A Gorgeous White

Chapter 403: || || Must Be Paid

At High Lord Hercullio's arrival, the doors to the assembly hall were opened. The leader of the Veresyah's, antlered-folk, straightened his back as he stepped forward to greet the lord with the others. The Morfaers were present as well. They were as courteous as the other creatures within the room. 

However, Lord Hercullio's indifferent expression was the only response they received. 

"Speak." The golden-eyed man coldly spoke as he set his eyes on the small crowd.

"My Lord, the ravens have returned." The Morfaer leader said. His voice is laced with sadness. "Out of twenty birds, only two returned. However, they perished a few minutes later. There is poison in their blood." 

"None of the pathfinders came back. All were slaughtered." The Veresyah clan chief shook his head with a mournful sigh. As the rest took in the information, their faces morphed into unease.

Murmurs filled the room for a few seconds before Varick silenced them. "And the raven's tubes?"

"It is untouched and well." One delivered two notes to Lord Varick. 

"The desert is the devil's mouth." This single sentence made Varick frown deeply. He turned to the next note.

"The heart of evil dwells beneath sand and rock."

It seems each note was written by two different pathfinders. Both failed to survive the journey to Sakaar. Varick closed his eyes. They must visit the families of the deceased right after. 

But these notes... 

"My Lord..." Varick turned to the High Lord. His eyes are serious. 

Heavy silence weighed within the room. The wait is patient but tense. 

Lord Hadrian silently lifts a hand to caress the moving lines of the map beneath him. Every uneasy gaze traced the movements of his hand. 

Finally, he stops, pressing a fingertip on one particular land. Every soul's breath seized.


"What is it... that you desire in this... realm?"

Tendrils of chilly mist swirled around the mortal's feet. Lord Dontae could feel the cold biting into his skin. He knew he could move freely if he wanted. However, faced with the gigantic creature before him, he thought it would be unwise. The thing looked polite out front. Unnecessary actions without responding to its question would, perhaps, anger it.

Taking a deep breath, Lord Dontae faced the dark creature. "I have come for my beloved's soul."

A deep chuckle sounded. The sound echoes around him as though mocking him. Suddenly, the mist began to thicken. 

"Ahh... What one does... for love..." It speaks, tilting its head to the side. "How... touching..."

Dontae swallows. His eyes brows are furrowed and sweat filled his clenched fists. 

"Hmm... Your love is deep... yes?" The creature bends its back, curiously leaning toward the man. Dontae could see nothing close to a face. Only pitch-black darkness. A black void for a face.

"Yes..." Dontae replied. Now, his gaze is stern. 

"Charming..." The tall being cackled low. Its lengthy fingers sliced the air as it moved. "I have seen your life... Pale and filled with suffering... Is... it never the same... without your wife?"


"Curious... So speak in such confidence... It irks me..."

Dontae flinched. His reaction caused a laugh from the hooded figure. The billowy robe flutters like a bird's beating wings. 

"I am... no merciful one nor am I cruel... However... I must receive before... giving what is desired." Its voice trembles as it neared Dontae. "Something... as special... as valuable..."


The interest in the creature's voice grows. "Then... I want the oldest of your offspring... His unyielding fiery soul."

Thunder struck Lord Dontae's soul as the condition was laid before him. His heart drummed violently and he could barely breathe as the words drilled into his mind. His son? His child?

The creature marveled at the horror in his eyes. His reluctance was savory and pure. Lord Dontae could feel it grinning in front of him.

"No?" The figure twisted its waist, circling the feeble lord like a snake eyeing its prey. A sinister chuckle reverberated around the patriarch's mind. "Then... What of your second son?.. Quite... the troublesome fellow... Do you tire of his rebellious nature?..."

"I do not." Lord Dontae hastily spoke. "He is who he is."


The figure stopped, disappearing into smoke behind him and materializing before his eyes in the next second. Bright glowing eyes suddenly appeared on its face. It is blinding, almost hypnotizing. 

"Your youngest child..." It spoke and the temperature dropped several degrees lower. The mist thickens.

Father Fraunces stared into those eyes, lured by the memories of his wife emerging in his mind. Her bright smile, the giant garden she always tends, her calming words and touch. It was all so sweet, so pure, so beautiful. He is brought back to his past when he chased her young form uphill carrying her shoes, purchasing the large collection of tea she obsesses over, and her beautiful smiling face as she embraces all of their three precious children. His walls crumbled at the sight of her. And now... He is crumbling, vulnerable to any opportunity to revive her. 

"Yes?..." The creature urged. Its long grotesque fingers closed around the man's head. Nails slicing the thickening clouds of mist.

"..." The lord is lost. His mouth opens to speak.

The creature is delighted and thrilled. 

Suddenly, Lord Dontae stops. "No..."

"No?" Caught off-guard, the figure paused. 

It watched as the man trembled. His fists are tight enough to draw blood. A layer of tears filled his eyes as he shook his head. "No... I cannot..."

He becomes weak. Composure, shattering as bursts of emotions revealed themselves. His shoulders were hunched, shaking uncontrollably. 

He loved his wife so much, he couldn't ignore her wishes. What she wanted most of all was her family, whole and well. She has given up her dreams, left them to start a family with him. The desire of welcoming the world's beauty and thorns with her smile and sword, forgotten to gain this little family with him. She would give up anything to share warmth with her husband and children. 

He didn't want to lose one of his children who shared his wife's smile and her warmth. Their precious children. He couldn't do this. 

Perhaps, it wasn't meant to be. Recovering Maxiel's soul. What is lost... is lost. In the next life, he hoped... he could meet her again. 

Overwhelmed by grief, the patriarch's knees sank to the murky mist-covered ground. He clutched his chest, defeated. A shuddering breath left his chest. Ah... I'm sorry, my love. I'm sorry.

The vast realm moved with his streaming tears, mourning with him. Only his sobs crack the indifferent silent world. He yearned for his beloved and grieved. The grieving man is deaf to the world except to the cries of his heart. 

The sound of rustling clothes noises. 

"Very well..."

The hooded figure crouched before him. "Your grief is true... Dry your tears..."

Lord Dontae clenched his fists and raised his head. Sorrow crossed his face. 

"Mortal... This time... I shall not ask... " There was no mocking in his voice, no amusement, no pity. The creature straightened, revealing its imposing form. "What can you offer me?"

Lord Dontae gazed at the spirit. There is no fear in his eyes. "Myself..."

A brief silence passed. Then a nod. "Very well..."

Relief, cold and sudden, flowed into the Lord's heart. 

"You have proven yourself... " The creature raised an arm and the mist swirls around them. "A father... A husband..."

It extended its hand to the kneeling man as the clouds moved chaotically around them. "... a friend."

Lord Dontae looked at the strangely formed hand in front of him. He gazed at the hooded creature and slowly, he held its hand. 

Smoke bursts and a blinding flash of light engulfed him. The last thing he heard was a faint light laugh. A sound he was so familiar with all his life. Sweet like the sound of wind chimes. 



Colahn jumped in fright. He stared at the orb with bloodshot eyes. Something odd finally happened to the orb that stayed still and silent for a full seven hours.

Before he could analyze it, the mechanism of the artifact activated and swallowed the crystal within. The surface instantly closed up.

"P-Phaelona", he called.

Phaelona's head popped out of the doorway, confused. She slowly approached her friend. "Did something happen-"


A large crack suddenly appeared on the artifact's surface, startling the pair examining it. What in th world?

The others heard of Colahn's strange whine-like call and hurriedly left the adjoining room. 

"What is it? What happened?" Moulin worriedly asked the moment he stepped into the room.

When their eyes settled on the cracking orb, they drowned in fear. Emlen breathed rapidly, striding forward and grabbing the seer's collar. 

"What did you do?" He gnashed his teeth. 

Colahn furrowed his brows, "Young master, please calm down."


They all shifted their attention to the golden object on the table. The cracks multiplied. They grew larger and larger like an egg that was about to hatch. 

Fear filled Moulin's eyes. His fingers held his eldest brother's arm. 

In the next instant, light bursts between the cracks. They are like rays of bright moonlight filling the whole room. Maxille held Moulin close as they shield their eyes. 

Finally, the cracking stopped. 



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