A Girl Who Wants to Be a Beneficial Person to Society

Chapter 384: School Starts

Chapter 384

On the high-speed train, Xiao Qi didn't chat much with Wen Wen. She sat down and took out a book to read.

The train was bustling with people, as many new students were heading back to school. Xiao Qi felt like it was just yesterday when she started school. Time flies by so quickly.

But now she was already eighteen years old, no longer a 17-year-old girl, but a legal adult at 18.

After such a long break, she really missed school and her roommates.

Because the village now had internet, Xiao Qi shared her home life with her roommates every day. They would exchange photos and chat.

Wei Cheng shared about their family's mushroom greenhouse. Her parents decided to expand the cultivation and introduce a new, expensive mushroom variety this year. Her parents spent most of their time in the greenhouse, and her siblings had also returned home, making the house lively.

Mi Er shared about her family's clothing factory. She had made quite a bit of money this year and had become a small business owner, selling clothes from her own factory. However, she rarely mentioned her parents, as they seemed busy and rarely appeared.

As for Yun Shu, she was always busy with various activities her mother dragged her to. She was on the verge of a breakdown and couldn't wait for school to start.

Xiao Qi also shared the lively scenes from her hometown's live stream, astonishing her roommates. They even went to watch Xiao Qi's parents' live stream, which was truly magical.

Although Xiao Qi was reading on the way, she was also very excited.

Wen Wen really wanted to talk to Xiao Qi, but seeing her studying, she didn't want to disturb her. So, she picked up a book to read as well and found herself surprisingly efficient. She was able to memorize in two hours on the high-speed train what usually took her two days. The memory was very deep.

It's no wonder having an idol by her side seemed to give her study superpowers. If she were by her side every day, her own study efficiency would surely be doubled. Wen Wen's thoughts were beautiful, but she also knew it was impossible. However, the thought of her idol becoming her cousin made her very happy. She planned to treat Xiao Qi to a meal, and her roommates would surely be surprised to see them together.

And Xiao Qi was really working hard. She was actually trying to complete her credits ahead of time. She was so outstanding and so diligent, studying all the way. Wen Wen had originally thought the other party had some kind of natural talent, but thinking about it, it wasn't the case. She had really worked hard to get where she was.

They arrived at the station.

Wen Wen saw the car coming to pick up Xiao Qi and fainted directly.

Was that a Bentley?

She had only seen it online before.

Then she saw the young man in front of the Bentley, who was incredibly, incredibly good-looking.

Lin Min from their school was already considered the new school grass, looking refined and elegant. But the young man in front of her was like a blossoming flower. Not only was he very elegant, but he was also indescribable. Handsome, so handsome, really handsome...

Seeing Xiao Qi walk over, the young man ran over and hugged her, spinning her around. They looked very close, and Wen Wen couldn't help feeling a little worried. Was this Xiao Qi's boyfriend? He was very handsome and seemed very considerate, but his family background seemed too good.

She felt that social status was still very important, like her father who was just a fruit seller, finding Xiao Qi, a caregiver, was actually not much different. Even though Xiao Qi was impressive, she came from an ordinary family. On the other hand, this boy was obviously extraordinary. Not just any family could casually drive a Bentley, accompanied by a middle-aged servant in formal attire.

But she didn't mention this to Xiao Qi, instead thinking of bringing it up next time. After all, she was being sent to school in a Bentley, it was unbelievable... she had never been so vain in her life. When she got off the car, she felt like her body was light.

Xiao Qi and Zaizai first sent her, the newly appointed cousin, to school, and the system sincerely admired her, rewarding Xiao Qi with +1 aura.

Xiao Qi realized that this cousin was also an NPC-style character, unlocking system skills as long as she interacted with her.

After sending off her cousin, Xiao Qi and Zaizai were alone in the car, with the butler driving in front.

She heard her young master finally speak after a while, "Did you have a good holiday?"

The butler: ... Clearly, they were video chatting last night, asking about the holiday was just nonsense.

"It was good, and you?" Xiao Qi asked.

The butler: ... Forget it, you guys continue talking.

Then she heard the two discussing this year's class schedule.

"I've already studied JAVA and C++ in advance. Do you have any questions? You can ask me. ASP feels a bit more difficult, but it should be okay. Our graduation project is to create a small program. Do you have any ideas?"

Talking about these things made Zaizai sit up straighter, looking as if he was facing a teacher's question, and said seriously, "During the holiday, my brother found me some male tutors. I've learned some, but I still don't understand some parts. However, I've summarized all the questions, and we can discuss them together later. We still don't have a direction for the small program. If you have one, we can do it together."

Blah blah blah...

The butler couldn't understand the academic discussion, but he felt very reassured.

The two felt like they had only been chatting for a moment when they arrived at the school.

This time, Xiao Qi brought a lot of luggage, mostly various snacks. There was chicken mushroom oil made by her mother for Zaizai, made from wild chicken mushrooms, which could be used as a topping for rice or noodles, very fragrant. There were also two cans of chili, slightly spicy, but also very appetizing. All made by herself, not available outside. The chili was grown by people from her hometown and added with flat beans, making the taste very unique.

There were also some braised snacks for her roommates.

There were also cloth bags, which Xiao Qi said her roommates liked, so Sheng Juanhua made four of them.

With all these things, it felt like there were big and small packages, because it wasn't good to put food in the suitcase, afraid it would spill.

Zaizai got out of the Bentley and sent the butler back, taking the chili and chicken mushroom oil with him.

Xiao Qi didn't think it was bad either. It was really about the other party's family background. Even if you gave diamonds, it wouldn't be expensive enough. Two pounds of cordyceps, this gift was too unique. It was probably just the right thing in the eyes of the other party's parents, the amount they sent.

As for the chicken mushroom oil and chili, they were the share of Xiao Qi's parents. It was at this level, a kind of intention, the etiquette of reciprocity. If it really had to be of equal value, it couldn't compare. Thinking like this, Xiao Qi still felt quite pressured.

The two of them walked to the girls' dormitory together, and there were many people on the way to school.

The two of them walking together could be said to be the most beautiful scenery, very well-matched, with a calm gaze.

Chu Yu also returned to school today. It was her brother who brought her because of her "weak health." Her brother drove a BMW, which was quite nice. She wanted to show off, but when she saw Xiao Qi and Li Weijin stopping the car in front, she didn't say a word.

In college, she didn't learn anything else, but she learned the brand of luxury cars.

Seeing that scene was particularly eye-catching.

She thought her brother's BMW was very nice, but compared to the car in front, she could probably buy a wheel.

She had never thought that she was inferior to Xiao Qi in any way. It seemed that her college entrance exam score was even a few points higher than Xiao Qi's. Why?

She still felt that she was deep in scheming.

She always felt that if it wasn't for Xiao Qi, it would probably be herself getting out of the Bentley now.

She was unhappy all the way, and her brother thought she was tired from the car ride. This sister of hers always had a heavy mind and a weak body, there was nothing he could do.

"Go back and rest well, remember to call mom and dad, otherwise they will worry about you. If you need anything, brother will buy it for you."

Chu Yu nodded listlessly, looking like she was about to "fall ill" again, which made her brother very worried.

She didn't expect that after a winter vacation, Xiao Qi and Li Weijin had not broken up. She heard from the group that Li Weijin went to Xiao Qi's hometown in the countryside, and she could actually endure it.

It was simply unbelievable. She had been to the countryside before, her grandmother's house was in the countryside, and she couldn't stand it for a day, it was disgusting, dirty and messy. The people in the countryside were also particularly impolite, her grandmother's cooking was not clean, and the bed sheets and quilts in the room were from goodness knows what era. In short, she was disgusted from the bottom of her heart. Every time she went, she had to "fall ill" after a day, and everyone had to send her back to the city.

Xiao Qi didn't know that Chu Yu had returned to school. Seeing her reaction when she got off the car with Zaizai, she separated from Zaizai at the entrance of the girls' dormitory area and easily carried a big bag of things by herself.

Li Weijin watched Xiao Qi enter the dormitory building, feeling that she looked particularly heroic and beautiful even while carrying a big bag, with a bright smile on her face.

He rarely smiled before, but when he did, he was simply radiant, attracting a group of girls to stop at the entrance of the girls' dormitory building.

It was probably the feeling of love, everything seemed good, everything seemed cheerful, and joyful.

Xiao Qi returned to the dormitory, and her roommates had all arrived. Mier had arrived a day early, saying that home was too boring and she couldn't stand it.

Wei Cheng and Yunshu came in the morning, and Wei Cheng had taken a car to Fucheng and then followed Yunshu's family's car.

Several people brought delicious food, but Mi'er surprisingly didn't bring any. She explained that she was in a hurry.

Xiao Qi felt something was off. It seemed like Mi'er wasn't as cheerful as she was in the previous semester. She didn't laugh foolishly and would furrow her brow slightly. Xiao Qi didn't know what had happened.

When Yunshu arrived for the new semester, she seemed completely different. It was as if her eyebrows had changed. She helplessly said, "My mom took me to get my eyebrows tattooed. It was recommended by my mom's friend, who said it was done by a master who tattoos eyebrows for celebrities. She said that eyebrows represent fortune or something."

Both Xiao Qi and Mi'er couldn't help but laugh. Yunshu's eyebrow spacing was a bit wide, making her look a bit dull.

But now they were not only wide but also thick, giving a sense of dullness and foolishness, as if she had been tricked by her mom's friend.

Yunshu waved her hand nonchalantly, "It's actually not bad. This way, those friends' children won't come over, and I can read novels in peace."

The group chatted and laughed, sharing the food they brought from home, all very excited.

Xiao Qi's mom made a big bag of fried sweet beans for her to share with her classmates. Xiao Qi didn't want to bring them, but her mom insisted, always worried that she wouldn't get along well with her classmates. Giving some food was always a good thing.

Although she felt that giving food wouldn't make people treat her differently, some people would never remember your kindness no matter how much of your stuff they ate, like her high school roommate Xia Zhen. But it was still her mom's intention, a simple concept of pleasing others, not useful, but also not offensive. Xiao Qi still went to deliver them.

There weren't many girls in their class, just a few dormitories, and Xiao Qi had a small bag for each dormitory.

When she arrived at the dormitory across the hall, she didn't expect that Su Li would also be there early this year.

Just after the New Year, it was also the coldest time of the year in Meng City, and it was rare to need to wear a coat or cotton clothes. Su Li, a petite figure, was wearing a wide purple cotton coat, tight jeans, and boots, looking quite handsome.

Seeing Xiao Qi bring food, she said it was made by her mom and then proudly took out a piece of ham from her drawer... authentic Spanish ham. She felt a bit embarrassed as she said, "My mom went to Spain for the New Year and brought back some local specialties for you."

Although surprised by this awkward return gift, Xiao Qi still thanked her and accepted it. Courtesy is reciprocal, and after getting to know Su Li, she knew that she was just outwardly proud but actually quite nice.

Su Li's return gift was one thing, but Xiao Qi didn't expect that later in the day, Chu Yu, the sickly girl, would also bring a return gift - a bag of chocolates. It was quite rare, as she was usually very generous with boys, but quite stingy with girls, never treating anyone. It was a reverse psychology feeling, with a high level of play. The boys all thought she was generous and easy to get along with, but because she was a bit weak, they also felt sorry for her. The girls all found her quite annoying, but because she was physically weak, they didn't want to provoke her.

Xiao Qi always felt that it was not easy to accept this bag of chocolates. Sure enough, in the evening, when Xiao Qi went to the rooftop to hang her clothes, Chu Yu followed her.

She followed Xiao Qi, chatting as if they were close friends.

Xiao Qi: ... Just say what you want to say, don't beat around the bush, time is precious. "Xiao Qi, I know you have prejudices against me, but I have never meant any harm. I just want to tell you that you and Li Weijin can never be together. You may still be naive in school, but once you enter society, you'll realize the importance of matching social status. You come from an ordinary peasant family, while Li Weijin's family in Meng City is said to be one of the wealthiest. How do you think you'll get along with his parents? Your parents will definitely be looked down upon by his. You're smart, you must know that it's better to end things sooner rather than later. I think you should really consider this." Chu Yu spoke earnestly, with a slightly furrowed brow, as if speaking from the heart.

Xiao Qi couldn't believe the sincerity in her expression. If someone didn't know better, they'd think she was her best friend for life.

"Thank you for your concern, but my affairs are none of your business." Xiao Qi felt disgusted by Chu Yu's demeanor, as if she had just eaten a fly.

Matching social status? It was indeed an unavoidable topic, but she was only eighteen, and she hadn't even thought about it. Her parents hadn't even warned her about it, so why was Chu Yu, a regular classmate, butting in?

Despite being much more open-minded, Xiao Qi still felt nauseated and downcast that evening.

It wasn't until the next day when Xiao Qi received news from the student council president, Xiao Shengzhou, about the completion of the school she had donated to, along with some pictures, that she was able to brush off the unpleasant feelings.

The new school wasn't large, but it was clean and bright, with students inside wearing genuine smiles.

Each smile was so genuine that it couldn't be contained, and Xiao Qi could feel the joy radiating from the photos. Real joy. Suddenly, Xiao Qi had a moment of clarity, and she knew what she wanted to do.

She wanted to create a system that everyone could use, a system where simply walking would earn you money.

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