A Gorgeous White

Chapter 400: || || In A Room Of Ice-Wielders

Phaelona quietly took a sip of tea. Her eyes secretly eyed each and everyone of members of the Fraunces nobility. The room felt several degrees colder as she struggled to keep her calm expression before the eyes of several of Helios' prominent people. The dumb seer, her close friend who seemed oblivious of the room's atmosphere on the outside, unconsciously approached her while keeping a calm exterior as the room plummeted in suffocating silence. 

Surrounded by these famed ice-wielders, Phaelona internally shivered. However, she could not help but admit missing the presence of this powerful family. 

Colahn gently placed the artifact on the table for all to see. The round thing is cushioned by soft fabric and it gleamed under the light of the room. On it's glistening skin, the runes shimmered, making Moulin uncontrollably curious despite the loud excited beating of his heart. 

"There has been a miscalculation." Colahn announced, wiping his sweaty brow with a handkerchief. 

"On which part?" Maxille asked, glancing at his Father's deepening look. Everyone sat still to listen. 

"Unlocking the artifact to place the Lady's soul shard, My Lord. We thought that by reversing it, the tasks would be revealed and we'd need to solve it ourselves. However, it seems its usual mechanism, in which Lady Phaelona and I analyzed a few days ago, is quite different to other artifacts that shared its likeness."

Emlen rubbed the crease between his brows, "And... what makes it so different?"

"There are no tasks, My Lords. There are no tests and it doesn't need quick answers." Phaelona answered while bringing her cup to her lips. "Our ingenious seer, Sir Colahn, tried to breach past its energy barrier. Fortunately, he obtained  a bit of new information for use. It sucked all of his mana, he was barely conscious when I pulled him out. If he tries to touch it's mana again, it would recognize him and would most likely attack his internal core. Now, the artifact is quite... cautious."

"What did you find?" Moulin asked.

"Life." Colahn stared straight into his eyes. "The artifact is alive, possessed by a menacing spirit. Objects like these are quite rare and incredibly ancient. Fortunately, it is doesn't seem keep anything inside it. It's most likely a newborn and lost it's chance to seal anything before it was thrown into the treasury, Young master. However, although it is inexperience, it doesn't mean it isn't just as dangerous. One must enter their consciousness to confront the Guardian."

Phaelona felt a cold breeze brush her shoulders and she shivered. Ah, honestly, ice-wielders. The tea in her cup was cold and she gave up finishing it, returning her attention to the sullen atmosphere around her.

Moulin furrowed his brows, silently dreading. "Does it want anything?"

"Perhaps... an exchange? A price?" Maxille spoke.

Colahn gaze at the men and slowly shook his head, "Possibly. I have not known evidence of anyone who've experience this kind of artifact. Perhaps, there were records before but at this time, it is impossible to retrieve anything." 

Silence fell within the room and it is much heavier than before. 

"B-But it doesn't mean there isn't a chance." Colahn could no longer bear the depressing atmosphere and tries to alleviate it. 

"There is one more thing..." Phaelona interrupted. 

The men raised their gazes to look at her. 

"The gem stone possessing the Lady's body and soul cannot be controlled by anyone other than the caster. It seems it is too complex, even for us, to unravel." Phaelona straightforwardly turned to Moulin's direction. Her implication was clear. 

Moulin nodded in understanding. "I shall inform his excellency."

"Then are we still doing this?" Emlen spoke out. "Clearly, it is found to be more difficult than we could imagine. When someone comes inside, what comes after is unpredictable. The chance of success is..."

"There is a chance..." Maxille frowned. "And we never thought we could have it. We already know it would be difficult from the start."

"Now, it is beyond 'difficult'. We only have what's was left of mother in there." Emlen glanced at the necklace around Moulin's neck. Frowning, Moulin unconsciously held the pendant.

"Are we going to risk it too? And one more member of this family as well?"

Maxille glowered at the man before him, "Emlen..." 


Lord Dontae's voice instantly silenced his sons. The three siblings turned to their father and took in the man's weary form. The information brought before them was heart-wrenching. However, he remained calm like a mountain facing the most violent storms. 

Moulin could not help but be soothed by his father's composed expression. When he looked at the man's eyes, they are like kind winds guiding his lost boat back to shore. 

He could not determine his father's thoughts. 

The order was quick. Moulin and his brothers were dismissed from the room while his father remained to discuss with Colahn and Phaelona. Standing before the closed door, Moulin then realized that no matter how tall he would grow or how much he'd age, he were still under their parent's guidance. His father might have shattered before but this time, he'd stay strong. 

"I'm afraid." 

Emlen's voice caught Moulin and Maxille's attention. Worriedly, Emlen stood staring at the door. In his eyes, he was struggling with the turbulent emotions inside. "I don't want to lose another person..." 

His two brother's stared at him. Maxille sighed afterwards, slightly squeezing Emlen's shoulder before walking past him.


"Good evening, My Lord." 

Moulin nodded to the passing women armed with spears. However, wrapped in their other arm was a bag of a variety of little shells. Moulin's gaze drifted towards the windows and looked below. Two floors down was a small  quadrangle illuminated with torches. A small crowd gathered around a group of people with bright hair, wearing familiar clothes. Their wide smiles are gentle and brilliant.


The maeruthans welcomed them and guided them away. The children giggled excitedly as they followed. A smile graced the youth's face as he watched. He was glad. The merpeople who helped him after his awakening looked well. 

His steps continued. Through hallways, corridors, and teleportation platforms. He walked silently, lost in his thoughts. He was headed to his quarters but blank throughout the journey.


The youth stopped at the sound of his voice. Silver eyes met the lord's deep golden ones. They are beautiful, full of tranquillity. Moulin was tempted to look at them all throughout the evening if it were possible. A gentle smile adorned the man's lips as his steps slowed and Varick who was trailing behind him excuse himself, nodding to Moulin in acknowledgement. Walking away, Varick shook his head, smiling in amusement.

"You've come early?" Moulin smiled as they both entered his quarters. 

"I wanted to see you." Hadrian's eyes followed the young man's figure entering the bedroom.

Moulin could not help resist the smirk forming on his lips. Warmth touched his heart once again and then he breathe freely. He shed his outer clothing. "Have you had dinner?-"

Moulin was caught off guard when strong arms embraced him from behind. A heated chest pressed against his back. Soft breaths tickling the skin above his temple. Before he knew it, Moulin's heart beat quickened. With an amused smile, he welcomed the closure wholly. 

"What's this?" 

"Comfort." One word yet it caressed Moulin all over. 

Moulin tilted his head back, leaning against the taller man with a smile. "For me, or for you?"

"For both of us." Hadrian replied. Golden eyes, gentle and magnetic. "How did it go?"

Moulin sighed, recalling the discussion with his family. "Complicated. We do not know of my Father's decision. Sent us all away before we'd know. It's difficult to read him."

"I see. Perhaps, he'll tell you when ready. Now, what do you need me to do?"

Moulin chuckled. Does he know already? How amusing. "We desperately need your strength to control my mother's crystal, My Lord."

"I will do what I can, beloved." Hadrian's spoke. His tone, teasing. It caused an amused gleam in Moulin's eyes.

"One more thing..." Hadrian continued. Moulin could not see the glint in his eyes.

"What is it?"

"I sensed another person's aura within your quarters. Whose is it?"

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