A Jaded Life

Chapter 26

As Sigmir and I came closer to the remaining Grey Wolves, the largest Grey Wolf jumped onto a rock and a loud growl sounded. It got translated into my mind, “So, what is that cursed raven doing here? Why are you so close to her, pup?”

The raven jumped back and flapped it's wings a bit and the wolf cowered down, not crouched as if to jump but cowering with it's tail between it's legs. The smaller wolf growled “She's my friend. And she got others to help us, Alpha.” The large wolf looked over to Sigmir and me.

“How can one of Hugin's line be a friend? Those two... they small strange. Why do you smell of the great wolf?”

I wasn't about to use Observe on the Alpha so I used it on the smaller wolf, the one we were supposed to save.

Frost Wolf, level 33

The smaller wolf turned for a moment to look at me, then turned back to the Alpha. I thought for a moment how to talk but then decided simply to talk normally and keep the idea in my mind to have them understand me.

“We helped you because [Wind that lifts your wings to soar] gave a promise. I don't know about our smell.” The smaller wolf growled again “Alpha, my friend saved us. Why do you hate her so?”

The Alpha barked out a reply: “Old One-Eye created the mess we are in. We were the proud Fenris-Wolves but now? The bond is broken and Old One-Eye and his damned ravens are at fault. I'll be thrice damned if I let anyone call them friend. Now, choose, the pack or your so-called 'Friend'!”

I was appalled, I had always thought of wolves as loyal beings but here one was cast-out due to simple racial prejudice. The Raven started to caw: “Go with them, Sister. I'll have to go with the two-legs anyway. I gave my bond, to save you.”

At that the smaller wolf whirled around and stared at me and growled “You gave your bond?! Why, why would you do that?”

The raven flew over to me and cawed again “To save you. A year and a day of my life is a small cost for your life.”

At that, the smaller wolf stood and walked over to us. I could see a bleeding wound on her flank, so when she was in front of me, I went to a knee and asked, “Do I have your permission to heal you?” not wanting to provoke an attack by casting spells without warning.

The wolf looked me in the eyes and there was understanding in them, if nothing else, this convinced me that they were truly sapient creatures.

She growled “Do what you will.” I drew my healing spell over her wound and watched it close within moments. There was a low sound, similar to a cough, coming from her throat but I was unable to place it. Then the wolf walked around me, snuffling all the way. “You smell of old blood. It's strange to feel kinship with a two-legs.”

I think at that point the patience of the Alpha-Wolf had finally run out as it barked to it's pack “Frost Wolves, let's leave. Leave the traitor to her fate.” then it jumped off it's rock and ran off, followed by the rest of it's pack. I saw the wolf in front of me shiver, knowing that she was no longer welcome but the bond to her pack was still strong.

“You are welcome to stay with us. It's not a pack, but at least you won't be alone.”

At that, she knocked me over on my ass, walked over to Sigmir and sniffed her out as well.

“You are the protector of the pack, are you not?” she growled and I translated for Sigmir as she was unable to understand her, it seems.

She answered “I will protect Morgana. No matter what.” hearing the conviction in her voice gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling, deep inside. The wolf growled again, saying “Good. I will join you in guarding our pack.”

Sigmir seemed a bit surprised but said “Yes, I will take you as my companion. We will protect both of them.” There was a small flash of light around the two of them, I guess they entered into a bond as well.

I looked at the raven who'd bonded with me, trying to use that telepathic connection.

“Say, could we give you a name that is usable as a word, not a concept like your current name? I'd prefer to have something that I can call you.” the raven looked at me, turning her head sideways, then I got an answer over the same telepathic connection.

“Well, sure. I think I understand your meaning, it's a matter of the mind, is it not? Could you choose a name for me, it's normal for the name to be chosen by others, right?”

I tried to keep the connection going so that she could understand my thoughts on the names and considered names for a girl-raven. My mind shied away from normal bird-names, there was no way in hell I'd suggest Polly as a name for this majestic creature. My mind went to the classic Poe-Poem, The Raven, not to the rather obvious Nevermore but to the lost love of the Poet, the maiden Lenore. I looked at the raven and it appeared she thought about my idea, then, as if to accept, she cawed “Nevermore” then cackled like mad. “Yes, I like the name Lenore, I'd enjoy if you called me that. Would you mind if I rest in my Hallow for a while? It took quite a bit of power to communicate with you before we were bonded.”

I nodded, curious to the way Lenore would rest. She jumped towards me, sat on my left shoulder and pressed her head to my temple while spreading her wings out over both my shoulders. Then I felt a burning sensation at my left temple and eye and for a short moment, my eyesight turned blurry, causing me to blink and realise that only the left eye was afflicted, and as sudden as it came, my view turned back to normal.

Suddenly, I heard a voice in my head, the voice of Lenore. “Yes, this will work as a Hallow. You are a good partner, it only took you moments to adapt. Old One-Eye was a stubborn fool and never adapted so he lost his eyesight.”

Then again her cackling laughter. “Oh, and what a wonderfully tidy mind you have, it's so organized. I will like it with you, yes, I will.”

Curious if there had been other changes, I took my Shuttle to use as a mirror and saw that my left eye was a clearly darker green then before. Around my eye, stretching to my temple was a black wing, looking like a tattoo but I knew that it was part of the outside mark of my companion, resting within the Hallow as she called it.

I looked over to the wolf and Sigmir who seemed to have taken to each other. Walking over, I asked both of them.

“Looks like you two will be good friends. Say, is there a name I can call you? [Wind that lifts your wings to soar] accepted to use the name Lenore for those who don't have the mind of a raven.”

Both looked at me and the wolf growled, “No, there is only [the smell of fresh fallen snow] but I doubt that it would work for the two of you. Your noses are too lacking.” then a chuffing noise that I identified as laughter. Then she continued “Let me guess, the raven asked you for a name, did she not? She was never very creative. I should ask my Bond-Partner, I don’t want to slight her. So, Sigmir, would you like to give me a name?”

Sigmir thought for a moment, then asked “Do you like the name Ylva? I think it's a good name.”

“Yes, that's a good name. I like it. I am Ylva.” the wolf answered

With that taken care of, I was curious. “So, Ylva, mind telling me why your Alpha felt such hatred for Lenore?” I asked.

“No, I don't mind. You heard him call her 'Of Hugin's line', didn't you? Well, Lenore is one of the many descendants of Hugin, one of the two great Ravens forced to serve Odin.

My pack descended from Fenris, the Great Wolf. When the foolish gods shattered the anchors that held the realms together in their idiotic war, we were diminished. Our strength and our magic was lost and Fenris himself was gone from this world. Over time, the Black Wolves started pressing into our territory and we lost quite a few wolves. The Alpha holds every being related to the Aesir responsible, even those who were forced to serve. However, when I was younger, Lenore helped me and we became friends. And now, after she gave her bond to you, in order to help me, we are family. But enough of old stories. We should depart, I would not want to be here when scavengers appear, or worse, the Black Wolves come back. They got hurt today but there are far too many of them.”

With that, we walked off, back towards the cave Sigmir and I inhabited. The food we had gathered earlier would have to be enough.

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