A Former Hero’s Journey : I just want to live peacefully!

Chapter 7: First day in Aron and Quests

Chapter 7

Tidbits of Information

Monsters too have ranks. They, just like Adventurer Guild has from F to SSS rank. A monster is usually stronger than the Adventurer of their respective rank. A monster has a monster core as its heart. If it is removed from the body, then the monster instantly dies. They are fueled by the core. A core is useful for many things in Vesperia. It can be used as a source of energy. A monster usually has a core related to its element affinity. A monster is only characterized as a monster if it has a core in it. Otherwise they are simply wild animals.

A monster is usually the best option as a familiar option because of their exceptional combat prowess. They are tied with Spiritual creatures like spirits, fairies and nymphs who are exceptional magic wielders. They are however mostly dumb with only those of rank B or above, gaining intelligence.

Kimiko's Pov

Well she had finally become an adventurer. Now the only thing that worried her was her monetary fund. She had no money on her. She looked at the receptionist dead in the eyes. The receptionist who was used being stared in such an intense way, mostly male, just smiled politely and asked.

"Yes? Is there something I can do to help?"

".....I have a carcass of some monster. Can I exchange it for some money?"

Rosalind just smiled and nodded her head.

"We have such facilities as well. Please follow me."

Then Kimiko was again led, this time to the second floor of the Guild. In one of the room there was a counter and some instruments. Rosalind again asked,

"Is it fully dismantled or not?"

"No it is not dismantled."

"Is the core intact?"

Kimiko nodded.

"Yes fully."

"Then please keep the carcass over this table. The staff will see to the price of it and give you the best offer."

After a few minutes an old man with a long mustache came inside wearing a worn-out faded white apron. He looked at the receptionist and asked.

"I was told there is an Adventurer who has the carcass?"


"Show me."

Then Kimiko proceeded to take out the Direwolves and the Horned bear out of the storage box. The old man raised one of his eyes at that. Only a person with the affinity of space could create a storage space where they can store things. But only those with the rare dual affinity of both space and time could create a storage box where time can stop. He looked at the carcasses from every angle. As if probing, he asked.

"Hmm these carcasses don’t look much damaged if you ignore the fact that some of them a bisected. Their stones are intact but the one with the most value is the Horned-bear, a rank D threat. Its fur is fully intact as well as the core. It looks fresh. When did you kill them?"

Kimiko just blankly stared at him and said.

"...Few hours ago."

"Not a conversationalist, are you?"

Kimiko nodded as she replied.

"....Not at all."

The man looked at the carcass started to twist his moustache while pondering.

"Well with all this, how about 1 gold 57 silver and 40 bronze?"

Kimiko did the calculation roughly in the head.

'Total would be 15740 bronze and 1 bronze is 10 yen so altogether 157,400 yen?'


The man just nodded and did something with his guild card.

"You will get your money downstairs from the same receptionist. Please ask her."

Kimiko left the room and went downstairs to the hall. Rosalind waved her hand from the counter at her. Some queue had already formed. But she ignored them and went towards her.

"I have been notified to give to you your reward. Please take it."

Rosalind gave her a pouch which Kimiko accepted and kept it discreetly inside her storage box. Now that she has her rewards it was time to leave for the day. She was not physically tired but was mentally tired. Kimiko decided to rest in a hotel or was it called an inn? She decided to search for an inn as well as to sight-see how the Lord had been managing the city. Frankly she was impressed seeing how well-maintained this whole place was. At last she found an inn named, A Hearty Homage. It seemed it was an inn as well as a pub. Many men could be seen drinking their heart's content as well as singing in loud raucous way but it did not seem unpleasant. She could hear them singing what sounds like an old Irish Song as well.

She went near the pub where a Big broad man with a big beard as well as moustache just like the lumberjacks have was pouring out a mug full of alcohol from a cask. He was singing along with the men inside the pub. He seemed to have noticed her and gave her a big hearty grin. He asked in a heavy accent.

"Welcome to the Hearty Homage. Wha'd ya want lad?"

"A room for one."

"Eh let me check on that."

He started ruffling through the drawer and with a big 'ah-hah' he said,

"Guess ya'ar in luck. I have a single room for that. A night's stay with dinner and breakfast is 4 silver co'ins, Young lad."

Kimiko nodded and gave him 20 silver coins.

"I want to stay for 5 days with some extensions if I need one."

The man just grinned before taking the money and giving her a key labeled 24.

"Down the cori'dor then take a left. Ya should be able to find ya'ar room. Dinner's ready in 1 hour. Come to this place to eat or would'ya like to sent it to ya'ar room?"

Kimiko contemplated before looking at the place littered with good drunkards but drunkards regardless.

"In the room please. I would like to sight-see the city so please send it in my room."

The man just nodded before joining the rest of his merry gangs. Kimiko looked at the key before deciding to change her attire. She went down the corridor and took a left before she got to the door with the label 24. She unlocked it before heading inside. The room had a wooden floor as well as brown colored wall with a big window where there was a pot full of flowers. A bed for one made up of good materials and was soft. It was warm with a lamp and lamp stand beside the bed. There was a wooden desk as well as a chair. Then there was a clean toilet. Overall, it was a cozy and comfy place.

Kimiko nodded to herself in satisfaction for choosing this place.  

She jumped onto to the bed and found it cool and springy. She lay down on the bed for a bit and closed her eyes for a quick power nap. She woke up 10 minutes later. Then she changed her clothes to more normal kind with a white t-shirt over a black unbuttoned half coat. Then she wore a black sleek pant with a normal shoe. Overall she looked normal.

She locked her room and went out of the inn. Then she just wandered off. There were various kinds of store aimed for all kinds of people from Normal to Noble as well as Beastmen to Adventurer. Various kinds of goods seemed to be in display. There were food carts selling what looked like kebabs. She went towards them. They tried to show her their tasty food. Kimiko twitched a little.

"Get a chicken kebab for just 10 bronze!!"

Sticks full of mesmerizing sizzling meats with some capsicums and onions were presented towards her. Her mouth watered and eyes twinkled despite her stoic face.

"You can get the special food 'pizza' introduced by the heroes of the past for just 45 bronze!!"

A large pizza was presented with the aroma of cheese that was emanating from it. Kimiko gulped.

"Takioki for just 15 bronze. Hurry it up!"

'Ah to hell with it. I already have an hour-glass figure.'

Kimiko bought it all for 23 silver.

'Heroes may not survive but their foods did, how strange!"

Kimiko thought about it as she was walking while eating what she had bought. She then stopped as if a revelation had just happened.

'Ah I forgot that I still have to have dinner in the inn but...but....'

She looked at her hand full of goodies and she dumped it in her storage box. It was a good thing that it had time stopping function as well. She returned back to her inn. Inside there was a roasted chicken leg with noodles topped with gravy and boiled vegetables. The chicken was spicy and full of exotic herbs which complimented it. The noodle with gravy was tasty which was complemented by the boiled vegetables. Overall, a very tasty dinner. She finished it and kept the plates away. Then she jumped onto the bed and contemplated what she had to do tomorrow.

'Maybe I could take Quest from tomorrow. I guess I will check on the Gathering Quest and Miscellaneous Quest board. Then I guess I will spy on the Lord as well.'

Then she closed her eyes and wandered off to sleep instantly as she missed her mini map blinking at something that just popped out of nowhere.

Somewhere else just then

An Adventurer seemed to be musing about something and looked very angry. He was in the middle of the forest and his destination was Aron city.

"Those goddamned people! They excluded me from the party just because the leader just wanted a harem of his own. No wonder we are still E-rank Adventurer when the leader just spends all his money on pleasing his 'female members' than buying something useful for us. Can't he see that the women are just using him? What a fool! I had expected that being the son of the famous person would let me have a good life when he would put good words for me to his father. But when I raised my voice he had the gall to kick me out of the party on our quest? That shit-  woah!"

He stumbled as the ground beneath him gave away. In fact, a whole section below him caved in. He fell down the hole. It was not a deep fall. After some difficulty he got up from the dirt and stood up with his hand caressing his head.

"Ow... what the he-!!!"

Just as the moonlight shone on the hole that he fell from, he was dumbfounded when he saw buildings made up of white things. It in fact looked like a gate that led inside. His mind had finally comprehended something and he was jumping in joy.

"Yes yes yes yes YESSSS! I have found a ruin! I will be filthy rich! This is great! Maybe I was the lucky one to have been kicked out otherwise I'd be forced to share these riches to those motherfuckers!"

Just as he was celebrating he didn't seem to notice slithering tendrils of darkness heading towards him from the gate. It suddenly grabbed him by the leg by its extending tendrils. He looked down and sensed something wrong. He realized he was in deep trouble as he screamed as he was slowly dragged inside, his nails bloodied as he tried to claw the ground.


Before being dragged inside the gate. His screams echoed from the darkness inside the gate before the silence reigned supreme.

At the Lord's mansion

Theta was always observing the Lord. Even in his sleep to his everyday work. Just not when he went to the toilet or bathroom. She still gave him some privacy. But she made sure not to let the Lord do anything funny from the toilet like the last time. Some dumb-witted Assassin of the [Cult] gave him some privacy where the Lord did something that led the rumors flying about of him being a lolicon or something. That Assassin was still being tortured for it by that bitch of a superior.

Just then she felt a pressure. She looked at the direction of the place where it had originated from. She had a gift of finding magical presence, that's why the thing that appeared in the Ranga village had scared her so much. It suddenly appeared inside her range of sense as well as it contained enough magic that almost overloaded her senses. The killing intent on top made it pretty clear that she was royally screwed unless she fucked off somewhere fast. She shuddered even thinking about it.

'No human or anyone can contain such power, it's simply impossible!'

But now was not the time to think about it. She cannot go investigate tonight because the Lord was sending another batch of children. It would be suspicious if she was not there. She sympathized the Lord for doing something he was forced to do. But that's it, only sympathized because she valued her life more. Because it was not only for herself that she lived.

But tomorrow she can leave for a while without anyone being suspicious of it. Maybe, for a few hours or so. She was sure that it was some artifact that produced such a reaction for her. Maybe of Epic or even Legendary tier as well. Then she can use it as a bargain chip for the Cult to let her buy her freedom. Maybe she may be naive but she was sure that the [Cult] would not let her go despite there being few replacements for her. So after this heist she will take all the artifacts, sell it and earn huge amount of money and disappear. After all money was everything in this world.  

The next day

Kimiko Pov

She still got up early. She took a refreshing bath. Then she went to the pub and ordered her breakfast. It was simple chicken soup with some fresh garlic bread. It was enough for her as she still had those foods from her yesterday events. After some time, a waitress who she had not seen yesterday had arrived on her table. Getting the plates up she asked.

"Would'ya like some more?"

Kimiko shook her head as she replied.

"No, it's enough. Thank you for asking."

The waitress nodded and told her.

"Well, if ya'ar a new Adventurer, I suggest ya not to visit the Guild this early. There will be floods of new Adventurer this early so ya might just spend a little time before ya visit."

Kimiko nodded.

"Thank you for the information."

The waitress just grinned which remarkably looked like how the owner grinned. So Kimiko decided to spend a little time visiting the marketplace.

'Hmm I feel like I have made a blunder since yesterday when I heard the word golem.....  It's been nagging me since morning.'

She pondered on as she went to visit more places, preferably the marketplace if she could find some. Just then she could hear children running about happily playing pretend game.

"I am the golem master! I will send my golems to protect me."

Then Kimiko stopped right then and there.

'Golem....protect..... protect....'

Then she slapped her forehead with her eye twitching a bit. Then she went to an alley and dumped a crystal from her box.

"Summon Golem; Claire."

Then the crystal started to brighten up before it brightened down to reveal a girl in a French maid outfit. Not those scantily clad ones but full sleeved ones. She had yellow hair with blue eyes that seemed to shine like gems because they were made of gems. She was one of her humble servants which she had inside the box. These golems were special kinds of golems as well. Unlike other low level golems which created bodies from whatever it could get the materials from its surroundings, these golems had every material contained in its crystals. They were sentient as well. The Golem whose name was revealed to be Claire bowed before she curtsied.

"It's good to see you again, Mistress."

"Yes, it is good to see you again, Claire."

Claire however looked confused for a moment.

"You look......younger, Mistress."

Kimiko just smiled as she closed her eyes.

"Yes, I am. After my journey I was given a chance at rebirth."

"Is it so? Then I must congratulate you."

"Thank you but I have summoned you for a job."

Claire bowed as she replied.

"Your wish is my command, Mistress."

"Good. I'd like you to protect a certain young girl whose name is Rin, from the Ranga village in secret. Keep her at a distance but do not engage her. As my summoned creature I will bestow you a part of my memory as to where the village is as well as pick any armory from my personal storage."

The maid still bowing reviewed Kimiko's memory. She saw how she had arrived as well as the meeting up with Rin till her departure.

"She reminds you of 'her', doesn't she? That's why you go such lengths to protect her. Even as to bestow her an [Epic Tier Artifact]."

"Yes, a little. I believe Rin is 'her' descendant. However, it is weird. If she is truly ‘her’ descendant then I believe she should be somewhere well taken care of, not in this kind of place. I wonder what happened that her father left and came here. Also Rin is way too clingy. I do not know why though."

The maid chimed in.

"Maybe it is the skill 'she' let you devour before her demise. I believe it is a passive skill."

"Could be but leave it as it is. Take whatever things you need from my personal storage and proceed the mission. The [Cult] may try to do something and I might not be there always."

"Yes, Mistress. I would like the robes and the clothes you used to scare the Cult member. It seems I can roleplay in it. It has invisibility spell on it as well so it is very convenient."

"Are you sure? It's passive and defensive value is quite low for it's Tier."

"Yes, I am sure Mistress. But I would like to ask Mistress a question."

"Yes, ask away."

"When are you going to summon my sisters?"

Kimiko pondered.

"I will when I own my own mansion in the future. It won't take long and the sisters will be there to take care of it. Or when the time comes if I need more hands, I will summon them."

Claire looked happy, which was unusual for a golem.

"Yes, Mistress. I bid you farewell."

By saying this Claire disappeared in an instant. Kimiko looked at the place where Claire had disappeared. These were combat maid filled up by golems. The same kind as that of Solomon's, who had established the guild, but less powerful. Their level was from 400 to 500 while Solomon's golem was 500 and getting even stronger. Now that Rin was in good hand it was time for her to leave for the Guild. She arrived to the Guild in five minute. It seemed that the place was less crowded than she had anticipated. There was a big board where Quests were posted. She arrived near the board only to see Rosalind coming towards the board as well with a Quest paper on hand. She smiled politely towards Kimiko.

"Good morning, Kimiko-san."

"Good morning, Rosalind-san. What are you doing?"

Rosalind looked at the quest paper on her hand and said.

"Well new quests have to be posted and this one just came in. It is quite interesting as well. You can meet me in the counter if you are interested as well."

Then Rosalind posted a new Quest on the board which Kimiko looked at.

'It is the Rare Exploration Quest. Let's see the details.'

Quest Type: Exploration Quest

Rank: All


 A woodcutter seemed to have found a cavern which was not there before. He had informed the Guild about it. Some Guild staff went there for confirmation and it seems it was just recently found and none has claimed it so it is likely an Unexplored ruins. It is most likely as big as small city.


Unknown therefore caution required.

Adventurers required:



Whatever valuables found in the ruin.


 Meeting in front of the ruin just 2 km north of Aron city at 2 pm today.


Kimiko seemed to be interested and it was free for all so she went towards Rosalind.

"Guess so. I would like to enter the Exploration Quest."

"Yes, of course. Give me your Guild card please."

Kimiko nodded and handed her Guild card. After half a minute later, her Guild card returned.

"All the best and be careful. Sometimes, unexplored ruins may harbor dangers that can threaten your life. Please don't do anything foolish."

Kimiko nodded and looked around. It was just 11 am.

Edited: 21-Nov-2020 Grammar Improvement, sometimes it is annoying because I always seem to write 'Grammer'. Oh the irony.

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