A Former Hero’s Journey : I just want to live peacefully!

Chapter 35: Behind the Scene

Chapter 35

Warning: There will be shifts in Pov

Kimiko Pov

Kimiko had wiped her tears away. She stood up. Maybe she had spent enough time resting already. She patted whatever imaginary dust away from her clothes. Though she noted that it was hard to rest when there was armor in the way.

‘Just being in this world is making me remember those memories. I never did have this problem back on Earth….’

Kimiko returned to the mansion as she was greeted by Annie.

“Did you have a nice rest, my lady?”

Kimiko frowned. There was something about the way that Annie addressed her. She shook her head and replied.

“You could say that, Annie. Though I do not know what to do right now. I do have much free time.”

Annie tilted her head as she put her hand on her chin as if thinking. She clicked her fingers and replied to Kimiko.

“My lady, how about going to the Library? It seems we have much to know about this world.”

Kimiko thought about it. It could be a good idea. She hardly knew anything about the new one. Though Kimiko replied, thinking back to what she had said to Arthur.

“It could be done. So Annie?”

Annie nodded while standing still.

“Yes, My lady?”

Kimiko frowned again. Just what was wrong. She narrowed her eyes.

“……when did the greeting changed from Mistress to My Lady?”

Annie nodded as if wanting to part a sagely advice.

“Well, it seemed appropriate to address a young lady as My lady, my lady.”

Kimiko’s eye twitched a bit. However, Annie looked worried for some reason.

“Is it all right to not say My lady to My lady, my lady?”

“….. what are you talking about?”

Annie sighed while murmuring ‘Good Grief’.

“It seems the word ‘Mistress’ is quite infamous among…. S & M people so I guess we need to change our greeting a bit. Also you seemed to be distressed earlier on from the tear marks on your cheek. That was why I think a change of pace is required.”

Kimiko widened a bit. It seemed that the serious person like Annie had noticed her crying and was trying to cheer her up. A warm feeling pervaded inside Kimiko as she smiled.

“No worries, Annie. And Thank you for caring.”

Annie seemed to huff.

“It is simply our duty to cheer you on, my lady. Also, we are all changing our way of addressing my lady. Without further ado, you can visit the local library if you want to learn about this world. As I recall it is very near.”

Kimiko nodded as she asked.

“So, there is a festival going on in the capital city. Will all of you be going?”

Annie seemed surprised.

“There is? It has been quite a while since we last visited the village. We would love to.”

Kimiko added, hesitantly.

“Though, expect some… troubles to arise.”

Anne sighed a bit.

“It is to be expected, My lady. We will take our ‘Ninja Gear’ with us as well. However, do come before evening while I speak to the rest of the sister. What about Lara in Ranga village?”

Kimiko smiled wickedly, remembering the embarrassing scene at the Aron city.

“What about her?”

Annie sighed once more. It seems her master could be quite vindictive. She prayed for Lara for the future.

“Well, there is a library just 5 blocks from here. It is a huge one as well from what I have heard when going to the market.”

Kimiko nodded and left the mansion. She crossed the street. It was still late in the afternoon and some hours left before it turned to evening. She searched and found the library right around the corner. It wasn’t hard to miss as there was a big signboard stating: Library. She entered as the bell jingled from the door. There was a counter right where she stood with a door at the side. A man wearing a glass, who seemed to be more interested in the book before him than the customer in front of him. He had unruly messed up short green hair and the eye bag under his eye seemed to suggest he was staying up all night as well as round spectacle. Kimiko coughed and that seemed to bring him out of his daze. He looked at her and said.

“Ah, sorry. So what will it be? You are here to borrow some books or read it here?”

Kimiko thought for a while before saying.

“I will read here.”

The man nodded as he replied enthusiastically despite his appearance.

“Readers are always welcome here. You can go inside the door. After all it is a public place so there is no need to pay money.”

Kimiko quirked an eye as she asked curiously.

“You are not worried that someone might steal the book?”

The man laughed a little before replying.

“Nope, after all this place is under the jurisdiction of Sir Arthur himself. He enchanted it as well so that unless you have permission, you cannot take it out from the room itself.”

Kimiko seemed to be surprised. So Arthur did it all by himself? She went inside and there were many section with shelves full of books. There were quite a few people browsing and reading in silence. Kimiko then went to the [Political and Geographical section] and grabbed a book which had the title: Kingdoms and Temple for Dummies. It seemed to have the name and the capital city of the Kingdoms of the world as well so she took it. She picked one of the empty tables and started to read it along with other people.

“There are altogether 8 Territories in the world. In the map you can see: Elsev Urik, the kingdom of Beast-man. Its capital is Ukdid. Then Posat, the kingdom of the Hero. Its capital is Keipnihar. Then Sholiy, the militaristic kingdom. Its capital is Gehir. The merchant country of Ushur with its capital Susrul. The trading Kingdom Hicher with its capital Palmun. Poshem, the human supremacist kingdom with its capital Varmuchpos. The kingdom of Larad with its capital Poseidon. The twin kingdom of Urcheng and Larbung which acts as one. Alltogether there are 9 Territories but the last one acts as one, therefore from 9 changed to 8.”

There were information regarding the population as well. She skimmed right through them. Then, Kimiko looked at the map which showed various territories of the world. Then at the corner of the map, she read.

“We have yet to delve deeper into the wild world. From the Sea of Forest, to Vast Sandy Desert, to Unexplored Ocean and to the Rough Northern mountains, we have yet to explore even 50% of these places. There is still much to explore.”

She then turned to the next page depicting the insignia of the Temple.

“Now for the Temple, it got reestablished after the assault of the [Demon King Kosmos]. He had decimated the Temple in the ‘Final Crusade’. The combined forces of the Temple, Amrita Empire and other smaller Kingdoms was crushed under his might. Anyway, it got rebuilt in the [Holy City] where the final battle between the ‘Six Braves/Heroes of Vesperia’ and [Demon King] had taken place. The highest authority is with the [Pope], then his chosen 4 Cardinals. Each of the Cardinals has different Duty. The [Star Cardinal] is responsible for the Internal Affair of the Temple. The [Sun Cardinal] is responsible for the Military forces of the Temple. The [Moon Cardinal] should always be a female candidate who is responsible for the inner security as well as the protecting the Oracles. The [Heaven Cardinal] is responsible for the External Affairs and Diplomatic relationship along with the Archbishop.”

Keipnihar Harbor

One man got out from a seemingly normal wooden ship. The worker in the ship seemed to revere the man as their face was full of blind admiration. He had an imposing aura about him as people seemed to part unconsciously. But that could also be due to what he was wearing; Black, gold and white colored robes. An unusual mix of colors. His face looked sharp, in between the late 20s and early 30s, which complemented his long straight dark red colored hair that reached his thigh. One of the man wearing the armor of the [Royal Guard], his face seemed to pale as he sputtered.

“The Cardinal!!”

Most people seemed to hear what he said and wide eyed they all parted way for him. Some of the religious people among the crowd even got to their knees and kowtowed towards him and prayed. He walked out in a normal pace without looking at the people. As the guards got out of their stupor and hurriedly tried to contact someone using [Call].

The man had walked out to the street with a disinterested face as he looked around. The people were busy preparing for the festival but they still seemed to look at the man curiously due to his charisma and unique clothing style. He smiled cryptically.


Then a carriage came out of nowhere, bearing the insignia of the Royal Family along with the [Royal Guards] on horses. The busy street immediately parted ways as it stopped before him. The door opened and the Prime Minister Hugo got out. The people were surprised to see the Prime Minister but the Prime Minister was looking at the man.

“The Temple seemed to have responded fast but I didn’t think they would send the [Heaven Cardinal] Ostrava.”

The crowd was shocked. This was one of the 4 cardinals of the Temple of the Origin Gods! An existence who was above the common masses as well as even some Kings. That same man was right in front of them. The crowd began to murmur and make noises. However, the man spoke disinterestedly.

“Well I was in Larad, right at the border between it and Posat. The [Archbishop] responsible for this Kingdom wanted to come but he was already half a world away. So I decided to come in his stead using the ship. After all, I am partly responsible for the diplomatic issues of the Temple.”

Hugo looked at him before bowing a little.

“Well, I welcome you to the Capital City of Posat, your Holiness.”

The man seemed to smirk a bit before getting inside the carriage. Hugo too, entered the carriage before it left for the castle. The [Cardinal] looked outside as silence reigned between them. Nobody said anything and the atmosphere was strange. Hugo just narrowed his eyes before asking.

“What are you actually here for?”

The man looked at Hugo from the corner of his eye before focusing on the scenery outside.

“I am just observing the Capital City.”

Hugo asked neutrally.

“How do you find it to be?”

The [Cardinal] didn’t mince any word and replied without hesitation.

“Utterly wretched. Incomparable to the purity of his Holiness the [Pope] and the [Holy City].”

Before looking at the stone-faced Hugo. He simply smiled and said.

“Sholiy may be openly showing their hostility towards the Temple but don’t think for a second that we don’t know that you don’t trust the Temple as well. We do have eyes and ears everywhere.”

Hugo replied impassively.

“Whatever do you mean?”

The man simply laughed once before closing his eyes as if resting with his palm under his chin.

“Who knows? I want to see what the century big festival would be like. I have heard it will happen the day after tomorrow. Let’s see what your Kingdom has to offer while I am working on the case that happened due to your negligence.”

The tense atmosphere lasted till they got off at the Royal Palace. The King looked at the Cardinal as they greeted each other but he still displayed an indifferent attitude towards the King. The King himself did not mind it. An extravagant room was arranged for the Cardinal as he walked inside, closing the door without saying anything. He looked around for a bit before he kept his hand in front of him. A white magic circle appeared as he casted.


It would allow those pesky people from looking too deep to what he was doing inside. Before sitting on the chair and sipping the tea that was prepared for him. Then he heard someone speaking.


A figure materialized and a woman appeared. She kneeled before him as she said.

“All hail the [Elder] of the [Cult]!!”

The Cardinal just smiled sinisterly, the holy aura faded away as a bone chilling intent enveloped the room. He just looked at the woman impassively as the woman gulped nervously.

“I-I …. Didn’t know you’d be coming, Master.”

He replied calmly.

“The place is warded with my barrier so don’t worry. However, I am disappointed with you.”

Her mood plummeted as she started to sweat. She looked down in shame while the man calmly sipped on the tea.

“Utterly disappointed. You were too hasty, so many little mistakes and prices for it was high. I found that you already lost two of the four [Named Assassin] ….”

The woman did not know what to say before replying in a small voice.

“Yes, I am deeply ashamed of my incompetence …..”

He laughed a little which surprised the woman a little bit.

“It is quite funny when you name yourself ‘Mistress’, doesn’t it? After all, I know you are prideful and vain type of girl.”

She cowered as she didn’t reply. But he continued on.

“Well, coming to this place was a hassle. My brother, the [Star Cardinal] is always checking every move I make, trying to get close to the [Pope]. He sure is persistent in trying to find dirt on me. It reminded of that one [Archbishop] who got his nose in the wrong place and at the wrong time. Also attacking the Temple, while brilliant, was utterly foolish. I tried to keep the radar off from the [Cult] for ages and now? If I were not to come, then the [Archbishop] would have started to hunt you like man possessed, disrupting your plan. It was good that I was in the nearby Kingdom. You should have done it during the Festival when they are busy as well.”

The woman just sat quietly. She would not dare to talk while he was talking. If he were to ask her to stop breathing, she would follow his command.

“Anyway, as for the [Named Assassin] that you have, they are not considered truly as a [Named Assassin] if they have not spent at least 15 years on the job. The ones you got was the lowest end of the spectrum. Among Alfa, Beta, Theta and Zeta, the one with the most potential was Beta and Theta. Zeta was disposable while Alfa is normal unlike his predecessor. Gamma!”

A black figure materialized while the woman seemed to be in shock. She had not even felt his presence! Cardinal Ostrava smiled.

“This is what the true [Named Assassin] is. Lethal weapons built for the sole reason of Killing in the dark. The ones given to you are just children, by other [Elders] trying to pull my leg. As for the brother and sister pair, Beta and Theta. Now those are special. Especially Beta. He has the potential to be the best like his predecessor. Gamma, you can go now.”

The black figure nodded before disappearing without saying a word. She still could not detect his presence. The Cardinal said.

“Stop trying to look for him. If you were to gain 100 more level, then only you’d be able to slightly detect him.”

The woman panicked as she kept on kneeling.

“It was not my intention, master!”

He smiled as he crouched down to her level. He used his hand and grabbed the woman by her cheek. To her, his smile was as if the devil themselves smiled at her. He said.

“Don’t fail this mission. I want to see the destruction right in front of me. I am in the front row of this show therefore don’t disappoint me further.”

He let go of her and sat down the chair before pouring more tea in it.

“Y-yes, Master.”

She disappeared from the place. He just hummed a bit before sipping the tea elegantly.

Ranga Village

A middle-aged man and another person wearing a hood seemed to arrive in the Ranga village. The people seemed to look at them while whispering. Some even giving the stink eye at them but did not verbally rebuke them. Despite wearing normal cloth, the man still looked refined with his short silver hair and a goatee. The hooded man seemed to notice this and asked in a worried voice.

“Will anybody know that you are coming here?”

The man smiled wearily as he shook his head in denial.

“No, these people are worried about whether I am the Lord of Aron city’s man or not. After all, he does not have a good reputation around these part.”

The hooded man shook his head.

“I meant the meeting! You are an [Archbishop] of the Half-Kingdom of Urcheng after all!”

The man ‘shushed’ him.

“Not so freaking loud, dumbass.”

The Hooded man deadpanned.

“A person of the cloth swearing! Ugh! Just what a day and age have come. Won’t other notice your body-double at the meeting?”

“Nope, have faith in my skill for once. This chance was provided by my good friend [Archbishop] Frederik by wantonly summoning the Heroes without the consent of the Temple. He is put on trial for my sake. Also the meeting is halted until the [Heaven Cardinal] is finished investigating the case and goes back to the [Holy City]. So we have time to go back. Anyway this must be the place. After searching for almost a decade I have finally found it.”

The hooded figure sighed.

“Your best friend? The previous [Archbishop] who went missing? I mean he lived a lavish lifestyle from birth due to being the last descendant. Do you honestly think he can live here in this dump?”

He gestured around the worn-down village. The man narrowed his eyes as he spoke seriously.

“Don’t make light of the lifestyle that people live in. Remember, you lived like them once. Don’t forget your vows.”

The hooded figure seemed to realize that he made a poor choice. He bowed a little as he was ashamed of himself.

“My apologies, [Archbishop]. It was not my intention.”

The man sighed and said.

“Let’s just move. From the information we got, someone named Mary from Ranga Village was…. married to him? Hmmm..….?!”

Suddenly, he looked at a distance towards the forest that surrounded this village. A dark figure was near them. Lara, wearing a black cloth, stared back at him from the forest. She was contemplating whether to attack them or not. After all, that hooded person was strong but the smiling man beside him? He was as strong as her if not more. The [Archbishop] frowned a bit while looking at the black figure as well. The hooded man noticed his frowning as he asked worriedly.

“My liege?”

Then suddenly a young girl came out of one of the house. She seemed to trot over to the forest and drag the dark figure out. As the figure was intently staring at them so it did not seem to have noticed the young girl. The young girl, however, seemed to know about the figure by the familiar way she was dragging it. Also the figure seemed to have a resigned aura around it once the girl dragged it out. Honestly, it was a hilarious sight. Only then, did his companion notice the figure as he stared in surprise.

“How? How did I miss that person?”

The [Archbishop] replied.

“Clearly, the person is more powerful than you. And that thing is clearly not alive which is why we can’t sense things that have no life at a glance.”

The companion tensed as he unsheathed a little bit of the sword from his hip. The sword was glowing white.

“Is it an undead? We should hurry before it does something to the child!”

The [Archbishop] looked at him.

“You think I’d let something like that happen? Sheath your blade, idiot. That thing was a golem. If you feel closely, they emit no sense of life unlike that of undead creature which emit foul powers.”

The hooded man was dumbstruck.

“Golem? That was a golem? How is it stronger than me, a [Paladin]? And what is it doing here?”

Then a woman came down from the road, screaming at the top of her lungs.

“MARY! MARY!! What the hell are you doing here instead of recovering in the DAMN HOSPITAL!!”

The [Archbishop] and his companion looked at each other. The hooded man said.

“Guess, it was easier.”

The man just smiled as he replied.

“All due to God’s favor.”

They proceeded to tail the blond woman who went inside a run-down house that the earlier kid and the hooded figure went inside. They both looked at each other in surprise. The it could mean that the young girl from before was that person’s….

She still seemed to shouting in the inside.

“And please take Rin and come to live in my HOUSE then! This house is damaged! It could crumble any second, sister!”

Another voice rang out. She seemed to be coming close to the shrieking woman if her voice was any indicator.

“I will, Sheila but in the future. And just where is Rin anyway? Nowadays she spends all afternoon somewhere else! I am worried about that girl!”

Then a cheerful voice rang out.

“Mamma! I am playing with Mrs. Hoody in the backyard.”

A sigh seemed to form from inside. To who it belonged, they did not know. The woman named Sheila seemed to be surprised from the tone of her voice.

“Mrs. Hoody?”

Mary said half-heartedly.

“A companion of…. Rin, I suppose. Rin dragged her here and from what I have seen, Mrs. Hoody seemed to be surprised as well. Before you complain, I guess I can say that Rin is a… good judge of character despite being an airhead.”

A cheerful voice rang out.

“Mrs. Hoody smells like Kimiko-onee san!”


The [Archbishop] stood in front of the door and knocked. The conversation seemed to settle down inside and a wary looking Sheila looked out from the door. Her wary gaze strengthened even further when looking at both of them. The [Archbishop] smiled and asked.

“May we come in?”

The woman scowled.

“Do we know you?”

The [Archbishop] just raised his hands as if to dispel worries.

“No, not at all. It’s just that it is my best friend’s wife I am looking for.”


“I only know her by her name Mary and she is from Ranga village.”

 Sheila did not look convinced.

“There could be many villages with the same name, how can you be so sure about this one?”

But before he could respond, Mary said.

“It is all right Sheila, let them in.”

Sheila looked indignantly at her sister.

“But sister! You need to be wary of outsiders!”

But Mary said one sentence.

“My husband was sure that his best friend would come looking for him so it really is ok.”

With that Sheila fully opened the door and let them inside. She stared at them before heading inside. The man whispered to the hooded figure.

“Let’s keep our identity a secret for now. It seems that he was aware that I would surely search for him.”

Then [Archbishop] and his escort came in. The room was not that fancy. It was just a normal house made of wood. There was a wooden table and a kitchen. There were stairs to go upstairs with a faded painting near it and a closed door, which he assumed, would lead to backyard. The man gestured his friend to lose the cloak. The hooded man nodded before he revealed his face. He had a conspicuous purple hair that reached his shoulder with golden colored eyes. He had long eye lashes with a beautiful face. Yes, he had a beautiful face that would cause even the boys to blush. As so Sheila widened her eyes in surprise before a blush set on her face as she looked everywhere except his face. The other woman, who was sitting on the chair, remained calm.

The man introduced himself and his companion.

“My name is Ethan and my companion’s name is Caesar.”

Caesar nodded without saying anything. The woman likewise introduced herself.

“As you know, my name is Mary and she is my sister, Sheila. So I’d like to get straight to the point. What are you here for?”

Ethan just smiled as he replied.

“Just wanted to know what happened to my friend. Is it much to ask?”

She closed her eyes as she grimaced.

“He is dead for years now.”

The [Archbishop] looked down as he could only say.

“I see. My condolence.”

Mary asked.

“Is that all?”

The [Archbishop] shook his head as he asked.

“There must a reason why he left his place and came to this Kingdom. Do you know any reason?”

Mary just grimaced as Sheila got in between them.

“My sister just got out of the Hospital and she is ill. I do not care who you are but I implore you leave her alone for a while.”

Mary replied.

“It is alright. So you are that Et-chan or Ethan, he used to tell me about. Please wait for a moment.”

She got up unsteadily as Sheila hurriedly supported her. She got in front of a small portrait and rotated it to the side. The wall near to it, gave a low rumble before it slid up, revealing an old leather book wrapped up in a blanket. She took it out in front of a dumbstruck Sheila and handed it over to Ethan. He had a sorrowful face.

“Ah, this diary I gave him on that day…. ”

He carefully turned the page as he read something. His eyes widened up before narrowing dangerously.


Ryuu Pov

Mark wasn’t kidding when he said that he would train them hard in the morning. They had slept in the PKL headquarters as Mark suggested. But they were woken up pretty violently. First thing, they were woken up with a cold water on their bed. They were then dragged out and made to work the training regimen the PKF forces used to follow every morning. Then Mark looked at their tired faces before pointing out few of the men that would train them one on one.

This was why they were beaten and bruised up. It was a humbling experience when your weakness was exploited on. Each of them were chastised by Mark when he was over-seeing the whole training.

For Ryuu, he was scolded.

“You are level-headed for the most part. You lack experience fighting bipedal warriors as a whole because you have been fighting monsters for the most of the time. But you are quick to act without thinking when injustice is happening right in front of you. It is not a bad trait because sometimes quick action is the best. But only ‘sometimes’. When you hold back and think for a second, you may find whole new ways of handling situations.”

Ryuu thought about it. Ren was next.

“You are opposite of Ryuu. You think too much, analyze too much. Trying to find out whether what is the best course of action. It is good but try to find the balance between action and thinking. You can only leisurely do those calculations if you have some skills like [Parallel Processing] or something along those lines.”  

Ren nodded in acceptance. Next was Hotaru.

“You are reckless. Your action is to hit harder and faster. Pummeling them. You have no plans and go to action even quicker than Ryuu. Your problem is that with your quick action, you don’t formulate plans or use skills but use your instinct as a guide. That is good, honing [Instinct] can save you but what good will it do if you can’t even use skills to empower yourself.”

He deflated. Sarada wanted to know what her weakness was.

“Hmm, from my observation, this is all new for you. You are the only one who uses [Magic]. You only lack experience and you are quick to get distracted. Train [Magic] harder with your mentor and stay focused. Shamelessly ogling bodies is causing a distraction among my men because they can tell they are getting ogled at, especially the pretty boys. Which tells me so much of your situation.”

Sarada was embarrassed. Especially when the men were looking away when she looked at them. After all who wouldn't look at them with their colorful hair which suited them so much? She did come from a place where black hair was the norm. As they were in the training ground, Ren gasped as if remembering something and said.

“I forgot to tell them about the gunpowder.”

He remembered about the smell that he got while chasing for evidence. He forgot to mention after the yesterday fiasco. Sarada wondered.

“Will they know about it?”

“Know what?”

She screamed.


Mark was unfazed as he got closer to them. Ren and the others looked at each other before Ryuu spoke.

“Yesterday we found traces of Gunpowder on the carriage that seemed to transport the… bodies.”

Mark looked intrigued.

“Gunpowder you say?”

Ryuu nodded trying to explain.

“Yes, they are....”

Mark cut him off, bored.

“Yes, yes we know about Gunpowder.”

All of them were shocked. Hotaru asked.


Now Mark looked confused.

“How what? We have guns after all. That is why we know about gunpowder….. oh. Those of the Temple abhor using guns and things. That is why you don’t know about them. Also few people use guns nowadays.”

Sarada was intrigued at that. Guns were prominent and widely used fire arms. So how was it so unpopular here.

“Why is it so unpopular?”

Mark replied while shaking his head.

“You see, bullets and so on may work on normal people and monster but what about those of higher levels? For people like me, they’d just feel like toothpick trying to poke me. Our [CON] and [VIT] make it easier block it with our body not to mention magical armors. Only magically enchanted bullets work on us and they are damn expensive to make. Only Adventurers funded by the [Blacksmith Guild] can use those guns without worrying about running out. Therefore, it is not viable option. That is how we know about Gunpowder.”

They all seemed to understand that. After coming to this world, their common sense was turned and kicked out to the garbage dump. Mark asked once again.

“So what about these gunpowder?”

Thanks for reading.

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