A Light Within Darkness.

Warhammer Chapter XLIII

After that whole kerfuffle with tearing apart that Slaanesh demon and I broke through the fourth level of the True realm, I spent the rest of the day in pure meditation as I cleared my thoughts of demons and possibly ever doing anything pleasant between me and them. Because in the end they were my food, and they were very hostile food that will stab me in the back should I give them a moment of weakness even if I bind them with their true name.

So, after clearing my mind of possibly making demon concubines or other such things. I got to work making some dummies that I could force Khornate demons to possess after I bound them with their very true names. Thus, I had regenerating dummies that would spar with my disciples and would truly try to kill them as the Khorn demons of all demons wouldn't give up for a long while at killing the disciples of their captors.

"Jake you are cackling like a madman again, and didn't we just discuss about you playing with your food?" Ellesmere chided me but I rolled my eyes as my haughty space elf just cocked her hip to the side as she folded her arms under her large chest as she gave me an unimpressed look.

"Yeah, well I don't plan on sparring with the disciples all damn day. So, these possessed puppets will do that for us, and with how they want to kill the disciples, the very disciples will learn very quick how to use their martial arts to their fullest." I responded snappily not as much angry, but I was feeling a bit overwhelmed lately dealing with all the stuff being dropped in my lap.

In response, Ellesmere merely shrugged but then a sad smile crossed her face as she spoke softly. I got news, Jake. It's both terrible and great for us." She took a deep breath and began to explain how through the sigil I helped her make that could connect to the eldritch communication systems of Eldar that they were basically publicly broadcasting some important information. "The most relevant to us right now is that Craftworld Iyanden is fleeing in our general direction due to their ploy to bring the Demon Prince M'Kar The Reborn, the chaplain of the Word Bearers that became a demon prince, to attack the homeworld of the Ultramarines of Macragge... Now after the Primarch Roboute Guilliman has revived the secret of their actions naturally came to light and now in the light, the Ultra Marines are chasing the Craft World while during Warp travel the demonic forces under the Demon Prince endlessly throw themselves upon the fleet of Iyanden to buy time for the Ultra Marines to finish the Craft World off." Ellesmere explain making my eye twitch at how this could be either good or even bad news.

All news in Warhammer 40k was fucking terrible as no one could have a good day. Except for Orks, but they were too damned stupid normally to realize this galaxy was the personification of suffering itself.

"And what is the good news?" I asked dryly and Ellesmere sweetly smiled at me, but it was ruined as her eyes twitched with a bit of repressed insanity.

"Oh, nothing that was the good news actually. No, actually the biggest Waagh has been called in the history of the galaxy itself Jake!" She said gleefully and I stilled as she pointed at me. "Yeah, shame on you Jake. You were the one who wanted to come live just off the rim of the swirl of Chaos but guess what? Warboss Ghazghkull Thraka has just called the greatest assembly of Orks since the damned years during the War of Heaven... All to storm into the swirl of chaos to find the Demon Prince Angron who apparently killed the Ork's favorite human to fight."

I just eyed Ellesmere and before I shrugged. "Well, it's a pity about Commissar Yarrick. He was a good man, I guess. So, what does it matter?" I asked honestly confused. "More enemies are going to crawl out of the woodwork that's nothing unexpected honestly," I said honestly confused on why she was freaking out.

"Ellesmere the sects Fate dragon will help protect the planet itself from being bombarded to dust by any asshole Space Marines wanting to blow up a world touched by Chaos," I explained as the Sect's protective Karma was far more complicated than a semi-sentient golden dragon that was passively absorbing all the chaos surrounding the sect. No, eventually the Fate Dragon would come to embody the planet itself and the very planet would be refined into an artifact within my control.

Sure, it couldn't block or absorb an Exterminatus Missile exploding its apocalyptic payload across the planet or even blowing up the planet's core, but it could change fate to make the missile itself defective and just not explode at all.

"Oh, and the fact that Hive Fleet Levithan is chasing Ghazghkull Thraka's fleet for its biomass and thus the endless ships will inevitably land on this planet?" Ellesmere added and I raised a finger to rebut before lowering my hand before I calmly laid down on the stone floor, I carved out of the mountain myself.

I just stared at the ceiling above me as Ellesmere silently waited for my outburst and she wasn't disappointed as the reinforced with seals stone floor surrounding my laid down form shattered into dust as my Qi flaring into existence not even attuned to my inner sun just the pure density of my Qi just rendered the magically strengthened stone into dust making my form fall into a half foot deep pit the Qi opened up.

"This is bullshit! Why can't you quit being useless!" I screamed shaking a fist at an imaginary form of the Emperor of Mankind and I blinked in surprise as the imaginary form I conjured of the man actually blinked back at me before frowning and I shuddered as I felt some Qi about to escape me.

"Oh, hell no! You faith-sucking vampire you can fuck off!" I cursed as I shattered the connection I made with the damned Emperor of Mankind as my Qi rolled in disgust as I felt his power even across the galaxy. And it was antithetical to my Yang Qi with how much Dead Qi was rolling off that damned living corpse of a flashlight.

"Jake did you just curse the Emperor of Man and get a response back..." Ellesmere asked seemingly done with life as she saw my hand swipe through a golden sheen of light that briefly surrounded me.

I just stared at the Khorne demon stuffed puppets I made previously before I got the news and sighed as I finally looked back to Ellesmere. "Maybe... Anyway, take these puppets out to the disciples I need to fortify the Sects formations. And let me guess you told those Iyanden's ships where we are didn't you?" I asked and Ellesmere silently nodded with a smile making me close my eyes.

Ellesmere literally couldn't lie to me due to the various seals of loyalty and ownership I branded upon her to prevent Slaanesh from laying a finger upon her soul or mind. "Why would you tell them when you know all these forces acting up was dangerous?" I asked simply as I cooly stared at Ellesmere.

My elf nodded at my... Cold reaction and her explanation did help but I was still disappointed in her actions. "You promised in return for my total loyalty you would teach my people at least the Hymms that would clear their minds and souls of Slaanesh's grasp on their soul which allow my people to live a life without the Prince of Pleasure hovering over our shoulders until we die anyway," Ellesmere said frankly and then continued. "Jake I am not saying the entire fleet is literally going to fly over the planet or anything... That would be a betrayal honestly, but they will be sending some scouts as I have told them I found a material similar to the Necron's black stone that will absorb Chaos taint in the surroundings while not being corruptive." Ellesmere finished before awaiting my verdict.

For a moment I considered if what she had done was a betrayal of my trust or anything but in the end, I wanted Eldar materials like massive amounts of Wraithbone or just Bone-Singers of the Eldar in general to join my sect as the material was a great conduit for lesser and middle tier artifacts I could create.

In the end, I wanted the Eldar to come here, and she knew that. I didn't want a whole fleet coming over my planet and she knew that so she only had some scout ships to come pick up some kind of miracle material that will not be missed too much if they get slaughtered by me... And she knew that.

So, getting pissed at Ellesmere would accomplish nothing as she did nothing wrong as the only thing, she should have done was let me deliberate on a choice I would have already made exactly as she already did.

"Well roll out the front carpets for your brethren then. I am going to make sure that living corpse didn't leave any surprises on my soul or anything." I said closing my eyes to dismiss her as she bowed and snapped her fingers making the Khorn demon-possessed puppets follow her as she left the Demon Kiln I devour demons within.



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