A Former Hero’s Journey : I just want to live peacefully!

Chapter 5: Leaving the Village

Chapter 5

Tidbits of information

Lore of the Gods

The people of Vesperia believe in the 9 Origin Gods and their 12 Subsidiary Gods as well as other Minor Gods. Collectively, it is known to be ‘Temple of the Origin Gods’.

Those 9 Origins Gods are; Goddess of Life, God of Death, Chaos God, Goddess of Space, Goddess of Time, God of Order, God of Justice, Dragon God and Goddess of Fate.

Unfortunately, the Chaos God fell into madness and threatened the peace of the World. The 8 Gods banded together to kill him but Chaos, grievously wounded, escaped. With the remaining power he created a realm for himself which the Gods could not find. It is said that from his blood the first Demons were created and he had been in a state between life and death ever since.

Assassin’s Pov

It had been a simple reconnaissance mission. Two people from the Cult had their Curse activated and killed which meant that something had gone wrong. The Mistress, who was the leader of this whole operation as a whole, had found that the two curses where at the same place where the highest holy attributed child was found. She was not THAT important but if the Cult could get their hand on that girl then they could increase the potency of their experiment work before the big plan. That was why she was sent on this job.

Her name was Theta, nothing more, nothing less. She was one of the Assassin of Theta series who had completed her trial. It was a dog eat dog world out here where the weak was eaten by the strong. There are altogether 20 series. Some were new while the others were old. These series were actually orphan children taught how to kill. They were eluded by the promises of safe life just like she was and then they were tricked and brought into this secret place. In each series there are 100 children where they stay and get along with each other for a few years. Camaraderie is born until at the end of their training where they are forced to kill each other.

Those with the highest kill are appointed as the true assassin while 4 others are just substitute when the Original dies. However, due to circumstances she was deemed to be the youngest as well as the weakest Titled Assassin till date. An expendable. Others were at least from AA-rank but she was only B rank. She was good but the [Cult] only wanted the best. But she will not die. It would be a mockery of the people she killed? She will survive not for herself but for the people that were killed for her to live. But now she needed to survive the wrath of the Mistress.

That was why she was in a fetal position protecting whatever important parts of her with her hands and legs.










She was getting 100 lashes as a punishment for failing her mission. Then she was permitted to say what had transpired. She had felt more pain by ‘killing’ her friends than this paltry physical pain however to show it had intended effect the Assassin decided to scream lest she was subjected to more sadistic ways of punishment. After all her Mistress had a few screw loose in the head, thinking that she was the queen of the world just because an Elder of the Cult decided to take her as their protégé.

After a few minutes her punishment was finished. She faked breathing roughly and it seemed to please the Mistress. Then the Mistress asked in a high pitched voice.

“Now dog, say what had transpired in the small village? Keep it short and simple!”

She just nodded.

“Yes mistress, I left the Lord’s house the morning before the sun had risen. Then after a few hours I had arrived near to the village. There was a crowd of villagers in a direction, possibly some kind of disturbance had occurred. But before I could do anything, a figure materialized above the trees near to me undetected.”

She still remembered the bone chilling [Killing Intent] poured by the figure. It was so intense that her instinct screamed her that to use the teleportation scroll that could only be used once by a [Titled Assassin]. It was a desperate measure and whoever used it would be transported to the nearest Cult hideouts which was this place.

“Hmph! That means you are just plain weak to notice the person! After all you are the only failure of the prestigious Theta series. Honestly, your predecessor was feared in the whole world before being offed along with Alpha and Beta by that pesky Golem Arthur. Now describe the person’s appearance and I will search from our sources.”

Theta frowned at the words spoken venomously by the Mistress but did not comment. The Mistress seemed to be pleased by the obedience showed by her.

“I don’t know it’s gender but it was wearing a black rag like dress that covered its whole body. It was wearing a skull mask and it had a scythe as well. It can be estimated to be 6 and a half feet tall. But one thing that was sure was that it could be at least AA-rank….or higher level threat….. Otherwise I am sure I could detect anyone below that level.”

The Mistress frowned for the first time.

“Hmm it seems that it could be the Adventurer Guild making a move. There is no High level Adventurer who wears such a dress so it could be undercover operation. That annoying Golem must have found out about our move and is making a move by stationing a High Level Adventurer. If we don’t know the identity, then that means we cannot report to the Lord and he cannot make a move against the Guild. But it could also mean that the Adventurer Guild cannot support the man openly as well. However, do we make a move against such a High level Adventurer? No, the loss would be great.”

She seemed to nod before continuing.

“It seems we have to leave that little girl alone for the time being. Pull out all the covert operation from the villages surrounding that village. We have other ventures and focus on them. Meanwhile go and still observe the Lord. He is not to be trusted fully. Also I have the least use of you out of the 4 I have got. The [Cult] is looking forward to this operation and have invested massively. I do not need to say what would happen if this fails…”

A dreadful aura began to emerge from the woman. This time the Assassin was truly cowering. The woman was dangerous as a sinister malevolent aura faded before she smiled. Proud and vain never did go well together which this woman was full of.  

“Yes mistress.”

And Theta disappeared, not wanting to stay in the place any longer.

The Mistress looked at the place Theta used to be and she chuckled. Oh how she loved to whip the defiant little runt! Her eyes especially! That look of disgust was heart-throbbing as well. She always punished her for smallest of reason. She had done good in taking Theta as her subordinate out of 20. After all her teacher did ask her a favor of disciplining the little cat. Also she can’t wait to look how the young girl would come begging to be punished on her own in the future. How her lovely eyes would look in the future in utter defeat? It seems that the training of the series had not broken and molded her into the perfect Assassin like the other. At least, she will enjoy the torment she will inflict on the Assassin.

Kimiko Pov

‘Now that the threat has been abated for a while.’

Kimiko looked at the place where the Assassin had disappeared.

“But to have a Teleportation Scroll as well……it seems the [Cult] is still going strong.”

But now was not the time to dwell on it. The time for meeting Sheila-san was getting close and she still had not bathed. She rushed towards her current lodging and took a bath.

‘Ah it seems so soothing to take a bath just after a workout! Now the [Cult] may have noticed me, it would seem that they will refrain from making a move as well knowing there is someone with a High Level in here. They can assume it could be either a person who is eccentric and travelled to this place or a person from the Guild but I will bet on the second reason, based on the relationship the Guild has with the [Cult].’

She contemplated as she dived her head a little under the water to blow bubbles.

‘Just when I had decided to leave this place.....Still before I leave I will make something for the child. I guess their main reason was for Rin, knowing she has such a High affinity for [Holy magic].’

Kimiko had known that she had reason for getting attached to the child and it was confirmed that she has High Affinity for [Holy magic] which meant that she was as pure as they come. That was why Kimiko wanted to protect the child from any harm as well. It also put the question of who Rin’s father truly was. Such appearance of High Affinity was like 1 in a million chance normally or it could be inherited.

Holy magic was the power bestowed by the Gods. It was not in the class of normal magic. It could contend against Demonic magic, which was bestowed to the Demons by the Chaos God himself. Every demon had a diluted blood of the Chaos God, making their magic more powerful and chaotic than normal magic. Plus, they had [Demonic Language] as well which was one of the oldest language. To say a normal person was outclassed by the demon of their own level was an understatement unless the person had some oldest language available.

That was why Holy magic was created by the Gods. It was a stronger version of normal magic. It could be learned by two kinds of person; either a genius or a person who had high affinity as well. The purer a person is, the more powerful the Holy magic is. But here the definition of ‘Pure’ was also vague. Such people are taken to the Temple to receive indoctrination.

But it will never come to it and she will make sure that Rin will not be ‘adopted’ by the Temple. Kimiko dressed in her usual wear just in time when Sheila called her. Then they walked together to the hospital with small talks happening in between.

“So Sheila-san, are you the younger or the elder of the two sister?”

“Well I am the younger one, by 3 years as well.”

“So you are not married?”

“Well my time has already come so I am thinking of marrying someone. My sister had married way earlier and conceived Rin. Though I did not know much about her husband honestly. Just that they had met with each other while Mary, my sister’s name, had gone to the Market place of the Lord’s city, Aron City. Well he seemed to have saved her from getting extorted by the thugs. Then they seemed to have met a lot of times with each other whenever Mary would go to the city to sell things. Just one thing led to another and we got a surprise when they arrived to the village together after they had married.”

Kimiko sweated a little bit.


‘So Cliché but what was I expecting?  People would normally fall in love like that.’

Kimiko tried to make a little talk in between them.

“So it is a half a day’s walk? The Aron city I mean.”

Sheila nodded.

“Yes, by walking from the main road of the village you can reach the city in half a day but with carriage or other transport like a mount, you can get there in half the time of walking. Why?”

“Well I have decided to continue on my journey from today after meeting with Rin's mother so Aron city was the best stop next.”

Sheila nodded.

“Well it is going to be tough saying it to Rin though. She is very fond of you.”

Kimiko nodded and the silence reigned while they walked towards the hospital. They entered and a girl who wore white dress like a nurse gestured them upwards and Sheila nodded. Kimiko just followed Sheila and they followed the stairs to the 1st floor. They went along the corridor. There wasn’t much room in the hospital, now Kimiko thought about it. There were few room but many beds inside. At least they followed hygiene properly. Then they entered the room where loud childish voice could be heard. Kimiko knew it was Rin’s. They saw Rin describing something using over-exaggerated gestures.

The other patients were smiling at the antics. Even her mother was looking at Rin kindly. Then Rin saw Kimiko and she dashed right into her bosom.

“Kimiko onee-san!“

Kimiko just patted and smiled at Rin. She looked at the mother of the child, Mary, who was looking little haggard but in good health nonetheless. Kimiko had made a decision for the registration as an Adventurer. She smiled at Rin before saying.

“Well, I am thinking of leaving the village for Aron city so I came here to see Rin and her mother before leaving.”

But Rin seemed to freeze in place. Rin knew that her onee-san would leave but not this soon! They still had a lot to do together. Like hanging out together, showing Kimiko onee-san her favorite places, and….and so much more but now she was leaving. Rin teared a little.

“But….but will you promise to visit me? Maybe share some stories about your adventure?”

Kimiko’s eyes softened and she nodded while smiling brightly. To which Rin averted her eyes hurriedly when a faint blush could be seen.

“Yeah I will. But before that I have something to discuss with your mother.”

Rin suddenly got out of her stupor before looking at Kimiko and then her mother. She replied.

“Eh? Well okay.”

“But you need to leave with Sheila-san. Mary-san will tell Sheila-san later.”

Sheila seemed to be surprised but the resolute look of Kimiko seemed to have taken an effect on her. So she took the hand of Rin slowly and gently and took her away from the room. The other patient looked to her in curiosity. Kimiko casted a spell as a whitish blue circle appeared on her hand.

[Silence Field]

A spell that could prevent any form of sound from escaping the field so the people inside can talk without worrying from others from listening. The only reason she did not include Rin was because she did not want the child to hear what she was about to say, who no wonder would ask about it so Kimiko had asked Sheila-san to accompany Rin. Mary seemed to be a little surprised at the spell before trying to bow from the bed.

“First of all, words cannot describe how I am grateful to you for saving my precious daughter. If I was not injured, then I would have surely bow in gratitude.”

Kimiko had found that the woman was very sincere in her speech. Mary asked curiously.

“So, what is this about Kimiko-san?”

“Well, you don’t seem to be surprised by magic spell so you must have been exposed to it somehow.”

Magic was a convenient power but it was not that common in rural areas. She had not seen anyone with the hint of using magic power. So Mary, not being surprised, indicated that she had some contact with some form of magic before.

“Yes, my husband seemed to perform basic magic so I am not that surprised.”

“So, did your husband had some contact with the Temple?”

Mary tensed which showed that she was right on the mark. She turned wary of Kimiko in an instant as her shoulder tensed a bit.

“……..how did you know about that?”

But Kimiko countered with a question of her own.

“Because it is the reason why you and your daughter was targeted, well not directly but still.”

Mary seemed to be surprised.


“You see; the [Cult] had targeted your child because she had high affinity for [Holy magic]. They were the people that ran the orphanages, so the only ‘legal’ way for them to take Rin was you out of the picture.”

Mary’s heart chilled. She was so close to death and if she had died then her even her small sister could not do anything. Her baby would have been taken by the Cult for whatever the reasons were. But that meant the Lord was siding with the Cult?

“So, does that mean the Lord of Aron is working with the Cult?”

“I am still not sure, but anything involved with the Cult must be done in secret else they take on the wrath of the Empire. That means the Lord has still not in league with the Cult, otherwise no such rumors would have been spread but something is ….. keeping him in line.”

Mary seemed to sigh in relief. Kimiko was puzzled but something told her that Mary knew something about it. Mary looked at her before speaking.

“My husband once told me the Duke Elmbard is behind the Lord. The Duke is the only one of the 3 duke house without any power except for their house name. The Elcot house has the whole military behind them because of Duke Stan while Arendel house has the political power behind them due to Duke Arnold who is the prime minister. Only Elmbard is without any power. The King let the two Duke wield this much power because they are loyal to the crown as well as childhood friend of the king.”

Mary’s face scrunched up a bit as if trying to remember something.

“The previous Duke of Elmbard, who was also the close friend of the King died mysteriously and his whole family was killed by the monsters. It was already suspicious and then a new Duke was chosen but he was too ambitious. That was the reason why the King restricts the house Elmbard from gaining any stance and every noble avoids them like a plague, until and unless his ambition is curved."

Kimiko raised an eyebrow. Mary continued.

“The Duke Elmbard had a daughter. Rumors heard by my husband stated that she had a condition and it made her body weak. But that condition was something of value to the Cult so they offered him power in exchange for his daughter. That monster had agreed on it but before he could send her away she was saved by someone. He was an Adventurer by the name of Harold. They escaped but were eventually found years later. By then the daughter of the Duke had already passed away while giving birth to a baby girl with the Adventurer. After that the Duke took the daughter hostage and forced him to be posted away in this outskirt area of this Kingdom.”

Kimiko nodded in understanding.

‘So the rumor was started in order for people to stay away from this man. Smart because he cannot do anything because his hands are tied. I am willing to take a chance that he is being observed by the cult 24/7. But why did the Duke not kill him outright? Maybe as a revenge, to force the innocent to the Cult would be his damnation?’

“Thank you for the information. Your husband must be pretty much a high member to have known about such things. Such information is pretty hard to come by.”

Mary’s shoulder drooped a little.

“Frankly, I did not know much about his past. He liked to keep some things ‘close to the heart’ but I liked him for who he is, not who he was. So, I married him.”

Kimiko nodded.

“Thank you for the information. I guess I can do something about your daughter though."

Mary brightened up in anticipation.


Kimiko nodded as she said.

"Yes, I can do something about her aura though."

"Thank you."

Mary seemed to be in joy. Kimiko dispelled her magic and the curious patient around them became more curious as they could not hear the conversation. Kimiko left the hospital and went to a place where she had seen Sheila and Rin. They seemed to be talking with each other under a tree, especially Rin who was talking non-stop. Sheila saw her coming and patted next to her. Kimiko nodded and sat down. Rin seemed to deflate knowing that Kimiko would leave her. Kimiko saw that and took an artifact from her storage. It looked like a hair pin with a simple ornate flower design on it. It looked elegant

[Check Status]

Name: Ais Hairpin (Cursed) (Epic tier)

Durability: 2500/2500

DEF: 6700 (+3 times enchanted)



1) It is cursed item bound to the main user for life and cannot be removed from any conventional method. (Passive)

2) It can be equipped by 4 people max. (Main: -, Secondary: -, -, - )

3) The main user gains the ability to mask their aura making it harder for search magic to use on the User. (Passive)

4) All the user gains the ability to passively protect them by a barrier. Until physical as well as magical attack exceeding the DEF value is performed then the artifact remains unharmed. If the attack does exceed then durability is reduced. If durability is reduced to 0 then the item is destroyed. (Passive)

5) Has the ability to instantly teleport the Secondary User to the Main, but have to be used actively. (Times used: 4/4) (Active)


DESCRIPTION: It was created by the Renowned Blacksmith to express his love to a Princess. But the Princess did not accept his love for his inability to protect themselves from enemies. So the Blacksmith again enchanted for the family of four but by the time it was too late and the Princess had already married to a foreign Prince. Therefore, it was cursed by the Blacksmith to never leave its wielder.


Yeah Kimiko knew that it was a cursed item but also a useless curse. It had crappy defense not upto the standard Epic tier but it was still nonetheless an Epic tier defensive artifact. It needed blood to tie itself to the main user and who the main user had closest familial connection, it would be bound to them as well. So with this Sheila as well as Mary would be passively protected from physical as well as magical attacks. She showed it to Rin who was looking quite interested in it if the stars in her eyes was any indication.

"This is a special item. Keep it with you and it will let you equip it. So whenever you feel lonely then always touch the hair pin. Know that I will always be with you."

Rin nodded and kept the hair pin with her. She was rewarded with pat on her head. Then Kimiko looked at Sheila.

"This is a goodbye then Sheila-san."

"Goodbye Kimiko-san."

"Goodbye Rin."

Kimiko was hugged by Rin.

"I am gonna miss you."

"I will miss you too, but I will visit from time to time."



Then Rin smiled brightly.


Then by saying this much Kimiko started heading towards Aron city from the main gate of the Ranga village. She looked back to see Rin waving towards her along with Sheila. She could also see the villager bowing a little to express their gratitude. This was the starting point of her journey towards Aron city.

Edited: 21-Nov-2020 Grammar improvement, minor tweaks and improvement.

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