A Joytoy’s Journey to become a Hive-Queen [A SCS Fanfic]

Chapter 39 – A deal you can’t refuse

“Gangs aren’t typically the brightest of the bunch. They think too small. Guess that comes with the territory. There are some exceptions, of course. White Doves come to mind, they are some idealist group tryna help the riffraff or sometin’. Good folk, but wasted on those poor fucks. Most though, nah, they ain’t that bright. Push back on any change and take issue with anyone tryna take charge. Next thing you know they vanish from the face of the planet, gettin’ murdered in job lots on the streets once a bigger, badder, predator comes around. Someone smarter than them, who realises how you gotta play the game to get what you want. You know, someone like me?”

  -  Murder Mike, leader of the Underground Wasps, a week before being found dead in his private shelter, after taking a bullet to the head upon hearing the news of Samurai involvement


True to her word Cheryl didn’t need ten minutes before the meeting was set up.

During the wait our group had discussed how we wanted to approach things. Tina and Castas were the spokespeople for our group. Each would bring their second, and while I had imagined Tina would love to keep Bella out of it so as to not tip them off that we might know something, she had gone the opposite route, insisting Bella would be present.

Jenna and I represented ourselves. Jenna had suggested that I should lean into the whole Hive-Mind thing for this debate, to keep them on their toes and with their back against the wall. It made sense, especially because we were the ones who offered the protection needed for the entire ordeal. They needed to know what we could do, and if they were afraid of us then even better.

We quite liked the idea to go full Hive-Mind on them, and so we agreed. To that extent I had quickly asked Kaysa in my virtual realm if the Queen’s Guard could speak as well, and she had told me that now after the upgrade all drones could.

It wasn’t any biological reason why they couldn’t or wouldn’t before, it was simply a result of them not having a direct consciousness controlling them.

By the time that Sultan and Mark entered the room the rest of us were already seated.

There were four tables in the room, arrayed so that each could see the others comfortably.

At one sat Tina and Bella, representing the joytoys. On another adjacent table sat Castas and his second, representing the Red Crows. 

On a third sat Jenna, Cheryl and me. Behind me stood Myriad and my Queen’s Guard, placid faced and at attention.

Sultan and Mark both looked at all those present, both briefly stopping at my entourage with a difficult expression. Mark scowled when he saw Bella, but he didn’t comment. Sultan didn’t react at all to her presence, before sitting down at the last table.

“I’ve heard you have a business proposition,” Sultan began, looking at me and Jenna in particular.

“While we instigated the meeting,” Jenna said in my stead, “Red Crows and the Joytoys are the ones who would like to discuss business with you.”

He nodded, then turned to the others.

“As you might have heard,” Tina began with a friendly smile, “Some things will change once we all return to our homes. The first part of that change is that the Joytoys are now working as a group. To that end we would like to formally announce ourselves. We are the Crimson Rose and from now on we will take care of all business related to the brothels. Secondly, we know that Purple Haze has poked Red Crows for quite some time in an attempt to take over some of their territory. We wanted to inform you that no matter how these negotiations end, those plans are out of the window now.”

“Says who?” Mark asked, unhappily.

That would be us,” we spoke, all drones as one, a strange guttural hissing sound, “We are Myriad. The chorus has decided, Red Crows will lead the people, while the Joytoys will see to their proper treatment. Know that the redlight district is under our protection. Tread carefully or be consumed by the swarm of Living Weapons.

The atmosphere in the room chilled, even Castas and Tina looked a bit uncertain.

“Did you just call us here to threaten us, then?” Sultan asked. As Bella had predicted, he tried to appear unbothered and steadfast, but his heartbeat and the scent of his sweat told us a different story

No. You aren’t worthy of a threat. If we wished to harm you we would have simply consumed you. Our goal was to inform you of the new reality you find yourself in. That is done. Now it is time for you to speak to the Red Crows and Crimson Rose. They are the ones who have business with you.

And with that we fell silent. It took a moment before anyone else spoke. We probably laid it on a bit thick, but we wanted to make sure that they understood their position.

“Now,” Tina began, “As Myriad said, the redlight district will be run by the Red Crows. They will take over the drug business, while we are in charge of the Joytoys. Any business you might have in regards to the brothels can be discussed with us at a later date. Castas can tell you more about the changes directly affecting you and your group.”

Nodding she handed the bat to Castas, who picked up neatly.

“We’ll be taking over the drug business in the redlight district. That means more structure, better oversight and a more controlled market. The problem is that my boys aren’t well versed in that field. Since your endeavours within our district are now done, we wanted to extend a business opportunity to you as an opportunity for you to garner some good will with Myriad and Legion, after what you tried in the last couple of weeks. You know how the drugs work and you have the people who could help us protect our territory, both of which are things we will be lacking once the changes go into effect. We are willing to trade some of our territory in the industrial district with you, if you agree to help us.”

Again, Bella had perfectly predicted how Sultan would react, his eyes gleaming with the idea. Mark on the other hand seemed less enthused.

“That’s not a lot we get out of that deal,” he said before Sultan could speak, “We would effectively give you what you need to ruin our drug trade and spread ourselves thin just so that we can have a few pieces of land.”

“Remember that we do have the protection of two Samurai. Two Samurai, I might add, who are none too enthused about your meddling in Red Crows affairs. This is an opportunity for you to ally yourself with us, which can be beneficial for you in the future,” Tina pointed out.

The Purple Haze bosses were quiet for a moment, before Mark finally spoke. We couldn’t read his expression, but from the scent and the beat of his heart we were pretty certain that he knew what this meant. That didn’t mean he could publicly admit defeat, of course.

“True enough I suppose, but what exactly would that benefit look like? I doubt they’d be willing to spend points on the likes of us.”

You speak true,” we said as one, “Points are not for the likes of you to have. But we have the power to protect you from anyone trying to encroach on your territory. Should you accept this offer, we will extend our protection to you and your people. We will not interfere with your business, and we will not step in should you decide to expand on your own. But we will watch for those who try to come for you. That is the benefit of allying yourself with Red Crows and Crimson Rose.

“Then why don’t you protect their territory yourself?” Mark asked, giving me an assessing look.

We could. But would you like us to? An army of living weapons stalking the territory, consuming those that we deem problematic? We will ensure no outside interference will get to them, but we will not interfere in inane business. We have bigger goals we strive for.

“Such as?” he continued, unrelenting.

Irrelevant to this discussion.

He nodded, then looked back at Castas and Tina.

“Let us hear what you have in mind,” Sultan finally spoke, able to hide his eagerness from his voice.

“It’s simple,” Castas said, “You help us get the drug supply running and we all get a cut from the profits. 50% to us, 25% to each of you. Crimson Rose will see to the distribution through the brothels. To that end they will also take over all the brothels in that shared territory and will share equal cuts of the profits to the Red Crows and Purple Haze with the understanding that there is some leeway for changes to accommodate the influx Crimson Rose will have to deal with. Everyone will get a discount in the brothels of 15%, with additional services rendered if and when one of the Joytoys decide they’re up for it.”

“That sounds like Purple Haze and Red Crows take the short end of the stick,” Mark said, looking thoughtfully at Tina.

“Any additional business not to do with brothels or the drug trade stays the business of the group that conducts it,” she explained, “Be that escorts, weapon smuggling, black market profits, or whatever have you. In effect it would mean that Red Crows takes the short end of the stick, since they are mainly focused on protection money, which will soon be obsolete, weapon smuggling and now the drug trade.”

“The only exception to all of this,” Castas nodded in our direction, “Is Myriad. She will conduct all of her own business through the Rose Carpet and directly with Victor. Any cut she offers to him is his, unless of course she also decides to offer us a percentage from her own earnings. Other than that any profits she makes go directly to her and Victor as her manager.”

“And what does Legion have to gain from this?” Sultan asked, giving Jenna a once over.

“It’s pretty simple,” she said with a dismissive tone, “You are located in the old industrial district with lots and lots of salvage everywhere that’s basically useless to anyone but me. I’ll clean it up, you can do whatever you want with the space I leave free, hell if you want to build something I’m open to discuss that business.”

“You’re not going to set up shop on our turf?” he continued.

“No point. I will have my own base of operations. I might park it over your territory while I clean up, but after I’m gone. Offering my protection costs me near to nothing, so I don’t expect much in return. I don’t really have a stake in all this.”

“Then why?”

She shrugged, “The redlight district is my home, as simple as that.”

“You’re not worried anyone would take advantage of you?” Mark asked, although we were pretty sure that he knew that the question was a bit redundant.

“Please,” she snorted, “If someone does I won’t even be able to get to them before Myriad devours them whole. She is quite protective.”

Sultan nodded, then turned back to Castas, “Very well. What territory are you offering in exchange for our help?”

The next couple of minutes were spent in a heated discussion about territory lines that led nowhere. Sultan wanted more than Castas was willing to offer, and soon enough voices were raised and the discussion moved in circles.

“Oh for fucks sake,” Cheryl said eventually, “Are you actually that dense?”

Both of the men stopped and Sultan snarled at her.

“Stay out of this, woman. Who do you think you are involving yourself with Purple Haze business?”

“Someone with a vested interest in preventing power struggles. I’m amazed you’re dense enough not to realise what position you are in. Your entire involvement banks on Myriad’s willingness to let you in on a deal, which in itself is a fucking miracle since she used to run with Thorns back in the day. Not only that, you tried to fuck with Red Crows, who are now very firmly under Myriad’s and Legion’s protection. But please, piss everyone present off. I wonder how that will go, hm? Going against Red Crows and Crimson Rose is one thing, but going again the both of them and two Samurai has to be in the record books for new fastest way to win a fucking darwin award. And for what? A. Fucking. City. Block. One block! What a sorry excuse for a gang, seriously.”

And with that she crossed her arms and leaned back, scowling.

Sultan and Mark both looked at us, reconsidering. After a long moment of silence in which we simply smiled at them, Sultan nodded.

“The offered territory will be sufficient. But we want some guarantee that the leeway granted to Crimson Rose won’t end up in them throwing either of us under the bus.”

“Sure, I can see to that,” Jenna said almost bored, “I have no part in their little organisation so I can make sure that they stick to the spirit of the deal that is struck.”

“Will that go over well with Myriad?” Castas asked, surprising us a little.

We will accept her opinion on the matter. Should she feel the deal was violated we will not interfere in attempts to correct it.

“And what if it falls through entirely?” he continued, keeping a very close eye on us.

Our loyalty lies only with ourselves. We wish to protect the redlight district, as it is our home. Should no solution be reached we will take things in hand ourselves.

“At which point,” Jenna chimed in, “The rest of the discussion is moot anyways. Best not let it get to that.”

“Agreed,” Castas said with a nod.

“Then we have an accord?” Tina asked the entire group.

“We do,” Sultan said with a nod, “I will inform my men. Some won’t like it, but if they decide to ignore the warnings given out then that is their loss.”

“The same goes for us,” Castas agreed, “Anyone who decides to act out is no longer under my protection.”

“Agreed,” Tina joined in with a nod.

Sultan and Mark got up and left the room, leaving the rest of us behind. Once the door closed behind them I smiled.

“Well, that went better than expected,” I said cheerfully, “You should have heard Sultan’s heart when territory was mentioned. He was like a kid on christmas.”

“Say, you are quite scary when you go full swarm mode,” Castas told me, “Not that I mind. Keeps people on track.”

“Oh, I think you misunderstand something,” I said with the same sweet smile, “I didn’t go full swarm mode, I simply dropped the mask. We are Myriad and we are one.”

Nobody seemed too pleased hearing that. We wondered why?


When we returned to the room the rest of the group was in, Castas and Tina quickly wandered off to inform their people, while Jenna, Cheryl and I were left at the entrance.

“I think I’m going to see Sarah,” I said, frowning, “Hopefully she’s doing okay.”

“Last I checked she was in a pretty shitty mood, but well enough considering the circumstances,” Cheryl offered.

“Anything you want to do?” I asked Jenna.

She shrugged in response, “There are a couple of people here I’d like to talk to. Not really friends, but acquaintances. I’ll check in with them until you are done.”

“Okay,” I said with a smile, then turned to Cheryl, “Where is Sarah?”

“Follow me,” she said and started to walk towards the entrance.

Time to see how she was doing. Hopefully it wasn’t too bad. Although we couldn’t help but feel a lingering anxiousness.

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