A Lewd Story

Chapter 34 – Visit To The Orphanage

"I'll be right behind you!" is what Albert had said when they left the guild as he will have to conduct the previous test on the orphanage in the presence of Lord Hardy and few other influential figures.

Apparently, most of the boys involved in the last kidnapping incident had belonged to the orphanage in the past.

It was understandable as they would be the most insecure, being orphans. Their insecurity arises from their financial problems, standing, and one of the essential necessities of this world: fighting prowess. Coercing or coaxing them in the name of money or strength becomes easy, Jack thought.

As they become independent, the only connection these children possess would be the orphanage that had raised them to what they are. So they have to contribute their efforts to the orphanage in taking care of their juniors, which they happily do out of filial piety as they would consider it their home.

This helps the orphanage and its children to a great extent. However, the orphanage is held responsible to some extent for the misbehavior of these children. Well, at least by the funders, most of them being influential people.

That's what had happened to Natalia's friend who is the director of the orphanage. A few merchants had shifted the blame on her stating her incompetence and the threat her orphanage brought. It wasn't logical, but,

"They wouldn't let go of a chance of extorting benefits by taking advantage of the apparent weakness, would they?" Jack said with a sneer. He had contempt apparent on his face for such people who just want to take advantage of people's weakness.

Natalia walking with him smiled seeing his reaction. She was almost double his age, despite her appearance, meaning double in experience. His reaction induced a wave of relief inside her, "That's right, little hero!" she said and went on, "So you just have to visit the orphanage enough to indicate your connection to it… Well, you just have to show it…"

And added, "My friend would be able to teach you many things given her vast knowledge, not to mention the resources the orphanage has…" her tone became questioning at the end seeking his approval.

"Yeah, that's not a problem. I had to learn from someone anyway," Jack replied, quite pleased with her proposal. They would surely have some helpful books to increase his knowledge.

They both walked past the bustling market area where he was greeted by many people, especially merchants in an effort to make a connection with him, and it took them 20 minutes to arrive at the orphanage.


A large building appeared in Jack's sight as he entered through its main gate. It seemed a bit decrepit due to its age. Nothing looked any fancy, the weak wooden fence surrounding the vast ground only did a job of marking the territory, while the iron gate only performed its job of being a gate reluctantly.

It would have appeared gloomy if it wasn't daytime as there were also tall trees surrounding the ground. Though the scenery in front was far from it, it was lively and cheerful. Most likely due to the cheerful atmosphere created by the presence of the kids.

There were various groups of children present on the vast ground, some training magic and combat while some learning theory from some familiar figures. The most familiar among them was Andrew who was teaching a group of kids.

Jack asked about him and came to know that Andrew and some of his party members had grown up in this orphanage. Seeing his talent, Andrew then became affiliated to Lord Hardy and also the top merchant of the town, Elric.

"Doesn't this orphanage have too many children?" Jack asked in confusion as he estimated the children present to be around more than 200.

"Hehe! Only a fraction of them belong to the orphanage while most of them just come here to learn," Natalia replied and added, "The guild provides the basic education of adventuring under its program, you know? It's like a school."

"Hahaha!" Jack burst out laughing while Natalia became confused wondering what was so funny? "What a shrewd person! Whoever came up with this plan, I would surely like to meet him one day!" Jack exclaimed with a smile.

Natalia tilted her head in confusion, so he explained, "The guild had even extended their influence to the children, leaving no one behind. They influence the very foundation of a person, their childhood, making them fancy the adventurer's profession! Quite clever indeed!"

This was a marketing strategy from his previous world where an organization educates its probable customers on how to operate their product in the name of free courses.

A thoughtful expression appeared on Natalia's face.

"Big sis!!" came cheerful voices from the approaching group of children who ran towards Natalia as soon as they saw her. They looked at Jack curiously wondering who this attractive person was.

"Big sis, is this your boyfriend?" a girl mischievously asked.

"Naughty little kid, this is the hero of our town, don't disrespect him," Natalia firmly said, surprising the kids.

"T-the hero of our town who slew a wyvern!?" someone exclaimed in surprise after a moment of silence. They carefully examined his wild looks for a moment in silence as they could sense the strong presence he exuded.

"B-big sis, y-you aren't kidding, right?" someone asked as they couldn't believe the hero they were admiring from the past couple of days was right in front of them.

"M-Mr. hero, I-I am Tom…" someone took the initiative to talk and they all began talking with their idol one by one. Being children, they had many questions to ask which seemed endless to Jack, so he smiled wryly. So Natalia tried to calm them down.

Meanwhile, another group of kids approached them, who appeared older than the present kids, followed by Andrew who had his trademark smile. He waved his hand to greet Jack who smiled in return.

Not everyone had considered Jack as their Idol. Until now, they admired and idolized Andrew for his strength and success. They aspired to be like him, so they had been training hard. Now, their idol was in danger…

"Big brother Andy, you are also as strong as him, right?" a girl asked Andrew with a blush, not intending to believe in Jack's strength. Her maiden heart denied the fact that he had killed a wyvern.

"Hahaha! What are you saying, little Ruu? There's no way that would be true," Andrew said with a smile as he ruffled her hair.

"How would we know without even fighting him?" she said firmly.

And as the other kids heard her, they also started shouting, "We want to see you fighting!"

"Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!"

The commotion attracted attention from the surroundings as other kids and the people present in the premise also started approaching.

And here they were, Jack facing Andrew, surrounded by a large circle of children and a few adventurers who started cheering. A mature figure of a good-looking woman also joined them.

Andrew drew out his longsword as he took his stance, "Please go easy on me, brother hero!! And please make this battle a long one, or I would lose my face miserably…" He laughed awkwardly, scratching his head, "I don't care about myself, but these kids will feel bad…"

And Jack understood what he was trying to say as he nodded. If these children's idol was defeated miserably, their fragile hearts would be broken. Jack stood there leisurely, as his senses became alert. This was his battle stance.

"What are you doing brother? Draw your sword already!" Andrew said.

"Eh? I am comfortable like this… Do I have to really draw it?" Jack asked as he hadn't relied on weapons that much. He had to train with his bare fists in that forest, so he isn't a fan of weapons.

"Of course you have to! Or I won't attack you!" Andrew childishly said though it wasn't cute in any way.

Jack made a wry smile and drew out his long-forgotten broadsword from his spatial pouch. Though it had only been a few days in which it didn't come in handy in any way.

"Whoaaa!! What a huge sword!"

"Befitting for a hero!" the crowd exclaimed.

"You just want to make fun of me, don't you? I don't even know the 'S' of swordsmanship!" Jack said with a wry smile and took a similar stance to Andrew's, one step forward, hips bent while holding the sword in both hands.

"Brother hero, you surely know how to make fun of someone… And what's with that absurd sword size? Are you intending to kill me or something?" Andrew said and dashed towards Jack, swinging his sword diagonally.


Jack amateurishly swung his sword to block. Though its speed wasn't traceable by the children, and so were Andrew's movements.

Andrew hastily retreated when his sword was blocked and made a few feet of distance.

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