A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 58 Runaway Little Dragon.

As he approached the vault, he saw a tough metal-looking door, smiling as he used his claws like wolverine and sliced it open.

The door fell down in two different pieces as Archer looked into the room, and what he saw shocked him.

He peered into the medium-sized room, his eyes widened in amazement at the sight before him.

The room is filled to the brim with treasure, glittering in the dim light that filters in from the glowing stones attached to the walls.

Coins of all sizes and shapes are piled high, reflecting the light and casting a warm glow over the room.

In addition to the coins, there are also jewels and precious stones scattered throughout the room.

Rubies, emeralds, and sapphires sparkle in the light, while diamonds and pearls catch his eye with their brilliance.

The walls are lined with ornate chests and boxes, each one filled with even more treasure.

Archer could hardly believe his luck at stumbling upon such a treasure trove.

The room seems to of been untouched and undisturbed for ages as if waiting for someone to discover its secrets.

Taking in the sight before him, Archer's mind races with the possibilities of what he could do with all this wealth.

But for now, he simply stands in awe, marveling at the beauty and abundance of the treasures in front of him.

He enters the room and starts collecting everything like a fat man collecting all the candy in the shop.

Throwing the last chest into his Item Box, his AD alerted him to something or someone speeding toward him.

Archer exited the room, he pulls out a bar of chocolate and takes a bite, savoring the sweet taste.

He glances in the direction of the incoming opponent, his eyes narrowing as he prepares for a fight.

Taking a seat on a charred piece of stone, Archer watches as the flames from the destroyed fort slowly die down.

He feels a twinge of guilt for what he had done, but quickly pushes it aside, remembering the strung-up Dragon-kin.

In the distance, a ball of flames suddenly appears, hurtling towards Archer at an alarming speed.

Without hesitation, he raises his hand and unleashes a powerful barrage of water bolts at the oncoming object.

The bolts hit their mark with precision, causing the object to veer off course and crash to the ground.

Archer watches as the person struggles to get back up.

The dust started to settle, Archer saw a skinny man with brown hair emerge from the crater.

The man's bright red eyes lock onto Archer, and he lets out a chuckle.

"You've made a grave mistake by destroying my castle and taking the kingdom's treasure, little dragon."

His voice dripped with malice.

'Oh shit.'

Archer braced himself for the confrontation that is about to unfold, he could tell the man was very strong.

He quickly cast darkness bolts at the man.

The man deflected the bolts effortlessly, leaving Archer frustrated and desperate for a new plan.

Getting a good idea, Archer readied his claws and prepared to strike.

With a sudden burst of energy, he used Thunder Step to get behind the man and slashed at him with all his might.

But to his surprise, a golden shield appeared, blocking his claws and leaving Archer vulnerable.

He gritted his teeth, his mind racing as he searched for a weakness in his opponent's defenses as he got out of the reach of the man.

But it was too late as the man screamed.

''Horror Blast!''

The creepy dark black beam shot towards him, and he quickly cast Cosmic Shield to block the initial attack, Archer's shield held strong, but the man wasn't deterred.

He fired a second beam, forcing Archer to use his wings to block it.

The impact sent him flying backward, leaving him vulnerable to the general's next move.

The man saw his opportunity and rushed forward, closing in on the boy whose wings were wrapped around him like a cocoon.

With a sinister smile, the general leaped into the air above Archer and punched his wings with all his might.

He cried out in pain as the wings were damaged, leaving him defenseless against the man's next attack.

Knowing that he had to act fast if he was going to survive this battle. With one of his wings was limp.

Archer pointed his hand at the man and unleashed a barrage of Fireballs and Eldritch Blasts in an attempt to slow down the man.

The attacks came fast and furious, but his opponent was too quick for him to land a solid hit.

Undeterred, he used Thunder Step to appear behind him and fired a powerful Plasma Shot into his back.

The attack caught the general off guard, he was momentarily stunned by the impact.

The general had underestimated the boy's resilience, and it looked like he was paying the price for his mistake.

Archer prepared to strike again, he used Thunder Step and appeared next to the man, and slashed at him.

His claws broke the shield and slashed his back, sending him crashing to the ground.

He tried to get up but Archer started casting water bolts at the man's back, pinning him to the ground.

To Archer's shock, as he approached the downed man, something unexpected happened.

A golden shield flared up from the man and blocked the bolts before he fired a dark beam at him that gave similar vibes as the Deacon's attack a while back.

Bringing his arms and his remaining wing up to defend himself, he cast Cosmic Shield just in time.

The dark beam slammed into him with incredible force, sending him flying through the air.

His remaining wing and arms buckled and couldn't withstand the attack, they were no match for the power of the attack.

Hurtling through the forest, Archer felt pain all over his body.

The impact had been brutal, he knew that he was in serious trouble.

Despite the pain, he tried to stay focused and keep his wits about him.

Archer knew that he couldn't let his guard down for even a moment if he wanted to survive this battle.

With his remaining strength, he struggled to get back on his feet and continue fighting when his Aura Detector went off warning him of more incoming hostiles.

Two men ran at him from behind a bush, he fired two Eldritch Blasts into them.

Dropping them to the ground, he felt the general heading towards him, he checked his mana.

[Mana: 2900/7900]

Quickly pulling out some mana potions and downed both bottles as he cast Meteor Swarm again.

Once again, the sky was filled with fire-covered rocks as the attackers closed in.

Panic set into the attackers as they all knew what this spell was capable of, and they quickly retreated.

The chaos unfolded, Archer quickly downed one last mana potion, feeling grateful for the ability to drink up to three per day.

With a burst of energy, he used Thunder Step to leave the area

[The Man's P.O.V]

The man stood frozen in awe as he watched the meteor hurtling towards the earth.

In a split second, the impact shook the ground beneath him, sending him flying off his feet.

The force of the impact was tremendous. He felt himself hurtling through the air, completely out of control.

Tumbling through the air, he saw the world spinning around him in a blur of colors and shapes. The sound of the impact was deafening, he could feel the heat radiating from the crater where the meteor had struck.

Despite the chaos and destruction all around him, he managed to keep his wits about him and struggled to regain his footing.

Looking around, he could see that the area had been forever changed by the impact. The landscape was scorched and blackened, and the air was filled with smoke and debris.

But even in the midst of the destruction, he knew that he had to find the little dragon before he caused any more chaos.

The man rose to his feet and retrieved a health potion from his storage ring.

With a quick motion, he downed the potion, feeling its healing properties work their magic and repair all the damage he had sustained.

Feeling renewed and refreshed, he took a seat to rest and wait for his soldiers to search for the elusive dragon boy.

Closing his eyes as the exhaustion overtook him, he drifted off into a deep slumber.

Suddenly, he was jolted awake by the sound of shouting.

He rose to his feet, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he saw a soldier running towards him.

The soldier stopped in front of him and saluted him.

"General Mafa, we cannot find the dragon boy," the soldier reported.

"He vanished into the Theros Forest, and our soldiers faced stiff resistance from the native beasts when they tried to follow his footprints."

The general's heart sank at the news, knowing that the boy was a formidable foe and that his soldiers were in grave danger.

But he also knew that he had to keep fighting and do whatever it took to protect his people and emerge victorious.

Looking towards the forest as he whispered.

''Runaway little dragon, we will catch you.''


Archer's Current Status.

[Name: Archer]

[Race: White Dragon]


[Rank: Master]

[Exp: 6200/12000]

[Level: 82]

[HP: 2300/2300]

[Mana: 7900 /7900]

[Magic: Fire-Water-Earth-Wind-Lightning-Space-Darkness-Light.]

[Strength: 1500]

[Constitution: 1700]

[Stamina: 1500]

[Charisma: 1750]

[Intelligence: 1250]

[Status Points: 0]

Spells: Void Blast(4)Cosmic Shield(3)Cosmic Sword(4)Cosmic Enhancement(-)Thunder-step(4)Cleanse(-)Eldritch Blast(4)Plasma Shot(3)Fire Missiles(4)Thunder Wave(3)Call Lightning(3)Fireball(3)Element Bolts(1)Dragon's Breath(0)Meteor Swarm(0)

Skills: Spell Creation(-)Mana Regeneration(-)Regeneration(5)Dragon Senses(-)Short Sword Mastery(4)Aura-Detector(4)Dragon's Domain(1)Draconic Form(-)

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