A Jaded Life

Chapter 36

After sleeping better than ever, thanks to the workout with Sigmir, the morning came with a smiling Kallista, waking us up. She took quite the delight in tormenting the two of us, asking if we had heard to howling during the night, her teasing grin making it clear that she was referring to us. Her laughter at our blushing was good natured though and the wistful smile that came over her face afterwards told of love lost but not forgotten. I guess there was a story there, maybe I'd learn it one day. Still, today we had plans of travel so after breakfast we headed out, into the pre-dawn darkness.

We travelled most of the day, from time to time fighting with the wildlife but by now, we had that down pat, having fought pretty much every animal in these forests at one point or another.

As dusk settled in, we saw the ocean before us, an endless, grey expanse, riddled with white flecks where ice was floating along. And overlooking the shore, standing out against the sky a single, lonely hill, bare in contrast to the forests around us.

The closer to the foot of the hill one got, the smaller and more crippled the trees looked until they fully ceased to grow about a hundred feet away, creating a sad looking contrast. Even in the snow, the trees further away looked healthy contrasting to the picture of desolation around the hill. There was a strange feeling of incongruity but it was between the nature around us and the hill itself. However I felt myself drawn to the feeling the hill gave off, as if it was inviting me. I felt as if I belonged there. I was not sure what to make of that feeling.

Looking around, there was an entrance into the hill itself, old, weathered masonry, grown over with a strange, green moss which was glowing slightly, visible even in the light of the setting sun. We decided to make camp a bit away from the hill, not wanting to camp within the radius of the strange effect it gave off. Making camp was a practised chore, Ylva looking for dry wood, even Lenore winging around a bit but soon returning to the warmth of her Hallow, Sigmir preparing a dry spot for our fire and me cleaning a space to sleep and then starting dinner preparations.

Today, we got especially lucky, shortly after we started our tasks, Ylva returned to our campsite telling us that she found a large, fallen tree with plenty of space in a hollow under it's limbs, giving us a dry, snow-free campsite with plenty of firewood around. I called out to Lenore, asking her to return and shortly after she landed on my shoulder for a moment before returning into her Hallow.

“That hill, it calls to me.” Lenore told me within my mind. “It's as if I belong within it's boundary, I don't quite know why.”

Now, it was my turn to be surprised, the feeling she described and the mental imagery that flowed through our bond was incredibly similar to my own feelings around the hill. While working, I conversed with Lenore about our feelings, speculating what they might mean. Luckily for me, dinner was pre-made by Kallista so there was little chance of my distraction spoiling it but Sigmir caught on.

After we ate dinner, she pulled me down onto her lap and asked “You seem disturbed, Morgana. Would you like to share your burden with me?”

With her imploring look and held in her warm arms, it was impossible to say no. I started to talk about the strange feeling of incongruity and the feeling of attraction Lenore and I shared towards the hill. Interestingly, being held gave me a different feeling of belonging, dampening the call of the hill.

At this point, Ylva did something new, she rubbed against Sigmir, then curling herself around us, seeking contact. Then Lenore came out of her Hallow, lying against Ylva and staying close to us.

“I may have an idea what may be going on. As Spirit-Beasts we belong to one or more elements. For Ylva, it is Ice, which is why she has high resistance to it and is able to use rudimentary ice magic. For me, it is either Death or Darkness, similar to my ancestor who was one of the strongest dark spirits. Sadly, I don't have any abilities relating to my element, only the gift of understanding from my ancestor and the strong connection to the Astral. The reason we are so compatible, Morgana, is that you have a strong affinity with Darkness, maybe even with it's higher element, Death.

The Hill itself radiates death magic, and considering our task, I guess that is the reason for the restless dead inside. The magic permeates the hill itself, drawing souls, not letting them rest in peace unless they are dispersed from the outside,” Lenore cawed out and from the look of Sigmir's face, Ylva played translator for her.

Sigmir had a slightly uneasy look on her face, causing Ylva to bark, “Now, don't think like that, partner. You think of death as something bad, but it is not. Death and change are simply an integral part of life, for without death, there could be no life, the world would stagnate into a lifeless, orderly stasis. Balance. Balance is the key to existence. Beings like Morgana or Lenore are simply necessary parts of the whole.”

Sigmir blushed a bit and held me closer, as if to assure me that no matter what, she'd hold onto me, giving me a welcome, warm and fuzzy feeling. It was amazing how close I felt to her, after a few weeks together. I'd hold onto her, no matter what. Soon, Lenore returned to her Hallow, feeling the cold despite our puppy-pile, being the only one without cold resistance amongst our group.

When Sigmir and I went into our sleeping furs, Ylva crept close, seeking warmth and companionship. We pulled her close, trying to show her that she had a place with us and was welcome. That night was full moon, the moon illuminating the night and we heard wolves in the distance. I guess the full moon reminded her of the rejection from her pack, normally the wolf-packs would run through the night, howling, hunting and sharing their bond with each other. Ylva had lost that bond, due to being cast out of her pack, I think she was feeling the sting that night especially harsh. Both Sigmir and I communicated without needing words, holding her and stroking her soft fur. Soon, Ylva asked to rest within her Hallow so Sigmir placed her hand on her head, stroking her and Ylva turned into silver light and streamed into her hand.

Sigmir and I snuggled into each other, soon falling asleep, enjoying each other's arms.

In the middle of the night, it felt as I startled awake but there was just blackness around me. Then a loud caw grabbed my attention, and I saw Lenore sitting on air, close to me. I looked strangely at her, not knowing what to make of the situation. Then Lenore became aware of me and looked back.

“Morgana? How are you here? This...” she cawed.

“Where are we? This feels so strange.” I answered, looking around.

“We are in my Hallow. The space I inhabit when I rest. It's within you but somehow you are within it? I don't understand.”

Just then, a second, loud caw sounded in the space, causing both Lenore and me to jump in surprise.

Looking around, a huge raven had appeared, standing at least 6 feet tall, towering over both of us. The feeling it gave off was incredible, a wellspring of power radiating outwards, not suppressing but embracing us.

It hopped closer, looking both of us over, as if measuring us. “So, one of my descendants found her way here? It's nice to know that some things remain, even after everything that happened. And such an interesting host you have attached yourself to. No mercy, no remorse, such a pure soul, almost untainted by mortal emotions. Beautiful. And so fitting. As if made for one of us. But it is pathetic that you are unable to use the simplest skill of our race. Your eyes, child, use your eyes!”

Lenore looked strangely and suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my left eye as if a needle was poked into it, ripping me out of the strange space I was in and leaving me wide awake.

There was a strange sensation in my left eye, so I closed my right eye and looked around. From the direction of the hill, I was able to make out a strange glow and the cold light of the moon was leaving silver trails in my eye, as if leaving a residue. The trees around me had a subdued green glow to them. Then a blue window appeared.

Companion Ability gained

You gained the Companion Ability: Raven's Sight

While your Companion rests in its Hallow or you join it’s sight with Raven’s Eye, you can draw upon the mystic sight of the Raven, allowing you to perceive magic in visible form.

I felt the pride of Lenore and heard her mental voice “My Hallow must have connected to the stream of Darkness and my ancestor contacted us. Only when dreams are synchronised can that happen. And the Ancestor... I've never felt anything like that, I felt like a baby bird, sheltered by the wings of my parents. He helped me to awaken one of my racial abilities, did you feel it? I can now peek behind the veil to see the truth of magic.”

Her exultation made me smile but there were still questions. “Yes, I felt it. But I’d like to know what just happened.”

“You know that the Astral River is like, well, a River. It’s fed out of many tributaries connected to the Spirit-Realms. However the streams don’t perfectly mix, there are still small pockets within the flow of the Astral River. We just joined into one of those pockets and my Ancestor met with us. Or maybe my Ancestor pulled us into it. I believe it’s because the Barrow Den radiates Darkness so strongly.”

Well, that was a happy thought. I turned for some time, until I fell back asleep.

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