A Former Hero’s Journey : I just want to live peacefully!

Prologue: The End and the Start of a Journey



The sky was jet black even though it was still midday. Thunder could be heard rumbling on a lone island. Weapons lay scattered and stabbed on the ground as their hilts faced the black inky sky. Countless numbers of dead bodies of humans, demi-humans, elves, dwarves along with grotesque monsters were seen scattered all over the place. Some places were filled with frigid cold ice while other places were terraformed into lava pits, which was the work of magicians from opposing sides.

Bodies could also be seen frozen in the icy wasteland as well as burning into bits on the side of lava zones. Such were the might of wielder of Magics. But the fierce warriors were also nothing to scoff at. Gouged lands hundreds of feet deep could also be seen as a testament to their strength. But right now the land was silent. As in the middle of the island was a tall tower so high that it seemed to touch the sky.

The tower was pitch black in color. Ominous design was used to craft this tower along with the most precious ores found on the World of Vesperia. At the top of the tower laid, a wide open space was there. On the open space, two distinct figures could be seen. The first was a young girl, no older than 19. She was a very beautiful girl. Her long jet black hair complemented her stoic face. She would have been more beautiful if she wasn’t so bruised.

She was known as Kimiko, one of the seven Heroes as well as the person who was summoned from another world. The second could be best described as a mass of black mass with purple tendrils. This thing was known to people as [The Strongest Demon King]. He seemed to have merged with the corpse of the Demon God boosting his power to ridiculous level. But he was just defeated by the lone Hero.

An emotionless voice, which was known as the [Voice of the World], was heard.

[You have defeated Demon King Kosmo]    

[You have gained Exp. 4,500,000,000,000!]

[Level Up! Level Up! ..……Level Up!]

The girl was musing to herself, her voice as cold as ice.

“Leveled up 12 times? Was there a reason why he is rated so high? Maybe to Gods?”

[You have broken through Lvl. 950! You have gained the Title {Unparalleled}!]


A spiteful voice could be heard in that writhing black mass. A battered man could be seen. He could be considered a very handsome man if it not for his paler than pale skin, two long curved horns and the black sclera with red iris. He was grievously wounded in the chest and a large gaping hole could be seen in his chest.


A voice could be heard just then, a voice so alien and foreign that it brought a chill on both the Demon King and to Kimiko.

Sigh….Your job is over slave….”

Kimiko narrowed her eyes while the Demon King was astonished,

“Wha-! That voice, I know it! Ack---!”

Then suddenly he began to clutch his chest in pain and gritted his teeth. Sweats could be seen falling from his pale face as he shook. Then a big eyeball could be seen in his chest hole. Suddenly four long twisted grey arms burst out from his back. His royal coat that was drenched in his blood was now in tatters. Those four arms suddenly seemed to gain their own life and each of them seemed to touch a part of his body. The hand of those arms seemed to transform into roots of plants and drilled inside of him. But before he could scream his eyes suddenly grew dull and he seemed to walk like a lethargic person.

The voice then said,

“Now with that hindrance out of the way, let us talk Hero-san. How about forming an alliance, would you? You seem to detest the God as well so how about joining us?”

Kimiko seemed unsurprised as she responded.

“Join the Demons? No way….”

“Hahaha but we are not demon. We are something more….ancient, I guess. We hate the Gods as much as you do so why not join our race? This puppet of a body is about to expire soon so what is your answer, Hero? Will you join us and prosper or….”

But Kimiko was unperturbed.

“So you are from THAT race.”

The eyeball seemed to be surprised.

“Ho! There are humans who knows about us?”

“No but you just confirmed my hypothesis.”

“Ah! A smart lass, eh?”

The voice seemed to be gleeful.

“So what is your answer little girl? Want to join our majestic race. If you help us, then I will surely put some good words for you to our Eminence.”

Kimiko replied instantly.


“hah…..such a pity….THEN DIE!!”

The Demon King’s body suddenly moved and appeared in front of Kimiko. He swung his hand downward in a chopping motion. Suddenly, a dark red arc seemed to form on his hand.

[A@ti-m@#$er skill was used!]

It seemed that this attack skill was alien to the world itself as there was no information about it.

Kimiko then suddenly brought her sword forward and tried to stop it. The dark red arc seemed to zap over her head and completely covered her as well as the sky behind her. It seemed to split the sky and cleaved the black spell that had been casted in the sky above by the [Demon King].

The voice did not seem to be pleased as his focus was on the spell that was starting to break.

“Tsk! The spell that blocked the God’s eye seems to be destroyed at this rate. Tsk! Tsk! I have to open the gates fast otherwise who knows if the Gods or ‘that’ thing may intervene.”

Much to his surprise, the icy voice from earlier returned.


[Unique Job Skill: Origin gazer used! Target partially appraised,

Name:----------   Race: Parasite 

HP:---------  MP:----------

Made from *&%$#$%, only contains 1/100000 of it’s power 

Used for scouting and complete control over the host. Made from foreign race not recorded in the Ode of The World or the information on it has been restricted!!]

“Huh!!?? How are you still alive?”

But before it could get the answer, Kimiko suddenly appeared in front of him,

“My turn.

‘Rend the relentless Heaven!

Tear down the fabrics of reality

To destroy my enemies

And answer my call!

[Heaven Ender]’”

A bright golden light seemed to appear on her sword. Space seemed to ripple around the sword. Wherever the sword passed, tears in space and reality appeared. Finally, that sword was hacked into the puppet body of the Parasite. The world turned grey for an instant. The sword sliced into the host body and cleaved it vertically in half like a knife through the butter. The two parts fell down after a few seconds.

“Huh! This is just middle level sword skill in the Job [Skill Tree]….not even higher leveled sword skill…… this Parasite is weaker than anticipated…”

[You have defeated the Parasite of *&%$#$%!]

[You have gained Exp. 1200!]

[You have received the Gratitude of the World]

“Hmmm…..Maybe with this I will be able to use that. That person did say I need the support of the World to unleash it….”

Kimiko said to herself in melancholy, before suddenly staring intensely at the Corpse. It wiggled for few seconds and then reattached itself and suddenly dashed towards the one things that stood aside from them. A large slab of grey stone which had some unknown runes engraved on it. The runes started to glow purple when the Parasite neared towards it. Kimiko felt a dread form in her heart. She dashed towards the Parasite even breaking the sound barrier in the process. She was intent on ending its life once and for all. As if sensing her intent, the Parasite suddenly used its two arms and cleaved it in its chest, taking out the eyeball and crushed it before muttering something.

Suddenly the runes on the slab brightened more and more and the space warped. The slab of stone suddenly cracked bit by bit and were swallowed inside the slab which had some purple wormhole kind of thing sucking the air. The Parasite suddenly laughed so hard that the mouth seemed to tear apart.


Only to be destroyed thoroughly by Kimiko.

“Ack….I…..I will curse you in the name of *&%$#$% , My main body will find you, remember it and when he does he will enslave you to his will!!!”

[Cursed by *&%$#$%! The individual cannot hide her presence from *&%$#$% even if the host uses her stealth technique unless she is stronger than the *&%$#$%!]


The situation seemed dire enough already so she ignored the message from [The Voice of World]. She didn’t know what to do. There was only one thing that could stop it, the spell from earlier, but it required her to sacrifice her life. Her calm façade broke a little as she contemplated her journey from zero to hero. Then she was reminded what her friends did for her to achieve the peace they sought. She sighed and smiled derisively at herself for wavering. Then, she closed her eyes and hardened her resolve. She started to chant as golden aura poured from her body.

 “From the World we are born, from the World we are gone,”

The world began to lose its luster as the golden aura expanded. Every word from her mouth seemed to weave and shape reality itself.

“Forsake thy Mortal Shell and transcend the infinite”

“The chains that bind thee, shall break when reached to the Limit”

“And from there you shall deliver, the attack that destroys the Origin”

“Or seal away the most Blasphemous of Origin”

[What shall you use? Grand Origin Seal/Firmament Breaker?]

[Used “Grand Origin Seal!”] 

The Grand Magic King, her companion who was an unprecedented genius. He had made several different spells compatible and more powerful for her, the Sword Saintess. This one was made using the Forgotten Divine language, the language of the Gods. But his talent was so great that even using the language, he could maximize their power to a whole another level.

The world exploded into brilliant white light. A huge white circle appeared which consisted many lines as well as containing some unknown runes and languages exploded from the top of the tower forming a complex seal. Then atop it, a smaller circular seal appeared, then another and another and another forming a complex structure composed of hundreds of it. Then they all joined together one by one into one singular complex circular structure. There it appeared chains with spearheads on it. Countless spearheads attached to chains appeared and blasted off into the air reaching the skies before performing complex aerial maneuvers.

Then five of it fell down and impaled Kimiko on her hands and legs and one of them wrapped around her neck. It lifted her up and kept it in front of the stone slab. Then it all the remaining spearheads stabbed towards the outer part of the stone slab and brought her body closer to it in order to complete the spell that could seal away anything. As this was happening, Kimiko felt a certain calm in her mind.

“This is it, this is how I die, huh? Becoming a seal between this Realm and the unknown Realm.  I guess it’s not a bad ending eh? It is a lot better than becoming the pawn of the Gods. But at least, I wanted to get the taste of Curry of my world prepared by the nuns, one last time”

She closed her eyes and prepared for death. Her conscious grew hazy when she heard the [Voice of the World].

[The Individual performed a merit that earned a Favor from “The Creators of the System”!]

[Verifying the Host’s last wish……Wish: To be sent back to her world……Acknowledged]

[Proceeding to extraction of the body……. Failed……. Reason: Due to the Spell cast by the User has touched the domain of Origin……. impossible….. impossible….. impossible….. sending a report…… failed…… interference from the laws……. Must decide soon….. Priority: Fulfilling the primary wish…… Continue…..]

[Proceeding to extract the soul……..Succeeded….]

[Sending the Host to the Joint World: Earth]


[May you find your ‘Curry’, dear Host!]


Kimiko could feel herself swimming gently. Many hand like apparition seemed to grab her but she didn’t mind them, somehow it made her feel safe. Then suddenly she felt herself be accelerated and rocked here and there and suddenly she could feel herself be slipped into something and then she could not feel herself anymore. Time progressed on as few months or so later she could feel herself be …..pushed?  She tried to wiggle but the space contracted around her and she was pushed out.

‘What the hell?’

Suddenly, blinding light assaulted her eye as she found herself wanting to wail uncontrollably. Her hands felt small so did her whole body for some reason. Then she reached the conclusion, that she had turned into a BABY!? But it seemed that her body instinct won against her mind’s desire as she…….

“Wahhh...hhh...hhh...h...hh..h.hhh..hhhhh !”

Cried uncontrollably.

At the hospital

“Dear, it’s our baby daughter !!”

A beautiful woman with black shoulder length hair who wore hospital gown could be seen inside the bed. She looked at her baby lovingly. She looked haggard with tired eyes after her delivery of the baby.

A handsome Japanese man with a short beard and glasses was near to her spoke with confidence.

“Yes Fumiko, you have just given birth to the most beautiful daughter!!!”

 “Oh Daichi…..What shall we name her?”

He seemed to think for a while.

“How about Kimiko, a child without equal? After all that was the name of your great grandmother who you loved, wasn’t it?”

The woman looked to be thinking for a while before smiling brightly and agreeing to his suggestion,

“What an excellent name, Kimiko our lovely daughter!!”

Somewhere in the World of Vesperia

A man wearing a black suit could be seen atop the tower gazing at something. He was analyzing the seal made by a troublesome Sword Saintess. Her body could be seen attached to the Stone slab where monstrous amount of powers could be felt. Her body seemed to act as a seal of some sorts as she was chained to the stone slab. The spell used here was of Divine Language. A blunder in his part for not destroying such languages from the history of Mortals.

“Hmmm…It seems that I cannot harvest her soul because it is not there. It was the same with her allies as well, their souls are not in the cycle of reincarnation. This time the Hero harvest seemed to have failed…..But oh well, I do not lack the time. With this menace of a Demon King gone maybe the civilization can flourish for a bit from ruins. Oh well, It’s …… acceptable at least. Though the Demon King used the God spell to block our view from what was happening inside. Well, all that matters are the end results.”

He looked thoughtfully for a while.

“I wonder when the next batch of Heroes and Demon King will arise? That time we will summon a lot of Heroes as well. Fufufu! But it will take a hundred years though. By then I will continue to study the [System]. It still eludes ‘me’ after all.”

Then that person simply vanished into thin air. That site would become the famous site where the Heroes of the World perished killing the Strongest Demon King and sacrificed her life to seal the demons away. Even the Gods did not know what had truly transpired. The story of ‘The Six brave Heroes of Vesperia’ would be famous than any other many heroic stories from then onwards.

Edited: 12-Nov-2020

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