A Gorgeous White

Chapter 405: || || Wide Intimidating Grin

It is deep within the night. Inside the cool interior of the luxurious bedroom of the Fraunces nobility's youngest son, a dim light, warm and cozy, illuminated the room. The warm glow kisses the messy silken sheets and the sweat-glazed strong back of the man moving back and forth. A quiet gasp sounded beneath him, belonging to those sweet lips, ravaged till swollen. Pale moist fingertips dug into the man's firm skin creating crescent dents from the bite of his nails. 

Golden eyes opened slightly, filled with raw desire and the violent beauty of the youth underneath him.  A crude hunger crawls inside him, tearing through his heart all because of the sweet whimpers that slipped from the youth's mouth. Ahh, such brilliance. A fire that could never be put out. A freeze that could never be thawed. All of him is sweet and fiery. Such splendor could only be his. Wild and sinister, the man grinned in his heart. 

His hips moved fiercely between those trembling thighs. The lord's mouth sends out strings of animalistic grunts, driven with need and pleasure. The spread of glistening white hair looks ethereal on giant crimson pillows. Moulin's limbs are trembling. His lashes quivered, casting weak shadows against his flushed skin. Boiling pleasure soared inside him like hellish flames. Hadrian wrapped his arms around the young man's back, cradling Moulin's head, and closing every bit of space as he plowed the sweet moist depths of his lover. 

Lush lips parted. Moulin's back arched as he broke through. His body trembled, over-sensitized, glistening from the layer of sweat. He heaved with closed eyes, groaning. The man above him hadn't had his fill and he was too tired to resist. Laid bare and open, he moan as he let the man indulge in his body. Even his arms had no strength left, falling open beside his head. But the sounds from his mouth were ceaseless. 

"Ahh..." The youth furrowed his brows, his body rocking from the thrusts of the man dominating his body. " H-Hadrian..."

A fierce golden gaze locked unto Moulin's helpless face. The willingness and pleasure transformed the youth's expression into something irresistibly arousing. Something manic sprouted in Hadrian's heart. Ah... If only... I could lock him away...

This selfish thought brought about a wave of pummeling into the youth's sweet spot. Not long after, Moulin shuddered uncontrollably from his third orgasm. The young man's face contorted from pleasure. His hands fisted the pillow's thick fabric, tearing it slightly. And a strangled moan was punched out of him. 

It was only then, did Hadrian finally reached his peak, lifting himself above Moulin, trapping the youth within his muscular arms. He gave a few strong thrusts before sighing in contentment. An obsessed smile adorned his lips as shivers coursed throughout his body. 

They took a few minutes to catch their breath. Before Moulin gave a weak punch to the man's irresistible firm chest. "Glad you're done..."

"Mn, I'm done..." Hadrian said with promise, kissing the youth's forehead before standing up naked to fetch a clean rag and a basin of water from the bathroom nearby. As much as Moulin wanted to stare at his man's absolute god-like body from behind, exhaustion overcame him. 

Moulin was half asleep as Hadrian cleaned their bodies. When he was done, he threw away the soiled outer blanket, replacing it with a new one from the chest. 

"Hmm..." Moulin hummed against Hadrian's chest when the man finally cuddled him on the bed. This time he was rougher than most nights they shared. He couldn't help but wonder. He couldn't sense anything wrong with Hadrian.


His thoughts were interrupted when Hadrian called.  Moulin hummed with closed eyes, "Hm?"

There were slight movements. Curious, Moulin slightly opened his eyes. The moment he did, he paused. 

A thin gold bracelet in his palm lies on Hadrian's large palm. The chain was simple and thin. There were no other decorations except for a tiny lone blue sapphire dangling on the chain. Although it looked fragile, Moulin could feel the familiar mana infused in the charm's body. Hadrian's mana. 

"This..." Moulin furrowed his brows in confusion. 

Hadrian smiled faintly as he took Moulin's white-gold hand, clicking the bracket in place. "It's a communication device. So no matter how far you are... I can find you and you can hear me."

Moulin blinked, and the drowsiness began to sink in once again while he stared at the thin thing decorating his wrist. "Thank you..."

He said a few things before sleep finally overcame him. When his breath steadied, Hadrian drew the blanket up as he embraced him. 

His dark eyes stared deeply at the youth's serene face, "Anything for you..."


The weather is warm and light as countless warriors began their training routine within one of the largest training yards of the Three Towers. Heaves and huffs refreshed the sweat-filled air and a strong multi-layered barrier kept the noise within from reaching outside the floor. The Veresyan warriors trained louder than the rest of the other races within. 

"Although I admire their competitiveness, they didn't have to shout so much." The woman's complained as she glanced at the group of warriors from afar. Ghana observed their sharp antlers while she tied her hair into a neat ponytail. "Even without weapons, they could tear through skin and bones."

Moulin chuckled beside her, "You're just jealous."

"Who's jealous? Tch." She grumbled as she weighed her new spear in her hand. Sighing, she turned to him.

"Come." She spun the body of her long weapon within her palm. Her blue eyes glowed fiercely. "Let's try again."

Moulin helplessly shrugged as he drew his sword. "Your move, Captain."

The sounds of clashing metal filled the air. It stung one's ear. The force of their fierce attacks was overwhelming enough that some of the warriors nearby paused, distracted from the vengeful-looking sparring. Sparks flew as the swords and spear's edges scratched each other in a brutal dance. Ghana was stronger in strength. However, Moulin was quicker. Undoubtedly, their strengths were unique and their moves were vicious.


Ghana panted heavily while the tip of her heavy spear scraped the rough ground and the end of Moulin's sword nudged the center of her throat. His silver gaze gleamed sharply. The audience held their breaths in shock and thrill.

The fight ended. 

Sighing, Ghana stepped back and Moulin withdrew at the same time. 

"That's nine wins for me." She spoke while glaring at the crowding people. They scurried away before she turned to Moulin. "And ten for you."

"You were lucky this time, " She chuckled. Tapping the ground with the end of her spear as if to intimidate. 

Moulin rolled his eyes, "How about a break."

"Hmm..." Ghana thoughtfully stared, relaxing her muscles. "Sounds good."

Relieved, Moulin sheathed his sword and was about to speak when his friend suddenly turned to a group of maeruthans, chiding them in a loud voice, scolding them for their bad forms. Her voice was so loud everyone in the whole training area could hear her. 

"You blasted morons! Keep that up and you'll end up with my spear beating your ass up before a damn malibreed could tear you to pieces! Piece of shit! Hey! Watch your back Idiot! Fucking-"

Moulin forced himself to censor her words in his mind. He took a deep breath and turned away. 

Suddenly, a faint breeze rushed at him, and before Moulin knew it, something slammed into his stomach causing him to fall back with a loud thud. Coughing, Moulin frowned, narrowing his eyes as he looked at the furry thing sitting on his belly. 

"Snow! You rascal." 

Snow wagged his fluffy white tail blinking his round innocent-looking eyes. He yipped happily, bouncing on Moulin's stomach a few times and scurrying off before Moulin could grab him. 

"Ao!" Snow huffed. The little adorable snow-white fox ran circles around his annoyed master. Sighing, Moulin blankly patted the dust off his pants as he rose from the ground. 

"Someone's quite irritated." A smooth mellow voice made Moulin stop. 

Hastily turning hus head, the youth's gaze met ruby-red ones, close to the color of the sunset. Brilliant waves of long golden hair fluttered behind her. On her head, golden fluffy ears twitched. 

Silver eyes widened. "Malyana!" 

The beast woman chuckled making the two other beastmen behind her swoon. She gave a flirtatious wink at Moulin before flicking her thick hair behind her shoulder. As always, she looked very beautiful in red.

Before Moulin could ask, she explained while glancing at Snow, "I had Snow's health examined when your attendant came to visit me. He was quite uncontrollable. Pola dear had to run everywhere to look for him so we had to help her. Turns out the little thing wanted to look for you."

Moulin blinked in realization and gazed down at the little pure-white Snow pitifully clawing on his calves. Chuckling softly, the youth picked him up, stroking his head gently. "Naughty beast."

Moulin looked up with a grateful smile, "Thank you for your hard work. How are adapting in the beast tamer Headquarters?"

Her eyes glowed brilliantly, she gestured behind the blushing men behind her, "As you can see, I don't just tame beasts. Yes, it's a very interesting environment."

The devilish smile on her face made Moulin feel a chill climbing up his spine. He hesitantly spoke, "Don't... Don't take it too far, okay?" 

"Of course, I won't." She feigned a pitiful look. "Why your brother would be livid. Although I quite miss his uncontrollably contorting face, I don't want to make things very difficult for you and others here. Isn't that right?"

She turned to the two men behind her who just nodded obediently. Her looks were undoubtedly captivating and sultry, Moulin wouldn't blame them for falling for her charms. Though, he felt a bit worried for them.

"Well, we're off now. It's nice to see you Moulin. Oh, and Jagra is here as well. Goodbye." She waved her hand, sashaying away leaving a trail of hooked gazes behind her. 

Jagra? Moulin tilted his head. He's here? Curiously, he began to search the area. In the corner of his eyes, he found a lean man slowly approaching him. His friend seemed pale but he looked like he'd been taking care of himself. 

Jagra smiled, "Snow never seemed to appease anyone when brought to the tamers."

Moulin nodded looking helpless as he let Snow play around. "This naughty thing needs a leash on him."

Jagra laughed briefly in response and Moulin was glad he didn't look lethargic anymore. The youth smiled, "You look better."

The Maeruthan stopped and then smiled a bit. "Yes, Colahn's treatments are helping. I haven't had a nightmare for a week. It's less stressful now. I can finally breathe a little."

"I'm glad you're alright." Moulin patted Jagra's shoulder revealing a bright smile. 

The two converse for a while. The chat about mere things turned into an endless exchange of words. However, the two were oblivious to the pair of serene blue eyes watching them. Ghana smiled, recalling their old days. They were brief but quite memorable.

"I heard about your parents." Suddenly, Jagra opened. 

The moment he spoke those words, Moulin froze. Uneasy, Jagra hurriedly explained. 

"Ah, I found out accidentally from Colahn's conversations with Lady Phaelona during my scheduled visits. I truly didn't mean to."

"It's alright..." Moulin nodded. 

"I see... " Jagra furrowed his brows. He spoke with a comforting tone, "Don't worry. They will be okay."

"Yes..." The youth nodded, "Thank you..."



Both were startled when strong arms unexpectedly pulled them closed, squeezing them against Ghana's hold. Their shoulders almost felt like they would be crushed at any second. A bright cheerful grin welcomed their gazes. 

Ghana laughed, "What's with the sullen atmosphere? We all need a break. How about joining me for a stroll in town?"

Jagra could barely talk, "O-Outside...the T-Towers?"

"Where else would you find a bit of fun?" Ghana urged Jagra with fierce eyes. Jagra suddenly felt an incoming crisis. 

She turned to Moulin with a wide slightly intimidating grin.

"How about it, young master?"

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