A Lewd Story

Chapter 22 – Milo Kidnapped

Rita's dreamland brought unending sweetness inside her heart. Jack's pheromones painted a lewd yet lovely picture of him passionately making love to her.

She saw her unquenched thirst getting quenched by her beloved son. The womanly desire which wasn't fulfilled since Alban became impotent was being fulfilled by her diligently working son.

Her son thrusted passionately inside her honey cave, and yet she did not feel even an ounce of guilt for making love with her own son.

Her guilt was rationalized by the Alban of her dreams who gave her permission to satisfy herself with Jack and that he had no problems if she did that with their son.

So she greedily accepted her son's intrusion while tightly wrapping her limbs around his pistoning body. She began moving her hips to match his rhythm while never letting separate her lips from his.

Meanwhile, Alban had a weird dream where he felt extremely grateful for having such a competent and filial son.

The son, who was now sitting on the throne oozing out grandeur and majesty befitting a king, was looking down at him with his still kind eyes.

What satisfied and delighted Alban the most was the attitude of his extraordinary son who, despite having reached the summit, never showed any arrogance and the contempt born out of it.

He was as down to earth as a man could get despite having such unfathomable strength. Maybe the Dark Woods taught him the ways of life?

So Alban was extremely satisfied to have such a great son. Look how majestic he looks on his throne! Look how domineering aura he exudes!

It felt like he should offer something precious to the majesty of this king. Something far more valuable than any amount of wealth, jewels, and gold. Something valuable akin to his life, like… like his wife!

Yes, that's what he should offer! After all, everyone present in the throne hall is doing the same…

All hail the Netori Pheromones!!!

While in reality, Jack and Rita had a lewd expression while Alban had a smiling and contentful expression plastered all over his sleeping face.

Jack was still squishing Rita's body against his and Rita unconsciously moved her hips in her son's embrace all the while breathing ruggedly.

However, Jack's consciousness could not remain any longer in his dreamland as he woke up before he could cum in his sleep. His instincts sensed something abnormal and woke him up.

Still half asleep, Jack noticed a warm and fluffy creature in his embrace and realized it to be his kind, caring, and affectionate mother who even colorizes his dreams. So he tightened his gentle hug while caressing her fluffy buttocks.

He again heard some suppressed footsteps followed by the opening of a window. The subject tried hard to appear noiseless, but alas, they couldn't escape Jack's wild senses. The noise was coming from the neighborhood, from Susy's house's direction.

Though they could be a neighbor's consideration towards the sleeping people. So Jack focused on his lovely mother at hand. He realized how she expresses her affection even while sleeping which filled his heart with sweetness to the brim. He took a long sniff of her fragrant hair while he kneaded her supple ass cheek.

"Eek!...Mufff...mmm, hic..."

Jack quickly snapped out of his half-asleep state hearing the suppressed and muffled moans. He could clearly distinguish between the painful and lustful ones. These moans especially sounded painful unlike those he had heard in the forest when the witch 'raped' the hunters.

Not wanting to repeat the same mistake, he carefully separated his clinging mother from his body with reluctance. Still, he caressed her head lovingly for once before kissing her on her forehead.

And just as he was heading out to check out the situation, "Father! Father, wake up. Something's happening outside," he woke Alban up as he was the guard captain.

Alban rubbed his eyes as he sat up and looked at his son in confusion, "Son, what happened…?" and before he could get his answer, he found his son disappearing in the darkness.

Alban snapped out of his lingering sleep and became alert. If his son had said so, then something must have happened outside. Since that is the case he should also wake Rita up to ensure her safety.

Alban woke her up and told her to shut all the doors and windows properly before heading out himself. But by the time he came outside, he could see no one, only the cold darkness of midnight. The darkness of the early morning disguised as midnight.

A few minutes ago,

A young figure ran swiftly like a gale in the eerie silence of midnight. It leaped the fences like a nimble cat while heading towards a specific house. It didn't care about the possibility of being found out and kept advancing.

Though, by any chance, even if someone was awake, observing the surroundings, he wouldn't have noticed the moving figure and would have assumed the gale to be just a gust of wind.

The reason being the figure is covered in a dark miasma that effortlessly blended the figure's presence in the darkness of the night.

The figure was a young boy whose body was puffed up with the swelled black veins running all over it. He looked so creepy that it could be only described as demonic.

If Jack was here, he could have easily recognized this young boy as the boy from the day before named Ricky who had the sinister energy.

Ricky's dark element granted him stealth abilities with which he swiftly arrived at Susy's house without making any sound. He began looking for an opening to enter inside. And to his fortune, found an unlocked window, so he entered through it. But even if he hadn't found it, he had other ways to enter inside. This just made his task easy.

He entered inside and found the bedroom where his target was sleeping. On a single large bed, there was Susy and her kids, Miti and Milo sleeping. She had no husband as he had passed away a few years ago.

Ricky picked up Milo as gently as he could so as not to wake him up, though his expression was anything but gentle. He wanted to kidnap both these smelly kids, but couldn't as he was alone. He moved towards the window and jumped outside.

And although he tried his best to not wake Milo up, the sudden jerk of his jump naturally did the opposite. Milo looked upward just to find a face so horrible that he almost pissed his pants in fear. He tightly shut his eyes and started crying.

Ricky was fast enough to cover his mouth, "Damn this stinking kid!" and cursed under his breath and began heading towards the western direction of the town.

Jack came out of his house and started following the suppressed footsteps. In no time, he covered the distance and saw a familiar figure carrying someone.

He flanked from the right while keeping the distance to not get noticed and also see who the culprit and the victim were.

Ricky's body emitted even greater dark miasma than before and his moving speed was also greater. He did his best to conceal his presence and ran with soundless footsteps, unaware of Jack who was following him silently.

Jack had to learn stealth techniques to steal food to survive in that cruel forest. The beast there had extraordinarily sharp senses, unlike these humans. There was no way Ricky could notice Jack's presence.

Jack could see clearly in the darkness, even Ricky's dark miasma was no exception and he identified the culprit's identity which wasn't surprising for him as he was already suspicious of him. He looked at the victim to find out a struggling Milo and as he did, his eyes became sharp with rage.

He had a sudden urge to beat this guy real good but decided to follow him the next moment to find out the root cause of the incident. Otherwise, the one who granted Ricky this dark power would attempt the same thing again.

He was able to notice Ricky because he came near his perception range. Jack wouldn't be that lucky next time if it happened somewhere else in the town.

In addition, there was also a possibility of Ricky being a demon from the very start. So he will have to act cautiously to find out the mastermind behind it.

In just a few minutes, they arrived at the western walls of the town which had an iron gate. This gate wasn't that large, just large enough to let a horse and its rider pass. And although it should have been locked at this time, it wasn't.

There is no night shift of guards here as they just lock this little gate at night. The security is only tight at the main gates.

Yet, this gate was unlocked meaning Ricky had planned this thoroughly. Ricky went past the gate while Jack jumped on the walls to see where he was going.

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