A Gorgeous White

Chapter 39: Moulin's Corrupted Charm

The sun of the afternoon sky was bright and warm and the shadows of the rustling leaves of trees dance on the crystal window panes. One would think that nothing wrong would come to happen on such a wonderful day... at least not for Moulin.

The soft sobs of his mother pricked his heart like tiny needles.

Moulin originally thought that the only reason his mother dragged him out from his training was that he needed to compensate her for the time he hadn't spent with her. They would have lovely tea, talk with smiles on their faces, and even banter with each other. Unfortunately, what happened after they sat down for tea in his mother's precious tearoom caught him off guard. Lady Maxiel suddenly burst out in tears right in front of him.

Honestly, he didn't know what to do.

"Mother, please tell me what's wrong?"

"Son..." She said, her voice quivering, "Do you not trust your mother?"

Wiping the tears from under her eyes with a handkerchief, she peeked at his worried expression with a smile inside.

"How could I not trust you? What would make you think of that?" Moulin nervously asked. Did he do something wrong? But he was sure he didn't recall anything he had done to hurt his dear mother.

With a glint under her wet lashes, she looked straight into her son's silver eyes. "Why didn't you tell me that you have decided to travel to Thaeria for the Azuran Academy? Do... you not have your mother in your mind when you confided to your father?" She said between sobs as tears fells down from her cheeks. She looked betrayed and hurt.

Moulin blinked. I... what?

With furrowed eyebrows, he sighed. His eyes staring helplessly at his mother. Admittedly, he did forget to tell her. His brothers already knew from their father but he guessed they were planning to tell her a bit later. Mother was obviously sensitive about Moulin once again leaving the manor.

"I'm sorry. I was planning to tell mother sooner." Moulin apologized, his tone both soft and careful. To his dismay, his mother continued to cry.

Moulin felt helpless with the current situation, his forehead began to sweat as his mother's soft sobs entered his ears. What should he do? He wasn't particularly good at comforting people.

"Mother, please don't cry. What should I do to ease your distress?" He surrendered. He shifted slightly on his seat.

The moment his words sank into her ears, Lady Maxiel stopped. She looked at her son after she wiped away the wetness on her bright eyes. "Do you want to ease away my sadness?"

Facing the unusual shift of his mother's mood, Moulin unconsciously gulped. How was it so easy for her to change her mood? He felt that he was already caught in a trap. "I-I will do what you wish"

She smiled.

"Then will you not blame your dear mother if she wishes to steal every hour of your day?"

"Pardon?" Moulin blinked.

Wouldn't that completely disrupt his training sessions?

Lady Maxiel frowned at her son's reaction. "Silly fool, I wouldn't keep you from your training. I only want to spend more time with you before you leave for the Azuran Recruitment trials". Honestly, this son of hers... so adorable.

"Ah... I had misunderstood" He sheepishly whispered, redness covering his cheeks. "Then I will comply with Madam's wishes".

" Indeed, you shall"

She suddenly stood up from her seat, her jewelry twinkle against the light. "Let us start now"

The youth was baffled, "N-now?"

"Yes, now" Her hands pulled him up from his seat and she grasped his arm as the Lady of the Manor began to drag her son out of her tearoom.

Moulin knew that from this moment, He could only surrender helplessly to his mother's every wish.

The days went by and the date of his departure approached. Pola and the servants gradually fussed around him, saddened and worried about his journey. The rims of Pola's eyes were frequently red as she followed wherever her young master goes. She knew she could not tag along in her master's journey so she did every means to cling to her master like a worrisome mother.

The Captain and the Head seer were even more disapproving. They felt it wasn't good for Moulin to rashly journey to Thaeria for the Azuran Guild recruitment. The young master indeed has outstanding ability and is very intelligent but it wouldn't be right to abruptly cease his training. With a little persuasion, Lord Dontae, Moulin's father, finally decided to move Moulin's departure a few weeks further to better prepare him.

An afternoon in the House of Tremaine, where all seers of the Noble Fraunces House settle and toil. In the silent stone hallways leading to a particular elven mage's crafting room, a white-haired youth followed by his energetic white little beast walked with unhurriedly. The Mages House was named after Moulin's grandmother, for her fanatic passion for magic. A majority of seers have lived in Tremaine and only two mages lived along with them.

Standing in front of a wooden door carved with intricate designs of flowers, Moulin knocked twice.

"Come in"

Moulin picked up Snow in his arms and carefully opened the door. The natural scent of flowers and herbs entered his nose as he took in the sight of a wide messy room. There were all kinds of carvings and wooden furniture which for Moulin were poorly arranged. There was wooden dust on the floor and the books on the shelves were carelessly organized, even a few stacks were left there on the floor as if it were part of the furniture in the room. Colahn's blabbering about Phaelona's clutter-like workroom was true after all.

However, a huge circular window lighted the room, and all kinds of flowers were arranged beautifully in pots and even small saplings were perfectly trimmed. The elf was probably favored arranging her plants than cleaning up her workplace.

Phaelona's figure was busy working on something on an unusually clean wooden desk. Her hair tied in a neat ponytail making her ears exposed to Moulin's eyes. She was no longer wearing her usual robes of white but wore a comfortable yellowish dress and a brown dirty half apron tied around her waist. She looked more of a wood maker than an elegant mage elf of high status.

"I was expecting you, young master"

There was a look of surprise on Moulin's face, "You were?"

"I hope you have already forgiven me for my past mistakes" She turned to look at him. She smiled sincerely while she was still holding some sort of magnifying glass.

With a blank look, Moulin replied, "Let's forget the past events"

"...Of course"

She put down what she was holding and wiped her hands with a rag, "Is there anything I can help you with, young master?"

Moulin nodded and presented the clueless Snow he held in his hands like an offering, his serious expression didn't quite match his adorable action, "Can I get him a beast collar?"

"Is it for your travels?"

"Yes, it is." He nodded. Snow was curiously looking around the room in hope that he could find something he could bite and nibble.

Beast collars symbolized an owned magical beast. It is created differently than ordinary animal collars. It carries a protection spell to protect the beast and a spell to amplify the beast's abilities. Some beast collars came with a punishing spell, it's would release mana current to hurt the beast if the owner would deem them disobedient and disloyal. Of course, Moulin could not even yield to a glimpse of Snow's beady eyes, he obviously could not bear to hurt his little bratty fox.

"I have never made a beast collar for an Ancient Opallian fox before. This would be interesting..." The she-elf leaned closer to Snow's furry head with a smile on her lips. "It should also be able to bear his transformation as well. It will take a couple of days, would that be alright?" She asked.

Moulin nodded, "hm"

"Splendid. I'll have my assistant send you the list of the materials needed" Her eyes gleamed brightly as she smiled at him.


Moulin was feeling a bit uncomfortable with the closeness between them. The elf's eyes were staring at him far too deeply. He unconsciously stepped back to put space between them. His silver eyes blinked confusingly at her.

"Young master..." She suddenly started.


She grinned, "Do you have someone in your heart?"



A crease appeared between his brows as the third young master stared at the mage. He felt awfully confused, "I do not..."

Phaelona tilted her head. The grin never left her beautiful face. "See it. The red pearl of yearning growing inside you. It glows a bright gold, very exquisite..."

Phaelona wasn't a seer but the Moore blood in her veins made her see what others could not. The Moore elves were a very ancient race existing even long before the Red War. Her ancestors were pure of blood and spirit as a result when they were infected by demons it took quite a long time to fully consume their pure mana.

Phaelona eyes looked into Moulin's eyes and she could have not mistaken it... Everyone knew of the moonflower beside the third young master's bed.

"I suggest you stop testing me" Moulin frowned. His silver eyes boring into her.

"Ah, forgive me" she smiled, helplessly. The young master could not even joke with her, she finds her situation unfortunate.

Snow escaped from Moulin's hold with a bit of twisting and hopped on a stack of books playfully. He began climbing on the shelf like a monkey.

Moulin intended to leave right after he told her what he needed, however, he saw a very familiar stone sitting on a marbled dish on the elf's working desk. Phaelona instantly noticed where his sight has landed and a corner of her lips lifted. With a finger, she beckoned Moulin to follow her to the desk.

The youth blinked and curiously walked to her. He stood beside her and saw the stone in a clear view. Moulin's brows lifted in surprise, "Is that..."

"The charm I gave you when you departed to Faerim City." She nodded, "Pola had found it in the pockets of your clothes when she was collecting for the laundry. You were busy with your training so she delivered it to me."

She brought out her hand and the stone glowed and drifted off the dish to hover above her hand. The elf's nails glowed bright green as she levitated the stone. She peeked at Moulin who neared his face out of curiosity, she restrained a smile, "Look closer. Do you find anything strange?"

Moulin squinted his eyes, as he scrutinized the stone floating above her hand. He had certainly recalled the stone was dark grey when he had first received it. "The color...it-"

"Changed, yes. It was already a deep red when Pola sent it to me. This stone is a purifier. It helps clean out any impurities that would dare enter the bearer's body. It also helps amplify the bearer's summoned weapon in dire situations. I believe you had carried it with you during the incident of the Moonflower gathering. Do you want to know what else I have discovered?"

Moulin nodded.

"The reason I'm not touching it is because it is filled with corrupted energy." Her brows knitted together as she frowned. "The purifier energy inside was completely devoured."

"That's..." Moulin's eyes widened. How can elven mana be easily devoured? It was purer than the holy energy of the temple springs in Aurona.

"This corrupted mana inside... it is a unique devouring energy which feeds from pure energy. Even I have seen nothing like this in all my years of study. I fear it is something I am unknowledgeable about." She frowned but there was a hint of interest in her bright eyes.

The energy of the moonflowers during the raid crossed his mind. It was so corroding and malevolent that he could feel it's pressure on himself. Truly terrifying...

"I have to report this to His Lordship" She placed the stone back on the dish and she turned to face Moulin. with a smile. "Perhaps I'll be finishing your little beast's collar before you depart. It will take a while but I'm sure young master is a patient man"


Moulin only nodded in reply. Although there were a lot of things in his mind, he can explain it to her later. His mother must be looking for him at this moment. Moulin thanked her in a soft voice and he left with Snow not long after.

Once again, Phaelona was left with the silence of her room. Gone was the smile on her face. With an unusual blank expression, she looked at the red stone on the marbled dish.

Why did she feel something off from the young master in the moment he was scrutinizing the stone she had presented to him. Was it just her imagination? This time she really wasn't sure.

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