit from every varieties of biscuit and gave her the plate.

“Thank you, Claire.”

Claire just smiled and excused herself out of the room. Kimiko looked into the tea and smelled it. It had fresh floral fragrance. She tasted it and found it had a mild earthen taste with a tang of spiciness. Then she tried out the varieties of biscuit.

Then she got out of her bed and proceeded to take a bath. After she did, she came out to see her bed neatly made as well as fresh set of clothes on the bed. She wore it and she looked herself in the mirror. She wore black leather jacket that covered till her abdomen, white shirt and long thin black pants with boot. Near to the dress were few additional things like leather pauldron for her right shoulder which was attached to a belt that proceeded downwards to her opposite side. The belt was for a sword holder on her back. Brown leather knee guards as well with a knife holder. She looked somewhat like an Adventurer.

It looked like any other ordinary clothes and equipment but Kimiko knew better. They were all maxed enchanted with various buffs. It seemed that Claire and rest of the maids knew where she was going to go. As she came downstairs she saw Anya sweeping the floor while Claire was wiping the dust away. Annie seemed to pop out of nowhere beside her and asked.

“I’ve heard you are having a field day Mistress?”

Kimiko nodded.

“I was asking Arthur to give me something that could relieve my boredom. Though I have something in mind as well.”

“Yes, Mistress?”

“Can I bring Mira with me? This work could serve as a gauge to her abilities.”

Annie seemed to think for a while.

“I guess so. But I cannot allow you both to be alone so I will assign someone. Is that all right?”

Kimiko shrugged.

“I guess so. As long as I can get to stretch my bones for a while.”

“You could have asked for us to train with you, Mistress.”

Kimiko shook her head.

“I need a place to go full out without reservation.”

Annie made a face.

“I guess I know what tomorrow’s headline will be in the local newspaper…… Anya. Can you go with Mistress?”

Anya who was near replied.

“I will.”

Kimiko added.

“In normal clothing please.”

“I will, Mistress. I will bring Mira with me as well”

After a minute or two, a normal looking Anya and curious looking Mira came out. They wore somewhat normal clothes as well. After that they all left the mansion. As they neared the Adventurer Guild, Kimiko said to Anya.

“Wait outside for a bit. I will go to Arthur.”

Anya replied.

“It would be better if we came along, wouldn’t it, Mistress?”

“Well, it would be hard for Mira to come along with us. Likely, now is a busier time for Adventurer Guild which means there will be more staffs and among them who can notice you even with your level.”

“Is that so? Then we will stay here, Mistress”

Anya bowed while Mira hurriedly did so as well. Kimiko frowned.

‘Mira has not said more than a few words till now….’

As they had taken refuge in the alley, she was free to use a skill.


Then she appeared right in the office of Arthur who just quirked an eye. He was in the same dress as yesterday’s, the military coat with many badges on it. She asked.

“Don’t you have another clothes? These clothes make you look like a dictator.”

Arthur sighed.

“Well, Master, I do need to maintain my image.”

“So, what kind of work do you have for me?”

Arthur replied wryly.

“Please do not make it sound like I am forcing this work on you Master. My sisters will surely skin me if you do so. Anyway we may have found a place where you can rampage around.”

Kimiko just did a deadpan stare at him.

‘And you are making it sound like I am some kind of a monster, Arthur…’


“There are monster tide sightings in the forest 100 kilometers south of here. Recently these monster sightings are becoming more and more often which makes me believe something is up. Though the cause is yet to be verified, we need to exterminate these monster otherwise they will destroy villages and trade routes. One has already fallen.”

She looked at him.

“Straight south?”

Arthur nodded.

“It is inside the forest of Giant trees. You can already know it by the dramatic increase of tree heights in respect to its surrounding trees. It cover an area of 6km radius. It is famous for its giant trees but not that important. Collateral damage can be expected. Which means you can destroy the forest of Giant trees. There was a small lumbering village on the outskirts but it got destroyed by the Monsters few weeks ago. That is why it took so long to verify this Monster Tide.”

“All right.”

Arthur added.

“Since this is an Adventurer Task you can go down to the counter to register for it and since it is a quest appointed to you, only you can accept this.”

Kimiko nodded and left the room the same way she came in.


A short distance teleportation.

She appeared once more in front of Anya and Mira. Mira seemed to be trying to catch a butterfly that was flying around Anya while Anya just stood still. She could feel the subtle mana in the air which was the usage of a [Barrier]. Anya nodded suddenly, slightly scaring Mira.

“How was it, Mistress?”

“I am going to register for it. Will take a while.”

“Is that so? Then we will wait right here.”

Kimiko nodded and then headed inside the Adventurer Guild. Still it seemed pretty busy as she joined a random line. After few minutes, her turn came.

“Oh! It’s you! Good to see you again, Miss!”

It was Rosalind, the guild receptionist of Aron city, with a bright smile.

“Miss….. Rosalind.”

“Oh you remember me!”

Why was she working here? Kimiko asked.

“So you got promoted to this place?”

Rosalind shook her head.

“Nope, I was just helping temporarily. We arrived here this morning with our Guild master so I am just helping. But one day my dream is to work here.”

“I guess. I hope you succeed.”

“So do I! So what kind of quest are you doing today?”

Kimiko handed her Adventurer Card. Rosalind took it and started to use the orb to confirm it.

“Hmm? Oh let me see…… A personal Quest? So soon and it is from……………… Guild master Arthur? Arthur!? Arthur!

It seemed to her that this was the catchphrase ‘to blow over the top’, was it? Rosalind winced at the attention she was drawing as she looked apologetically at her.

“Sorry, but it is so rare for the Guild Master Arthur to give a quest, a personal one as well. Well your quest has been recorded. You may begin your quest. The destination is south of here, 100 km. You can resupply in the nearest village from the destination if you want.”

Then Rosalind carefully looked at the content.

“The quest is to…. subjugate a Monster Tide? Huh! Is that ok for only one person to do it? There are many things it could go wrong! Sorry I did it again but I guess I can believe in the Guild Master’s judgement. Please come back safely. To know whether you have completed your Task or not please bring back the core of the Leader!”

Kimiko asked.


“Yes! For a Monster tide to happen, the monster does need a leader. The rank of the leader to rally a Monster Tide is at least [C-Class] so do be careful.”

Kimiko looked at her as she asked.

"You look totally ok with it. Do you have that much trust in the Guild Master?"

Rosalind look surprised as she scratched her cheek.

"Is that so? Hehe, I know that an Adventurer Rank does not truly reflect the capability of an Adventurer. Everyone starts from the bottom. Even the [Cardinal] started out as the lowest rank despite being [Archbishop] then. But in the last request you came out unscathed so i guess you do have good abilities. Anyway please be careful, this is an unknown Monster Tide as it's difficulty can be between [C-rank] to [SSS-rank].

Kimiko nodded as she got out of the line and out of the Adventurer Guild. She came to get Anya.

“Is everything taken care of Mistress?”

“Yes, let’s go.”

Anya nodded.

Outside the city

They reached outside and walked for a while to a secluded place. The forest surrounding the city. Kimiko stretched for a while but she came to a dilemma. She wanted to stretch her leg but she still had to suppress herself if she wanted to follow in the same pace as Anya. Even if Anya was to be stored then there’s still Mira. She looked at Anya as she said.


“Yes, Mistress?”

“Could you bring Mira along with you as I run?”

Anya looked at her before replying.

“As you order, Mistress.”


“You can move first then. The destination is 100 km south of here. It is a forest with very large height difference than that of its surrounding trees.”

Anya bowed.

“As you wish.”

“Nya? Nya! Nyaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

Anya scooped up Mira and ran towards their destination. Kimiko then stretched for a while once more. Then she exhaled and inhaled. She got in a set position that Athlete positioned themselves in. Then exhaled and sprinted.


She broke the speed barrier in an instant. The ground she positioned herself got smashed and debris flew haphazardly. This time she was aware of her power. The surrounding became a blur as she could see Anya with a screaming Mira on her arm in slow motion. Her perception of time was getting faster.





The barrier broke four more times indicating that she was moving 5 times the speed of sound, 1715 m/s, but it was still not her best. If she ran in this speed, then she would arrive in one minute to her destination. But it was still better that reaching there in an instant if she were to use her full power.

After a while she could see the giant trees in the distance. Then she slowed down little by little until she thought she could stop without destroying her surroundings. She did and she waited for Anya to catch up. She looked at the forest then at her mini-map.

Almost 5 minutes later, silhouette of Anya could be seen. Her speed neared the speed of sound which she refrained from crossing lest she hurt Mira in the process. Anya caught up.

“My apologies for lateness.”

Kimiko, who was sitting atop a rock, shook her head.

“It is all right Anya. I have been looking in my [Radar], there are quite the amount of monster with some interesting things as well.”

Kimiko narrowed her eyes as she looked at the forest.




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